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Haiku of the Pearldiver: A Collection of Haiku Verses About Life: To Hope, Feel, Enjoy and Share.

Updated on October 17, 2010

A Beauty in Woodblock Prints.

The Variations of Haiku.

In Haiku of the Pearldiver; A Collection of Haiku Verses About Life: To Hope, Feel, Enjoy and Share; true poetic mastery is measured by the sensuality of those visual pictures that each Haiku verse paints for the reader.

This special selection of Haiku verse; has been intentionally written in a variety of styles that best demonstrate how to form powerful, yet simple haiku; from the scenes, feelings, people and events of everyday life.

In the 60 verses within this collection of Haiku Verses; Pearldiver has written his unique, original Haiku on the important subjects of Love, Seasons, Animals, Samurai, Pearl Diving, Children, Hope, Wisdom and more. Truly a visual collection of delight, humor and life;

Other Haiku Works written by Pearldiver on HubPages:

Haiku of the Samurai Warrior

Seasons of Haiku

Father of Mine

Please Note: When reading the Haiku within this collection: try to visualize the scene that the author is describing. Sometimes, it pays to read the verses out loud, to appreciate its depth. Many verses have more than a singular interpretation; so explore these Haiku, with this in mind. There are sixty reasons in this collection, to feel, enjoy and to share, the sensual power of Haiku.

If you are learning to write Haiku, then I hope that you will see that you do not have to stick to the 5 - 7 - 5 traditional syllable structure in your writing. Although the true purity of Haiku rests in its traditional structural techniques; some of the best Haiku written in Japan has come about as a result of the author making an intentional subtle departure from the old ways.


Simple Lines Can and Often Do Inspire at a far Higher Level.

Bonsai reflects the power of the simplicity in nature, that is further crafted and shaped over time skillfully and emphasises the growing beauty of a stunted tree.
Bonsai reflects the power of the simplicity in nature, that is further crafted and shaped over time skillfully and emphasises the growing beauty of a stunted tree.

Thoughts of Wisdom:

Wise words have always inspired the Japanese, who as a race have exercised a level of self control, focus and direction that Western civilisations could never understand. By maintaining a close relationship to their environment, the Japanese culture also found pleasure in Haiku that reflected everyday life and wisdom.

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Take Your Time

Walk Slowly Through All Seasons

Learning Quickly


I Am Writing Haiku

Words Flowing Through This Page

In Emerging Splashes


.Enjoy Simple Pleasures

They Only Abound To Help Us All;



Take Care

The Ice Is Waiting There

To Catch Unwary Feet


A Single Bonsai

Will Cast a Noble Presence

Across Any Common Room


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

Are like the petals of Wisteria.

Thoughts of Hope:

Hope has always been a test of faith that varies from person to person. Hope is not a tangible thing; hope only becomes tangible when the dream comes true. How do you write about such things in Haiku?

* * * * * *

Souls Find Tranquility

From Meditation; Time Alone

And StoneGardens


In Life Circles

We Get To See the Beginning

From Within an End


I Think Of Mistakes Made

And Think That Is a Mistake

To Do So


Oh To Be Young Again

To Act On the Desires of Springtime

Oh Potent Words


A Poem of Hope

Should Always Reflect the Reality

Of a Dream


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

Grey Cold Sleety Days.

The positive is often given as the reason the season occurs. For example; we have hot soup as a result of cold weather.
The positive is often given as the reason the season occurs. For example; we have hot soup as a result of cold weather.

Thoughts of Winter:

In Haiku, the seasons are by far the most popular events to write about. In each season there is a single event that best describes the season, just as each season can be reflected in color.

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Grey Skies Today

Memories Feel Older Than Before

When I Was Young


Lightening Flashes

Waking the Yew Tree’s Slumber

They Crack As If One


Storms Bring

Moments of Concern for Things

And Warm Noodle Soup


Cold Sleet

Umbrellas Rushing Home

To Wait To Serve Again


A Single Snowflake Alone

Has the Power to Drive

People Indoors


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

How Smart These Geese Are.

All Creatures Have Purpose.

Thoughts of Animals:

As with most civilizations, the Japanese also had animal breeds that lived within their society. Geese for example served not only as a food source; but also as watchdogs, honking when any change occurred in their environment. The Japanese even trained seabirds to catch fish. Carp were revered, every living creature was important in some respect. Writing Haiku on this subject is very easy, we are surrounded by a million Haiku yet to be written of our pets for example.

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How Smart They Are Today

More Than Some I Know


Croak Frog

Your Life is Unique and Green

In a Brown Pond


Fat Carp Bathing

On Lily Leaves Are Dragon Flies

Life Surrounding Life


A True Hunter This Black Cat

Stalking the Rays of Sunlight

Lazily Pouncing on the Heat


I Know This Proud Samurai

Tirelessly Building His Battlements

My Spider


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

And Umbrellas and Things.

In Japan, the umbrella as with the fan, are extensions of a personality. They have long been used seductively as well as practically. Of course there is always practicality in seduction, I guess.
In Japan, the umbrella as with the fan, are extensions of a personality. They have long been used seductively as well as practically. Of course there is always practicality in seduction, I guess.

Thoughts of Spring:

Spring is the season of new life and can be celebrated in Haiku for that reason. Everywhere the environment is bursting at its seams to offer us a sign that tells us that our hopes were granted. Nature knows best; we as people often miss her subtle clues.

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Last Night There Was Snow

This Morning; In the Air

Spring Songs


Of all the Seasons of Haiku

I Choose Autumn Leaves of Fire

But Spring to Fall in Love


She Holds Her Umbrella

As If to Say

Come To Me Gently; Spring Rain


A Season Of Cherry Blossoms

Innocence Blooms;

And Floats Across the Land


Budding Hopes Form on Each Tree

Proudly Celebrating a Life

Beyond Winter


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

A Favorite Season.

Thoughts of Summer:

The season of Summer is the season that offers warmth to every facet of life. If you are considering writing Haiku, this is an excellent subject to practice with.  Think about the special things that occur, the fruits, the holidays, summer love, how summer varies from the other seasons, or merely the balmy days or nights.

* * * * * *

In Spring Time Love Abounds

Autumn Demands That Each Winter

We Think of Summer Time


Summer Comes

This Grateful Land Bears its Fruits

So That Summer Can Leave


Never Look Into the Summer Sun

Blind Eyes Can Not See

The Shadow You Cast


This Summer Night

A Perfect Measurement of Time

To Share My Love with You


Hot Sun

Umbrellas Soak Up the Heat

To Be Warm In Cold Sleet


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

A Warrior Needs a War.

Thoughts of Samurai At War:

The Samurai were warriors and in serving the Code of Bushido, they also served a single master, with a collective goal. Discipline allowed the Samurai consider death to be an honor. As fighting men, one of the hardest thngs in life that the Samurai Warrior had to face was an extended period of time, in which peace prevailed.

* * * * * *

We Men Prepare to Fight and Die

For All Those Reasons; That Wives

Wish That We Did Not


10,000 Painted Flowers


Worn In Hearts and On Banners


Know Your Rival

He is No Stronger than His Will

To Change your Will Not


We Honor the Dead in Battle

Strike Off the Heads of All Foes

To Free Their Souls


Know Me from My Fighting Skills

My Name Sharpens the Blade

That Severs your Life


To Beat a Master

It is Not the Length of His Katana

Unpredictability Wins


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

The Master Samurai's Secrets,

A Busy Boredom in Peace.

Thoughts of Samurai At Peace:

Peacetime for the Samurai was not always a time of inner peace.  Many could not adjust to the enforced peace that came from political stability.  They were trained from birth to learn, apply and master the martial arts and the art of war.  Samurai who did adjust, found that their restlessness could be countered in further developing a balance in other arts, including Haiku.  Their world was changing, for many that was unbearable.

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The Haiku of a Samurai Warrior

It is the Preferred Weapon to Use

In Peaceful Times


Rice Paper, Brush, Skill

The Destiny of a Samurai is to Honor

Shogun and Student Alike


We Are Born to the Warrior Class

We Get Restless, Drunk and Lazy

In Peaceful Times


After the Kabuki; Haiku to Write

Memoirs, Kendo, Meditation and Sake

Busy Boredom


That Life Lost on a Dare

Jumping From the Roof

Left an Impression Only on the Road


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

Free Diving for Pearls.

A Single Breath and Down to seek an oyster that would give up its life and its treasure.
A Single Breath and Down to seek an oyster that would give up its life and its treasure.

Thoughts of Pearl Diving:

Pearl diving in ancient times was done entirely as a free diving event. The best pearl divers in Japan over the years, tended to be women who dived in teams of two, from a small boat. Today, the pearl industry is quite different, with pearl bearing oysters being grit seeded and grown in netted pots offshore as opposed to the old ways of finding and killing the oysters in their natural environment. To write Haiku on a subject like this; firstly visualize the lifestyle and consider the things that were important to the subject.

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The Value of Any Pearl

Is Measured by the Skill It Took

To Find It


Mother of Pearl

She Gives Up Much To Feed

Another Woman’s Ambition


It Takes a Very Deep Breath

To Free Dive in the Seas of Life

For Perfection


In Haiku of the Pearldiver

Shining Words of Oysters Bare

Wisdom in the Pearl


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

It makes the world go round.

Thoughts of Love:

What can be said of Love in just a few words? Writing good Haiku on this subject is a must; as poor verse will always result in a negative response. Love Haiku has to be a visual picture of the emotion; perhaps even the words that you could not say; yet feel. Love gives us a whole raft of different emotions, feelings and hopes. Exploring the senses in Haiku requires the author to condense love into a short and powerful verse, without losing the feeling. Not such a hard thing to do when you allow yourself to love and be loved; is it?

* * * * * *

What of This Love

It Makes My Head Spin

And To Say Yes To Everyone


We Click; Not Like Broken Beetles;

Like Fire Flies to Lanterns

Her Glove Just Fits


I Am But a Man of Words

They will Warmly Wrap You

When Lovingly Spoken


She Is the Smell That I Know

On Any Breeze; Her Scent Floats

To My Heart


Falling In Love with You

Was Not So Easily Avoided

By My Willing Heart


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

And Dark Nights.

Thoughts of Unfriendly Cities:

In ancient Japan the Samurai were predominantly from rural districts, many of which did not develop into cities.  Over time small towns like Edo develop into large cities and people of those cities clearly considered their rural neighbors to be of little importance.  Samurai were to be obeyed in their world, but in the cities disrespect for a Samurai’s position became increasingly more common.  Periods of peace meant that there was little call for warriors; warriors found cities a place to lose their ways and ultimately their place in society.

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I Prefer Winter in the Country

Over Compassionless Summer Days

Of this City


People Step Past the Broken Soul

Making Sure Not To Catch the Eye

Of An Unknown Father


This City Has a Distinct Vibrancy

The Anonymous Ebb and Flow;

Of Strangers


These People Scurry

Like Swarming Locusts on Corn

Time to Change the Seeds


This is No Life for a Rural Soul

I Miss the Rhythm of Tenryu River

Nature Take Me Home


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

Season of great colors.

Thoughts of Autumn:

Anywhere in the world, Autumn casts its spell through spectacular colors as deciduous trees drop leaves in preparation for Winter. Autumn is regarded as a season of change for that reason. Just look around your world and see the amazing power of nature as she provides us with. Those changes are your subjects when you choose to write on the beauty and quirks of Autumn.

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Look Around In Silence

A Splash of Red; Flashes of Yellow

Is this Heaven


She is Eight

Autumn Trees She Tells Me

Are Losing Their Feathers


We Walk

Yellow Brown Leaves; She Says

Will Become Spring Snow Drops


We Sit and Watch

Two Departing Cranes; She Says

Readying to Fly to Distant Shores


Did You Know That Autumn; She Says

It is My Very Favorite Time to Walk

With You Dad


© Copyright 2010 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.

This is Haiku of the Pearldiver.

Thanks for Reading.

From the title of this article (Haiku of the Pearldiver: A Collection of Haiku Verses About Life: To Hope, Feel, Enjoy and Share.) you will see that I don't mind if these Haiku are shared with those you care about. If you do use my Haiku in this way then please ensure that 'By Pearldiver' is attached to identify the true author. Please Note: That the Haiku here are subject to Copyright which means that if you wish to copy, republish or disseminate my work commercially or for personal gain then you will be in breach of that Copyright and the author has Legal Right to enforce that right. As such; should you wish to use any of the Haiku here; then please; email that request to the author and an appropriate approval will not be unreasonably withheld.

Thank you for reading the Haiku here, I hope that you have enjoyed what you have found here and that perhaps gained the confidence to try expressing life in your part of the world in this ancient, powerful writing method. Take Care

* Pearldiver *


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