Have you ever thought of quitting writing, or have you done it before?

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  1. CloudExplorer profile image77
    CloudExplorerposted 11 years ago

    Have you ever thought of quitting writing, or have you done it before?

    Writing is tough when a person has a negative attitude towards their own efforts being made or that of others, and so the purpose of this question is to help writers get inspired, so if you can try to write a stellar hub about not quitting as a writer to help your peers, and please explain why its truly not worth it. to quit

    Note: (Or simply drop the best answer here with honesty as to what it was like for you to quit then to return as a writer again, think of quitting but kept faith, or whatever you think to answer that best suits your situation.)


  2. Faith Reaper profile image87
    Faith Reaperposted 11 years ago

    I have not thought of quitting, but after discovering a website or site that is an exact duplicate of my Hub Pages profile and all of my hubs just yesterday, due simply to the fact I am not following a particular hubber anylonger, I am seriously considering not writing here any longer.  Mike, since you are gifted in these areas, how would I go about having this stopped.  The site is:  coolproxybro.com/secureproxy.php?u...b=5.  This site popped up after I asked the question here last week about noticing certain hubber in my statistics page under traffic source as showing up as a traffic source numerous times, and then so as to not be detected, I guess, this site is now, as being an exact duplicate of everything I place on my Hub Page profile and all of my hubs thus far.  It is just like HP but on another site?  After I unfollowed, my computer has been hacked into, and all sorts of others issues have occurred, simply because I write here on HP.  I have not published here lately because I have been caring for my two granddaughters this past week or so while my new grandson arrived into this world this past Wednesday, so it has just been regular life getting in the way of writing, plus I work in the city with an hour commute to and from home during the week, and I stay up until the wee hours of the morning trying to catch up on commenting, nevermind actually publishing a hub, but with this other distraction, I may have to go elsewhere.  I am just being honest, and would like some help via HP, if at all possible about that strange link or website.  God bless.  In His Love, Faith Reaper

    1. CloudExplorer profile image77
      CloudExplorerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Faith you need to file a DMCA on the infringing website location you sopke of, also report it to the hubpages staff here, ask for help from the hubpages Elite's, maybe speak to Simone Smith. I never filed a DMCA, but my content was stolen before too

    2. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so muc Mike.  Since I have asked the question about this already and a hubber said that someone may not be stealing my hubs, but just does not want to be detected as viewing them - who knows.  I have not signed up to "write for money" yet so .

  3. profile image0
    Sunnie Dayposted 11 years ago

    Hello Cloudexplorer...yes I did once when I was kicked off adsense for something I did not do...appealed it to no avail...so it made me realize how much I did love writing whether I saw another dime or not...So I am here on hubs out of love for writing and my  love of the many talented friends I have met a long the way...I encourage the new writer to continue to write, learning all you can from others without taking offense should they offer advice..Most of all have fun!

    1. CloudExplorer profile image77
      CloudExplorerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Sunnie Day, thanks for answering my question with such honesty, I'm so glad you decided to return back to writing, we need all the good writers we can get here, and on the web in general today.

  4. profile image0
    thechroniclerposted 11 years ago

    I could never fathom quitting writing all together, although writing for content sites--that's another story. I write for three major ones that pay (pittances) up front per piece, and I am so burned out on them that I'm surprised I haven't developed a sunburn lol. The kicker is that I'm at the top of my game with them; I get top ratings, glowing feedback and regular direct order requests from clients. But I'm freakin' miserable when I'm writing for these content sites at the same time. For that reason, I've been thinking that it isn't worth it. I also rely on them for income, so just quitting cold turkey is not an option at this point.

    I would love to develop other steady means of using my writing ability to replace and surpass that income, including my own niche websites, submitting articles to print magazines, learning how to write fiction and writing for private clients--I have one so far who is a joy to work with. I have started with three of these; it is just slow going. I am staying with HubPages because it's my creative outlet; it's fun rather than work for me smile

  5. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    I haven't thought about not writing. Sometimes I just don't have time to write and slowly forget to continue writing. That is actually one of the reasons I joined hubpages. To force myself to continually write. By focusing on my hub score, I would remain focused on keeping my reputation and boost my self-esteem as well to write often.

  6. Gary Holdaway profile image88
    Gary Holdawayposted 11 years ago

    I often cycle between writing, sketching, and playstation 3!its like ging rough phases, but a never ending circle. I always very quickly return to writing however, and have been on it for about a year non stop this time.

  7. profile image0
    matama ellieposted 11 years ago

    I have probably quit hundreds of times. Once my sense return however, i just start writing all over again.I have plenty of material that i have yet to show anybody but i continue to write anyway.I have also failed to get paid at times and that made me depressed and i lost inspiration for a while. I have had one or two of my writing accounts suspended and it also got on my nerves.
    Writing is like hiking on hills and valleys, i guess and at the end of the day i tell myself  that it is part of me.Even if i do not get paid, it is something that gives me pleasure.My day will come.
    In the meantime i work in other places to supplement my income as a full time freelance writer and then write for pleasure.

  8. calynbana profile image78
    calynbanaposted 11 years ago

    Writing has never been about being successful for me, it has been about getting my emotions of my chest, about expressing myself. I find that when I focus too much on getting people to read what I write my articles fail. But when I just write what is important to me, I find that I get a lot of reads.

    Also when I don't have a creative outlet I become quite depressed so I don't think it will ever be an option.

  9. LoisRyan13903 profile image72
    LoisRyan13903posted 11 years ago

    I wrote a book in the late 1980s and started another one and a few short stories.  I had attempted to get the book I had finished published.  And after a few unsuccessful attempts, I stopped writing.  But I never threw out my manuscripts, they laid buried in the attic for a long time.  Back in 2008 I found out about sites that paid you to write articles, so I got back into writing.  I also decided to write for fun and dusted off my manuscripts and started getting my stories online.  The book I had left unfinished is completed and is published on Hub Pages.


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