Staying positive using Daily Positive Affirmations

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  1. profile image50
    LindaStandleyposted 14 years ago

    Positive daily Affirmations are a fabulously easy way to start your journey to a more confident you. Repeatedly telling yourself over and over again – with BELIEF – that you are all those wonderful things that you desire you will start manifesting itself in your very being. 

    By using daily Positive Affirmations we are technically “Brain Training” .  By telling our “Conscious mind” how wonderful, successful and happy we are, eventually it will become part of our “Sub Conscious”.  Or to be specific – “Second Nature”.  Our sub conscious mind is so filled up with all the negative thoughts that have transpired through all the pains of the past that we need to un-train our negative sub conscious.  We can do this by Self-Talk.  Self-Talk by using Positive Affirmations is a kind of Self-hypnosis.  By using positive affirmations daily we can train our sub conscious mind, in turn our conscious mind into believing we are that fabulous person and all those fabulous things we say to ourselves each day.

    1. Sydnianne profile image60
      Sydnianneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This is perfect!  I completely agree!  And one thing that really helps in the "brain training" is adding God's Word.  Thanks for the reminder that we can change our thought and therefore make ourselves feel much better!

  2. Cagsil profile image68
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Interesting post. Sorry, was busy with other things. However, I'm of a different school of thought on this one.

    I prefer to be Self-interest. I have no interest in what people expect from me. My only interest is in improving myself in every aspect of my life and helping others to improve their life.

    Telling yourself what you think about yourself? Sorta defeats the purpose. Your mind already knows what you think, just because you hear it from your own voice is not going to make much difference.

    You can tell yourself that you are successful, but at what? Telling yourself you are successful? The believing it is the hard part, because evidence is required to back it up. Faith in oneself does not come from telling oneself good things.

    Trial and error, learning and experience teach one to have faith in oneself. You learn from every action you take, what you learn tells you about yourself. If you learn little, then you need to pay closer attention. If you learn a lot, then good.

    In your heart, you know when you are honest with yourself, about being honest with yourself. Your conscience will let you know. You might push the thought out of your mind, like it was non-existent, but the fact that one chooses to ignore their conscience, is directly related to dishonest people. Hence, people with no moral value.

    That's my thoughts on it. smile

    1. Rafini profile image83
      Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The purpose of affirmations is to improve your own self-image.

      I'm constantly telling myself negative things about do I change that?  With affirmations - telling myself positive things about myself. smile

      1. Cagsil profile image68
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It's a gimmick.
        Well, first stop judging yourself so hard. Trying to be perfect at everything you do, then you only set yourself up for a harder fall. In all your posts, you crush yourself, and no one needs to help you.

        You want to fix your problem- CHANGE YOUR VIEW!

        You should not need to tell yourself how good you are or even need to boost your own ego. You should already know what your limitations are and the obstacles in your path forward.

        If you do not know your limitations, then you cannot self-improve. You will only run around in circles. Fix this here, and fix that here, and fix this here, and you'll never move forward. One obstacle after another will always be able to knock you down. And, you will never get ahead.

        You want self-image, first build your faith in you and your ability. Know what you can do and what you cannot do, and then use what you can do, to eliminate the things you cannot do.

        1. Rafini profile image83
          Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          ----You want self-image, first build your faith in you and your ability. Know what you can do and what you cannot do, and then use what you can do, to eliminate the things you cannot do.----

          Affirmations are the beginning of creating a positive self-image in order to follow the rest of the plan.

          I crush myself in my posts?  Seriously?  I wasn't aware of it...but there is a reason.  So, you're telling me I'm giving off mixed signals?  I suppose...I can certainly understand why.

  3. Shealy Healy profile image60
    Shealy Healyposted 14 years ago

    I am a believe of affitmations for several reasons. The mind follows what the mouth speaks. And, the mouth follows what the mind things. So, at some time we have to take control over some part of our selves either beginning with the mouth or the mind. An affirmation really does both-when we think something negative we can stop that thought by speaking something positive and visa versa.

    I try to begin each day with a quick affirmation that tells me that I can believe and be awakened to this day as a ritual toward growth. Then, I end each day by saying good bye to the day and being put to rest as I sleep. Then, anything that happens during my day is a part of my daily ritual as if I am always in a ritual that I call life.

    "Today, this morning  I will awaken and breathe and believe to be free. I will breathe and believe and awaken to me.  Tonight, this evening I will sleep and breathe and believe to be free to reside in my bed and sleep to be me."

  4. Dame Scribe profile image54
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    I just prefer to avoid  those that disturb my chi hmm

  5. Shopping-Online profile image64
    Shopping-Onlineposted 14 years ago

    Positive daily Affirmations do work and i can guarantee it.

    1. Daniel Carter profile image63
      Daniel Carterposted 14 years ago

      My affirmation is that if I'm still sucking air, can remain vertical for more than two minutes, and speak, then I'm alive, and that's enough for today.

      Today is one of those days for me. Tomorrow looks similar.

      1. Aya Katz profile image82
        Aya Katzposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Think about the humans and chimpanzees all around the world who are listening to your music, and cheer up!

    2. profile image0
      Wendi Mposted 14 years ago

      When I find that I'm not able to control my thoughts, or the way things are going around me...both of which tend to bring on negative thougthts, I simply remember the most important part of the "Serenity Prayer!"

      Accept the things I cannot change!

      It helps me.


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