Any ocular migraine sufferers here?

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  1. Bard of Ely profile image75
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Just wondering because I suffer from the horrible condition and had a bad attack last week. The first time it happened to me I thought I was going blind. They can be scary unless you know what is happening.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I had never heard of it until about six months ago when my optometrist mentioned it (apropop of something else). 

      I was greatly relieved to know it existed, because I've experienced an ocular migraine three or four times.  Each time it went away after only a few minutes so I did nothing about it, but secretly I always feared that it was a TIA - the precursor of a stroke. 

      I get no pain with mine but it's a scary thing, to suddenly have a curtain of strange wavy lines descend over your eyes!

      1. rmcrayne profile image94
        rmcrayneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I've had 2 or 3 episodes, but none in a while.  Called "heat waves" too.  Mine lasted about 20-30 min, which is supposed to be about normal.  Mine were on days, where at that point in time I had not eaten much.  "The experts" said that was coincidence.  Hmmm...

    2. profile image0
      Justine76posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      First time I ever had a migraine, it was brought on by the computer. I didn't actaully loose my vision, but at first it felt like a truck was trying to drive thru my right eyball, I got all dizzy, and thought I was going to throw up, then it went into my neck and ..well..I was in alot of pain for the next 24 hours..I had no idea what was going on. Its awful if you live with someone who never even gets a normal headach, they are all...just take an asprin and stop complaining!! I hope your feeling better now!!

  2. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    Oh Bard I am so sorry you suffered like that. I have never so I don't know what you are going through but I do hope that someone helps you. *HUGS*!!!

  3. Bard of Ely profile image75
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Thank you, Crazdwriter! I think spending too much time sat in front of a PC doesn't help me! I never used to get them when I didn't spend so long on the computer.
    I find the herbal supplements valerian and ginkgo help but once an attack starts all you can do is wait it out really. Apparently a lot of people have the problem.

  4. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    ooo cut back on computer time? that would make ppl suffer too lol

    I hope you figure out how to stop it, Bard or at least figure out a way so that you suffer less. I hate when ppl suffer!

  5. dejajolie profile image59
    dejajolieposted 15 years ago

    I suffer from migraines, not sure if its' 'ocular'. However my symptoms include:

    nausea (sometimes vomitting)
    sensitivity to light and sound
    pain behind the eyes, usually left OR right

    I usually put on my night mask, lay in darkness with no sound or use my essential oils(pan away and mgraine).... but sometimes it makes me sensitive to smell so I have to resort to Excedrin Migraine and only if taken at the onsight of one will it Ease the suffering. It ususally lasts anywhere from 12-48 hours.....not fun, I empathize

  6. Wayne Orvisburg profile image62
    Wayne Orvisburgposted 15 years ago

    I get them realy bad too.  Usually any meds don't help so I try a short nap to get rid of the aura.  Then caffiene can help with the pain.  Also, I've noticed if I eat something high in protein it helps the pain go down. 

    Does anyone else get them when the weather shifts abruptly?

  7. Bard of Ely profile image75
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Thank you for posting, DejaJolie and Wayne!

    My sight disturbance is worse than the actual pain because if I am outside it gets hard to make things out when parts of words vanish and working online is impossible!

    Wayne, you have hit on a possible trigger for me - I had an attack last night and guess what? The island was hit at the time with thunderstorms so bad that they have made international news due to landslides and floods. Weather may be a trigger for me I am now thinking?

  8. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    oh Deja, Wayne, Bard I am so sorry you guys have to go through all of this. I am so sorry for your pain!

    1. dejajolie profile image59
      dejajolieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Crazdwriter!

  9. fishtiger58 profile image69
    fishtiger58posted 15 years ago

    Yes I lose some of my vision and also have flashers. For me it worse than the headache that follows. I have cut way down on sugar the past year and am eating more healthy haven't had a migraine in over a year woooohoooo!!!

  10. profile image0
    BookFlameposted 15 years ago

    The first time I had one, about 12 years ago, I was driving.  All these neon lights started flashing around in my field of vision and I became terrified.  I thought I was having a stroke.  I've continued to have them on and off and have found certain situations seem to "breed" them.  1)Loss of sleep, 2)anxiety and stress and 3) Lots of coffee.  Also I have more of them mid-morning than at any other time of day.  I don't think I've ever had one in the evening.  Anybody else notice patterns to their ocular migraines???

  11. profile image55
    Luinposted 15 years ago

    I do. Whenever it happens, I can hardly open my eyes. There are times when it affects my breathing. I had experienced in the past that I was hyperventilating because of the pain. What I did is take deep breathing techniques while trying to relax my whole body. It was very helpful.

  12. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 15 years ago

    I used too have them when I was about sixteen and before I started wearing corrective lenses.  The flashing would start in my peripheral vision and slowly cover my eyes until I could barely see and immediately followed by a severe migraine.  I still get the flashes occasionally but not the migraines.

  13. Bard of Ely profile image75
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Thank you too, Fishtiger58, BookFlame, Marisa, Luin, Randy and rmcrayne!

    Fishtiger58, it sounds like we have had the same problem. I know I am taking in too much sugar but unfortunatly it is in so many things including most fruit juice brands sold here. I will make more effort to eat better stuff like you have done.

    I am also fairly certain the extreme weather here has triggered my latest attack. The thunderstorms have since made international news due to landslides and flooding so perhaps its not surprising they upset me too!

  14. fishtiger58 profile image69
    fishtiger58posted 15 years ago

    Once or twice I have had affected speech as well, very weird. I don't know if the sugar intake is what is giving me these migraines but my younger sister takes a preventative for migraines every day and she is sure its eating chocolate that gives her the headaches. I started taking multi-vitamins as well that could be why they have decreased it's hard to say.

  15. Bard of Ely profile image75
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Yes, I am more or less back to normal now thanks, Justine, just a bit of stiffness in my neck that is another symptom I suffer from when I get these attacks.

  16. Jennybradley30 profile image55
    Jennybradley30posted 11 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    I had my first attack when I was 32 wks pregnant with my daughter. I was in triage for preterm labor, it was noon and I had eaten dinner around 7 the night before so I was pretty much on an empty stomach. I bent my head down to adjust the monitors on my stomach when I lifted my head and noticed 3 circles "auras" around the upper right of my left eye. I tried blinking a few times when I noticed these auras started to take over my entire vision in one eye and quickly spread to the other. Well, I freaked out and called the nurse, quickly explaining that everything was blurry. Within the 5-10 minutes it took her to go talk to a doctor I was pretty much not in my right mind. My speech was slurred and my husband was texting my mother and I suddenly realized that I couldn't remember the name of his phone. I knew I knew, but I had no idea what it was called. When he said it was an IPhone it still didn't register. Well, the nurse came back with graham crackers and apple juice. She said it was more than likely hypoglycemia. Within 30-45 minutes of the onset it was gone. Although it scared the crap out of me I believed her. Months went by and I was fine. Then when my daughter was 3 mths old, I had 3 more attacks that month. I wasn't confused those times or have slurred speech, but my vision did go out. No circles those times, just zigzag lines that took over my vision leaving me with a headache and sensitivity to light. Since I thought it was Hypoglycemia I quickly ran to the kitchen to "up" my blood sugar.  Fastforward to a month ago (daughter is now 8 mths old). Another attack. This time I went to the ER. They gave me a cat scan and everything came back fine. Their diagnosis: Ocular Migraines. All the times this happened, the weather was fine. No raining. Just sunshine. No changes in diet. I did realize that all the times but one I had gone awhile without eating. Coincidence? I don't know. I have an appt next week with an Ophthalmologist. Maybe he can shed some light on why this happens.

  17. profile image51
    Cyrposted 9 years ago


    My first ocular migraine happened in 2007 while I was at work. I had several until 2009. I went to see a neurologist who gave me some medication which worked for a while. What really helped me was to see an ophthalmologist. During the last 6 years, I've been drinking a lot of water and doing some eye exercises on a regular basis to prevent these migraines. I haven't had a single one since then.

    I would be interested to know if any of you have found a solution to your ocular migraine.


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