I use Joy dishwashing liquid instead of laundry detergent....

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  1. dabeaner profile image61
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    I use Joy dishwashing liquid instead of laundry detergent....

    I use Joy dishwashing liquid instead of laundry detergent to do laundry.  Seems to work better.  Rinses better.  What do you think?

    BTW, if it happens to be "ecologically incorrect", "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn...."  If people didn't breed without thought of consequence, there would be minimal ecological problems -- they are all caused by overpopulation.

    I am interested only if others have tried it, how it has worked for you if you have tried it.  Does it really do as good or better job for you than regular laundry detergent?

    1. Mr. Happy profile image69
      Mr. Happyposted 14 years ago

      "If people didn't breed without thought of consequences, there would be minimal ecological problems ..." That was great! I just knew to click on this question ... there was more to it than just dishwashing liquid.
        You are so right ... "fucking like rabbits" is slowly destroying the planet and ourselves with it. It seems that nobody is thinking about that ... how many people can this planet support? Are we going to continue multiplying until we "eat" everything like termites?

    2. Lisa HW profile image61
      Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

      I've used Joy occasionally if I ran out of detergent and absolutely needed a small load of laundry done.  I can't say I saw either better or worse results (but do we ever really know how much we should be using for any particular size load?).  Nothing I've ever washed on an emergency basis has been all that obviously dirty-looking, and it came out clean enough.

      As for the "extra thought" about people "breeding without thought of consequence", I'm not sure if you're talking about people having lots of kids or having kids at all; but there's no doubt about it, if people stopped having children the human species would eventually die out, and the world would be left to plants and others creatures.

      I think, for the most part, detergents are detergents (at least those made without regard for the Earth).  I don't think it matters if they're bottled as dish detergent, clothing detergent, or even cheap shampoo.

    3. It's just me profile image60
      It's just meposted 14 years ago

      I used it for laundry when I've run out of laundry detergent. I also make a great stain remover using 1/3 dish liquid, 1/3 dishwasher powder and 1/3 powdered color safe bleach, mix into a paste and smear on food stains and grass stains works great.

    4. onegoodwoman profile image69
      onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

      While I don't use "Joy", I have used liquid dish soap in the laundry.  Once, on the last load of the wash day, I was out of both dish soap and laundry soap, but the clothes were in the washer, getting wet, I grabbed the shampoo.

      Soap is basically soap.  It is the additives, and thickening agents that make the difference.

    5. dabeaner profile image61
      dabeanerposted 13 years ago

      Mr Happy:  Yes

      Lisa HW:  There is no danger of people not having kids, in general.  It is the pumping out of litters with no thought of consequences.  From maybe 2 billion in the 1950s to about 7 billion today.  Somewhat excessive, don't you think?  BTW, no species, including humans, has any "right" to exist.  Stupidity has consequences.

      Others -- Laundry detergent used to do a better job because it contained phosphates.  Those are bad for the environment (water quality) when dumped in excess.  The excess comes from TOO MANY people.  So they were outlawed in laundry soap.  In most places, dish soap can still have it.  But I read that efforts (as in the State of Washington) are being made to outlaw phosphates in dish soap, also.

    6. doodlebugs profile image92
      doodlebugsposted 13 years ago

      When I lived on a sailboat in the Caribbean Joy was all that the boaters used as a bath salt when bathing in seawater (to save fresh water onboard). We would simply wash off with a half gallon of fresh water. For laundry though, on land, we use the eco friendly laundry soap from Costco. I agree with you on the overpopulation, I also eat fruit, etc, that grows on trees near our septic and don't want all those extra chemicals some detergents have, getting into the soil eventually.

    7. Vanessa Anderson profile image60
      Vanessa Andersonposted 13 years ago

      From my own experience, dish-washing liquid really helps with greasy stains.  I happen to use Dawn, but I'm sure other products would work too.  Using the Dawn, along with a little laundry detergent does a perfect job other than just using the laundry detergent.


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