You just won ten million dollars in the lottery, what do you do now?

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  1. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    You just won ten million dollars in the lottery, what do you do now?

  2. Stina Caxe profile image77
    Stina Caxeposted 14 years ago

    Move and Change my phone numbers before everybody who ever knew me tracks me down and is sudden;y my best friend.

  3. profile image0
    hemustincreaseposted 14 years ago

    Give it all away as quickly as possible so i can sleep again. smile I would HATE to win the lottery. Just imagine all the stress and anxiety it would bring with it. No thanks!

  4. Truckstop Sally profile image61
    Truckstop Sallyposted 14 years ago

    Do something with kids and the arts.  Children's theater, writing, performance . . . giving kids a voice.  Providing youngsters a chance to experience something they could not afford.

    WB, What would you do?

  5. lookatmenow profile image61
    lookatmenowposted 14 years ago

    Buy a house haha, we've been living in a temp house, waiting for our old house to be rebuilt for more that 2 years now!

  6. stey_true profile image61
    stey_trueposted 14 years ago

    Buy a nice log cabin in Alaska with a huge fenced in yard, and start a Husky rescue. Then buy mom and dad something they've always wanted but couldn't afford.

  7. profile image0
    Rouillieposted 14 years ago

    First, collect my money - then transfer my school records to the European college of my choice; pay my tuition/resident fees; pay off my debts; pack my bags and I'm on the next flight out of the US!

  8. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 14 years ago

    I would do a number of things.  First and foremost get a good tax attorney, and investment counselor.  I would pay my house off and start to anonymously search the community for people who are genuinely in need of medical services and pay for them--without anyone knowing where the money came from.

    I would set up several scholarships funds for families that cannot afford to send their kids to college but don't qualify for other aid.

    So many things I've thought of that I would enjoy doing, but I would want to do it all anonymously to avoid it being about ego. (try anyway)

  9. drdspervez profile image69
    drdspervezposted 14 years ago

    Stina's answer made me laugh but really if I were to win the lottery, I would make portions of it.

    1. Would give some to the needy.
    2. Some to facilities who help the needy.
    3. Make minute changes to facilitate every one in my area
    4. Lastly enjoy some of it for myself. smile


  10. racquetsportatlas profile image61
    racquetsportatlasposted 14 years ago

    You put $5 million in a CD that'll give back a high interest rate. You use $1 million to invest. You use $1 million to try starting your own business. You then use $1 million for yourself and your wife to split on purchasing whatever you feel like. You then use the last $2 million to get a new house.

  11. Consumerkitty profile image59
    Consumerkittyposted 14 years ago

    I would open a rescue sanctuary for homeless cats and would offer free spay/neuter services to help decrease the number of cats without homes. I would also contribute funds to TNR groups.

  12. moonfairy profile image72
    moonfairyposted 14 years ago

    First I remain anonymous. Then I buy the home of my dreams. I retire and vacation whenever and where ever I want. I share my winnings with the people I love. I anonymously donate to my favorite charities. I anonymously adopt a family during the holidays in order to make theirs special. i give thanks every single day for the financial blessing and never take it for granted....and I'm careful not to spend it foolishly. I make sure that my future is taken care of. The biggest thing I would get out of it is helping others....that makes me make someone else's life easier.

  13. ChristineVianello profile image60
    ChristineVianelloposted 14 years ago

    I want to buy houses and go to childrens hospitals and give them to the parents who are in need. A little corney but I would love to do this.

  14. profile image0
    bhaveshdhanani03posted 14 years ago

    half of it i will keep it with me & other i will spend for improve the environment of region.
    So here lots of bird again come, enjoy their life, as plants are the shelter of bird, this way ecological balance will improve.

  15. MarcellusShale profile image60
    MarcellusShaleposted 14 years ago

    10 millions nothing nowadays. Ofcourse you have to give uncle sam his 2.5 million first. Then id put 1 million away in retirement that I couldnt touch till 55 just incase i screwed up with the rest. Invest 1 million in my company and use another 1.5 mil to start another company. That leaves 4 million Id spend 1.5 mil on land and a house, leave a mil in the bank for living expenses. Spend .5 mil on toys and 1 mil to travel with.

  16. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 14 years ago

    I'd also move and change my # so I won't have random strangers begging me for $$ on my doorstep. Then I'd hire a bunch of very smart investors, invest 1/3 of my money in stocks, use the other 1/3 to start up my own company, and then invest in real estate (buy homes in places whose value will grow over the years). And yeah, after all that...I'd retire.

  17. fallenpixie09 profile image59
    fallenpixie09posted 14 years ago

    I would give 2.5 million to my church. Then i would build my parents a new house with a room for each of there 7 kids when they come to visit plus a guest bedroom. Then i would build my fiance and myself a house. Put a quarter of whats left in the bank for my fiance and myself. Then another quarter for our kids. Then the rest in savings for what ever goes wrong.

  18. sonia05 profile image60
    sonia05posted 14 years ago

    honestly, i wouldnt know,it would be a shock. I would get drunk,rejoice,party all night and think what to do with the money the next day! yipppeee

  19. Jhangora profile image61
    Jhangoraposted 14 years ago

    Pay my taxes. Buy a new house, invest some money in the share market, go on a round the world trip.

  20. ReduceMyMortgage profile image61
    ReduceMyMortgageposted 14 years ago

    We all must remember that taxes come 1st. Get a good tax lawyer/accountant who can tell you how & where to invest it.
    Then pay every bill. Don't think stupid-take your time and think out how you want your life to really be. Then make out a mind-map that will tell you how to get there.

  21. Simipage profile image61
    Simipageposted 14 years ago

    Will Divide money in different categories such as expenses, for charity, and etc.....

  22. cobrien profile image60
    cobrienposted 14 years ago

    HIDE! HIDE! HIDE! HIDE! Someplace far, far, far away. Change my cell number and don't answer it.

  23. slock62 profile image59
    slock62posted 14 years ago

    First I'd take care of any personal outstanding debt. Next I'd buy a dependable energy efficient car and a vehicle large enough to transport multiple people. I'd purchase about 50 acres of land at high altitude in a rural are but close to a city and hospitals. I'd help persons in my immediate family to become financially stable.
    Then I'd construct about 20 straw brick homes and  create a community of families that otherwise could not afford a home or who had their homes foreclosed on. This would be a self sustaining community with vegetable gardens, livestock and would have wind and also solar power.  It would also be an education center for those wanting to learn how to be self sustaining and how to build straw brick or other energy efficient homes and how to live off the grid.
    Next I would invest in solar energy and alternate energy research and development, give grants to individuals who have ideas for creating solutions to our environmental issues.
    I would give grants for college educations to any families in the community.
    Within the community there would be facilities to develop individual pursuits such as arts & crafts, wood working, candle and soap making.
    The community would establish a cottage industry/s to create jobs and to make an income to support their needs.
    The remainder of the money would be used to set up a private bank for the community from which they could receive loans and have personal bank accounts.
    I've probably overspent the 10 million but these are the things I would like to do.

  24. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 14 years ago

    Invest in Gold and silver, buy guns, canned goods, and a completely off grid house.

  25. Shakeel Shavab CK profile image60
    Shakeel Shavab CKposted 14 years ago

    I don't want any money from lottery as it is not from our work but from luck!!

  26. karengibsonroc profile image69
    karengibsonrocposted 13 years ago

    first of all i love your questions:) ---when i win ten million dollars i will buy a house a soon as humanly possible and then get on a plane to Bali

  27. NateSean profile image66
    NateSeanposted 13 years ago

    My four brothers and sister would each get one million dollars straight up.

    My nieces and nephew (and any new nieces and nephews who came along) would each get fifty thousand dollars for the college and/or vocational center of their choice. Upon completion of their education and upon recieving employment in the field of their choice, they would recieve an additional twenty-five thousand for a place to live and expenses.

    I would purchase my own home and spend time learning how to make Iphone applications. I would also devote my time and energy to creative projects like my writing, my artwork. I would also go back to mentoring and helping to improve the lives of kids students in my hometown.

    I would devote my time one hundred percent to preventing bullying and trying to give the victims an alternative to suicide,

  28. FifthEdition profile image61
    FifthEditionposted 13 years ago

    75% of it goes to investment. 20% is used to pay bills. 5% is used to play.

  29. Pamela Sarzana profile image58
    Pamela Sarzanaposted 13 years ago

    1. See my attorney

    2. Contact a reputable Financial Adviser

    3. Buy real estate in the Caribbean

    4.Buy a really big sail boat , hire some experienced sailors, (for the boat)  and sail around the world.

    5. Start a college fund for uneducated ,underprivileged , and /or battered Women.

    6. Start a nation wide food pantry for Homeless Vets.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      INVE$T IT.....

  30. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago

    Change name and address, although not for 1 million dollars.


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