What is the difference between a goal and a hope or dream?

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  1. bankscottage profile image87
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    What is the difference between a goal and a hope or dream?

  2. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image71
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 12 years ago

    A goal is what the Islanders were scoring against the Penguins last night. A hope and a dream is what most of those shots the Pens were firing were.

  3. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 12 years ago

    A goal implies that action will be taken to reach it.  It implies that one will discipline oneself until the goal has been accomplished.

    Hopes and dreams require no more than thought.  People who achieve their hopes and dreams have set goals and in a disciplined, systematic way have worked to reach them.

  4. cjpooja26 profile image63
    cjpooja26posted 12 years ago

    For me goal is what I want to achieve in my life for sure and dream is what I love and   hope that I could achieve what I am dreaming.

  5. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    I would have to say, most of us have hopes and dreams....things that we think about, on a regular basis, because we want to improve our quality of life, gain something we don't already have and/or are simply intent upon proving we are capable and worthy.
    Many individuals, take their hopes and dreams to a new and higher level by making certain, they become a "goal"....something we plan for and work toward, with focus & determination.  We vow to ourselves that we can realize our dreams, by using our resources and talents.
    Simply put......"goals" begin with hopes and dreams.....and the final result is not only an accomplishment, but we can claim that "our dreams came true."

  6. SidKemp profile image71
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Thoreau taught that hopes and dreams are the castles we build in the air. They need foundations. And the first step in building the foundation of a dream is to set a goal.

    In project management, one type of project is a dream with a deadline. If I say, "I want a wonderful new job," that's a dream. If I say, "I want a wonderful new job by the end of the year," that's a goal. If I add, "And I'll carve out 10 hours a week to make that happen, and write a career plan to guide me, that's a project.

    Check out my hubs for more - I write a lot about making dreams real and reaching our goals.

  7. livhappy profile image60
    livhappyposted 12 years ago

    Hope is something that drives your dream turning into a goal.

  8. annart profile image85
    annartposted 12 years ago

    For me a goal is something to aim for whether it's desired or not; something necessary for achievement, like passing an exam.  A hope or dream can be aimed for but it's something we truly desire, within our soul.  A goal is concrete, a hope or dream is not.

  9. BigBlue54 profile image61
    BigBlue54posted 12 years ago

    A goal is a dream we hope to achieve. Or maybe not. wink

  10. Sophia-LeAnne profile image59
    Sophia-LeAnneposted 12 years ago

    A goal is something that requires a plan and actions to carry-out those plans. A hope is a matter of faith that may not require any direct involvement. For instance, I hope it doesn't rain on Saturday, or I hope I win the award. A dream is something that is not attainable thru ordinary means but can definitely come true-I think a dream is more complicated of the 3.
    I once heard someone say that "A goal without a plan is a wish" - unknown

  11. manatita44 profile image71
    manatita44posted 12 years ago

    A goal is the purpose or end result of what we want/need/desire. So if I wish to have a million bucks, I will put a plan in place and my goal will have been met when I achieve it. The spiritual life also have a goal, or else it would have been pointless for Saviours to come to us. So when we are in full harmony, equipoise or equanimity; when we are perfectly still without and within for 24 hrs a day and cannot lose this, in a sense we can say that the goal has been reached.
    Hopes and dreams are similar and necessary. They are the things unseen which causes us to believe in something better and so remain alive to seek it, hoping that it will happen one day.
    One further thing about the goal, is that it is always transcending itself. So today I am a great cook, tomorrow I am a better cook and finally I am the best cook. It is then that I begin to realise that there is so many unexplored areas for cooking excellence, and that I can go even further. Hope all this helps.


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