Is always being worried someone will break into your home a mental illness?

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  1. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    Is always being worried someone will break into your home a mental illness?

    My husband works a lot and I always worry about someone breaking in. I leave a light on when he isn't here. IS that some sort of mental illness?

  2. terrektwo profile image80
    terrektwoposted 12 years ago

    No, we live in a city and I hear about break ins here, not even far away so it may make you paranoid but I wouldn't consider paranoia a mental illness.

  3. glmclendon profile image61
    glmclendonposted 12 years ago

    No ....  You must do what you must do in this mean many times hard world.

  4. madmachio profile image60
    madmachioposted 12 years ago

    I would say, move to a different neighborhood?

  5. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Nope. Safety is always the top priority in household.

    It is better safe than sorry. So having in mind to prevent any break-in will be ideal. Keeping the light on will help to deter intruders.

    You can add a motion detector for lighting will be great as when one approaches your house, it will automatically light up. If there is an intruder, this will help to scare the intruder.

  6. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    There are two questions to ask yourself to see if you are being reasonable, or if you are being off balance.

    The first is: Is my fear realistic? If you live in a neighborhood where there are break-ins, then the answer is yes. And appropriate precautions - a light on, and a different one at different times; or, in a bad neighborhood, bars on the windows; or, in a more prosperous home, an alarms system - is appropriate.

    The second is: Is my fear getting in the way of my life. If you can't rest and relax at home; or you can't sleep alone; or you can't focus and enjoy work or reading; or go out without worrying about a break-in, then your anxiety is getting the better of you. Learning to relax and heal your fear would be a very good idea.

  7. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    No, I don't think so - if you operate in other parts of your life in a normal fashion.  My husband used to work nights and I was too terrified to go to sleep.  Then we bought a trained German Shepherd.  I lost all fear.  At the very least, if you have a dog, it will bark if someone tries to get in, warning you.

    Your fear has a reasonable basis so I don't think it is a mental illness.  If you fear everything in your life, and have no reason for that anxiety, I would see a therapist.

  8. ii3rittles profile image82
    ii3rittlesposted 12 years ago

    No, it is just fear. You can't label everything with a medical term or we would all be considered crazy or unwell. When I hear about local home break in's I have fear as well, as I am home alone during the day. It becomes a problem when you let this fear dictate your life. If there is a chance of something happening, you should not stop living. Continue to live and be happy. There is too much evil in this world, I know, but if we all give into fear or if we all did, no one would leave their homes!

  9. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    not in the least. it could stem from your past, seeing a lot of bad things happen or it could be just because you value your own safety. a lot of people have the same worry so don't fret over it. if it got to the point where you can't function in your own home when you're alone, then you can start thinking you have a problem.

  10. Rosalinem profile image60
    Rosalinemposted 12 years ago

    No especially if you live alone or in an isolated area.I guess its kind of self protection that causes the anxiety.

  11. Express10 profile image85
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I don't think that this is a mental illness. If you were worried while he was there and while he was gone, that would be a sign of paranoia. Have you tried getting a security system or even getting the alarms that you can put on your windows and doors?

  12. sydneey profile image62
    sydneeyposted 12 years ago

    as long as this fear is not taking over your life and getting in the way of everyday things, then the answer is probably no. I am a very insecure person and when my partner goes out to the pub on a weekend, i hate being home alone with the kids, i get paranoid about windows and doors being locked, and i refuse to go to sleep until he is home (god knows how im going to cope when he goes on a boys holiday for 5 days in a couple of months ha ha) I think its just part of human nature to to want to protect your home and your own. as a woman i look to my boyfriend to protect me, (a little old fashioned, i know) so when hes not around its natural to feel vulnerable and unsure. I wouldn't worry too much as I expect there are lots of women out there who are exactly the same

  13. remaniki profile image78
    remanikiposted 12 years ago

    No, not at all. Your fear is very much justified but try to overcome it by being more positive and taking all precautions for safety.

  14. xstatic profile image61
    xstaticposted 12 years ago

    I try to always check the doors & windows and have a motion detector light in the driveway. I sleep lightly and I see nothing wrong with  leaving the light on when you feel uneasy. A dog might be good, since he/she will bark if something is heard. Our little 15 pounder would not be much protection, but  he sounds the alarm to alert me. I did read your profile and can understand your feelings of fear. It seems we always had "prowlers" my sisters thought, and I was the man of the house at eight, so grew up terrified in a way. Good luck, and try not to worry.

  15. tamarawilhite profile image85
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    It depends on where you live. In some violent neighborhoods, your home may be robbed once or twice a year in addition to being held up personally in a robbery or your car burglarized. In those cases, the fear is very rational.


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