God created everything, including the stars in the sky. However, they are not meant to be used as signs.
The world was dark before God, the light. Absent without light, was the world full of evil?
On the first three days of creation, God created the sky, the waters and the land. Now he filled them.
God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. In creating this world, he did tasks on different days.
The sun, moon and stars have not always been here. As a matter of fact, this entire universe did not exist before God created the world.
The age of innocence is the shortest time period in the Bible. One day we may experience this innocence again
Why the creation is an Awesome Work of God. The "Gap Theory" of the first and second verses of the Bible.
Genesis is about the birth of this world and the first humans. When you become a Christian you too experience a new birth.
Genesis is all about new beginnings. To get back to the basics with God, start out with the first book of the bible.
Is the bible real or fiction? An Introduction to the Old Testament and the Book of Genesis
The group finds a mysterious room of pools. Joban's second journal is discovered. George has disturbing dreams.
George and bard are separated from the others. George finds a priceless trasure. Bard realizes that he is consumed by an evil spirit.
Final Chapter of The caverns of Kildun Aalda. Ready to go back into town, Balon is unsure of his future, He gives George a difficult task to complete. Possible a second book coming in the future.
After several days of searching, the group finds the way to the lower level. Bard finds himself in a melting situation.
Bard and Johanna start having feeling for each other. They read joban's second journal.
Two types of traps: One that leads you nowhere and one that can kill you.
The travelers find out about Joban in his Journal.
A trap almost kills Johanna. The group finds a creature that makes their flesh crawl.
The group runs into a mysterious room. They fight a group of goblins.
George Finds the Wizard's Journal. It details an adventure when he was younger.
The group heads for the Unexplored Caverns.
Is bard pressing his luck when he returns to the catacombs to find more treasures.
The adventures explore the wizard's wing. George is sad about missing something but recovers to play a practical joke on the others. It almost gets them killed.
The travelers fianlly arrive at the caverns. George, while trying to save Britt, almost meets his end.
The group finds an ancient man who made a mistake that he regrets. Will they be able to help him?
Britt explains what the mission is about. While in town Britt finds trouble but George helps him out.
Britt decides to allows Bard to join his group in the mission. He finds that two people he knows will be joining them.
Bard brings Johanna's body back to the Clerics. He finds out that things are not what they seem. When he moves into town he meets an interesting group of visitors.
Bard searches the Catacombs. Will he find many riches? Will he get out alive?