If you were successful at quitting the wretched habit of smoking..

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  1. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    If you were successful at quitting the wretched habit of smoking..

    How many times did you TRY and HOW did you finally quit?


  2. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    Multiple times and cold turkey was the only way. It was all or nothing for me and I had to just knuckle down and do it.  It sucks, the first few weeks is rough - but after that, you start to feel so much better and it gets much easier.   nothing makes it easier. 

    I should be a motivational speaker I know wink lol but it's important to be honest.  It's going to suck; you're going to fail - keep quitting until you finally do.  If you slip up it's not an excuse to keep failing to quit. It means you have to stop again. 

    Every time you stop and start; you have to experience the worst part of the withdrawals again.  Do that to yourself several times and you suddenly find yourself more motivated to stay quit.

    Some people switch over and use vapor.  That's what my sister is doing.  I'm not entirely convinced that's any healthier, but it's easier on her lungs that's for sure.

    1. Efficient Admin profile image84
      Efficient Adminposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This is such great advise -- never ever give up!!  Keep trying until the one Quit will click.  Being at the place where you just don't crave them anymore is a wonderful place to be and it can be done.

  3. Austinstar profile image86
    Austinstarposted 9 years ago

    How many times did I try to quit smoking? It must be in the hundreds, I lost count.
    I finally achieved success by doing these things:
    1. I left my cigarettes in the car glove compartment. I knew I could always walk out there and get one. Eventually, I got too lazy to walk out there unless I REALLY needed a smoke. And then, eventually, I got too lazy to remember they were even there.
    2. I made a point to only hang out with non-smokers and learned to think of myself as a non-smoker. Seriously. Non-smokers HATE it when you try to light up!.
    3. I started buying other stuff I really wanted with the money I was saving from not buying cigs. It became significant and I got some cool new toys.
    I have now been cigarette free for over 20 years. Basically, I NEVER gave up trying to quit. If you can make for three whole days without a smoke, you can make it!

    1. Efficient Admin profile image84
      Efficient Adminposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Now that I am a non-smoker, whenever I smell someone light up it just smells so nasty to me and I can't stand being around cigarette smoke anymore. Congratulations for kicking the habit 20 years ago!

    2. ChristinS profile image36
      ChristinSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      a lot of former smokers hate the smell the worst. I feel ill when someone blows smoke near me; it's a total aversion now when I used to plan my life around my next smoke.  I avoid smokers like the plague now when they light up - ironic isn't it?

    3. Efficient Admin profile image84
      Efficient Adminposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes it sure it ironic and I so know exactly what you mean about planning life around the smokes!  I guess that is why they say ex-smokers are the worst LOL!  That's okay with me, as long as I'm not inhaling that stuff anymore.  Congratulations!

  4. Jlbowden profile image90
    Jlbowdenposted 9 years ago


    It was a struggle to give up the bad habit of smoking, but glad I was able to do so in H.S.  It took me at least four times, but on the fifth said so long to the cancer sticks.  In my case, it was much easier to give the cigs up because I had terrible allergies as a kid and was congested almost all of the time. 

    When I lit up, my allergies got worse and my adenoids swelled terribly.  This with not being able to breathe well, made me quit the habit, by going wild turkey, so to speak.  And you know something?- I'm damn glad I was able to beat the cigarette smoking habit.

    Because if you ever viewed those awful TV commercials,  of what smoking does to people who still smoke.  Than basically you will wish that you never had lit up in the first place.  Whether it's back in High School, or a year ago.  So that's my story with cigarettes and an old story at that!   


  5. KMSplumeau profile image86
    KMSplumeauposted 9 years ago

    I also smoked for a period of time from high school into college, and I found that initially using those vapor cigarettes (e-cigs, "vaping") helped at the start, as I was still getting small amounts of nicotine and practicing some of the physical habits of smoking (sometimes it's the actual motion that your body misses.... it's strange). However, it really isn't a long-term solution since you're really just substituting one bad habit for a slightly less bad habit. I still use a vapor cigarette from time to time, but it was only once I stopped all behavior that had become an ingrained habit that I finally could say goodbye. And I also agree with the previous post, hanging around with mostly non-smokers can make a world of a difference.

  6. Efficient Admin profile image84
    Efficient Adminposted 9 years ago

    I quit counting after ten tries to quit Cold Turkey. It was probably around 30 times I tried to quit.  I got tired of the stink, the addiction, money spent, always worrying about if I have enough for the day, and finally the coughing every night.  I smoked a pack a day for 30 years.  I even wrote an entire hub about quitting this addiction. For me much of it was mental addiction and I started a new hobby called Hiking which really motivated me to stay off the cigarettes. 

    This Saturday August 1st it will be 42 smoke free months for me and I love it!  If you are a non-smoker reading this, pat yourself on the back that you never started this habit.  Once it gets its claws in you it's hard to stop.  I hope it is okay to paste a link to my hub for all the nitty gritty details:
    http://efficientadmin.hubpages.com/hub/ … Cigarettes

  7. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 9 years ago

    I quit both times I was pregnant and this was probably easier not only because of my babies health but because my husband was in service and he being a smoker too did not hinder my attempt. Then 13 years ago I just quit cold turkey and had a very hard time and gained weight and wanted a cigarette every day for about three years and then when I knew I was never going to go back to smoking no matter what It all left me; the cravings and want. I am so glad to be free and though my husband still smokes it is never a temptation. I really pity him and live in fear of what his ending could be from years of smoking. I never pressure him though; either he will or he won't. I can't believe all the years I based my whole life around cigarettes and had that horrible smell all over me and my clothes. It is great to not be owned by any habit.

  8. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    WOW!  Congratulations to all of you who have one way or another, quit that nasty habit!  I'm proud of you!   It's not easy at all and as most of you can attest, it takes sheer will power and determination!

    I'm sure you're very glad that you've accomplished kicking this habit and that your loved ones are proud of you too!

    People who were wise enough to never start, have no idea what an effort it is to give up smoking.  Of course, in these current times, smokers are definitely made to feel like outsiders.....not welcome anywhere with their disgusting smoke!   When we have to HIDE and sneak off into corners.....and hang our head in shame....I'd say it's TIME to heed the clear message and quit!

    I appreciate all of you sharing your success!!    Thank you!

    1. Efficient Admin profile image84
      Efficient Adminposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Paula for your kind words. Hang in there and keep trying.

  9. tillsontitan profile image82
    tillsontitanposted 9 years ago

    Oh GF I was sooo cool in the sixties, couldn't wait to start smoking like the big girls!  Now that I've finally quite I really am a BIG girl wink
    I tried everything from cold turkey to Chantix.  Chantix almost did it but I was allergic to it and had to stop.  Then my hubbie had his seizures and the doctor told him quit or die...pretty simple but it scared the heck out of him.  So now he's not smoking, cold turkey.  What's a girl to do?  I had to quit.
    It took me three months, I tried the patches, allergic, then nicorette - which I'm still chewing two years later, but I'm not smoking except for an illicit puff every now and again.
    Best advice to quit....don't start!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So true GF.  The best advice comes as "hindsight." Problem being, when we started, the scene was entirely different!  WHO could have ever imagined how fiercely addicting it is! Congratulations to you!!


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