Immigration Reform...Is it another cruel joke on taxpayers?

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  1. SealBeach profile image60
    SealBeachposted 11 years ago

    Suddenly, the idea hopelessly is setting-in on the American people. Americans are becoming more and more passive when it comes to constructive oversight over our political leaders. How can taxpayers now cope with a constant reminder of a $17 trillion deficit , war on demand by the political elite for Israel, the lost of the middle-class--that's been subverted by the flow of illegal immigrants for corporate America to contain wages? Is America's domestic and foreign policy for sale?
    How can 11 million illegal immigrants benefit 30 million unemployed Americans if the illegals were given amnesty? Too me, it means no more hiding or concerns for being doesn't translate to higher wages.
    And what is it with our foreign policy agenda? We project our military might thousands of miles beyond our borders while all of our proven issues are here in our owned back yard. There has been more drug related murders in Mexico than--in all of the poppy fields in Afghanistan. I can go on and on--but a lot of you can explain this much better than I can!

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Liberals hope to pick up a disproportionate percentage of new votes while conservatives hope to continue the low wages legally. 

      It has absolutely nothing to do with what's in the best interests of the country or even in being sympathetic to the poor illegals that will die without US support although that is often the stated reason.

      1. SealBeach profile image60
        SealBeachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Wilderness,
        ..."What's in the best interests of the country" is what I was searching for--that our leaders lack!

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          While I support amnesty for the large majority of illegals as a compromise I could accept I do so ONLY with reasonable requirements and ONLY with a firm, effective plan to prevent the fiasco from ever happening again.  Neither is included in this pathetic excuse of a bill.

          1. profile image55
            Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            The current immigration law isn't enforced.  What makes anybody think additional laws will be enforced?  It's like gun control.  Some advocates want more regulations and laws, but they aren't even willing to enforce the laws that already exist.  Amnesty will be given, and like before, there will be no plan, or the plan will not be enforced.

            We're going to give amnesty to illegal aliens and still make it difficult for people to come here legally?  Something seems wrong with that.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              A hub I wrote on the subject has some real horror stories from legal immigrants in the comments sections.  Absolutely pathetic that we do that sort of thing.

      2. profile image55
        Education Answerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Liberals AND conservatives hope to get a disproportionate number of votes.  Liberals already have the Hispanic vote.  Some republicans are scrambling to try to get some of those votes by offering amnesty.  It's politics.  I'm unhappy with both sides.

        Blanket amnesty should not be offered, but I do agree with one thing you said.  Amnesty has absolutely nothing to do with what's in the best interests of the country.  It's all about politicians trying to garner more votes, and my side is just as guilty as the other.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Actually, I disagree to some degree.  It is most definitely (IMO) in the best interests of the country to end the illegal alien problem in the US.  If the only way that can be done is through amnesty, it is still in our best interests to do so.

          One of the things that might help considerably is to amend the constitution to eliminate the "anchor baby" concept.  At the time that section had a definite purpose but that purpose is long gone and it has become nothing more than a loophole to take advantage of.

  2. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    20 Billion a year on the pointless "War on Drugs"
    26 Billion a year providing (not very well I may add) for the 500,000 children in the foster care system (which is predominately US citizens children.
    10 Billion "guarding" the border" (hahaha what a great job done there)

    I just posted these numbers because they are random things our government is responsible for yet fails to do anything effective with.
    With all these problems we have why is everyone so concerned with immigration? I have to ask how many of you would be here if it wasn't for your ancestors immigrating? Why was it okay for people to take over this land and the people then but yet now everyone wants to put an end to that American tradition?

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe because they aren't interested in immigrating, but only in taking advantage of all that free money and earning more here than they can at home.  Maybe because they wish to bring their home with them rather than being assimilated into a different culture.  Maybe because they refuse to follow the laws of the country you would have us believe they now call their own.  Maybe because they are willing to work at such low wages Americans cannot survive and still follow the law or maintain their standard of living.  Maybe because they take jobs from Americans, putting them on welfare and unemployment.

      Actual immigrants, people wishing to become a part of their new home country, do very little any of those things.

      Lots of reasons to be concerned.

      1. peeples profile image94
        peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You are making one big sweeping generalization with most of your reply. Most do consider this home (they usually send money back until the rest of the family can move too), most WANT a job that pays more but are stuck taking the low pay because they are illegal, with the exception of how they get here most are law abiding citizens (friendly reminder that when this country was taken over we didn't adapt to the ways of the Indians), I agree there should be some reform. But to think they all need to turn their selves into exact replicas of those of us already here is a bit hypocritical. To think we need to build a fence or start kicking children who were born here out because their parents are illegal isn't moral, and to make immigrants take a test that I would bet nearly half of the citizens can't even pass even sounds bizarre. I'd like to see half the politicians take a history test on Native Americans.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Peeples, I dare say you haven't watched your neighborhood turn into a garbage dump as illegals live 3 and 4 families to a house.  I dare say you haven't been laid off because an illegal will work for half of minimum wage.  I dare say you haven't applied for a job, only to find that every written word in the office and on the application is in Spanish.  I dare say you haven't been turned down for work because you can't speak the foreign language, that all of the other workers use instead of English.  I dare say you haven't had your child sent home from school because wearing a shirt with an American flag might cause a riot on a foreign holiday.  I dare say you haven't been in an automobile accident with an illegal that has no insurance and no drivers license.  I dare say you haven't had your local hospital close down because illegals flooded it with non-paying patients to the point it went bankrupt.  A great many of whom came to that hospital for the sole purpose of giving birth to a baby that will help them join the bread lines in the US. 

          I don't think anyone has ever advocated kicking out US citizens.  Just people that are here illegally, including parents that managed to produce a citizen while here illegally.  They can take their child with them or they can leave the child here, as they choose.  And we'll take care of that child should they find it doesn't make them a citizen, too, and walk away from the kid.  Nothing immoral there at all.

          Absolutely immigrants should take a test - a test that few citizens would not pass given a year to study for.  Nothing at all immoral about that, either.  And nothing immoral in requiring that an immigrant be able to support themselves.

          What our ancestors did with Indians was wrong, but is irrelevant today.  Supporting foreign citizens won't change what happened, won't make reparations, won't do anything but degrade our country.  In any case, I did not do it, and paying the price for illegal aliens residing in our country isn't going to change the sad Indian history one iota.

          Why would you like to see politicians take a history test on Native Americans?  You know going in they will flunk, so why would you like to see it?  To point fingers, fingers that then twist and turn in an effort to turn their failure into a bogus reason to support foreign nationals that live here illegally and immorally?

          1. peeples profile image94
            peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Half of what you said in your first paragraph has had every other race of people cause the same issues.
            "They can take their child with them or they can leave the child here, as they choose." So America can do what with them? Add them to the already over crowded foster care system?!?
            You think it's irrelevant that we stole an entire country and yet now are complaining that people are coming in doing something similar to us? I'd say it's pretty relevant and hypocritical!
            It is relevant that we know nothing about Native American history. Do we require a test for immigrants now? Did we have to take a test? Again hypocritical.
            These people pay taxes every day, every time they make a purchase. Did it ever occur to you that if they were made citizens they could actually get jobs at places that will take taxes from them?
            I will agree to disagree.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, add the child to the foster care system.  It's the best we have to offer to parents who abrogate their duties to their children and is the same system all other US citizens get.  The alternative is to support 2 or more (usually more) people as well as the child, and that is not acceptable.

              Using treatment of Indians by past generations as a reason to allow illegal immigration is indeed hypocritical.  One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

              Yes, we require a test for immigration - a test that the illegals refuse to take.  A test that is not particularly difficult outside of the fact that it uses only English (with no interpreter).  Anyone refusing to learn the language of the land doesn't need to live here.

              Yes, they pay a paltry sales tax, a minor percentage of what everyone else pays.  Not enough to educate their children, let alone feed them for 18 years.  And if they were made citizens they could take the higher paying jobs that citizens already hold, paying the taxes that would then go to support the ex-worker with welfare and unemployment.  Assuming, of course, that there are enough high paying jobs, requiring little skills, to hold all 10 million - there aren't.

  3. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Regardless of the outcome you want to see, immigration reform is needed.  That IMHO is undeniable.

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you think immigration reform would be needed if current immigration laws were enforced? Or do you think they have failed?


      1. psycheskinner profile image77
        psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You would need reform even to enforce the current laws because the current resources would be inadequate in the extreme.


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