Do you ever read poetry?

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  1. Genna East profile image90
    Genna Eastposted 14 years ago

    Do you ever read poetry?

    Do you like to read poetry?  If not, why; if you do, what is your favorite style of poetry?

  2. profile image0
    Gigi Thibodeauposted 14 years ago

    Yes!  I read (and write) it often.  I studied poetry in college and graduate school, and I've been teaching people how to write poetry for many years. 

    I love a wide variety of poems and poets, both traditional and cutting edge.  Among my favorite contemporary poets are Linda Pastan, Billy Collins, Kay Ryan, Wislawa Szymborska, and Seamus Heaney.  The one poet who has had the biggest influence on my own writing is Elizabeth Bishop.

  3. lilyfly profile image64
    lilyflyposted 14 years ago

    You know, this may sound really bad, but as a poet, I can't read others poetry except sparingly, because I'm afraid it will ruin my "voice". I'm always fascinated how others describe their worlds, both inner and outer... without poetry, I probably would not be alive...

  4. yazoogal43 profile image38
    yazoogal43posted 14 years ago

    yes i read and write poetry, it is soothing and an outlet for emotion, I am a person who loves intensity  . I adore Poe and if you want to see me cry real tears just recite my fav 'Annabelle Lee'. The various types of poetry make it suitable to all tastes. I have had 3 poems published. I am Cherokee and love to write about my heritage. contact me if you would like to see a poem written in true Cherokee or Tsalagi..... beauty unto you, joy, and love, yazoogal43

  5. profile image0
    noorie-aliposted 14 years ago

    yes every being hisses a poem even without knowing & every soul has a story
    for life is Poetry' i read and write poems.  smile

    Peace x

  6. Tirzah Laughs profile image60
    Tirzah Laughsposted 14 years ago

    I read poetry. I write poetry.

    I like the confessional poety such as Sexton and Plath.  I also like Frost and Eliot (not confessional).

    I really liked Poe when I was younger.  He's a master of rhyme and the use of repetition but his overall feel is a bit gothic for me in my old age. smile

    If you want something different look up the poetry jams on YouTube, these have slam and spoken word poetry.  This is very raw modern poetry.

    Here is a link to a slam poet.  Not my favorite but he's good.

    Much modern written poetry is tedious but I like the slams and the earlier written poets.


  7. shecriedpeace profile image58
    shecriedpeaceposted 14 years ago

    I write more poetry than I read.

    And I dislike this minimum answer-length requirements. I prefer the short form.

  8. Edoka Writes profile image60
    Edoka Writesposted 14 years ago

    I do read poetry. Javan is my favorite poet, but I like all styles.

  9. Kylo88 profile image60
    Kylo88posted 14 years ago

    read it and write it mate! ^^
    my favorite would have to be rhyme. i'm a song writter so i understand better when things flow to a beat in my head. also i love when the poems actually tell a story. i have a lot of random poems that my friends love but i absolutly hate because they have no meaning. it was just me rhyming about stupid stuff to kill time in some boring class or something. lol.
    but yes. poetry is the bomb! ^^

  10. Georgie98 profile image60
    Georgie98posted 14 years ago

    I have had to read and annotate poetry for a course I am studying, it wasn't something that I was looking forward to, but I actually rather enjoyed.
    I prefer to write it than read it, but I have many poets on here that I follow and enjoy reading their work.
    I am a nightmare at correcting people's constant grammar and/or spelling errors in my head. Therefore I don't read as much of their work as I would like due to their errors made. (That's not to say all my work is perfect! I know I make mistakes!)

  11. BenWritings profile image79
    BenWritingsposted 14 years ago

    Heck yes I do!

    My favorite style is anything that stirs emotions within me

    It is harder to find than I imagined, but it's out there

  12. noyon_ku profile image60
    noyon_kuposted 14 years ago

    Yes. I like to read poetry. I have like various poetry.

  13. GNelson profile image60
    GNelsonposted 14 years ago

    Yes, read and write.  I like short freestyle poems with a punch.

  14. Gyldenboy profile image62
    Gyldenboyposted 14 years ago

    I read poetry on occasion.

    I admit, I prefer short poems. Six lines, are perfect. If there's more lines then that, the poem needs to hook me in the first four lines for me to continue reading.

    But, I think there's some great poets

  15. Y. Kajitaka profile image58
    Y. Kajitakaposted 14 years ago

    I read and write poetry only occasionally.  Sometimes, people just really overdo it on the symbolism and metaphors, and I don't like thinking hard when I'm supposed to be reading for entertainment.  Sometimes though, I'll find myself reading little funnies or parodies; I really like the natural style of Frost, too. 

    Two of my best poems incorporate Japanese- only one is published here at the moment, but they seem to garner good attention.  A singular word in a foreign language that piques the interest and is explained in the course of a narrative poem- that's the style.  I intend to use it more in time.

  16. saddlerider1 profile image58
    saddlerider1posted 14 years ago

    Yes I like to read poetry and write it, mostly dark. I enjoy reading poetry from a few selected poets here at the hubs, you are one of them. All of my poetry comes from my soul, my life experiences and there are many. I just started writing poetry last year, most of my writing has been prose. Yet poetry stirs my senses and my muse refuses to let me stop scribing.

  17. Docmo profile image94
    Docmoposted 14 years ago

    All the time.

    I love the way poets put together words, evoke an emotional response and visually enrich my world.

    There is a lot of good poetry here in hub pages and I also love revisiting old classics.. Keats, Browning ( Robert and Elizabeth) , Wordsworth, Frost, Whitman etc.

  18. seicheprey profile image59
    seichepreyposted 13 years ago

    Yes I do, and my favorite style of poetry is free verse.  My favorite poet is Charles Bukowski, and my favorite of his is "My Friend William."smile


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