Do you specialize or generalize in your writing?

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  1. KarenCreftor profile image71
    KarenCreftorposted 13 years ago

    Do you specialize or generalize in your writing?

    I am enjoying writing a lot and studying writing too and everything I read says that you're better off specializing in a niche topic.
    I have a couple of ideas of what topic to choose but it's difficult being a polymath.
    So out of interest really...What do you do? What's your niche if you have one and what are the pros and cons of either specializing or generalizing for you?
    ~Kaz x

  2. nishlaverz profile image61
    nishlaverzposted 13 years ago

    I write about topics that are of interest to me. Things I know a bit about. I would say I generalize though as I do write about a range of topics.

  3. joanwz profile image77
    joanwzposted 13 years ago

    Some people find it easier to stick to a subjct area. This has the advantage of helping the writer become an expert in their chosen niche.

    Others, like me, prefer generalization. My problem is that I get bored from writing in the same sujbect areas all the time. Being a generalist allows the freedom to pursue multiple interests.

  4. hamzah3 profile image60
    hamzah3posted 13 years ago

    I think it depends on you.I try to avoid subjects which I don't like personally because if you are interested in a particular subject then you can write in a better way

  5. profile image0
    hawaiihibouposted 13 years ago

    Writing is not that simple or hard. When you write for a platform that needs to your credit many different original articles you specify your writing. For example the broad topic of crafting has on smaller subject of knitting. With knitting you have yarn and other equipment, you have beginning and advanced to creative pattern making and on and on. So you tend to be a bit specific under one topic crafts. When you write fiction you tend to generalize, because you want to bring specifics to a broad range of people and to capture all you got to explain your generally to everyone what you’re trying to convey in your story. Stories goes from general to specific then back to generalizations to specific. Depending what your audience is, your writing platform rules and regulations or terms and condition remembering the copyright laws and more so your questions has a well it depends to it’s answer. For more information about writing you can go to:
    1. (it’s free.)
    2. where you can get diplomas and certificates free.

    I would keep up with the newest things about writing and one is affiliate programs that range from web sites, adsense and more-you chose the one you like the best and keep up with the demands and responsibilities of being an affiliate too. Good luck in your writing. I've come across some great free e-newsletters from experienced (rich) writers too who give great insights. Great questions. If you come across some great money making writing venues-let me know too-thanks.

  6. profile image0
    TrinityCatposted 13 years ago

    Good question. If I'm deeply interested on the subject, then I will specialize as much as possible. However, when I'm not obsessed over it, then I generalize because it's (for me) faster and "easier".

  7. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 13 years ago

    It is easy to write about something you are passionate about...I tend to follow my own inner voice...creative writing is just like all other artistic endeavours, you can improve your writing tool and your knowledge....if you specialize or generalize, at the end it doesn't matter...use your own creativity and your own original...

  8. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 13 years ago

    I generalize, and I do it because I know a little bit about a lot of things, rather than a lot about one thing.  However, I have to write a lot to get only a few views per day on my hubs, so progress is slow.

  9. rlaha profile image61
    rlahaposted 13 years ago

    Hi. I think I do a bit of both. It depends on what I am writing on. If I am venting, everything is generalized. If it is something specific that I want to write about, it is specialized.  That is a great thought provoking question!

  10. profile image0
    Robin71posted 13 years ago


    Well, to be honest I write Fiction, so it just depends on what subject I'm working with.  Mostly though I believe I generalize that way it fits into a lot of fictional places.  Specialize-that's only when I want to make a specific picture to emerge in the readers mind.  I find though (for me) it's easier to generalize throughout the fictional piece, it seems to flow better (for me anyway). 

    Interesting question though, I hadn't really thought much about it until I came across your question, Mrs. Creftor, thanks for asking-made me think (now my head hurts).

  11. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image79
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 13 years ago

    I'm a generalist - I've spent many years covering many topics for a variety of newspapers, magazines and house organs, so I feel comfortable writing about a number of things.

  12. alancaster149 profile image75
    alancaster149posted 13 years ago

    By and large my writing centres on early mediaeval history - up to about the turn of the 12th Century. Beyond that little changed but the 'management'. The 'stranglehold' the Church exerted on NW Europe in particular tightened, and the particulars of that are only interesting to a psycho-analyst!
    Aside from the mediaeval I've started a series on railway modelling and another on 'speciality' travel in North Yorkshire/County Durham.
    That's about it in a Brazil-nutshell.

  13. profile image0
    VeronicaInspiresposted 13 years ago

    I do both, of which both has its advantages and disadvantages. Specializing allows to me to establish myself as an expert at whatever I'm writing about and if I'm seeking to get paid, allows to me to command a higher rate because of that knowledge, but the challenge is hitting a wall.

    What happens when I write all I can write about a specialized topic? I've covered everything. Where do I go from there? If I generalize, I have the freedom to write about whatever I wish and don't have to confine myself to one topic. I guess the next question would be, how can you write knowledgeably about a topic you're generalizing in? Answer: good research.

  14. rtburroughs2 profile image71
    rtburroughs2posted 13 years ago

    This is a great question. I like writing and I like reading so when I write it may be more general. When writing on a specific subject my writing is specialized a bit more.


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