Faraway from the Riverside
You told me that was the place you curse all your life. The place where you’ve been saddest, been hurt the most. How could you define it as close to hell?
Well in fact it was your heaven for some years…
Forgive me for hearing you with incomplete ears.
You told me how much you’ve hated crossing that river. The more you cross everyday, the more you die in some ways.
Tried it for few times…
It was lonely every night.
Tried it for few times…
It got lonelier every night.
Now you cry again.
I remember the place you’ve told me about…
Now the warm tears are falling.
I remember the river…it won’t stop flowing
With you or without…
Forgive me if it’s just now that I see.
Forgive me, if I don’t want to hear you.
Your warm tears, burning me…
Your dying heart is killing me…
Now I’m scared, my friend.
Just bring me anywhere else,
Faraway from the riverside.
© 2010-Jan. b l a i s e
***to my Aunt..who's been so close to me...
a friend forever...
I know today you're in your darkest...
but you have your two lovely babies
there are more beautiful places faraway from there
trust me..
See my other poems...
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