Will you be giving Christmas gifts this year? If yes, to who?

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  1. Treasuresofheaven profile image78
    Treasuresofheavenposted 14 years ago

    Will you be giving Christmas gifts this year?  If yes, to who?

  2. snakebaby profile image72
    snakebabyposted 14 years ago

    I will, only to my two little kids, since we don't really have relatives, whole family is in China sad

  3. LVidoni5 profile image71
    LVidoni5posted 14 years ago

    We have a large family, so we always put names in a hat and buy gifts for only the names we draw. We also have a white elephant drawing, it make for a great Christmas Eve celebration.

  4. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 14 years ago

    To my children, young adults, I am making scrapbooks of their childhood photos and mementos.

    To various adults and visitors, I will be giving, '  gifts from the kitchen'......bean soup mixtures, hot chocolate mixes, various jellys.......

    I refuse to go into debt for an obligated gift.  My hubby and I have never exchanged Christmas gifts.  We have the gift of each other!

    Everyone receives the gift of goodwill...........

  5. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    For my son, and possibly for my daughter as well, though she'll only be a month old by then so she really won't care much if we buy her something extra this year. Possibly something small for my moms, sisters, nieces, and brand new nephew who will be about three weeks old at Christmas. My husband and I never buy specific holiday gifts for each other, if we know of something the other wants then we'll just get it if we can rather than waiting for a special occasion, so we give each other time instead. Other than that...I'm flat-out broke and everyone else will have to be happy with a verbal "Merry Christmas" from us tongue.

  6. wrhapsody profile image60
    wrhapsodyposted 14 years ago

    Yes, to my fiance... he needs a new hood for his BMW that he wrecked... hmm

  7. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    No.  Six years ago, our youngest daughter (then 30) suggested "2004, gifts no more".  We have all stuck to that.

    I have a hub where I have asked for catchy phrases for 2010 and 2011, but so far we have nothing really memorable.  You need a good catch phrase like that to get the no gifting thing rolling,

  8. Treasuresofheaven profile image78
    Treasuresofheavenposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for your responses.  Let's keep it goin.  Tell me more.  What else are you giving or not giving?

  9. manjubose5 profile image67
    manjubose5posted 14 years ago

    I would like to give a surprise gift in Christmas to my loving daughter.

    My daughter loves pearls of any color in light shade. As pearls never runs out of fashion, I may choose a pink pearl jewelry which will go with white or pink dress. The whole get up will look elegant and appreciable.

  10. jennyhamply profile image60
    jennyhamplyposted 14 years ago

    hah, i wanna want to buy a watch to my dad and a handbag to my mother, i know men love watches and woman love handbags, i love my family, love my parents, and they are getting older, i want to do my effort to let them happy.

  11. edelhaus profile image70
    edelhausposted 14 years ago

    We just bought a house that we're gutting and renovating so money is really tight.  I'm sure we'll give something to our son (but I haven't bought it yet - yikes!).  But, as far as presents to each other - nothing major, just token presents, or gift certificates to the hardware store. :-)

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