Has anybody heard about odesk.com where you supposedly get paid for writing arti

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  1. Cat R profile image79
    Cat Rposted 12 years ago

    Has anybody heard about odesk.com where you supposedly get paid for writing articles?

    I found a job on one of the job search websites and it is linked to odesk.com, where you supposedly get paid for writing articles.
    Has anybody ever used them and can share some experiences?

  2. kenwrites profile image70
    kenwritesposted 12 years ago

    You'll get different answers. oDesk is more or less a bidding site. The majority of the listings are people looking for really cheap content. Try $1 for 500 words cheap. On the other hand though, there are some people looking for content and know that it doesn't come cheap. Unfortunately they're not the majority. It takes time, and diligent searching. I know a few writers who have found very lucrative clients through oDesk.

  3. sushantkshr profile image66
    sushantkshrposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I work there... If you have heard about Elance or Freelancer... Odesk also works on the same concept...Clients post job > contractors bid > bid accepted > submit work >get paid

    Most of the Odesk and freelancer clients are cheap misers and pay only a few dollars for an article...Elance is a much better place to work.

    You can sign up for elance here--  https://www.elance.com/?rid=1VUR4

  4. lobobrandon profile image91
    lobobrandonposted 12 years ago

    oDesk is similar to elance. I've written two or three hubs about elance check them out.

  5. profile image0
    DMartelonlineposted 12 years ago

    I have obtained several high paying clients through oDesk.  You can learn a lot by reading this http://freelancingandmore.com/demystifying-odesk/

  6. GameCameraExpert profile image65
    GameCameraExpertposted 12 years ago

    I've investigated it but never used it.  I know a lot of people who do though.  It can be more than just jobs for writing articles, and can include things like website work, graphic design and much more.  It works on a bidding system, where people post the jobs and you bid on how much you will do it for.
    A lot of the clients out there looking for workers do go cheap, but will often end up with cheap results.  People learn that going with the cheapest bidders isn't always the best idea, and many people will pay to get quality results.
    I know people that have had both good and bad experiences with it, but I think that goes with every one of these type of services.

  7. cabmgmnt profile image82
    cabmgmntposted 12 years ago

    Never heard of it. Sounds similar to Amazon's Mturk.

  8. Hyphenbird profile image84
    Hyphenbirdposted 12 years ago

    I researched Odesk but am not willing to work for such low sums. Apparently many people earn a lot of money there. Every job I saw though paid pennies.

  9. ratulsoul profile image55
    ratulsoulposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I have heard  about about odesk.com where you supposedly get paid for writing articles but in that case you have to satisfy your online employer with best articles and have to give them proper time.

    For more information visit my website, http://peacelif.webs.com

  10. Becky Swift profile image60
    Becky Swiftposted 12 years ago

    Agree with many of the comments listed above, But the old saying goes you pay for what you get..
    With this type of work people generally pay more for good quality work, think that must be the same for most trades and services.
    Becky X

  11. britishTV profile image61
    britishTVposted 12 years ago

    I do freelance transcription work at home, and most of my clients have been obtained via Elance, not oDesk.  However, I did sign up for oDesk, but found that Elance had better jobs available for what I do.  Don't know much from a writer's standpoint as to which place might be better, but I like Elance a lot.

  12. paoloumali profile image60
    paoloumaliposted 12 years ago

    I have an account with ODesk. Yes, you can earn from there. If by good luck you end up with a good employer, you might not need to work in an office anymore.

    It's not just for writing too. Some call centers are employing through Odesk. I know some tech representative from good-performing SaaS providers from  both the US and AUS.

  13. Capedium profile image72
    Capediumposted 12 years ago

    I think am going to check it out..
    The money isn't all that bad. Is it ?
    By the way, do you know of any more sites..
    Would like to know

  14. Deborah Brooks profile image62
    Deborah Brooksposted 12 years ago

    I have not heard but I am going to heck it out thanks everyone for answering..

  15. terrektwo profile image69
    terrektwoposted 12 years ago

    I actually wrote a hub on 55 ways to make money online. Odesk was in one of the sub hubs of that article. You can make money many different ways through Odesk but writing articles is one of them.

  16. profile image0
    technibzposted 12 years ago

    Hi Cat R and hubbers. I came from odesk. That was my primary source of income before. It is very easy actually. How do I know this? I was 18 when I first got my job there. I earned around $1k per month but that was because I really put myself into it.  It is three parts perseverance and one part luck. I got lucky with my employers. However, the competition with other contractors (what they call freelancers) is very very tight. I got by because I was one of the minimum wage  earners (just most of the time cause I come from South East Asia). You can get lucky like me and find really cool projects (writing about topics you love such as Gimp hahah) and really cool employers ($10/hour, rehire for other projects) If you want to know more, just contact me. Thanks.


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