A beggar, a busker, or a charity worker? Who are you most like to give money to?

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  1. Blond Logic profile image94
    Blond Logicposted 9 years ago

    A beggar, a busker, or a charity worker? Who are you most like to give money to?

    Do you have a criteria which you use to determine who you donate money to?


  2. Aime F profile image70
    Aime Fposted 9 years ago

    I'm most likely to give money to a charity worker because I can be certain that my money is going towards something helpful/productive.

    That said, I have given money to all of them. If a homeless person asks me for money and I have a dollar or two in change I usually give it to them. I can't be sure that they won't go spend it on drugs, but I choose to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it will go towards food or a warm drink on a cold day.

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Aime,
      I think you've expressed some of the concerns we all have of giving to someone who is begging.
      Some people  believe when giving to charities the money will get used for administrtion costs. It can be a minefield. Thanks  for your answer.

    2. Aime F profile image70
      Aime Fposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Administration costs are necessary, I never understood why people were upset about their money being spent on that. A lot of places now do give you the opportunity to choose where exactly within the organization your money goes, though.

    3. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, you are right. My friend was a nurse with the Red Cross and when she donates, she tells them where she wishes it to go. Admin costs are necessary to keep everything running smoothly.

  3. lisavollrath profile image92
    lisavollrathposted 9 years ago

    A busker, because that's a tough job, and I admire anyone who tries it. Then, a charity worker, but only if I've checked the charity out, and am sure the money is going to those in need, rather than those feeding their greed. I generally don't give money to folks begging on the street, but when I lived in DC, and had to walk past dozens of guys on Capitol Hill sleeping on the metro grates, I often bought extra food and gave it to them.

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It seems like you have a definite  process which I believe is good. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

  4. peachpurple profile image80
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    Prefer to donate the charity worker, at least there is such charity hime and get the receipt from her or him!

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't realize you could get a receipt but that is a good idea. Thanks.

  5. Venkatachari M profile image83
    Venkatachari Mposted 9 years ago

    It depends on the person and the occasion. When I feel some sympathy seeing his face or cause, then I will donate to a beggar or charity worker. But, A busker is always offered something by me, as he deserves it by way of his performances.
    But, sometimes, I think beggars become habituated to begging instead of doing some work to earn. I see them coming from far away places and sit at the weekly markets here. They could have took some kind of job instead of sitting here for begging. It makes me worried. But, we are helpless. So, sometimes, I give him and sometimes avoid.

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It is diffiuclt to know who is in genuine need and who sees begging more as an occupation. In the UK there are many who are scammers and pretend to be 'on the streets' but have driven to their prime location to beg daily then return home.

    2. Venkatachari M profile image83
      Venkatachari Mposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it is much difficult to trace genuine ones. But, listen to your intuition and rely on it. Then take God's name and offer. That's what we can do.

  6. Colin Quartermain profile image90
    Colin Quartermainposted 9 years ago

    In order it would probably be
    busker (presuming that they had some iota of talent)
    a beggar (believing the best in people, I'd hope they needed it for food, drink or housing)
    and finally a charity worker (often I find charity workers in the UK overly pushy, if I donate to a charity I take some time to research to make sure it is something I believe in)

    1. Blond Logic profile image94
      Blond Logicposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Having lived in the UK for many years, I would agree with you  regarding some charity workers. A simple shaking of their plastic collection container is all it takes to tell me they are there. Some nearly block the entrance to the stores.


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