What are some steps to help control angry feelings in the moment?

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  1. Rodric29 profile image77
    Rodric29posted 12 years ago

    What are some steps to help control angry feelings in the moment?

    I have high blood pressure and sometimes, the smallest thing will send me huffing to a corner. What steps in addition to diet, exercise and medication  have you take to control angry feelings which can turn into mean behavior if not kept in check!

  2. maggieju profile image61
    maggiejuposted 12 years ago

    Basic strategy to control anger is relaxation. Try things to make you relax, such as deep breath. Many people find meditation, which is a very good way to relax your mind is helpful.

  3. FarmGirlUSA profile image60
    FarmGirlUSAposted 12 years ago

    Excellent question Rodric29.  Anger can be devastating to one's health but for you, it can lead to immediate consequences.  First, follow MaggieJu's advice and deep breathe.  I find that if you concentrate on your breathing, a calm fills the body.  Also, try to respond to the anger.  Do not react.  Reaction means blurting out whatever comes to mind.  Responding is more controlled and will not lead to mean behavior.

    Give yourself enough time to response.  This means breathing and perhaps walking away from the source of your anger to gain distance and perspective.  Once you breathe deeply and allow some time to pass (perhaps a few minutes or if you do not have to respond right away--hours), return to the source of your anger and address the problem.

    Meditate.  Meditation does not necessarily mean sitting on the floor for hours.  Take a few minutes each day to center yourself.   These techniques might seem too simple to work but they do.

  4. Disturbia profile image59
    Disturbiaposted 12 years ago

    I also have high blood pressure, but high blood pressure has little if anything to do with anger management.  You can be the clamest person on the planet and still suffer from high blood pressure if your arteries are blocked, and people with normal or low blood pressure will have a temporary increase in that pressure when they get angry.  I'm not sure the "huffing to a corner" has as much to do with your blood pressure as it does with your basic temperament.

    Blood pressure can be controlled with exercise, good diet, and medication.  Angry feelings can also be controlled by these same things, but while you can't mentally control your blood pressure, you do have the power to control your reaction to the things that push your buttons and make you angry. You can choose not to get angry.  Breathing helps. If you feel stressed take a few moments out.  Watch and be aware of your breathing. Breathe naturally and gently; this will have a very calming influence on your mind. When you breathe in, feel that you are breathing in inner peace. When you breathe out, feel you are exhaling all your anger.

  5. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 12 years ago

    Meditation and relaxation help a lot in controlling anger. Anger management is something which has to be practiced and developed. It takes time, but it can be achieved. Regular morning and evening walks in a garden, boost your mood and keep you in a positive frame of mind and you feel less agitated. It must be kept in mind that an angry person does more harm to his own health rather than others.

  6. libby1970 profile image68
    libby1970posted 12 years ago

    I have a bad temper! What I do is stop, count to ten in my head, breathe a few times deeply and think about something pleasant!

    If my anger still keeps rising, I repeat the process and get away from the stresser! If it's someone causing you to feel angry, get away from that person. If it's something you are doing that is making you angry... stop doing it for a while. Take a break! Look for something fun to do!

    There's always ways to control your anger! I have a very bad temper but I've learned to control it! It's not so hard once you get motivated!

  7. Penny G profile image62
    Penny Gposted 10 years ago

    I repeat over and over let it go, let it go, until the feeling passes.


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