Worried about Obama's publicity on relief effort in New Jersey the Romney camp cooked up a phoney hurricane relief effort with supplies purchased with campaign funds at WalMart which were given to supporters who brought them in to a staged donation at a Romney campaign headquarters. Romney is less trustworthy than Nixon!
Ralph, Shame should mean something for everyone. Hubpages claims overly promotional stuff is banned --- no judgment here..... How do you get away with this - is hp so superficial in depth? How can they so completely support a position like yours. Just let me know and for commercial reasons I will follow you.
HubPages hasn't taken a position one way or the other on my comment. It stands on it's own, and I make no apology for it. There is nothing superficial about it, and it's completely accurate so far as I know. This is a discussion/opinion forum, and my comment didn't violate any forum rule. If you disagree please tell us why. Romney's fake hurricane relief photo op is what is shameful.
Not buying it ralph. If you are not getting paid for such blatant onesided stuff you are a dupe. You know that queer part on ads "And I approve this message" Well you run afoul. HP is going to get spanked if they do not curtail your advertising.
You are full of hot air. I'm a lifelong Democrat. I'm retired and have plenty of time to support my party's candidates. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think I nor HubPages is violating any law. If you think differently please explain. Nobody is paying me for anything I say on this forum. Just the reverse, I've contributed small amounts to Barack Obama and a few other candidates.
Clearly you are REtired. Please notify your brain, it seems to be laboring under a false impression. And I doubt it is getting paid for it. Do you really not at all get 'paid for advertising' --- maybe you do not get paid here on HP. If you do a dollar a month you are getting paid to advertise. HP is a publisher. These are tough regs. But hey somebody is making moolah off of what your write, it is not your innocent personal belief, it is publishing.
Please spell out the "tough regs." Are you a lawyer? HP pays nothing for forum comments. Just about every publication with which I'm familiar from the Wall Street Journal, the NY Times to Mother Jones has discussion forums similar to this one. Why don't we just have a friendly discussion of the issues and skip the ad hominem comments?
Ralph, I just watched this story on the news, shameful. Reminds me of Ryan and the homeless shelter...good greif, for men who call 47% of the US lazy, why don't these men just really someone, anyone!
Eric I'm not sure how you can come over here to the forum area and post this when so many of your posts are political (right-leaning) or religious in nature. I avoid these topics in my hubs. I'm not trying to persuade anyone to take up a political cause or convert anyone. Here, however, I'm free to express my religious or political views because I don't "make money on them."
I find this attitude of your highly hypocritical. Oh and "no judgement here... how do you get away with this" is judgmental.
I'm guessing Ralph "gets away with this" the same way you do. At least Ralph does not pretend to be neutral or non-judgmental.
$5,000 worth. Just think of the tax deduction!
I hope people are really paying attention as the candidates’ responses to Hurricane Sandy today revealed much about what’s at stake in this election.
Yeah well I hope hp is paying attention, they are publishing this stuff and they are well over the bounds of political campaign ads for Ralph Deeds party.
What are you talking about? This is a forum and people are free to express opinions. HP is not the KGB
Most things about Romney seem to be fake so, by organizing a photo-op about a so called "hurricane relief effort", for once in his life, he is consistent
Even more concerning is how he wont talk to anyone in the press. As a candiate wouldnt you want to get your word out and show some leadership skills . . I guess he showed us how well he can raise cans.
Ralph, that sounds terrible. I tried to find out more, but I couldn't find a reputable site. Do you have a link?
I heard it from Rachel Maddow, but haven't checked the web, however much MSNBC may be a liberal source, I have never found her to lie
The story on Buzzfeed is a little different than the way you tell it, Ralph. Yes, the campaign made donations, but isn't that a good thing? According to BF, the people who were given items to donate had already provided donations but had deposited them in the front of the building. The staff wouldn't let people in line unless they had donations, so those who had brought stuff but had already deposited it were allowed to "grab" something else.
Some are fussing about the campaign video playing at the event, but that was a staff error. By the time Romney arrived, it had been straightened out and the videos were about the Red Cross.
I'm much more concerned about the Libya issue, especially after listening to McCain and some military experts. Even the left-leaning WaPo says Obama should come clean about what really happened.
The way I understood the story, The Red Cross is asking for money and blood donations...not that food and diapers are not helpful, but to shop for the event and stack the tables around Romney with the "donations," as a publicity stunt during a crisis is pretty bad moral behavior, kind of like Ryan and the shelter...But Potus is being our Leader, and chose to spend the day with Christie and the victims, I believe this shows their difference of character.
I think Obama is doing a great job with Sandy, but to be fair, Romney asked about visiting and was told the extra "guards" for his visit would take workers away from where they needed to be, just like Bloomberg told Obama. I still don't quite get it, though: Romney's donations are a bad thing? And yes, people attending really did donate items! I think Romney has shown his generosity many, many times, even when no one was looking.
I've led donation efforts, and I always contibuted to them. I brought items to my own fundraisers/relief efforts and stacked them on tables. I guess I'm a bad person.
habee, I am sure he gives, He probably donated financially as well, but he used it for a photo-op, that's the ugly part....I am sure when you were running donation efforts you did not bring a camera crew...Why did he choose to Campaign in Florida today? I'm sorry, but if he wanted to be helpful he could have, just like when he pulled up the stump, somebody would have reported it and he would have been applauded, same with Ryan and the shelter, why not just really help someone because it is the right thing to do whether someone sees it or not...Just saying..
You're naive if you don't think all pols - including Obama - use photo-ops. It goes with the territory. Don't believe the prez uses photo-ops? Look it up. You'll find plenty.
Going to New Jersey wasnt a photo op. But one would have to conclude Romney's visit was! With all the destruction in that area, that's the last place he needed to be. And yes, all do photo ops.
Of course they all do photo-ops, but not the time nor place here, just bad taste.
Of course they do, but not completely faked ones. Obama had some great photo-ops with Christie in NJ, but they were real not faked. Romney and Ryan also staged some fake photo ops in Ohio? showing them washing pots and pans in a soup kitchen.
I thought in your first post you were saying that the donated items didn't go to the people who needed them. Now THAT would be a really fake photo-op.
I don't think Romney was in the soup kitchen - I think that was Ryan. As I've said, I'm not a big Ryan fan.
As for MI, you act surprised. I've said all along that Obama will win, as I can't see Romney taking Ohio. I just hope O wins both the EC and the popular vote - I don't want a repeat of 2000.
No, I didn't mean to imply that the items won't go to hurricane victims. I have no doubt that they eventually will. One other thing--Romney was urging people to contribute to the Red Cross. I've read several times that the money given to the Red Cross in response to various disasters goes into Red Cross coffers, not to the victims. That is, the Red Cross opportunistically takes advantage of disasters to raise money with appeals implying the contributions will go to disaster relief. Perhaps Romney isn't aware of this criticism of the Red Cross.
Well, Ralph, it seems that Romney is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. MSNBC was criticizing him for collecting items instead of asking for cash donations to the Red Cross. Now you're saying donations to the RC are bad, too. Sheesh.
Well, I'm not sure of what the facts are about the Red Cross. I've supported it for years myself. But recently I've read a number of criticisms. That's the least of Romney's problems. He screwed himself big time in Michigan and Ohio with his positions on the auto bailout. Obama is six points ahead in Michigan and will probably win in Ohio, too on the auto industry issue plus women's issues.
I'm more concerned about what Romney is running today? The extreme right Romney or the middle of the road Romney? Flipping back to Libya is just a means for Romney to avod the important questions? What are the details of his plans? Is he for womans rights? What are his specific foreign policies? and the list goes on. He plays a conversation everytime I see him speaking on tv, geared at this particular audience or another. Tells each group what they want to hear. I have no idea "WHO" the real Romney is? I don't think anyone does!
So...you don't think Libya is "important"?? Yes, Mitt ran to the right during the primaries, as most pols do. Would you like me to remind you about all the stuff Obama promised the far left when he was running? Romney IS a moderate - always has been, especially when you compare him to the far right loonies. You know all this already but are he!! bent on saying anything negative about Romney that you can. I'm not like you. When Obama does something good, I admit it and even praise him for it. I'm not an Obama-hater. I don't think he's terrible. In fact, I'm really not a "hater" at all. As I've said before here, I don't trust anyone who thinks their political "team" is always right and the other is always wrong.
And, as for Benghazi, Obama won't even answer letters from senators about it. Some on the far right are saying the POTUS is using Sandy as an excuse to avoid Libya questions. In fact, I got into an argument just last night about this, and I took up for Obama. I'm sure he'll get around to sharing info with Congress after Sandy has settled down. Right now, he's doing what needs to be done.
habee, I want to know about Lybia too, I started a forum about the poker game of the mideast, the link did not work because I had to register for the paper, so I copied it over, you should give it a read, it really will open your eyes to the confusion of the situation not to mention the volitility, it's a powder keg! I will also say, Obama has been more of a Republican candidate when it comes to his foriegn policy, he peppers it with a lot of diplomacy however, I have studied this man a lot. He is the moderate. He is dead center. I have had a lot of forums showing proof from the BLS on unemployment and jobs for instance, The cuts to jobs were Federal Jobs, they fell drastically, but everything else is climbing out of the hole. Mining is stronger than ever, shooting to the top of the graph, he has drilled more than Bush and we are on target to beat out the Saudis in oil production. The drone strikes he has taken so much heat for on my side of the isle...I mean I could go on and on, Then I found out that the Affordable Health Care Act known as Obamacare, was a Republican plan in 1993 from the Heritage Foundation, a right wing lobbying group, and spear headed by Newt himself. Republicans will not back him on their own ideas and ideology...and he has the best of my side of the isle, fighting for clean energy, air, water, targeted middle class tax cuts, freedom for all including gay persons, women's productive rights and fair pay rights, freedom of religion...He is the center, R and R are so far right, he couldn't be any other way, just my two cents
Ralph, you did not disappoint. You should always consider the source. This one is so honest check out the non biased remark here:
" Nine will get you ten that the donations will be dropped off at some pantry in Ohio, far away from the damage from Sandy."
As for the other BS comments in the article especially the one on Jeep, well I got some of the information from the horses mouth now too. I am awaiting a confirmation call from COO Mike Manley of Fiat for an interview on my show for Monday. It looks good and when confirmed I will post a link so you can hear it too.
I'll look forward to watching it.
[I could supply you with additional sources. That was the first one I found. I originally heard the fake relief story on Chris Matthews "Hardball." I doubt you'd like that source any better! It's also been picked up by other TV commentators.
I am not surprised at the Fake relief effort so Mitt can keep on trying to rally votes. I believe the POTUS is gaining more by behaving like a leader and not a con man.
I think the Romney Camp might be attempting to NOT make the same mistake Bush did with Katrina, and wait until after the storm is over to get involved. According to the news media, Romney cancelled plans for fund raisers and rallies in most states that were in the path of the hurricane. Including Wisconsin. Which is kind of weird, considering that his running mate is from Wisconsin, and it is barely in the storm path. But, any relief effort with any kind of support billboard or whatever that attempts to endorse a candidate during a crisis, seems kind of lame to me.
Why this subject suddenly turned to talk about Lybia is beyond me. Why are there political billboards in Lybia now in any relief efforts that are going on there? lets stay on the subject.
I would rather he waited if it is honest that to make FAKE relief efforts to garner votes. That is just plain dishonest and shows me Romney's true colors.
Obama is leading in Michigan by 6 points! Stabenow has a lock over right wing fundamentalist GOPer Pete Hoekstra 59-33.
http://www.freep.com/article/20121101/N … |FRONTPAGE
I've read similar complaints about Red Cross, but in their defense, I will say that the day after we had major flooded neighborhoods after Tropical Storm Isaac, they were here handing out food and supplies to anyone that needed it. Our county had been declared a federal disaster area.
Although my house didn't flood, two houses away the houses flooded. It happened so quickly because the ground was hardened from a drought and the tides pushed the water in and it had nowhere to go. My street and yard had turned into a lake. I didn't need their help, but I know other families did and it was nice to see them here so quickly. That wouldn't have happened if our governor hadn't asked for federal assistance, (yes, that governor!) Also I remember seeing contractors out here the next day, for all of those who say that FEMA is a waste of government money. FEMA coordinates with private and public contractors.
As far as Romney and fake pictures, well, I think he's in the desperation stage at this point. That's the work of his campaign advisors. I don't see how anyone can now be influenced by this ads. He should donate some of his campaign money to relief efforts.
He did donate campaign money to buy emergency items. Used his campaign bus to deliver them, too.
I mean a substantial amount, since I've read he still has a very significant amount of money left to blast the networks during this final week. Why waste that money on ads. Both of them.
I just saw this article about Red Cross donations. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/3 … 51669.html
Red Cross should be worried, very worried!
It will not be long until Romney will call for its privatization
The Red Cross is already, and always has been, a private organization. It holds a Congressional Charter but is not owned or run by the state.
Well, I'm glad to hear that the Red Cross is pitching in. I retract what I said questioning Romney's appeal for donations to the Red Cross.
I think both campaigns should donate any money they have left at this point. The amount already spent is obscene, IMO. Think what good that money could do elsewhere. Thanks a lot, Supreme Court.
I don't at all fault Romney for staging a storm relief event. It was makeshift and a bit awkward, but not wrong.
Both campaigns were suspended (by mutual agreement, I believe) because of Superstorm Sandy.
President Obama went off and did his job with FEMA and Chris Christie and the other governors and mayors affected.
Doing his job as POTUS actually provided an authentic "campaigning" platform.
Mitt Romney was left on the margins. No official role. Out of the limelight and gag ordered not to campaign. Not invited to the party in NJ.
So he punted.
He shifted a campaign "victory" (??) rally in Ohio into a storm relief event.
He is not the first American, nor will he be the last, to want to help by pulling together supplies.
I believe (but would have to check timeline) that at the time they did this canned food and diapers drive in Ohio there had not been any official announcement that the Red Cross prefers cash donations or blood. Those came later.
I give the Romney team credit for fast improvization.
I really see nothing wrong with "seeding" the donations table with items they bought.
For obvious reasons, an event where Romney collects $ for storm victims would not go over very well.
Had he had more time to think/work it through, hosting a blood donation event would have been off the charts positive and helpful.
In fact, that still might be a good idea -- the need is still there, obviously.
But he did what he could to use this "non-campaign" time Tuesday strategically.
Yesterday (Wednesday), however...
Campaigns were still supposed to be suspended as Obama toured storm damage in NJ.
Romney went right back into full campaign mode.
But with only days till election day, I can see where it's do or die time.
I can understand not wanting to sit on his hands while Obama and Christie "campaigned" together.
So all in all, I see this as not so much as "faked" but as "improvised."
I will save my full-on villification for those HORRIBLE ads he's running!
You mean obama's vicious ads, correct?
Subject of my post is pretty clearly Romney.
by Susan Reid 11 years ago
NJ Governor Chris Christie, who as recently as a week ago was a harsh critic of Obama's leadership has a new BFF: Barack Obama.He's been effusive (some believe TOO effusive) in his praise for the POTUS and his handling of Sandy, going on numerous news shows.So what do you think his motives are?...
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The classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby contains the famous line, "The rich are different from you and me." Earnest Hemingway supposedly responded, "Yes, they have more money." I would add, along with opportunities the rank and file of the 99% don't even dare...
by Robert A. Avila 11 years ago
Do you research candidates before voting? How could anyone vote for Romney or Obama?I wrote articles about a local Modesto mayoral election in 2012. Though I was on the first Google results page for the biggest search phrases on Google (and there weren't too many!), only a few dozen read the...
by David 11 years ago
Why did Mitt Romney lose the election?Why do you think he lost? Was it his policies, VP, Sandy or???Let's please keep this political and not get into name calling or other non-productive things.
by Anne Pettit 11 years ago
How do you think hurricane Sandy is going to help/hurt Obama's campaign as opposed to Romney's?
by mio cid 9 years ago
President Obama's jigsaw puzzle strategy is winning him support of women,youth,immigrants and hispanics,black voters,union workers etc. Romney's strategy is based on how bad a president Obama has been and pandering to the republican base which is controlled by the tea party and the extreme right...
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