Dark Sisters, Tell of YOUR Story & Experiences

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  1. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

    In American society, darker skinned Black women tend to be viewed and considered to be less attractive than the Europid beauty idea which is propogated.  Dark skinned Black women in the society are "the outer" and "the lesser" by both the outer society and within our own Black communities and families.

    Little dark skinned  Black girls are still inculcated in some families with the premise that they are not beautiful at all but ugly.  I remember as a child and teenager, dark skinned Black girls were not noticed by the boys as the lighter skinned girls were.  I and other dark skin Black girls were demonized to the multillionth degree.  We were on the beauty periphery so to speak.  I can distincly recall one light skinned Black schoolmate state that a very dark skinned schoolmate was very ugly. 

    The scenario is still here and present. As of years ago, a light skinned Black female coworker said to me that a very dark skinned Black female coworker looked less human. One of my maternal aunts indicated in front of everyone how beautiful a very light skinned Black cousin was in front of a very dark skinned Black cousin.  This aunt left all the light skinned cousins inheritances, electing not to leave the dark skinned cousin any although the latter needed it the most.   Many dark skinned Black girls and women oftentimes absorb this societal and intraracial negativity either using outward and/or inward displacement.   

    There are some dark skinned Black women who are psychologically broken as a  result of this indocrination. One dark-skinned Black coworker my complexion indicated that she was light-skinned and took high umbrage that she was dark-skinned.  However, there are those glorious dark-skinned Black women who proudly embrace their physical heritage.  They adamantly refuse to absorb negativity colorist propoganda and really are UNCONCERNED with the majority societal, racial, and/or familial consensus regarding the subject.

    What is YOUR experience relating to being a dark skinned Black woman in this society? Added note: anyone regardless can also participate in this forum and are encouraged and welcome to do so.

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "There are some dark skinned Black women who are psychologically broken as a  result of this indocrination."

      Do you think it will help break the ugly cycle by posting here, asking for more people to give their similar experiences and support the idea that dark=ugly?  Or will it simply reinforce the idea in those women that do not have a lot of self confidence?

      1. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Not at all, for many thus affected it can be a healing process and a support system of those thus affected helping each other.

  2. SpanStar profile image59
    SpanStarposted 11 years ago

    Until we remove all of the stereotypes of Black people in our society we will continue to create an atmosphere where by minorities feel like second-class citizens still.

    This indoctrination that White is always right during the civil rights movement brought me great concern when a program was set Up in the South to gauge how Black children viewed themselves and each child was given a White doll and a Black doll they were asked which was the prettiest doll the vast majority said the White doll.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The brain washing has been most clever and seems to be insurmountable, everywhere I seem to look. People are far too shallow to see beyond what they are told to see. The last of our basic prejudices is beauty verses uglyness, how sinister it was that this was somehow tied to melanin or lack thereof in the skin.....

      I am pessimistic as it will require taking off the wrappers and a reopening the box and starting over. It will take a reprograming on a level or magnitude of a moon shot. How is it not possible for dark skinned sister to avoid being actively defensive in the face of such an onslaught.

      1. SpanStar profile image59
        SpanStarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        This is true.

      2. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        In total agreement with you Credence.  The dark skinned Black women has been so demonized by Eurocentric society and cultures.  She is often marginalized and viewed as lesser than.  She is furthermore viewed as the other.   She is not considered as good as nor attractive.  This does not only occur in the majority society but also within the Black community.   The dark skinned Black women is considered to be at the bottom, especially in terms of physical attractiveness. 

        Although the situation is slightly better with the actress Lupita Nyong'o winning an Academy Award, the dark skinned Black woman still has a long way to go.  Dark skinned Black women still have a difficult time obtaining roles in Hollywood beyond the ethnocentric, urban, and generally stereotypical roles.   Dark skinned Black women seldom obtain the more glamorous, crossover roles that light skinned Black women obtain.   The roles consigned to dark skinned Black women are usually that of declasse roles, maids, slaves, and other more negative roles.    Especially in the music industry, dark skinned Black women are seldom selected for more prominent roles.   There are some Black rappers such as L'il Wayne who proclaimed that dark skinned Black women are unattractive and that light skinned Black women are more beautiful/attractive. 


        1. Dan Rowley profile image57
          Dan Rowleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          gmwilliams: You, my dear, are certainly beautiful! Not for a dark skinned girl (a comment I know you loath) but, because you are, a beautiful girl (woman)! And, you are right in that darker skinned women are more shunned vs yer light skinned sisters. This knowing not only comes from what blogs I've read, but it's also obvious in the world of entertainment. My experience in this is nil since I'm male & white.There are @ least two exceptions to the rule: Iman & Grace Jones. The latter by the force of her personality. It's very unfair & unfortunate that dark skinned females are so belittled. But, unfortunately tho' it stinks, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whomever has control & has the deep pockets. Not only in the entertainment world, but in all aspects of life. From my little corner of the world all can say is hang tuff, stay positive, fight fairly the good fight, keep yer chin held high & above all else remember... for every one of us who picks up a pen to voice, in this case, his support &/or discontent in all matters of speaking, like an iceberg, many more will not preferring to stay in the shadows, below the water line as it where, admiring one & all from a distance. Too shy, intimidated, to say their piece. P.S. Remember this too.... doctors say dark chocolate is healthier for yer heart than milk chocolate. (I hope you take that in it's proper context.) All my best to you & dark skinned girls everywhere.

  3. seychellois24 profile image60
    seychellois24posted 8 years ago

    Well plain & simply because i'm mixed i have a background where i am considered not black. Well not totally in colour, though certainly in heart & also because of my love of black women.

    Let me explain fully..... My mother is Seychellois, of which i am very, very proud. As an olive skinned young boy growing up in NE England, at the tender age of 6-12 i was chassed home & subjected to the slurs of, yes believe or not that N word "NIGGER". So i have earned the right consider my self to be black at heart.Now having said that, i can look at it from two sides.

    " BLACK IS BEAUTFUL", If that be African, Indian, South American, Native American or Asian. the darker the woman the better. The never ending mystery that is saturated in the hue of the in the dark creamy richness of that mesmerising skin is simpy though not just "AWESOME"
    Be 'PROUD of what those who are not blessed with, having such an "AMAZING GIFT" which some can only be "DREAM & JEALOUS" of. That is why they try to throw such pityfull words of " I CARE".
    After all, why bother unless they are "JEALOUS"
    Who SINGS, DANCES, KICKS ARSE IN SPORT, & WALKS INTO THE ROOM or CATWALK like no other colour can.... So sing your praises & and hold your head up high "LADIES & GENTLEMAN

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this


  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Somehow some people will take this as racist , but  as a white guy  I believe that there is an incredible amount of beauty in  a black woman ,  especially in a darker skinned black  woman ,      AND more importantly ,I too know that  there is a incredible amount of personal pain when  someone insinuates any kind of an ugliness in another that lasts a lifetime.

    To the black woman or man , be proud !   You[we ] are  all "different "for a good reason !


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