A Poem by Brian Loewer
I present to you, "Wolf and Foxhole" a short writing of whatever you perceive it to be.
A poem.
I could use more sleep. A man with dreams needs sleep. photo credit: wikimedia.org OUTER SPACE, Inner Thoughts Who could dream of worlds hung with out a string, invisible, untouchable holding everything? Who planted all this life in the...
The jury said, "Murder!" A blurry line for the obscure observer. The words and lessons the prosecution's presenting have me feeling like I was born guilty. So, read between the lines, as I stick up three phalanges. They say they'll show mercy, as...
They put a tax on my supper and a gun in my hands. They said go fight for freedom out there in their land. So, when you return you'll be a real man. A true- American. So, I left my country, with a reason to fight. To defend the flags stars and...
There's so much corruption I feel guilty voting for politicians. The antics, the damn crooks are gloating. They got in our pockets, and no they're not stopping. They'll take what they want and kill us with talking. They're all plagued with...
A poem about domestic violence
This article discusses the popular online writing site, bubblews.com. Does Bubblews really pay their writers more than any other site? Read the Hubpages - Bubblews comparison here...
Some of the best tv shows are on Netflix and entire seasons of shows like Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men, Dexter, are available to watch instantly. I will highlight some of the best TV shows available.
a short poem about finding meaning in the darkest moments of life.
A poem about nature and the cycle of life.
a short poem about ... you'll see...
In the night I lay awake, senses much too alive. My eyes adjust despite the moon never appears. Clouds too busy to sleep, too dead to fully awake, the universe hides in gray outside my window. It embodies myself, a hidden a...
Weber Charcoal Grill Guide and Review of the One-Touch Silver: beginner start-up tips, best charcoal types, cooking methods and more...
a poem about life & death in the Willamette Valley
Watch these top reality shows instantly.
This is a short poem about lost dreams.
Bring that perfect white elephant gift to the party with these gift ideas. Political Gifts, Celebrity Joke Gifts, Gag Gifts and more!
If I were a famous author and this ink would spill itself, I'd retire as my works appeared upon the shelves. I'd be all booked at Borders to sign my masterpiece of poems, as hipsters lined the streets to see the mustache that I've grown! ...
A Prequel to, 'The Driven Man.' Short poems that tell a story about the deeds and greed of a very driven man.
Read this mustache poem... It tingles.
the poem of your dreams...
a short poem about a beautiful friend.
This mellow mood of mine has me watching my wrist watch. Tick, the talking clock Rants my day away... as I lay my head on feathers thread, with my buzz cut and belly fed- I think about mid day rays. I lie awake- Ponder...
a poem about answering questions in life.
a short poem about making decisions... What could you be driven to do?
a short poem about the greater good.
A very unlikely poem...
Watch the best dramas on Netflix with these popular recommendations.
American Poetry by LV5: 'Monster in the Frame' is a poem about blame.
American Poetry: a short poem about a grizzly old man.
All about color theory! Learn about the color wheel (tint, tone, and shade), mood color chart (warm and cool color chart), color schemes, and design style color chart.
A poem for the crooks.
A short Sunday poem about the famdamily.
This is a short poem that gives brotherly advice to a young lost sister.
a poem about an old man.
A Modern Poem, borrowing the structure of "Dream Boogie" by Langston Hughes.
A short poem about the unmendable.
Watch your favorite shows on Netflix- Instant Watch. Here's a guide to the best TV comedies available for watching instantly.
This short poem was written at age sixteen, after the tragic death of a friend in high school.
Watch your favorite shows on Netflix- Instant Watch. Here's a guide to the best TV Dramas available for watching instantly.
This poem is a letter to Odysseus from his faithful love.
A Poem about ending a relationship when the time was right. Cutting ties with your ex.
“I need a doctor! I can't go this way..." I felt death grip as my heart gave away. I couldn't awake from the torment pressing on, so I clenched on the death bed strong. I heard a voice say, “There's nothing we can do.” So I...
The Poem "Love Toy" is about how it feels to be used in a relationship, and having the strength to say goodbye.
This is a story of tragic loss. The article includes: A sketch, a poem & a YouTube music video.
Photography Brian Loewer Thank you betty, I really appreciate the kind and genuine comment. It's nice to meet you too! I will see you around the Hubs. Blessings to you --Brian You are a very gifted writer because you write from your heart. I also...
A short poem about living forever. I don't believe in death, do you?
I was in Mexico at a beach on the bay, when I spotted a gal shaking a cage. She stood and she shook where an ape was displayed, only to provoke the residents rage. High on a boulder she gripped and she rattled, until it...
A fun Poem/Rap about being yourself.
This poem is about a tragedy that brought a young man back to his roots.
A poem about addiction
Depression is infesting the core of my brain, Like maggots on fruit, It chews through progression and gain. It hurts as it nibbles and digs through my life, Numbing and picking away through the night. Torturing every last living cell. ...
A "blues music" inspired poem that introduces a man who holds tight to his drinking vice, while the possibility of love falls to the bedside.
Blinded in the darkness I heard a whisper in my ear Forging my own way It was distorted and unclear I recognize the sound It was a tone I use to know Through the rustling winds I've heard it come and go The whisper was...
L. Vidoni specializes in writing short free verse poetry. "Caskets and Cocoons" addresses the desire to stay within our comfort zones and challenges readers to break out of these places of familiarity.
Slab building is the process of flattening chunks of clay into flat manageable pieces with a rolling pin or slab roller. The flat sheets of clay can be altered in any way to achieve an artistic goal. This ceramic character was built from a flat...
I'm an empty vessel ready to be molded into the shape my creator desires for me. Thank you for taking me from a soft clay, into the beautiful art I'm today. You put me through fire, I never thought I'd endure. You pulled me out when I was...
I saw pupils peering, Watching from a window, Exhausted eyes staring at the street flow. Their somber look caught my trespassing glance, Exchanging thoughts with a visual dance. I could see through his pain that wanted no pity. He...
The film “Rosewood” is based on a 1923 massacre in Rosewood, Florida that claimed dozens of American's lives. This is a summary and response to the film.
This is an in depth summary and review of the film "North Country" starring Charlize Theron. This review also addresses the historical influence of the case and the effects it had on sexual harassment laws in the United States.
L. Vidoni specializes in writing short free verse poetry. "In The Silence" Is about finding something more in life than fleeting highs, It encourages readers to seek a path less traveled.
Don't put me in a box, you'll hate when I break it. I’m never getting in, I never need to fake it. I’m not cookie cutter clean and no I don’t hate it. I’m rough around the edges, My face lightly shaded. Hated by pretenders, ...
Photo Credit: Papazianphoto.com, Source: www.catenaengineers.com/ THE GALLERY || MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY CRAFT In the hub of Portland's alive and vibrant art community, within the trending Pearl District lies the Museum of Contemporary Craft....
There’s a mother alone with her two little girls. Asking you God why you tore up their world. Taking their father on a celebration of birth? All they got for Christmas was the presence of hurt, And I can only feel a portion of the pain. ...
The tree has withered, its fruitful seasons done. Dying in the storms, every leaf strove to hang on. It wanted to stay sturdy, but nature's much too strong. Wanting to keep lively, but nature seemed so wrong. It grew it's roots deep, trying to...
a poem written after the death of a friend-