How I Embrace My Routine by Rosina

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  1. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 16 months ago

    Here Rosina has shared her daily routine. … utine-life

    I found it interesting to read how you go about your typical day, Rosina. Thank you for sharing the things that are important to you.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      I am delighted to know you liked reading about what I shared regarding my life routine. Thank you so much for your positive comments. I truly appreciate them. Gratitude for sharing the link, John.

    2. tsmog profile image88
      tsmogposted 16 months agoin reply to this

      Thanks, John for sharing this interesting article by Rosina!

      Rosina, thank you for sharing your life with us. I am very happy you have a spiritual life routine. I said routine, yet in my mind it is closer to being a discipline that I have been taught is giving respect to one's God through an exercise of faith.

      Like you, I live alone and am somewhat reclusive, so can relate with you. My main social circle is with emails. Some to family and some to friends. And, of course here in these forums at HP with interactions.

      I have been writing daily with a Dear Friend in Sweden for ten years now. She lives in Sweden and I live in California in the US. I met her here at HP. She is a poet as I am. She is much better than I am.

      Again, thank you for sharing with  us!

      1. Jodah profile image89
        Jodahposted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Thank you for reading Rosina’s article, Tim. I am glad you can relate.

      2. surovi99 profile image87
        surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks Tim for reading my article and finding it interesting. Yes, I lead quite a spiritual life. It was good to know your side of the story too. And I found it intriguing. I appreciate your comments so much. And I am pleased for letting us know a bit about you. Gratitude!

      3. surovi99 profile image87
        surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

        It was certainly good to hear from you again, Tim!

  2. ChitrangadaSharan profile image95
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 16 months ago

    Hello Rosina,
    An interesting read about your daily life. It’s important and satisfying to lead a disciplined life.
    I am happy to know that you are in the process of writing a book on your subject. I wish you all the best for the same.
    I hope you make some more friends too. Spending some time with them is rejuvenating indeed.
    Thank you John for sharing Rosina’s work.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Chitrangada, for your pleasant comments. I appreciate your well-wishes regarding my upcoming guide in my field of expertise. Yes, I hope to make a network of friends. Yes, I should feel rejuvenated mixing with them. I appreciate all that you mentioned. Thank you so much. Have a delightful evening!

  3. Pamela99 profile image88
    Pamela99posted 16 months ago

    It was very interesting reading about day, Rosina. Thank you for sharing. I incorporate prayer in my day too.

    Thank's for posting Rosina's article John.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      I am so happy to know you enjoyed reading about my daily routine. As we age, most of us incorporate prayer in our days. Thank you so much, Pamela. I appreciate your comments a lot. Hope you have fully recovered by now. May God bless you!

  4. Venkatachari M profile image84
    Venkatachari Mposted 16 months ago

    A good routine of your day, Rosina. Yes, you can develop walking for 10 to 15 minutes either during the morning session or in the evening session while the sun is still there.

    I walk daily in my apartment's compound area around 10:30 am for 15 to 20 minutes. I shared my lifestyles 2, 3 years ago in an article titled "A Day in Writer's Life".

    And, thank you John for sharing this article.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      I will try to find your article and read it, Mr Venkat. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my article and comment on it. Yes, I would like to walk in the morning session. Thanks for your helpful advice. I appreciate your words a lot. Gratitude!

  5. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 16 months ago

    It sounds like you have your daily routine down.
    I honestly don't think I want to wake up at dawn, but it is so peaceful then.
    I personally don't fall asleep early, so I still need more rest.

    I did not know what Azaan or paratha were, but I do now.
    I looked them both up.
    I hope you do have a nice Supper or dinner because it doesn't sound like you eat much.

    Congratulations on writing your book.  I hope it brings you much success. I have a degree in Computer Science but I no longer do anything with it.

    It probably wouldn't hurt to find a group of friends. Just make sure they are trust worthy.

    I spend alot of time by myself and I so wish my best friend was still here.  I do talk with others through comments on my work and occasional texts with a few people....but I'm trying to focus on my writing for now.  Put it first...beside my kitty-cats.

    I enjoyed reading and learning more about your daily routine.

    Keep up the great work with your writing course.  Sounds intriguing.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      I am glad you looked those words up. Yes, I automatically wake up at dawn. I eat little for breakfast but my supper or dinner is full and satisfies my appetite. Yes, this would be my fourth academic guide; I have already written three. You can look up my website on my profile page.

      Yes, I really need to build a support network of trustworthy friends. Sometimes it can get really lonely. I liked knowing a bit about yourself.

      Yes, the online writing course was something I enjoyed. Yes it is intriguing.

      Thank you, Brenda, for your lovely comments. I do appreciate them a lot. Have a great evening.

  6. Ankita B profile image88
    Ankita Bposted 16 months ago

    It was interesting to know how you spend your day, Rosina. You do have a disciplined routine. Thank you for sharing this. I wish you the best for your upcoming book.

    1. surovi99 profile image87
      surovi99posted 16 months agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Ankita, for your well-wishes. I love it when you say I have a disciplined routine. I appreciate you reading and commenting. Have a marvelous night with sweet dreams!


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