Man throws 2 year old daughter into creek strapped in her car seat - what is the

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  1. pctechgo profile image75
    pctechgoposted 10 years ago

    Man throws 2 year old daughter into creek strapped in her car seat - what is the right punishment?

    I was in disbelief when I first heard this story. A man threw his 2 year old daughter into creek strapped in car seat. What should be done with this "person"?  What's the right punishment for a father or mother who knowingly and willfully commits or attempts to commit such an act? I get choked up whenever I hear this story on the news. Today and yesterday, I've been turning the sound down or the radio/tv off until the story is over. How horrible and hideous!. A harmless innocent two year little girl strapped in her car seat was thrown into a creek and left to drown.

  2. sassypiehole profile image68
    sassypieholeposted 10 years ago

    What's wrong with people? I got all caught up in that whole Casey Anthony ordeal a few years back and was FLOORED when they let her walk. I cannot imagine ever wanted to harm a child, especially my own. He should be strapped to an electric chair and thrown off a cliff!

    1. pctechgo profile image75
      pctechgoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Abolutely. There is almost no punishment to match what this animal did to a harmless two year old little girl that he as apparent should protect at all costs - with his own life!   As another person said, this person is pure Evil.

    2. sassypiehole profile image68
      sassypieholeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It's scary how many people like this are out there... They really need to come up with a parenting exam. No pass? No kid!

  3. Bk42author profile image82
    Bk42authorposted 10 years ago

    Have the same thing done to him!!! Can you imagine the terror that little girl must have experienced? People like that are pure evil!!!

    1. pctechgo profile image75
      pctechgoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      A two year old!  They are to be protected at all costs by parents, not have something like this. So small she did not even know what was going on - done by a parent. Evil is 100 percent right.

  4. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    This aptly demonstrates the need and necessity for mandatory licenses for parenthood.  There are CLEARLY people who should not be parents.  There are mandatory licenses for driving and other important/responsible jobs, tasks, and positions.  What more important/responsible position/vocation than parenthood?  However, many people become parents and they aren't qualified emotionally, financially, and psychologically in the least. 

    This "person" should receive the harshest death penalty.  Yes, there should be laws mandated to state that there should be MANDATORY licenses to become a parent. Too many unqualified people are becoming parents with deleterious results for the children and the general society! Parenthood should be a privilege, NEVER  a right!

    Also, so many people become parents because of family, societal, and religious pressures and inculcations.  From childhood, humankind have been indoctrinated that to have children is the way to go and not to have children is irresponsible, immature, selfish, and blasphemous.  People who elect not to have children are often ostracized and deemed to be outside the pale so to speak.   However, there are SOME people who are not in love with the prospect of parenthood for whatever reason.

    While there are some brave souls who eschewed the pro-natalist culture, others cave in, having children much to their disdain and utter regret later.  Children know when they are wanted or when they are a noisome inconvenience.  Many people have children to please their parents, relatives, peers, and in accordance to religion.  Only a few people want to have children because they truly want children.    The evidence is all around us, child abuse and neglect; shuffling children off and being glad when school starts so the children will be out of the parents' hair.   Sadly, there are children born to parents who consider them to be noisome problems at best and inconveniences at worst.

    1. pctechgo profile image75
      pctechgoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "Too many unqualified people are becoming parents with deleterious results for the children..." well said. And .."Children know when they are wanted or when they are a noisome inconvenience." - they absolutely do know and sadly, affected deeply. Thx

  5. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 10 years ago

    End him. If he is willing to take her life, he doesn't deserve his.

    1. pctechgo profile image75
      pctechgoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is what's deserved. That baby had not even lived yet. Innocent as can be, will never draw or color ,or play with her dolls, or play pretend or dress-up. Never learn all the Disney fairy or princesses names - never dream of being one. Thank you.

  6. pctechgo profile image75
    pctechgoposted 10 years ago

    He was found guilty.
    I have heard rumors that inmates don't like other prisoners that have hurt children. Prisoners that have hurt children get abused physically by other prisoners. He will get what he deserves for the horrible crime against a small innocent victim that he as a father should have protected, not hurt.


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