What is Writers Block?

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  1. Don Bobbitt profile image78
    Don Bobbittposted 14 years ago

    What is Writers Block?

    Personally, whether I write a Short Story, or a Poem, it has been running around in my head for days or weeks, it seems.  And then suddenly, I just have to write it down, from top to bottom, in a frenzy, regardless of grammar, until feel it is ended. Later for the Cleanup, by Gosh! And sometimes, NOTHING, for days or weeks!  Is this Writers Block? or just dead brain cells from too much Cabernet?

  2. DogSiDaed profile image60
    DogSiDaedposted 14 years ago

    Yes, could well be. But try not to get frustrated about it. Often when you're a writer of stories and poems a little inspiration can set you off, so just relax and those moments will keep coming smile If you force yourself to write, often the result will be nowhere near your best, so don't be concerned. I get the same thing poetrywise xD

  3. profile image57
    AbeZyzicxposted 14 years ago

    Sounds to me that is just how your brain organises.
    It must all be there before it is written...
    Writer's block is crippling. Writer's block is numbness to new words and ideas. The inablity to produce.

  4. John Yeoman profile image60
    John Yeomanposted 14 years ago

    I think there are two kinds of writer's block: procrastination (and we've all known it) and clinical depression. If you get into that state, an inabiity to write is just a symptom of a bigger problem. A solution to both, I've found, is to take a brisk walk. It clears the head marvellously. Of course, it is also another form of procrastination..

    I have a hub giving solutions to writer's block, somewhere...

  5. Jarn profile image61
    Jarnposted 14 years ago

    Writers block is not a lack of ideas. Far from it. Writers block stems from disillusionment. One looks at all the story ideas, and rather than feeling excitement, one just asks himself, "What's the point?"

    Writers face a great deal of rejection on a daily basis. And in those works they get published, there's often a wide variety of interpretations, supposing they are lucky enough to have an audience. After a while, the writer gets tired of no one getting the message behind the story that he's trying to convey, until he wonders why the hell he bothered with trying to put a message out there in the first place.

    It stems from trying to entertain or educate an uncaring public, and the only solution is to write the kind of work that you would enjoy reading. Seek to entertain and educate yourself. If it should have more widespread interest, then so much the better.

  6. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
    Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years ago

    Those who address the mundane ... are stuck, at the Limit, of their Cognitions... Till a Vent is found, the mundane remain stuck at this Point ...  This is Writers Block !

  7. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 13 years ago

    I don't know what writers block is exactly, but I think it has something to do with focusing.  If you are not focused or in a mind set or environment that is productive....."writers block" comes around lol

  8. mikaylab93 profile image60
    mikaylab93posted 13 years ago

    I think one of the times a "writers block" episode will come is when i feel pressured, either to complete something I have started writing or to do something that has nothing to do with writing. I think it is because I will have these great ideas in my head that will circle around and then stop and get short circuited with my worries, making it impossible to complete that thought. So I find some way to get rid of my worries, complete the tasks that I am worried about... although it becomes very complicated when the task you are worried about IS the writing itself.


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