Could You live without Money and be Happy?

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  1. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    "The Man Who Quit Money."

    Daniel Suelo hasn't made a penny in 12 years. He hasn't spent a penny either.

    Suelo is the subject of the book "The Man Who Quit Money," by Mark Sundeen. In 2000, Suelo had $30 to his name. He left the money in a phone booth and never looked back. Since then, Suelo has lived on public lands, foraging in dumpsters and canyons for food. He welcomes the generosity of others. … k=73557586

    I know many of us think we are living without money these days but there are some like this man, who actually do

    1. Stacie L profile image88
      Stacie Lposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      well I could not live without s scary living in the modern world without it..

    2. Ramsa1 profile image63
      Ramsa1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't even try. Even Mother Teresa needed money to feed the poor. Additionally, I like the the modern world - telephone, computers, cars, the internet, etc. - and see no good reason to give it up.

  2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years ago

    no thanks! is king!...i like that independence thing....ka-ching!

  3. coloradoprof profile image61
    coloradoprofposted 12 years ago

    Hi Stacy.  I'm new to Hubpages and your my first "follow"  What a thought provoking article.  My husband and I are home builders and kind of went from riches to rags over the past three years.  Thankfully, things are coming back for us.  However, over the past three years, I've learned to support a family of five on a $26,000 income and believe it or not, we   

    I know that I couldn't live completely without money.  However, I now also know that money is not the be all / end all either.  It was actually a good experience for all of us to "lose everything" because we really learned what the most important things in life, friends, health and real appreciation of what you have. 

    Now that things are coming back, I'm not going to get rid of my 18 year old junker car and I'm not going to stop baking break from scratch.   I've learned to appreciate all of the things that I have.

    Thanks for the article.

    Anne (Coloradoprof)

  4. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 12 years ago

    In our modern world, everybody needs money. I ran away as a teenager and lived on the streets. I couldn't get a job (there is not much of a market for homeless, underage kids) so I panhandled among other things just to survive. Living without money can be done, but it's not much of a life.  There is nothing romantic or uplifting about sleeping on park benches or hiding in doorways from the elements and the bad people who are always looking for ways to take advantage of you. Being hungry all the time sucks, and dumpster diving leaves a great deal to be desired. There are no free rides in this life. Daniel Suelo may not be directly spending a penny, but somewhere indirectly, he is most certainly living off of somebody else's dime.

  5. Reality Bytes profile image72
    Reality Bytesposted 12 years ago

    I went off the grid five years ago.  I do not use Federal reserve notes.  I stay on private property where there is always food and drink.  I help around the property but in no way do I hold employment.

  6. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    The economic crash certainly hurt many and at the same time helped.
    It helped by allowing us to set our priorities again to things that really matter.
    before 2007, many of us were spending money we didn't have like sailors on leave.(no offenses)wink

  7. profile image59
    dynamiclevels4posted 12 years ago

    Today's world without money is like a pond without water.

  8. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    I know people are doing, most are doing it not by choice.  I think it would be very difficult and althought many of us are living on much less these days I would truly not like to be face with having no money.  I can only imagine that it would be a very powerless place to be.


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