Haiga: Love
I savor you
Watch my emotions unfold
And welcome pain
Haiga: Mother
No time for lipstick and mascara
Prepare the baby formula
Your child is crying
Haiga: Raw Emotions
Raw Emotions
The day has to end
Night is waiting
Translate your emotions
Haiga: The Divine
The Divine
In the quest of bliss
I flitted between flesh and wealth
You smiled at my ignorance
What do you like?
How to Create a Haiga
Compose a haiku or senryu. You don’t have to be strict with the syllables.
Find a photo that matches the theme of the haiku/senryu.
Open the photo in image manipulation programs such as Photoshop, GIMP or any Online Photo Editor.
Choose the text tool and write the haiku/senryu, or copy-paste text.
If you have photo editing skills, you can blend multiple photos and add strokes to the text.
Save the photo. Your Haiga is ready to be published anywhere you want.
Things you will need
Photo Editor
© 2011 Vinaya Ghimire