What would you rather have? Hot or cold weather?

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  1. manofmystery24 profile image61
    manofmystery24posted 12 years ago

    What would you rather have? Hot or cold weather?

  2. wetnosedogs profile image62
    wetnosedogsposted 12 years ago

    I was born in Wisconsin. I've had the cold weather. I live in Alabama now. The hot weather is tolerable and prefer spring, which sometimes Alabama seems to give us a wink of it. I'll take the hot weather over the cold.

    1. RavenBiker profile image60
      RavenBikerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed Wetnosedogs!  Pittsburgh, where I live, can get pretty hot and pretty cold.  I like it hot, humid and oppressive.  With that said, I rode through 'Bama on a motorcycle in mid-August-----never do that again!

  3. Thelma Alberts profile image95
    Thelma Albertsposted 12 years ago

    Hot weather as it makes my skin moisty and not dry. I can do many things in a hot weather than in the cold one.

  4. maryhoneybee profile image66
    maryhoneybeeposted 12 years ago

    Hot weather drains me more and makes me irritable, so I prefer cold weather. Ideally, around 65 degrees, but sadly I know that can't be the case year-round.

  5. jennzie profile image69
    jennzieposted 12 years ago

    I would rather have cold weather. Hot weather sometimes makes me feel nauseated and tired.

  6. Bretsuki profile image68
    Bretsukiposted 12 years ago

    I was born in England and so never suffered really cold weather. But now live in California where it is forecast to top 100 degrees today, it is the second day in a row and too much already,.

    So if cold could be anywhere between 32 and 40 degrees then I'll take cold.  Maybe a little rain too would be nice.

    1. techygran profile image90
      techygranposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You should come to live a little North on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada... rain, cool (it's 14C this morning), lush, green, quite a bit like England I think.  I prefer cool, but not cold.

    2. Bretsuki profile image68
      Bretsukiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello techygran, Vancouver Island in the summer sounds perfect for me. smile

  7. CassyLu1981 profile image69
    CassyLu1981posted 12 years ago

    That's a tough one, in cold weather you can always put on more clothes to warm up.  In hot weather you can only strip down so far LOL  I'd rather have an in the middle type of weather.  About 60-80 degrees.  Chilly enough for a jacket at times and warm enough for tank tops and shorts smile

  8. That Grrl profile image73
    That Grrlposted 12 years ago

    I always prefer cold weather. You can add a sweater or go indoors and warm up but you can only take off so much. It's hot & really humid here. It gets hard to breathe.

  9. profile image0
    Janhornerposted 12 years ago

    Hi,  I prefer cold weather.  I'm very faired skinned so have to be really careful and the heat makes me feel totally tired.  I also work in a hospital where there is no air conditioning! 

    The problem is it is either cold one day or boiling hot the next!  There are no seasons any more; so you cannot build up to the heat of summer like you could way back in the 50's and 60's. 

    Cold for me any day!


  10. mackyi profile image63
    mackyiposted 12 years ago

    I always go for any thing in moderation, so in this light, I think I would rather go for  a tepid kind of weather condition -- not too hot and not too cold.

  11. profile image0
    topaz blueposted 12 years ago

    Well when it's -15 degrees to -20 degress in Badenoch and Strathspey I often wish it was much, much warmer. And when it's around 29 degrees and I'm working I have been known to wish it was slightly cooler. The weather is Badenoch and Strathspey really goes from winter to summer with no real transition. Although the warmer weather doesn't really last and we drop to 3 degrees again rising to 10 degrees from May to October  or so, during the day.However at present I'm really hoping the warmer weather will return especially in July when I'm on holiday with my family.   
    Many thanks
    Topaz Blue

  12. chepkoluumugulel profile image64
    chepkoluumugulelposted 12 years ago

    I would rather have a cold weather for I can manage it by putting on a jacket, sweater etc, but for a hot weather I can take off so much. I don't believe in showing off a lot of skin. Just legs, hands and my head is enough. So summer would be really a great challenge for me. I would take cold weather anytime.

  13. Dorian Bodnariuc profile image54
    Dorian Bodnariucposted 12 years ago

    Hot weather any day. I like to go to sky and have a month or so of snowy winter. But hot weather will do it for me.
    I should move to South.

  14. Ambyotic profile image59
    Ambyoticposted 12 years ago

    Hot over cold any day!  Warm sun on my skin is heaven.

  15. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    I like cold weather better because you can put on warm sweaters and be nice and cozy, drink hot chocolate.  And, when I go for walks, it's more invigorating when it's cool outside.


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