Can You Give Motivational Tips To Exercise?

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  1. nathaniel86 profile image56
    nathaniel86posted 14 years ago

    I want to get into shape but I lack the motivation. Any exercises I can do to get started and stay motivated with?

    1. Aiden Roberts profile image68
      Aiden Robertsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Pretty sure if you type exercises into the hub search box you will get hundreds.
      Good luck and welcome

      1. adamradin profile image59
        adamradinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You have to do what you love to do in order for you to stay motivated.
        There are a lot of fun exercise ideas you can apply.

        For example, if you like playing cards I'm sure you will love the Fitness Card Game. It can be done with your families, couples, training partners or solo. Contact me personally if you like to know more about the game, I'll send the game manual to you.

        I maybe new in the HubPages, but I do have years of experiences in the fitness industry.

    2. selfbetter profile image61
      selfbetterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely love Nordic Walking. Once leaned how to walk with poles (to some it comes naturally, others need to learn, but it's really easy), I couldn't even imagine going for a walk without them (the same kind of feeling people with 4wheel drives have when then drive the primitive 2 wheel drive cars).

      NW burns 60% more calories than regular walking, it doesn't damage joints like running, and uses about 90% of all muscles. It's like working out in a gym but without smelling other people's sweat.

      The only problem in some parts of the world is feeling uncomfortable because of other people's reaction ("Yes sir, I know it's not winter and no, I didn't loose my skis!"), but the truth is that NW is becoming more and more popular all over the world (in Germany the government refunds NW poles to some patients). I usually drive my car to a nearby forest and walk by myself (listening to podcasts, etc.). I absolutely love it (and my back hasn't bothered me since I started almost 2 years ago).

      1. joshuanoerr profile image60
        joshuanoerrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        To say Nordic walking uses 90% of all muscles is silly. Living life and going to work uses 100% of all muscles. To what degree they are used is what determines fitness.

        The guy's goals should determine what kind of program he uses. If he wants to get bigger and stronger, Nordic walking is completely useless.

        1. selfbetter profile image61
          selfbetterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          How do you use all of your muscles just by going to work? Interesting.

          Nordic Walking is pleasant and very effective, therefore it is a perfect exercise for those who lack motivation for exercising. And it works for those who want to get "bigger and stronger". Just try it for half an hour and see how you feel the next day (similar feeling as after going to gym).

    3. joshuanoerr profile image60
      joshuanoerrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      No one exercise is going to get you motivated. But this will:

      Take a picture in a bathing suit and email it to a friend. Tell the friend if at the end of 6 months you haven't been going to the gym, to post the pic to

      If public humiliation doesn't motivate you, nothing will

  2. mrpopo profile image72
    mrpopoposted 14 years ago

    Don't try so much to find a specific exercise - instead, try to just exercise! What I mean is to just go and do the exercises that you know of - maybe jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups (depending on what your goal is, of course). Start off slow and work your way up. The bottom line is this though: once you start it is tough, but if you stick with it you'll find results and the motivation will soon follow.

    Don't wait for inspiration. Action creates inspiration. So go get started smile and good luck!

    1. nathaniel86 profile image56
      nathaniel86posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thanks! smile

  3. fucsia profile image61
    fucsiaposted 14 years ago

    I think that the best exercises are those aerobic (such as running, cycling, swimming) because you will feel better and this will leads you to be more motivated.

  4. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 14 years ago

    I don't know what the best exercise is, it's different for everbody, but if it's just motivation you need, stand in front of a full-length mirror completely naked first thing in the morning and take a good long look at yourself.  Unless you see Taylor Lautner looking back at you, that ought to be enough motivation to get you started.

    1. I am DB Cooper profile image87
      I am DB Cooperposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I was going to say. I've got a huge mirror in my room and I never lack motivation to exercise. For cheap big mirrors do a search for "gym mirror". You can get those huge mirrors they use to cover entire walls at the gym and it's much cheaper than buying one of those mirrors with the elaborate carved frames.

    2. rebekahELLE profile image83
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      the mirror can definitely be a powerful motivator. as well as how you feel after you start exercising. I do different forms of exercise, but sometimes if I'm not in the mood, I remember how I feel once I get going. It's a win-win, just start doing something and if you have an exercise buddy, it helps!
      if nothing else, start walking briskly in a park setting or around the block, it's good exercise and it's proven that walking in a natural setting helps our mood.

  5. gracenotes profile image90
    gracenotesposted 14 years ago

    I can only speak for myself.  I am exercising regularly now, but I won't do it unless I'm accomplishing something else at the same time.  Like walking my dog.

    My exercise has to be outdoors, too.  That's what motivates me.  Some people are going to play a sport, and others don't mind walking on a treadmill while they listen to their IPod.  For still others, they do best with a group exercise class.

    Find something that you really enjoy.  That's the trick.

    1. sofs profile image72
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Tell yourself you cant't get into HP without having done 30 minutes of any exercise you can think of doing, may be that will work if you are strict!

  6. Pcunix profile image82
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    You will live longer.  You will be healthier.  You will sleep better, feel better, look better, be stronger, sexier and smarter.

    Isn't that enough motivation?

  7. seb1a profile image59
    seb1aposted 14 years ago

    Watch some movies with Jason Statham and you should get enough motivation. Than you can find some good exercises on bodybuilding

  8. sabrinaaq profile image60
    sabrinaaqposted 14 years ago

    Try running on the treadmill but tape a picture of your family in view so when u are running you will be looking at them and that should keep you motivated smile

  9. wilsonallen01 profile image59
    wilsonallen01posted 14 years ago

    There are two exercises in the world that are very good and effective for weight loss.

    1) Jogging in the morning.

    2) Swimming.

    These two are the best exercises to reduce your weight.


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