… 65036.html
Is there anyone who sits in front of a camera at MSNBC whom you actually believe has an ounce of common sense? So why in the wide wide world of sports would you want them advising the President about your taxes?
And even more scarey would be Fox News advising the President about our taxes!
I watch MSNBC, and think the people there are much more intelligent than reporters and anchors I see on Fox or CNN. They are engaging and more informed. What's odd about Rachel Maddow talking about alternative energy while visiting a site with windmills to show it can is being done successfully somewhere, and can create American jobs? What's wrong with Ed talking about the value of his education, and how hard his Mother worked as a teacher? Lawrence O' Donnell is a monster, collecting money for children in foreign countries who need desks so they don't have to sit on the floor at school. Fox News and the R's are STILL in complete denial. Obama won by more than 100 electoral votes, and the rich 2% can afford to have their taxes upped. Many agree to it already and say it's the logical solution to the economic issues our country faces--along with other measures. R's say it's never about racism, but now that the people they tried to block from voting stood in line for hours to protect their rights, they want to pretend Obama slanted the election. Now they blame Acorn, which hasn't existed for several years. Sarah Palin is still calling Obama a Socialist, so obviously never read up on it, it seems many don't really understand what true socialism is. These are very sick people in denial, and if they keep insisting on what they know is wrong, they will never win another election again. Instead of getting the message America is not all old, white, angry men, they took away a message they should have listened to the Tea Party nutjobs even more. It's very sad. Any respectable R isn't even speaking out, they are so embarrassed by their own party and the direction it took.
I cannot imagine a group of individuals more divorced from reality than the staff and on-air personnel of MSNBC. Some of them were with Air America and their lack of common sense is why it no longer exists.
Who is still not extinct....Fox...or Air America?
Conservatives tend to own the airwaves while the left tends to own the networks. Explains a lot actually.
Raising taxes on 2% of the population is not a logical approach to our debt, it wont put a dent in our debt. It is only logical to MSNBC and the 3 people who watch it, of which you seem to be one. Get ready, your taxes will soon be going up and its about time that the bottom 50% start paying their fair share!!
And by the way i am very impressed at your take on the Party talking points.
That was mostly what your comments boiled down to after you stopped gushing about the socialist commentators.
It's obvious she can not think for herself. That is apparent when she says the rich can afford a raise in tax rates. Sure they can, so can she. That's not the question, the question is why should anyone be forced to? Their is plenty of money for the needed services the government should provide. The problem it is being handed out to pay back campaign donors in one form or another, along with waste due to lack of sufficent controls and oversight.
This thread shows a shocking ignorance of tax laws and the many loopholes available to almost anyone to reduce their taxable income. I highly doubt anyone will actually pay more.
Tell you what....since you don't see a problem you can pay my share.
"I highly doubt anyone will actually pay more."
Wow, lollipops and sunshine!!! You can pay mine, too, Cody.
Yeah you are pretty well looking at his whole repertoire.
That's certainly the impression I got.
What do you expect from people who get there news from the comedy channel.
I learned a long time ago not to expect much from a liberal and I've never been disappointed.
To avoid the over taxation of the Caesar Obama Administration.
Nope, the liberal answer is Its George Bush's fault and your a racist.
It's a problem we all need to solve together. We should fire everyone in the do nothing Congress, they are useless, or at least they should not be paid or have medical benefits if they don't show up, like "normal" working people have to live. And if they filibuster, they should actually get off their butts and do it right.
Those people were elected! Remember, elections have consequences? My rep is doing exactly what I and so many others sent him there to do, block Obama!
At least Boehner is finally starting to realize that you have to compromise to get anywhere
Why doesn't the GOP understand compromise is a good can't get everything you want
If compromise is such a good thing why wont the Democrats ever do so? Hmmm?
Let's ask Harry Reid about compromise shall we?
Haha actually the democrats right now are the ONLY party willing to give on anything
Reallly Cody? You want to go there?
Harry Reid will not allow anything to be voted on that's not from his playlist. You know that and we all know that.
BS someone younger.
Fine, I'll stop "BSing" you when you stop posting all of these ridiculous and misleading headlines
Why should Dems compromise when the R's are clearly stating their only mission was to get Obama out of the White House? And they failed, because they don't understand the country is changing. R's always wave the flag, but they are the ones who are not giving an inch. And Bush did screw up the ecomony, he left Obama with a mess that even Sainted Reagan with his Alzheimers could not have fixed. By the way, during Reagan's term, the rich paid a higher rate than they do now, as they did under Clinton. And Rachel Maddow is gay, get over it. I'm not wasting my time on this thread any more, it's just sour grapes because the GOP is irrelevant now.
We'll see how irrelevant they are in 2014.
obama campaigned on how bipartisan he was going to be, how he would be willing to compromise. Just more broken promises. Why should the GOP compromise when obama won't?
Just one more example of how enlightened you libs are, making fun of a person with Alzheimers. If a Republican did that, you'd be all over them. But since it was Reagan, it's okay, right?
Bush did screw things up but obama said in his first term, if he didn't fix it, he deserved to be a one term president. Just more empty words, just more lies and broken promises. No hope, no change.
He's the same old vicious, lying, two bit politician he was when he was in Illinois. obama won, the country lost.
You have tunnel vision Jean.
I couldn't care less about Rachael Maddow and you obviously think the GOP matters to me. It does not and never did.
Compromise? The only way this goes down is one side or the other concedes, there is no compromise.
And when you give in here you will have no choice but to accept the next fake crisis that they come up with. And on and on and on and on..........
Is that really how you remember the past four years going down?
Pretty much, the world was going to end if we didn't raise the debt ceiling, remember?
Yup all the GOP did was get our credit rating slashed....
Good job?
BTW, do some research about the debt ceiling...its never before been an issue
Harry frigging Reid got our credit rating slashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not even remotely true.....and THIS is why our country is so messed up.
Oh yes it is. Mr Gatekeeper keeping the world safe from true bi-partisanship.
Basically the only way anything happens is if Conservatives sit down and agree to E V E R Y T H I N G he wants. That's what passes as compromise for the liberal Socialists.
Socialists....that's a riot.....go look that word up and then you'll see it doesn't apply here at all
BTW, I can remember a year ago and all the liberal whiners.
Yea....cuz a default on the national debt is kinda a big deal....
Wow sounds to me like the Democrats better learn to compromise......
That's the conclusion you reached? What more could conservatives possibly want? They want to cut medicare and social security while keeping the wealthy wealthy? How on Earth would any sane person believe in that?
Because Cody that will forever and ever and ever and ever and ever be the railing excuses for wanting to raise taxes on wealthy or anyone.
When they get past this bunch of crap it will hit the fan again next year......and the year after.
No, that's not true at all. All that would happen is roll back Bush era tax cuts for wealthy people. Essentially the wealthy will pay the same rate that they would when Clinton was in office. I don't recall America being in a tough spot back then.
Do we need to cut spending? Sure, but don't cut programs that people have paid into their whole lives. The defense budget can be slashed by billions all by itself.
So why didn't Barack roll them back four years ago? What was he advised?
He mistakenly thought that compromise would create compromise from the other side. Never happened. The GOP held the middle class hostage to get their way.
He was advised not to raise taxes in a recession. That's what he was advised. By Bill Clinton.
He was advised not to raise taxes on the middle class. He couldn't raise taxes on the top 1 percent because the GOP refused to hold steady on tax cuts for those who need them unless the rich got them as well.
He was advised not to raise taxes on anyone. He should stay there.
Its a good thing that 65 percent of Americans disagree with you
You can tell the story how ever you like but the fact is the in 2010 the then lame duck Democrats had an opportunity to pass whatever tax rates they wanted because the controlled both the House and the Senate. Obama had an opportunity to tout tax increases on the "rich" but did not. The tax rates were extended by a Democrat controlled government.
Besides weren't we told at the time of the original tax rate reduction that it was all for the 1%? I seem to recall Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer and my silly liberal brother-in-law all complaining that it was all for the 1%. If was all for the 1% how could letting those tax rates expire increase the tax burden of the "middle class?" Unless the Democrats were lying in 2001,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. … h-tax-cuts
Everybody's tax liability fell with the sole exception of the top 20% they actually had an increase in the share of taxes paid. But that is all a lie, Obama is always right and walks on water, Republicans eat babies and grandmas and are racists and it is all Bush's fault.
Elections have consequences and the biggest consequences is the liberal destruction of America continues, unabated.
He had control of both houses, how did the party NOT in power hold him hostage? Never mind, Ive heard all the excuses to cover for his complete incompetence, you wouldn't add anything new.
I guess I'll just say it again...
the GOP and context just don't mix...
It was not my intention to mock President Reagan because of his Alzheimer's, but it does raise questions about whether he was fit to be making decisions during the whole of his Presidency, as we don't know when his symptoms began. I liked Reagan, I voted for him once. My post was not meant to take a cheap shot at him. During both his and Clinton's Presidencies, there were higher taxes on the rich, and the economy was good. I believe the economy goes through cycles like most things, and maybe it doesn't even matter how good a particular President and his cabinet handle the economics. They just get lucky and are in office when the cycle is good.
No you have just been raised a Party man and that is your point of view. That is clear by your discussions.
Plainly you also believe anyone in the GOP is evil or has evil intent. I understand because I was raised in a household like that too.
I can't speak for the GOP for I am a Conservative and the GOP is mainstream. Don't get it confused.
I wouldn't really say any part of conservatism these days is mainstream...
Marco Rubio saying that the Earth was 4.6 billion years old and created by God may be the most moderate thing I've heard prominent Republicans say in the last 12 years.
The GOP is mainstream. Conservatism is not because the GOP is hardly Conservative these days.
So when you say the GOP.....which liberal Democrats always are talking about mainstream.
Mainstream is why Barack Obama is heading to his second term.
I respect Marco Rubio and also recognize there is no clear determination of the age of the Earth and I am a Christian telling you that.
Really? Hasn't been determined? I'm pretty sure the Earth is more than 6,000 years old
And the GOP is not conservative? What on Earth passes for conservative these days?
No Cody....John Boehner and the gang are not really Conservative.
Conservative? Marco Rubio.
Conservative? Thomas Sowell
Conservative? Antonin Scalia.
Cody is right. The Democrats are moderates. We have no liberal party in the U.S. The Republicans are so far right they are not facing reality and many of the current problems that face us in society. Just the way they say they want less government, but want to moniter everything women do with their bodies, and control everyone's personal lives, is way off the beam. They still don't offer solutions to any of the real problems that face us. The fiscal issues are bad, we have too many people dying because our current health care system is so poor, and our infant mortality rate is higher than in some Third World Countries. The R's want to cut education too, when our students are way behind in math and science, and will not be able to compete with people their ages in China and India, places where apparently young people are getting educations.
Lol, and they are why the GOP will be irrelevant in less than 5 years
There is a mid-term in two years.
You better hope you have bet on the right horses. There is no guarantee they will perform the way you wish.
And you still believe the GOP is "evil".
Glad to know no "evil" has ever come from the Democrats.
Barrack Obama had an issue with raising the debt limit when he was a senator. The bond rating was slashed after the debt limit increase - because of the debt limit increase. It has been slashed a second time since because the government is not handling our money well enough. The national debt has never been near to out stripping GDP. Obama will finally be happy when we are Greece. California, Illinois, Maryland and New York are already the fiscal disasters that unrestrained liberal policies create. Thank God I live where the GOP runs the government - no bankruptcy for my state and a AAA bond rating to boot.
Oh maybe not the past four but that is what will happen now. No budget and an infinite debt ceiling.
I can here them lighting the cigarettes in the afterglow now.
Boehner will give the boy king whatever he wants, the GOP establishment will tell him to. Doesn't mean he gets reelected, I know my Rep wont if he gives in.
I agree about the filibuster thing but Harry Reid can't just change it. The Republicans tried the EXACT same thing when they were the majority and he threw a fit. I wonder why? He wants it now? Could it be control?
Well, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for his policies....
Oh yeah, the policies the boy king continues! Brilliant.
This is what I love about conservatives...
1) Obama has made rolling back the Bush failed tax cuts for years, but can't because of the conservative hurr-durr on talk radios and the hot air being blown in Congress
2) The economy is recovering....get over it
3) Its OK, the GOP might be relevant again in a decade or so.
The economy is recovering?
Wait for know....January.
Obama can't because of radio talk show hosts? You sure its not because he knows its a bad idea to raise taxes during his recession? He used to know that, guess he forgot. How can you follow a loser who can't govern because of Rush Limbaugh?
Or get anything done when you have a super-majority???????????????
Yes...the context is they could have passed anything and passed nothing but the health care debacle. Wait till it hits....wait for it.
Actually, there was an article that came out the other day saying that the new law will save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade.
There was an article the other day that said Bigfoot was real, whats your point?
Haha its OK to admit that Obama was can get off your high horse now
The only thing Barack Obama has been right about in four years was his selection of beef for there party dinners.
No logic, commonsense,
I can't afford to pay more taxes. My husband and I live on $70,000 a year, and that doesn't go far in NJ. I have a chronic back issue and can't work much, although I do not collect disability, because I have periods where I can work for a few months. I am strong willed and always think for myself, and don't know why I am explaining myself to someone like you. I don't see how it hurts wealthy people to pay a little more, when there are so many struggling people. It's one logical step, it's not a whole solution to the many issues our country faces. I was thinking how much money was wasted at both of the Conventions, and how much is actually spent to run a campaign. That money could all have been put to better use.
Keep listening to Rush, the leader of your party. I suppose he dreams up his "news" at night,.
Jean what we can't get you to understand is you WILL pay more taxes.
The total spent by both political campaigns was $2 billion - the federal government spends $3.87 billion per day ---- NO WAIT that is wrong - it takes 2/3rds of that from tax payers each day and borrows 1/3 from future taxpayers, the Chinese and anyone else that is still willing to gamble on the US. We do not have a tax problem. We have a spending problem and the best way to fix it is jump off the fiscal cliff and not raise the debt limit,
That Maddow dude is a bit strange. I don't think he should be advising anyone on anything.
Salt is well known to increase blood pressure if you are susceptible to high blood pressure. MSNBC is worse than salt.
Unbelievable, but not shocking for this administrations standards.
The president always keeps good company with backwards ideologists.
Obama also welcomed Korean pop singer Psy (famous for Gangnam Style) to a Christmas concert despite his lyrics for a song which say “Kill those f---ing Yankees,” “Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers” and “Kill them all slowly and painfully.”
Well at least NBC has the best coverage of weekly football games. Especially seeing Faith Hill sing the opening theme for NBC Sunday Night Football.
"Waiting All Day For Sunday Night"
Sorry Bare . . didn't mean to hijack this thread, just trying to make a little light on a not so easy day. Hope you felt my attempt at a little bit of humor.
Here's an open question.
We raise taxes to 55% on the rich. Thus averting the "fiscal cliff".
So hey presto we don't ever have to raise taxes again? Right?
Psy seems incredibly off topic. Especially since he has publicly apologized for for his song and performances. In related content, maybe you all would like this article on what it means to be a socialist. … epublican/
Speaking solely for myself - I have grown weary of loud mouth idiots who spew hate, racism and all kinds of despicable garbage and then expect that an apology is sufficient. I have told more than one child that an apology for doing something you know is wrong is not sufficient. The bonds of trust are broken and the expectation now is that you meant what you did wrong. How does one apologize for that? I am not a priest do not come to me for absolution after your foul mouthed anti-American hate fest.
This just demonstrates, yet again, that Barrack Obama is not a good president, and brings into question how good a man, father, husband and American he is. One can bet there will be no apology from the arrogant ass for his poor judgement.
As for the "socialism" thing - one can rationalize any form of tyranny as long as "for the common good" (or a variant there of) is part of the propaganda.
Was Psy wrong to say what he said? Of course....
But how does that make him any different than a lot of American rappers? I guess we can't listen to Biggie or Tupac either
Would you not be somewhat upset if a foreign Army killed two Americans?
If the two were Biggie and Tupac - probably not. In fact, given the negative impact of certain "artistic" movements on the status and role of men, women, black people, the police and the poor in America, I might thank them.
Thank you for your input, I am taking it as seriously as it should be taken given the seriousness with which you defend the indefensible. Socialism is tyranny.
by fishskinfreak2008 14 years ago
Web-site/URL: … _business/Is the president becoming more of a negativist? This is troubling. He ran and was elected on a platform of "change" and "hope".
by James Smith 11 years ago … landscape/Note for fans of Fox News that will almost certainly jump on this:Please stop watching it, it's still awful.This survey comprehensively analysed the changing landscape in television news reporting. They found that 55% of Fox News content...
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who begrudge Arizona to defend its borders when the Federal government clearly will not carry out its responsibilities, what do you think of the UK's cap on non-EU migration? Human rights violation? Tyranical oppression? Time to march through the streets?
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Who do you think reports the most honest news CNN, MSNBC, FOX
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I'm always amazed at how many people don't understand Fox News. It has a successful business strategy of appealing to people's conservative biases, which is why a majority of viewers are conservative Republicans.Fox is not a news channel that seeks the truth. It provides reporting and commentary...
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