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Executive Order - Is President Obama Contemplating Martial Law?

Updated on August 21, 2012
Is Obama taking over
Is Obama taking over | Source

What the Heck is Martial Law?

Martial Law is the imposition of military rule over a State or Region of the United States. Martial Law is a seldom used tool that the President of the United States has at his or her disposal should they need outright control of the citizenry and our essential services and supplies. It is most likely to be invoked during times of war or civil unrest. It is meant to be a temporary and short term solution.

Obama sent out a new Executive Order on Friday July 6, 2012. This time it was the Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. This means, in times of crisis, or perceived crisis, Obama can take control of all Internet, cell phone, land lines, ham radios etc... See link below for full details. The previous Executive Order that Obama set forth created a council of appointed State Governors who are assigned to work closely with the Feds to beef up Military control over domestic security. Why would Obama do this, what is the reason behind this order? There are many theories behind that question.

Theories Behind Possible Martial Law

If you search the web you will find several theories about why folks believe that Obama is indeed planning Martial Law and why he is doing so. Here are a few of those theories:

Theory One: Obama is laying the ground work for his campaign promised “national civilian security force”. This force will be coordinated at the state level under authority of the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security. This "force" would be essentially "deputized" in an emergency to function under direct authority of the feds. The sovereignty of the states would be ended. This would be a big step towards ending the United States as a Republic.

Theory Two: Obama wants the ability to cancel Presidential elections in November under the guise of "we are in the throws of a national emergency" i.e. maybe a war with Iran, and cannot possibly switch Leaders at this crucial time in our history

Theory Three: Obama is preparing for an inevitable war between Iran and Israel and wants to have the ability to approve the dispensing of all domestic energy, production, transportation, food, and water supplies as he deems necessary to protect national security. We all know Obama doesn't support Israel so he may believe this gives him some extra monopoly money if we are pressured into sanctions against Iran.

Theory Four: This is just routine Government business and nothing at all for American citizens to be worried about - this is what the White House is officially stating on the matter.

Adding More Fuel to the Fire July & August 2012

Today on the Drudge Report the headline read: "DHS (Dept of Homeland Security) prepares for Civil Unrest as Obama poised to Destroy 2nd Amendment." According to this article the DHS is preparing to test use 30,000 US spy Drones under the guise of "public safety." At the same time the drones are being prepped the Federal Protective Service (FPS) is preparing for civilian riots by putting in a rush order for Riot Gear. This riot gear included upper body, groin, and forearm protectors, carry bags, tactical gloves, and maximum protection riot helmets. Why would Obama try to mess with the 2nd Amendment, the massacre in Aurora Colorado? If that is the case then why didn't he do it when Gabby Gifford's was shot, or when any of the other psychopaths got a gun recently and shot innocent civilians? Is this a convenient time for Obama to assert more Government control over the American citizens? One has to wonder.

August 15, 2012 - The Department of Homeland Security, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration have purchased hundreds of thousands of rounds of ".357 Sig 125 grain bounded jacketed hollow point ammunition." It makes at least some sense that the Department of Homeland Security buys ammunition but it makes no sense at all for theThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Social Security Administration to do so. What are they up to? What are they preparing for?

What Do You Think?

Do you think Obama is preparing us for Martial Law

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What Do You Think part 2

Why would Obama want Martial Law?

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Obama signs Executive Order NDRP Martial Law - Hannity Full News Clip Fox News (Mar 19, 2012)

From Obama's own mouth


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