What inspires you to write?

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  1. DrJez profile image60
    DrJezposted 11 years ago

    What inspires you to write?

    Everyone has an inspiration behind their desire to write, so I'm just curious to see what inspires others

  2. mkjohnston81 profile image81
    mkjohnston81posted 11 years ago

    I have always enjoyed writing.  My inspiration comes from whatever my interests are, or whatever is going on in my life at the time.  I have also always enjoyed cooking and, oddly enough, it only occurred to me a couple years back to combine the two and write about food.  That offers pretty much endless inspiration for me.  Especially when it comes to my two favorite food groups:  Things Smothered in Cheese, and Things Smothered in Gravy.  Yum.
    Good question!

  3. MsDora profile image92
    MsDoraposted 11 years ago

    I believe I have something to say that somebody needs to hear.  My best articles are written with a specific person in mind; but people are so much alike, someone else needs the same information or inspiration.

  4. profile image0
    Proud Footposted 11 years ago

    I've always been a person who's wanted to write. I often find I get inspiration at the most inappropriate times and I just want to get away from whatever important task I am undertaking and write!
    But what inspires me the most is the local countryside. Leaving for a walk amongst the hills and wildlife, breathing in the fresh air, taking a notepad and writing. You can't beat it.

  5. Andy McGuire profile image73
    Andy McGuireposted 11 years ago

    I draw inspiration from many things, basically whatever I think would be a funny article. If I make a casual observation on something, I ask myself if it could be expanded to a full humorous hub.

  6. DrJez profile image60
    DrJezposted 11 years ago

    Interesting answers! For me, my inspiration comes from my reading. If I read something engaging and interesting then that ignites a spark within my own imagination and a story is born.The other inspiration if of course the support I recieve my family!

  7. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 11 years ago


    My inspiration to write although I admit it is not very frequent seems to manifest after deep-sleep. In the early mourn (specifically).  I do write more frequently then I used to; however, it primarily seems to flow from deep-sleep. Therefore, my prescription or inspiration seems to be what I deeply contemplated in that "slow-wave" or deep sleep state...

  8. Seek-n-Find profile image72
    Seek-n-Findposted 11 years ago

    I write because I must.  In one sense it is a part of who I am--to not write is to not be true to myself.  I write because it challenges me--to learn and grow and create.  I write because I believe my pen (or--I guess laptop) is like a sword.  I plunge my way into the world with stories that impact others' stories.  Life is a story.  If I don't co-create my own story, other people may try to write it for me.  Nope.  This is my story--and what I have lived must be shared.  I feel like I'd be selfish if I didn't share.  And finally--I write to hear myself think.  I sometimes don't know what is going on in that brain of mine until I see it in black and white before me.  :-)

    GREAT question!!!

    1. DrJez profile image60
      DrJezposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer. That's beautiful!

  9. Brandon Tart profile image59
    Brandon Tartposted 11 years ago

    A need to champion time that is otherwise wasted.  However, even TV inspires me at times depending on what I witnessed and experienced through the dialogue. 

    We have to remember that writing is an invention.  Check out Roland Barthes', The Death of the Author. 
    http://www.tbook.constantvzw.org/wp-con … arthes.pdf

    Much of what inspires us, all of us, is what impacts us individually, thus creating an impulse to share our experience with others, and hopefully to positive ends.

    However, nothing I write is considerably original, but can best be considered as a variation on something to which I (and all of us) arrived a bit late to.  There is a big difference between writing, and telling.  The above link is a five page essay that explains that writing begins at the expense of the death of the author. 

    My own "writing" then, is not inspired... I would venture to say that it is no different than going outside to plant a seed or tree.  Someone will be shaded by it, certainly not all.  Though, every simple action brings about more change than we realize.  The tree, or, the body of writing as a means to progress society -- firewood, building material, fruit to ingest ... inspiring in itself.  Not inspired, but an action of responsibility.  If one has knowledge of any sort, it is his or her responsibility to posit it into the culture at large. 

    I think it is about sharing...and writing is playing with the toys Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd... - Zz.

    "A man at his maturity:  When he suddenly remembers the seriousness he had as a Child --- at play!"  Friedrich Nietzsche

    See here, I have appropriated Nietzsche, thus fulfilling my reason for writing.  Killing time wisely...

  10. SaltyElf profile image60
    SaltyElfposted 6 years ago

    I write to convince myself that I am alive, that I'm still here. I write to escape. I write to shout at the world "This is who I am, screw you if you don't like it.". I write to pass time between the long, lonely day and the cold lonely night. I write to express my opinions. I write to escape. I write to confuse myself and others. I turn my tears into ink and throw them onto paper.


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