How can a person be stopped from taking too much of alcoholic drinks?

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  1. Kevin Peter profile image60
    Kevin Peterposted 11 years ago

    How can a person be stopped from taking too much of alcoholic drinks?

    There are many families that get destroyed due to such bad habits. I wish to get a sincere and practical answer for it.

  2. SidKemp profile image73
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Ultimately, each person must choose for himself or herself. There is no way to get anyone to stop a bad habit against their will. And to do so would be an act of violence.

    Even when people are sent to prison or rehab, they find ways to sneak alcohol in, or they return to alcohol (or drugs) as soon as they get a chance.

    I am a strong believer in recovery. But recovery must come from without. The most we can do for another is encourage, and, at the right moment, confront.

    Here are some excellent resources: Hubs by Billybuc; The first 70 pages of horror writer Stephen King's On Writing, which is an autobiography including his drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and his family's successful confrontation, and the move 28 Days with Sandra Bullock, a comedy about recovery, but a meaningful one.

    If you are facing this in a family, there is a lot you can learn and a lot of support you can get. If you are thinking about a professional career helping addicts recover, then I wish you the best - your talents are desperately needed!

  3. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    Recovery must come from within. Each individual must love himself first. I also would recommend Billybucs Hubs, but you know, until the individual feels that way inclined, he will not be drawn. There may also be a larger picture, one that only the Cosmic Will can know.

    On a practical level, seek help via an institution that deals with detox. They also have other pre and post alcohol programmes or rehab. Then there are the 12 steps as done by Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.
    Excess alcoholism is a reaction to 'attachments', whether family, bereavement, friends or something that just spirals out of control. Ultimately, the individual has to take responsibility, but it may be that first the karma needs to be burnt. Hence my initially mentioning the Cosmic Will. In which case, prayer is the only recourse.

  4. Diana Lee profile image79
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    Unless they want to quit, it will never happen short of locking them up and then they are likely to go back to the bottle when set free. All the love and support in the world is not enough if they are unwilling to try and get sober. I've seen more than my share of this and the ones who quit had health problems which forced them to stop. They couldn't hold their booze anymore. Sadly it took something intense like an illness to free them from the habit.

  5. IDONO profile image60
    IDONOposted 11 years ago

    I agree with all these people. The person has to decide that they want to be sober, more than they want to be drunk. This can only come from within. The very nature of the disease is one that the victim will defend and blame on others.
         The best practical answer I can give you is to turn your attention to yourself. Seek Al Anon or some of the other support groups. They can teach you how to NOT become a victim of his disease. How to not be an enabler and most of all, not to become a co-dependent. The issues that presents can be as damaging to you, if not more, than his drinking and the effects it has on you and other family members. It happens without you even knowing it. You take up the responsibilities he is no longer capable of handling. You can totally change everything to try to work around his addiction.
         Again, he has to find his own bottom. But it's your responsibility to yourself and the others to not let his bottom, be your bottom. Please seek help!
         Good Luck to you.

  6. mintinfo profile image64
    mintinfoposted 11 years ago

    Alcohol is first a drug then second, a coping mechanism for deeper psychological issues. People abuse alcohol because it numbs the senses and makes life seem easier to cope/manage.

    First communicate with the person and try to find out why they cannot stop even when they know that it is harmful to themself and their personal relationships. Often it may turn out to be an unhappiness within that is impossible for the person to get over without an inner confrontation through councelling, If the person is unwilling to seek councelling then a concerted effort by the people near to him might eventually trigger a desire to change as real change can only come from within.

  7. erorantes profile image48
    erorantesposted 11 years ago

    There are a few organisations that help with this  problem.  Alcoholic anonymous,detoxify centers ,and in your own. Good luck.

  8. James Sahn profile image53
    James Sahnposted 11 years ago

    as mentioned before, you can't control someone else's behavior or addiction. if you're dealing with an alcoholic loved one, then you should check out AA's programs for those in relationships with an addict. They can offer helpful advice on how to deal.


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