What is Bursitis?

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  1. MPG Narratives profile image59
    MPG Narrativesposted 12 years ago

    What is Bursitis?

    I have unexplained pain in my pelvis and hips which has been diagnosed as bursitis. So far medication hasn't helped. I have been advised to try alternative treatments such as massage and hydrotherapy, has anyone tried this? Does it work? I'm so sick of this burning pain.

  2. artist101 profile image65
    artist101posted 12 years ago

    Recent research points to natural medicine for the relief of chronic pain, no matter the origin, or sight of the pain. The sight of your pain, implies more than bursitis to me. As it may by osteo, although I do not know your age. This ailment is detected with a dexa scan.The most recommended natural supplement for osteo is Bone up. It contains the necessary nutrients to rebuild bone, calcium, and D3. Derived from natural sources, is more absorbable, thereby easy utilized by the body. The FDA just issued new warnings on the busphosphonates, such as Boniva being linked to throat cancer, and femur breaking. So a natural source is a better option. For more information on Osteo go to http://artist101.hubpages.com/hub/Natur … teoperosis
    For Chronic pain the natural supplements are cherry, and boswellia, as well as calcium and magnesium for tissue repair. Bursitis is characterized by a dull, persistent ache, and is an inflammation of the bursa. Soaking in Epsom Salt is very effective, as well as magnesium Gel, applied directly to the aching area. For more information go to http://artist101.hubpages.com/hub/Natur … ney-Stones
    Never underestimate the value of a good Chiropractor very effective treatment, the only problem most insurances do not cover diagnostics, they only cover the actual hands on therapy. Your GP can order the Dexa, best to do so the chiropractor can assess your condition more acurately, and make necessary adjustments to your therapy.

    1. MPG Narratives profile image59
      MPG Narrativesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for a very detailed answer artist 101. I will try the natural options now as the specialists I have seen to date have not helped.

      To everyone that answered I appreciate your advice, I will do whatever it takes to get better.

    2. artist101 profile image65
      artist101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      you are very welcome

  3. naturalremcan profile image60
    naturalremcanposted 12 years ago

    Bursitis is the inflammation of one or more bursae (small sacs) of synovial fluid in the body. The bursae rest at the points where internal functionaries, such as muscles and tendons, slide across bone. Healthy bursae create a smooth, almost frictionless functional gliding surface making normal movement painless. When bursitis occurs, however, movement relying upon the inflamed bursa becomes difficult and painful. Moreover, movement of tendons and muscles over the inflamed bursa aggravates its inflammation, perpetuating the problem

    You can try JointEase Plus, it's a great all natural product

    http://www.allnaturalremedies.ca/body-a … 60-tablets

  4. cat on a soapbox profile image94
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    The question has been answered well already, but I can offer some tips for pain management. I've found that ice applications are really the most effective for pain relief-esp.at night when you're trying to settle into sleep. I also use a topical analgesic like icy /hot. My favorite is a natural menthol-based roll-on called Bio-Freeze. Calcium/magnesium supplements are good and low-impact joint exercise in a heated pool is very helpful. I hope you get relief. I know all too well the agony that you are going through. My best to you smile

  5. joyfuldesigns profile image69
    joyfuldesignsposted 12 years ago

    Bursitis is the swelling and inflammation of the bursa sack in a joint.  It is VERY painful!  I used to have it so bad in one shoulder I thought I would be disabled for life.  I could only raise my arm up (when my hand hung alongside my leg) about 4 inches before I was literally screaming in pain.  I went through massive physical therapy.

    I'm not a medical person so bear this in mind.  I somehow stumbled across information connecting low adrenal (or adrenal fatigue), to bursitis issues.  I learned from my naturopath that I did have low adrenal function.  (Maybe that's why I developed the bursitis in the first place).  She placed me on an over the counter adrenal supplement called Isocort (do an internet search for it).  I also had a friend develop burisitis in a hip to the point where she could barely walk, and I shared this with her, she got the Isocort and was 100% pain free within a week.  Isocort isn't something a person has to take forever either.  There's also a great book out there called "Adrenal Fatigue", well worth the read.

  6. Diana Lee profile image78
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    I had bursitis just once in my life. I hope I never have it again. The pain was so severe I had to have my dad drive me to the doctor. Mine was in the shoulder area which spread down my back. Bursitis is inflammation in a muscle. I laid many a night with ice packs on the area just to relieve the pain enough so I could sleep and for a week I was given high does of ibuprofen (800 mg.). Ibuprofen in doses this high will cause stomach upset, so food must accompany each time you take it. Not everyone can take this kind of pain reliever, but even the recommended lower dose is good for muscle pain as it reduces swelling. Ibuprofen will interfere with sleeping, so I was told to take extra strength Tylenol before bed. I was glad the condition only lasted one week, because any of these pain medications can be harmful to your liver if taken to much for to long.

  7. Ovid Bruce profile image61
    Ovid Bruceposted 12 years ago

    Bursitis, a condition causing painful in the fluid-filled portion of joints like the knee, hip, shoulder or elbow to become irritated when the joint is damaged by repeated (or major one time trauma events) injury to a joint.  Repetitive motion from activities such as skilled labor jobs where the same task is repeated during long scheduled shifts can contribute as a cause of individuals suffering from Bursitis.  Another contributing factor causing bursa affliction occurs when the bursa sac (a lubricating gland located near major joints) is damaged causing scar tissue to form thus restricting the flow of lubricating liquids from exiting the bursa sack and entering the joint.


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