What is the most efficient house ever built?

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  1. PhoenixV profile image67
    PhoenixVposted 7 years ago

    What is the most efficient house ever built?

  2. Luke Holm profile image86
    Luke Holmposted 7 years ago

    Smart House from the Disney channel original movie.

  3. Lahayle profile image60
    Lahayleposted 7 years ago

    Best Answer Cynthia Cartwright Early (Lahayle) says

    Man builds best energy-efficient home he could January 29, 2013. By Craig Sailor Saving money https://phys.org/news/2013-01-energy-efficient-hom...

    Here is the url to read about this fantastic man.

  4. profile image34
    Kimberly Cronkposted 7 years ago

    The new ones just bulit and make sure its very studry and no work

  5. Terrielynn1 profile image85
    Terrielynn1posted 7 years ago

    It really depends on what you mean by efficient. I have seen green built homes that are beautiful and good for our eviroment. I ve seen others that are new builds and that are suppose to be most efficient in terms of thief use of natural resources and the people living in them got sick. Not enough fresh air into the home to keep proper air flow into the home. A lot of new builds are built to better standards, but can be bad because they were built to fast and some quality was lacking. Then there is old homes that actually are wondeful because they are beautiful and structurally sound. All that was needed was a Reno and some TLC. Our old house is moe energy efficient then a lot of new ones. The best ones I've seen are the ones that stand the test of time.

  6. bradmasterOCcal profile image48
    bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years ago


    Interesting question, and one that is almost boundless as to the meaning of efficient while bounded by the "ever built" part.

    The short answer is that I don't know. I don't know how to analyze "Efficient" therefore I have no details on the attributes needed for efficiency. The link given in another answer really falls on energy efficiency. But had you meant Energy, you would have concatenated it with efficient.

    I am not trying to be difficult, but this is the way I analyze problems.
    For example, if the ? was Energy Efficiency" than it would be about reducing energy use, while not losing any of the benefits of their use.

    There is also the concept of using the provided outside source of energy from a provider versus using independent energy source independent of a provider.

    Many houses have been built that use the environment to produce and conserve energy. A house built into a hillside, with a running stream of water can be very efficient and produce its own energy. A windy area could make use of wind energy.

    The list goes on, but efficiency also has to go hand in hand with utility and functionality. So I would suspect that the most efficient house is a very small house, and it is functional and useful for maybe just a single person.

    In general, my answer would be a future answer to the question. The house should be self sufficient, not only for energy but for all the needs of the household. Plumbing, trash and garbage recycle, showering, laundry, handle its own poop recycle. There should be a minimal time where maintenance and upkeep are factors for efficiency.

    Just think of how much time is continually used on cleaning a home, and certainly keeping dust down would reduce a lot of that.

    How much of the resources for the house can be reused over and over again. That is also a measure of efficiency.

    I would have to write a hub on this, but that would be a measure of inefficiency based on the numbers given to my hubs.

    Also, if I missed the mark of your question, then even what I have done so far was for naught.

  7. The0NatureBoy profile image57
    The0NatureBoyposted 7 years ago

    As a nomad for well over 30 years the most efficient house I lived in was the Adobe.
    Environmentally, in a very short time of remaining empty it return to the environment.
    It is NOT a single structure but several separate structures.
    They do not require air conditioning in summer nor heating in winter.
    Everything about such structures are designed to be environmentally efficient so that everything is returned to the earth for recycling.
    That is why in my experienced opinion my answer is "the Adobe" house.


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