When visiting Vermont over the summer I found this perfect little watering hole where you could do some cliff jumping, swimming or just soaking in the sun. Check out this amazing place with me.
If you are married into the military than chances are you have gone through at least one deployment. Me, I have gone through 12 so far. Here are some tips and tricks for getting through a deployment
Pocket Letters are a new way of sending Pen Pal letters to people around the world. It is a fun, creative, craft project that can really brighten up someones day!
In Fayetteville, North Carolina is one of the largest military bases in the US. Fort Bragg is the home of the 82nd Airborne Division, the XVIII Airborne Corps and also home of many Special Operations Divisions. Since Fort Bragg is such a large part...
Fayetteville, North Carolina has many things to do and see. One of my favorite places is the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens. The year around flowers, Cape Fear River Walk, the arts and craft time and the wonderful gift store are just a few reasons I love this place!
"Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, over the hills we go, laughing all the way" (are you supposed to add a ha-ha-ha in there???) Here's some great tips on how to go caroling at Christmas.
The Giant Red Wood Trees of California, that is how I always remember what the Sequoia was. Going to school I always heard about how these trees were the largest in the world. How you could literally drive your car through one of them. This was one...
Christmas Crafts are always a great way to spend some holiday time. Doing gifts for those you love or just spending time with the kids in your family there is always something for everyone.
The Hoover Dam is one of the United States National Historic Landmarks and to see it is just amazing. It is one of the Seven Modern Engineering Wonders in the USA and is a huge tourist spot to many people across the nation.
The leaves are changing, the cool wind is blowing and there is a chill in the air. Autumn is here and the pictures you can and should take will be amazing! Here's a few tips on how to get those perfect images.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to volunteer and help those less fortunate then yourself. During this holiday season, try some of these volunteering tips to help those in your neighborhood.
Have you ever gotten a gift so nicely wrapped with that amazing bow attached to the front that you don't want to open because it's so pretty? With the help of these instructions, you can make your own fancy Christmas bows that people will adore!
Christmas gifts are all about seeing the surprise in someones face as they are tearing off the wrapping paper. But did you know that you an still maintain the surprise if you left some gifts unwrapped? Here's how:
Being in college can be a great new adventure. Making friends, learning new things, partying and getting into trouble. There's bound to be a few cuts and bruises along the way. Here's what you should have in your first aid kit along with a survival kit and, of course, the zombie survival kit...
Paying kids to do chores can help them learn about responsibility and how to make money and save money they earn. There are many chores around the house that kids can help with.
Duct tape is a fun craft supply, and flowers are just one of the many things you can make with it. Use these step-by-step instructions and photos to make your own duct tape rose.
If you are ever in the south east corner of Iowa traveling along the Des Moines River, don't forget to stop and check out a small village with a population of about 50 people now a days. This village used to be booming. Although it has been lost it is still a special place in history.
Halloween is quickly approaching and decorating for this holiday is most of the fun. Halloween ribbon wreaths can be made in any size and color. They are easy, fun and cheap!
Blogs can be amazing things. There is so much to learn from people around the world and I think Mom's have the most knowledge when it comes to real life. From card making to crafting and fixing up your home, there's a little bit of everything in these blogs.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple, the main colors of the rainbow. When layered and baked these colors turn into an edible rainbow!
Gadgets and Electronics are just a few of the things that have made life as enjoyable (or difficult) as it is today. From smart phones to vehicles that talk to you, it seems to be a never ending cycle. The things our military uses are some of the most amazing yet.
Dryer sheets have become a huge thing these days. There are so many ideas out there that dryer sheets can help clean or fix that I wanted to put them all together and see if they work. Here's my list and how each one worked for me.
Freezing movement, maximizing sharpness and the depth of field are just a few things you will know when learning the basic skills for photography.
Chicken Noodle Soup is a favorite in my house. My family is very picky about what they eat so this quick and easy recipie is one that always works. It is a recipie that has been passed down from generations in my family and I am here to share it with you.
One week a year is all it takes to make the small town of Sturgis South Dakota into a crazy mayhem of bikes from all around the world. What does this small town do during the first full week in August, it's the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and it's been going on for 72 years!!!
Have you heard anything about MyPoints? It is really kind of a neat thing. You open emails and earn points. You print coupons, use those coupons and you earn points. You play games through MyPoints and you earn points. You buy stuff online and you earn points. All these points you turn into actual...
Have you ever forgot about food cooking on the stove in a pot or pan and after you removed the food found it was stuck or burnt to the bottom? Here's a few solutions on how to get rid of stuck on and burn food and how to care for your pots and pans.
Littlest Pet Shop toys can be so much fun for children. From buying them to making them homes and even bathing them and putting them to bed, there is so much you can do for your Littlest Pet Shops.
The core components of any great picture are light and time. These two variables are governed by the camer's aperture and shutter speed, but also by the sensitivity setting in use, the ISO setting.
With so many of our soldiers still overseas there is always something we at home can do for them. Even if you don't know anyone that is deployed at this moment there are places you can send stuff that will get mailed to units overseas. Here's a list of stuff that is always good to have in a care...
Selecting new settings on your DSLR can be pretty daunting at first, but with a little practice you will find that this one dial will open up a whole now realm of photographic skills.
Preparing for a deployment is a lot harder then just saying good-bye. The paper work and to do lists seem never ending. But getting the kids and yourself ready for it could be the worst part.
Using a pile of loops from scrap fabric and a simple square loom, you can transform a pile of scraps into a beautiful, long lasting loom loop potholder. But there are so many other ideas you can use loop and loom for. From headbands to belts to purses, the posibilities are endless.
Rome is home to a lot of famous landmarks. With the Vatican and the Colosseum being at the top of my list in the must do's in Rome there is so much more to see.
Modern day Venice experiences invasions every year of up to 1.5 million tourists. Venice only has a population of 70,000 so what do all those tourists come to do? From the Basilica di San Marco to the Collezione Peggy Guggenheim there is something for everyone.
Italy has many cities that it is famous for. From Rome to Venice and everywhere in between there is history and beauty around every corner. Pisa is one such town that tourists flow to all throughout the year. The beaches are only miles away and the famous Leaning Tower is the towns main tourist...
Equipment for photography can be a never-ending cycle of buy this and sell that, upgrade this and move on to that. But, you don't need lots of expensive kits to take great photographs. It is the idea behind the picture and its successful execution that really counts.
When you own a DSLR camera there are several things you should know about the lenses your camara can use. Each lens has different focal lengths. Hopefully this article will help you learn how your lens works and what focal length you will want to use.
Ah, fair Verona. The City of Love. The home of Romeo and Juliet. The natural history everywhere you look. This city quickly became one of our favorites because there is so much to do and see that you can go back many different times and do something new each time.
Florence Italy is known for it's famous Ponet Vecchio bridge and for the S. Lorenzo Baptistry and Cathedral. These are just a few places to see in Florence, Italy.
Because of thecnology these days, almost everyone has a camera. Whether it is on your phone, a compact camera or a DSLR, most people have one. Here are some of the best types of cameras for photography.
If you have ever taken a road trip with children you know how much fun (or troublesome) it can be. Here are some great ideas for those long or short road trips you have planned in your future.
Have you ever been on a road trip and left the house thinking you had everything, then you get to the hotel and get ready to go swimming to find out you didn't pack the swim suits??? Here are some great tips on what to pack for the carry along bags for inside the car and the suitcases.
Sunburns are horrible whether they are in just one small part of your body or your whole body. Here are some tips and tricks in helping sooth and heal those sunburns.
When you go to a doctor appointment for your child they normally hand you a questionnaire for you to fill out and give back. These are health assessments that help the doctors know if your child is deveoping properly mentaly. There are many different types of assessments your child can take. ...
Federal funding for child health care is really popular these days. Whether it is funding for putting your child in care or trying to start up your own child health care business there are many ways to get the assistance you might need.
The definition of modern sensibility is the unification of vintage and state-of-the-art. The effect you get is one of simplicity with the underlying of complexity. Although modern decorating uses minimal decorations, it is far from stark and empty.
What does it take to get a job in Computer Technology? This hub has degree information as well as career positions in computer technology.
Computer technology in education is now a must. You will not find very many schools that do not have computer technology in them. From learning how to use them to listening to lectures you might have missed, it plays a huge part in our lives!
Computer Technology is a lot more then just a computer. It is the hardware, sofwater, networking, and peripherals of a computer. There are degrees and jobs just for computer technology.
The histroy of computing predates silicon microchips and CPUs by hundreds of years. The modern computers we are all familiar with can trace their roots back to simple computational machines that seem far removed from what we think of as a computer today.
The Army Combat Uniform is the uniform worn by all army personel. There is one correct way to wear this uniform and this will hopefully help keep it straight.
When you marry a soldier in the Army it is more like you are marrying the Army itself. There are a lot of rules and things you have to do in order to be part of the Army. This hub is a good start to that new life.
Decorating your home doesn't have to cost a fortune. Most people think that everything has to be new, shiny, and perfect. I agree that it needs to look it's best but there are so many ways to make it perfect without spending the ton of money on name brand stuff and the exact things you see at an...
When you think of Vintage, what time frame do you think about? Do you decorate your home using vintage ideas? In this Hub I will be talking about the differance in Vintage and Antique and how to use it in your house. Some as actual rooms and some as accents to more modern rooms.
While we were out and about this weekend we found a farm that grows lots of different types of produce. This weekend they were having strawberry picking and because my family LOVES strawberries we couldn't pass it up. Here are some general strawberry picking tips and pictures of our adventure.
Have you ever wanted to make brownies, but you don't have the stuff to do it? Here is a good alternative: cake-mix brownies! They're really easy and taste really good!
I have had a great time since I've joined and have met some incredible people. I've also learned so much about things I never knew before and found places that I can't wait to visit. Being a part of HubPages has really opened my eyes to the world as a whole. Not just where I live or my family and...
One of the worst parts about using your kitchen often is you have to keep it clean. For me, keeping the refrigerator clean is the hardest part. From food stuck on the glass, to spills of milk or juice, it seems to be a never ending cycle. Here are just a few ideas to keep your refrigerator clean...
Have you ever spent time around military people and not understood what they were talking about? When my husband first said "Hand me the 100mph tape." I looked at him like he was crazy. What the heck is 100mph tape? Or how about hook pile tape? Or slide fastener and thong? Even a pull the dot...
Running out of cleaning products for the kitchen is horrible - espically when you have that overwhelming urge to clean. I've done it before. I've stacked the dishes, getting them ready to wash, just to look under the cabinet and realize that I forgot to go to the store to get more dish soap!
Wow, what a jorney this wonderful teenager has had to go through in his not so long life. Morgon has shown more courage and strength then anyone I have ever known. He has given all of his family and friends so much hope and has brought everyone closer together. Step by step, he gets one day closer...
Spring time in North Carolina brings out the most beautiful purple flowers. Here's a few of my pictures, hope you enjoy them!
So what is Angry Birds? It’s a game where birds try to retrieve eggs that have been taken by a group of hungry green pigs. On each level you are to eliminate all the pigs. The pigs are sheltered by different materials such as wood, ice and stone. To get to the pigs you use a sling shot and launch...
The Cape Fear River Trail is a 10 foot wide paved path for walkers, bicyclists, joggers and all other types of non-motorized transportation. The trail is a 4 mile long path through flat and slightly hilly terrain. There are wooden bridges, a covered bridge and a 700 foot boardwalk that goes...
Being an Army wife is a tough job. There is nothing harder then having the love of your life gone from you more then they are home. Having to be a Mom and a Dad to the kids most of the time. Dealing with all the work/home/school troubles by yourself. Learning how to stay sane when all you want to...
These days, you very seldome hear a child say please and thank you. They normally inturupt you with a loud "Mommy!" or pushing or pulling on you until you answer them. You often hear kids talking back to adults whether it's their parent's or not. Never do I hear a child say "sir" or "mam". What...
Starting a week off with a good attitude is hard. No one is ever ready for Monday to roll around. Here's how I make sure every week is a great week
Being a military family means at some point we were going to live over seas. We got back from a 3 year tour over in Italy about 6 months ago. I wasn't sure what living overseas was like and this was only my second time out of the US so I really had no idea what to expect.
On Thursday, January 26th, 2012, my 15 year old cousin finally reached the day they had been working so hard to get to. Day Zero! The transplant and transfusion of all new cells in his body. These new cells are supposed to attack the "disease" in Mo and help his body to recover from all that it has...
LEGOs have been around for centuries! They have made many more products these days and have added lots of different ways to play then just the building blocks themselves. I love how LEGOs make you use your creative side. Have you used your creative side latley?
My family has always made these no-bake cookies and they are my all time favorite. I just finished making a batch so thought I would share it with you.
Canadian Geese are big waterbirds. They have a black head and neck, a white chinstrap, a light tan to cream breast and a brown back. Here are some pictures I have recently taken of Canadian Geese.
E-Books, are they really everything everyone says they are? Even if they are, I would not give up my real books for anything! Here's why. . .
Taking your own Christmas pictures can be a lot of fun. Here's a slide show of our Christmas pictures from 2008. We decorated a Joshua Tree since we lived in the desert. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
While at a lake the cat tails were looking really neat. Here is a slide show of pictures I took.
This is how to make a newspaper pirate hat, complete with pictures.
My girls had a "wear trash to school day" last year and I made them these hats and also made them some skirts to wear to school. The hats were so much fun to make and so very easy! My kids LOVE making them so I thought I would share them with you.
Tomorrow starts Mo's pretransplant stuff. He starts off with 3 days of chemo and then 4 days of radiation. The day after the transplant, he will be given a "cell product" that will provide his body with some much needed healthy white cells that will help prevent infection while the stem cells go to...
How is it that the female restroom lines are a mile long and the males are just walking right in and out at public places? Why is it that when we have a "special" night planned it takes the male maybe a third of the time to get ready? What could females possibly do in one little room for that...
Do you need a fun painting idea to do with kids. Here is something that my kids love to do and it is never the same no matter how hard they try.
Can you believe I did it? What did I do you might ask, well, I accomplished my goal of 50 hubs by the 1st of the new year! YAY! What a mile stone for me!
Morgon Emory is a 15 year old boy. He is my cousin. Since August of 2011 he has been in the hospital fighting Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). His battle has had it's ups and downs. Working every day to "Get Mo Better!"
One of the most amazing things about Italy are their open air markets. Here's a slide show of some of the one's we have been to.
Sitting here drinking my coffee this morning I started thinking to myself what coffee cures. Here's what I found out :) And a little on Chocolate too.
This working all the time and only getting to see the kids an hour and a half before they have to be in bed is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be. With that being said, here's how we have learned to get through the new transition.
These are the main parts to my Lesson Plans and how I go through to make each one work for kids between the ages of 5 and 12.
Awe, the wonderful world of Facebook. There is nothing like it! Why is Facebook so addicting to so many people?
2011 is almost over, man where did it go? I've done a lot this past year, this is just a short rundown of things I have done!
Capturing a flame isn't always the easiest thing to do. Recently I have learned how to take pictures where the light of the picture is in focus and the back is dark. When I took these it was night time so it made for better fire pictures. It amazes me how you never get the same shot twice. You...
Ever since I took this new job I am on my feet 8 hours a day. When I get home at night my feet are killing me. Here are some things I have found that help with my aching feet.
Your Great Wolf Lodge adventure begins in their massive 84-degree indoor water park. Some of the best attractions include jaw-dropping slides, polor bear race slides, log and lilly pad courses, zero-depth entry areas for the little ones and a HUGE water fun tree house with two water slides and a...
Where is your "home for the holidays"? Is it with your parents at their house, friends and family homes, or is your home the home to be at for the holidays? I wish you all a SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON :)
There's so much worry when it comes to putting your child in a Child Care center, whether it is at a house or at a center. Here are 5 things to look for that might make your decission easier.
Minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers.
Is it better to love your kids or your spouse more??? Maybe not more but differently....
Fimon lake is the last natural basin remaining of all the ones that used to fill the valleys in the Berici Hills.
The Grand Canal in Venice Italy forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city of Venice. These are pictures of our last trip to Venice and the Grand Canal. Hope you like them!
America's Next Top Model, that's how I first found out about Nigel Barker. After doing some reasearch online about photography I ran across a bunch of photos Nigel has taken and fell in love with his work. In this hub you will find out how to take holiday photos, pictures of toddlers, vacation...
There are a lot of photo editing effects and these are just some of the most popular ones that I use to edit my photos.
Zombie fans are everywhere this holiday season. There is a lot variety of zombie stuff out there in stores to choose from but finding just the right zombie gift for your loved one this year could be a little challenging.
Being an Army Spouse has its ups and its down. Most times it seems like the downs out weigh the ups but keeping that positive attitude will help you through anything. Here are ways I make it through my Army Spouse Life. I'm an Army Wife....What's your super power?
Just changing a picture to black and white or sepia makes a world of differance. But adding back in the original color makes it stand out a bit more. Here's a few landscaping pictures I have taken and edited. Enjoy!
Have you ever wanted to have an ice cream party? We had one for my daughters 6th birthday and it was a huge hit. Here's what we did.
I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen, and I have a few pro tips to share with you.
Ever tried to figure out how to paint a little boys room? I had a hard time deciding what to do so I did a little bit of everything. Outer space, road for car driving, airplanes and bright colors! what more could he need.
Painting is so much fun! There's many different ways to start, this is one of our many rooms we have done.
We could all use some help figuring out how to manage our bills every month. Most people look at paying bills as an ugly chore, I know I am one of those people. The truth is though, that bills aren't going to go away and it is something that you have to do every month so there is no point in going...
These days kids need to know all about computers to be able to do their homework. Here's a few things I have done with my kids to help them learn the computer and also to keep them learning for school.
What does it mean to be part of a Family? Is it blood related? Do friends count as family? How about pets, do they qualify? Here are my thoughts. . .
Who Am I? To define me is harder then I thought it would be. It's not that I'm such a complicated person it's that I have so much that makes me who I am.
Starting today there are a bunch of us Hubbers that are doing a 30 in 30 challenge. Starting November 25th and ending in 30 days. This is my first challenge with writing Hubs and I hope I am able to do all my 30 in 30.
The perfect Thanksgiving Day meal for our family, with some recipes of my favorite things! It's right around the corner, groceries are bought, recipes are out and ready, it's going to be a GREAT holiday!
Black Friday is quickly approaching us this year. Are you going to go out in the madness? Here's a few stores with a few savings and a link to all Black Friday deals!
A train, some tracks and three of the most adorable kids ever! What more could you possibly need for great pictures?
We went to a Pecan grove last week. I never knew how a Pecan grew until then!
I love cats. I'm much more of a cat person then I am a dog person. Here's a few reasons I think cats are better then dogs.
Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia. A MUST see if you are ever in Croatia!
North Caronlina has some amazing flowers! Here's just a few I've been able to take pictures of before the end of the year.
Chores, those household things that need to be done almost daily! Do your kids do them?
The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 1 comes out on the 18th of November 2011 - Is there really any more that needs to be said?
Unique gifts, home furnishings. They carry home kitchen decor, wedding gifts and birthday gifts and christmas gifts. They have a wide selection of home decor furnishings for anniversary gifts, baby gifts and bathroom decor in our lakeside collection gift catalog.
James Patterson is a great writer. I love his books and you might too!
Just a collection of quotes from several different things. They might make you smile today!
Are you an extreme coupon-er??? What do you consider going to the extremes?
Is it really a bad thing to drug test those on welfare? I say do it with a smile!
Why spend hundreds on candy when there are other ways to save! Check it out, you could save too!
Painting is so much fun! There's many different ways to start, this is one of our many rooms we have done.