What makes a good writer?

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  1. profile image0
    Edliraposted 14 years ago

    What makes a good writer?

    What are the qualities that  build a good, successful writer?


  2. thebluestar profile image79
    thebluestarposted 14 years ago

    A good listener makes a good writer, the ability to see something of quality from every conversation.  People watching is also great and I get many an idea from that.

    Technically you must have self discipline and believe in your ability. You also need an excellent memory to recall from or a very good diary or notebook to hand as each article of interest appears.

    Success can be outside of your own control, but a good sense of humour and tenacity helps.

  3. profile image0
    AnnaStephensposted 14 years ago

    Imagination, flair, hard work, an excellent grasp of grammar, punctuation and spelling, knowing the craft of storytelling, plot structure, creating unique, interesting characters.

    The list is really endless. Some of it - learning plot structure and characterisation etc - can be taught; some of it is intuitive and has to come from within.

  4. profile image28
    SimonS12posted 14 years ago

    A good writer can speak to a wide range of readers through his work. Not only he writes well in words, but the meaning should be good enough to capture every readers attention. I personally admire writers who can speak their minds through their work and can change and influence people's lives in a positive way. For me, that makes a good writer.

  5. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 14 years ago

    Imagination, dedication, good use of the language in which you write, hard work, and good research and filing skills.  Oh, did I mention, hard work.

  6. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    I think that varies with every particular genre within the discipline. Thee are some common traits which span all areas. First and foremost...the writer must be focused on quality and accuracy, especially if it is a fact-based piece.  Secondly, the writer must have the readers best interest in mind.  Create images, situations, excitement, and offer up just enough detail in any area to allow the readers mind and imagination to fill in the blanks.  Grammar and spelling can be real turn-offs for readers...we all make some mistakes but try to clean up the grammar and spelling first.  Lastly, I think it is important that the writer understand who the reader is and what they would hope to get from the material. Thanks. WB

  7. Rovik profile image60
    Rovikposted 14 years ago

    I think its the reader who accounts for the writer being good or bad. If the topic is of reader's interest, he would rate him high and vice versa. But to me a good writer must be versatile enough to attract the reader from every regard leaving him no option but to admire what has been written.

  8. Idea Web Design profile image58
    Idea Web Designposted 14 years ago

    First and foremost, a good writer must communicate successfully. This means no misspellings, no grammar errors, and clear and concise writing.

    A good writer must accomplish whatever the goal of the piece is. If your a journalist, that means telling a compelling story. If you are a tech writer, it means informative copy about your subject matter or product. If you write business copy for web sites, it means creating returning customers and sales.

    So yes, the person below was right. Good writing registers with your reader.

  9. Mark Upshaw profile image61
    Mark Upshawposted 14 years ago

    Depends on the goal of the written material.  If for self expression, writing from the heart.  If for gaining an audience, anything provocative for your desired audience.  All this hype about writing well or anything else that constrains the individuals imagination and expression is bs.  Everyone will find an audience for their work, come more some less, but being true to your own heart and not conforming to the herd mentality is most important unless of course ***you want to make money***

  10. Kurant82 profile image61
    Kurant82posted 14 years ago


    Why do I write, to explain myself, over explain myself, tell a story, make someone cry tears of joy at an ending they never thought could be. No, I write because a fire inside me burns with such a fury I have to find a way to let people here my war cry. I write to yell out for the world to hear:

    I write to express myself, but most of all to let out what I never had the words to express to anyone, to free myself from life's prison of anxiety, hate, doubt, and people telling you you’re a mistake even when you are trying to do everything you can just to make it to see the light of the next day. "Please all I want is one last beautiful sunset, the last one my father never got to see!" I write so people can finally hear the fury of my wrath through my silence expressed in the form of ink slammed onto paper. This world lost me a long time ago, and now I have finally found myself so I write most importantly so I can here my real voice expressing the words I always wanted to use but was too scared to say.

  11. hollybollymasti profile image60
    hollybollymastiposted 13 years ago

    A good writer must have good research skills, be good in grammar, know the subject at hand, have a thorough understanding of the target audience, write relevant, quality content that has a logical flow of events and still grabs the audience' attention. A good writer's personal qualities will include creativity, vivid imagination, a love for reading and writing and the ability to accept criticism.

  12. Anju Arya profile image60
    Anju Aryaposted 12 years ago

    I think sometimes good writer and successful writer are differ. The success also inspires to write more and good. In other side when we fail to get publish or to get response our talent does not be motivated and even  being a good writer we be unable to write good.

  13. profile image58
    ctnahdaposted 11 years ago

    Well, my interpretation of a good writer is a writer who knows how to express ideas with a clear distinctive voice, able to make readers feel what he/she feels,able to give readers a picture of what he/she sees  and be able to give input as well as output so that the reader could understand the message conveyed through writing.

    A good writer knows how to manipulates reader's emotions by creating conducive environment for enjoyable reading.A good writer is actually a good reader,a good listener,and a good observer. Why am I saying this??..

    In order to be a good writer, one should be able to understand and able to process all the inputs that he/she gets from reading,listening and observing.Interpreting plays important part in writing.Misinterpreting will leads to unpleasant experience to the readers.     

    Imagine, without being a good reader,listener, and observer, a writer would not be able to write a good story line because a good writer must use all five senses in order to write something interesting .Usually, reader would find a writing interesting if they can connect,comprehend and something close to their hearts.

    Writing also related to emotions.Without emotions writing would be lifeless.To be a good writer, one must write from the heart.Writing from the heart always capture reader's attention.

    Remember,creativity and originality always win reader's heart. 

    Last but not least,good command of language is essential for a good writer.

    Copyright of Mycrea8iveMinds.


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