Help Please

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  1. profile image53
    Sezza89posted 13 years ago

    Can Somone help me out here, for the last week i have been gettin a few signs that mite tell me im pregnant but i would someone who has experienced to help me, first of my i lost my appetite have not been eating much b cuz i always feel full, i have been quite bloated and my stomach is quite tight, i have trouble wearing a bra to bed way to uncomfortble and today i hav had this really bad pain in mi right boob, i have cried my self to sleep for the last 3 nights for no god dam reason??? and hav been going thru some depressed stages for no reason.....i have not had a period in 28 days they are due back next week does n e one have n e answers and shud i go to the doctors for a hpt.

    1. getxposed profile image60
      getxposedposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Every woman is unique. The same is true for every pregnancy. No two pregnancies are alike, even for the same woman.  What may affect or be a symptom in one pregnant woman may not be the same in another, and vice versa.

  2. saleheensblog profile image60
    saleheensblogposted 13 years ago

    I can't help much but I would highly recommend you to see a doctor immediately. Any short of depression should be handled with care in its earliest stage.

  3. profile image53
    Sezza89posted 13 years ago

    It just comes and goes i get so crabby ova the littlest friend says its a early sign of pregnancy and that i should go to the doctor to get a test....but if mi p's r due back in a week do u think it mite be to early for a pee test to tell?

    1. profile image53
      Sezza89posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      just one min ill be laughing and the next ill be crying for no reason lol and then im happy again.....

  4. saleheensblog profile image60
    saleheensblogposted 13 years ago

    I have no knowledge on pregnancy so I better not mislead you. Wait for some experienced and knowledgeable people to come.

    1. violann profile image59
      violannposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There are a lot of pregnacy test that are able to let you know early.  Call your doctor set up an appointment, in the mean time get an early pregnacy test kit and use it.   Whether you're pregnant or not with all the symtoms you've describe you need to get checked out.

      1. saleheensblog profile image60
        saleheensblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        why do you reply me? I am not feeling like pregnant lol

        Just kidding. Agreed with you.

  5. workingmomwm profile image78
    workingmomwmposted 13 years ago

    Sounds like they could be pregnancy symptoms, but maybe not. A lot of my early pregnancy symptoms were the same as my PMS symptoms are. The only thing that clued me in early that something different was going on was that my breasts and feet felt like they were on fire. That doesn't happen with PMS.

    I would wait a few days before getting one of the early pregnancy tests. First Response always worked best for me, but it's not recommended until about 4 days before your missed period, and even then you could still get a false negative. That happened with my first daughter (used an EPT test, though). Then, a few days later, I took another test, and it came up positive. So, I wouldn't waste too much money on HPTs yet. Try to be patient and give it a little more time.

    1. profile image53
      Sezza89posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for ur replies.....yea thats wat i was thinkin to wait a bit longer but i was going to go the docs to get a test done......i am a stomach sleeper which is going to suck wen im pregnant......but i cant even sleep on mi stomach n e more....but this would be mi first so i would onli be like 3 weeks and have not n e signs of sickenss just a stronger sense of smell and about the pms symptoms i neva get them for some reason......but yea thanks for ur help im 21 so any more info u have would help the only other thing i am concerned about is i have absolutley no appetite i do eat tho but i can only take a couple of mouthfuls and mi stomach is like thats enuf i onli eat like dinner thats it......and yea i hav just been gaggin on some smells lol nuthing to serious which makes me wonder if i am but then i do have a really strong stomach....???

  6. nasus loops profile image65
    nasus loopsposted 13 years ago

    I hope that you are pregnant as it sounds as though you wish to be.  However tearfulness, crying spells, breast tenderness, feeling bloated and all the other things you mention can be down to your hormones before a period. 
    I speak from experience here.  I have been trying for a baby now for 7 months and for the past 4-5 about a week before my period is due I feel sick to the point of actually vomiting.  My boobs are so tender I can hardly touch them.  I cry for no reason and I also get quite moody and horrible towards other people.  My sense of smell increases which doesn't help the nausea. 
    The best thing I can suggest is that you go with the flow for now and see what the next week brings.  If after 32 days you still have no period then go see your doctor, but there is a fair chance your period will arrive soon (unfortunately).  Good luck though.

  7. SandyMcCollum profile image63
    SandyMcCollumposted 13 years ago

    Yes, follow the good advice given here. If you're not pregnant, these are signs of hormonal imbalance, so you should still see a doc even if you find you're not pregnant. Good luck!

  8. Disturbia profile image61
    Disturbiaposted 13 years ago

    Why are you even wasting time asking people in the forums what you should do?  If you want to know for sure what's going on with you, see a doctor.  If you can't afford a doctor, get a home pregnancy test kit. 

    Your symptoms could be anything.  I thought I had the flu, it turned out to be cancer.  Go see a doctor!

  9. Amber4 profile image59
    Amber4posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Disturbia. If you haven't had a period in 28 days a home pregnancy test will prob work anyway. Buy the better tests the first time. Take it first thing in the morning when you wake up for accuracy. You sound pregnant to me...if you do end up getting confirmed pregnancy schedule a dr appt asap! But sometimes girls just psych themselves out too. Good luck whichever way it goes!

  10. Bianu profile image61
    Bianuposted 13 years ago

    take a home pregnancy test and let us know.Buy the most expensive home test you can afford and see a doctor soon no matter the result. At least you'll have an idea what exactly to say

    1. Darknlovely3436 profile image68
      Darknlovely3436posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with Bianu go and get a home pregnancy test, it's private just incase
      it a false alarm.. good luck to you.


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