If you won a million dollars in the lottery or a sweepstakes, what would you do

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  1. DonnaCosmato profile image83
    DonnaCosmatoposted 12 years ago

    If you won a million dollars in the lottery or a sweepstakes, what would you do with the money?

    Would you spend it, invest it or give it away?

  2. profile image0
    donnaMhicksposted 12 years ago

    Act normal, not tell anyone until I am ready, take a much-needed vacation, buy a car, plenty of dark chocolate and Diet Pepsi, change my phone number.

  3. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    Buy a secluded house and buy more rental property so my husband could stop working a regular job.  Then add some money to the children's college funds and take a short child friendly vacation.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Pay the taxes on it right away. Then pay off my house and maybe do some maintenance that tends to get deferred.  And finally, I would make a fund to pay for high quality medical insurance and ensure the my husband and I could afford it for the remainder of our lives.

  5. IDONO profile image60
    IDONOposted 12 years ago

    I would pay money for people to quit asking me this question! I'm just kidding. If you win, look me up.

  6. Cherrietgee profile image69
    Cherrietgeeposted 12 years ago

    I've actually thought about this a bit.

    I would pay off all my debts. Then I would more than likely purchase a new (to me) home and my dream car, which is a Ford Fusion believe it or not. I would give my father the money he needs to settle a couple of outstanding debts. I would take myself on vacation...somewhere tropical. Finally, I would take a few classes that I've always wanted to take, but simply haven't had the extra funds. I'd more than likely save the rest of it, so that money is available when I need it. I might give some money to a few causes, too.

  7. Catherine Kane profile image79
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    My husband and I have actually talked about this. Once we had the basics of  getting it settled into accounts and taxes and such paid, the first thing we'd do is tithe 10% and split it up amongst a number of charities we favor ( We already have a list)
    We'd pay off our debt, do the overdue house repairs, make trusts for family members.
    Then, I think a trip to Disney world is on the books....

  8. profile image0
    ghiblipgposted 12 years ago

    Find a way to invest and gain secondary income from the money. Then control my life expanses so that I can survive without gain further active income. And for sure, keep writing more hubs.

  9. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 12 years ago

    go to school, write, travel, and sleep much  more

  10. profile image0
    Debbie Dallasposted 12 years ago

    Save it! Or cash for a house to live ALMOST debt FREE! wink considering its ur biggest life expense-- ugh

  11. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    My church has community outreaches  for the homeless and poor and uses the tithes we bring to do so.  After tithing my 10 percent to Almighty God (through Calvary Chapel Living Hope), my church, I would use it to feed and clothe and house the homeless right here in the U.S. and in Africa, Asia and wherever else there is a need....but, I would probably also take out just enough money to get myself a car, because mine is very old and may not run much longer.


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