High Cholesterol

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  1. mom101 profile image59
    mom101posted 14 years ago

    In a recent article, I read that studies have proven that people with higher cholesterol levels live longer lives than those with lower levels.

    The article was lengthy and very informative.

    Makes me wonder, Are we, here in the Usa, under any population controls?

    1. tmbridgeland profile image81
      tmbridgelandposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That is funny. I have been reading about this for 15 years now. People with low cholesterol get stroke and cancer. Too high and you might have a heart attack. Choose your poison!

      It is possible to get too high a cholesterol level, but this number is a lot higher than what the government tells us, as I understand the data.

    2. sannyasinman profile image60
      sannyasinmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes probably, and this could be another reason why Bigpharma want every man, woman and child on the planet to take statins to reduce the body's natural, and essential, production of cholesterol. The last thing they want is for people to get healthier and live longer.

      There is much deliberate mis-information from Bigpharma about cholesterol, high levels of which by the way, are not the cause of heart attacks. Educate yourself via the Internet, while you still can.

      1. mom101 profile image59
        mom101posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You know sannyasinman, I am 40 something, not until the passing of my dad would I EVER even dreamed of agreeing with you.

        Now, I agree 100%. 

        Up until way after I had gotten married, my family used a lot of herbs to heal. Now, after the passing of my grandmother, I sort of drifted away from that. Why? Partly because I just did she told me, and never really paid that much attention to how she prepared "medicine" when I was sick. So, up until recently, when I became ill, I'd run to the "drug store" and buy whatever. etc.

        Granny lived to be up in her 90s. A healthy woman for the most part.
        She came down with the shingles (and a bad case of them too) and cured herself of them within 48 hours of the doctor telling her what it was.
        The method she used I will not write of but she knew what to do.

        Never would I have said or agreed with the deliberate mis-information BUT I do now.

        While I still can. Another interesting point. I have been told that soon the day will be that most if not all forms of communications will be "deleted". Do you agree? Why or why not.

        1. sannyasinman profile image60
          sannyasinmanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, what I meant was that there are already moves afoot to censure the internet, and also to prevent ordinary people from growing and eating healthy food.

          If we just sit back and do nothing, soon, we will be obliged to eat whatever Bigpharma and the FDA tell us to eat. We will no longer have any real choice. Look up codex alimentarius, for example. Medicinal herbs and health supplements will be effectively outlawed and replaced with Bigpharma versions.

          So, let's stop listening to the mis-information which is spoon-fed to us by the mainstream mass media, and start to think for ourselves. While we still have a choice, lets use it.

          1. mom101 profile image59
            mom101posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I live in Tennessee. Was raised on herbs.

            A friend keeps telling me, stock up on food, seeds and grow and dry as many herbs that I can.
            Sometimes when I hear people talking, I can't help but get the feeling that the problem isn't as much the economy but "someone" wanting to control or something.  If I listen long enough, I get kinda scared.

            Ok. So we decide to really go for the "informing movement", how do we convince folks?


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