Makes Me Wanna Holla, Throw UP All My Hands

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  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago
    On March 31, 2014, according to news reports including the Huffington Post, Dupunt scion Robert H. Richards IV of Delaware is to go undergo therapy instead of a prison sentence.  In 2009, Mr. Richards was charged with inappropriate conduct regarding his 3 year old daughter and infant son between the years 2005 and 2007. Mr. Richardss pleaded guilty to the charges.  He was supposed to be sentenced to 8 years of prison.

    However,  Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden SUSPENDED the 8 year sentence.  Judge Jurden vehemently believed that Mr. Richards "would not fare well" in prison.  So instead she sentenced him to 8 years probation in which he must undergo rehabilitative therapy. Judge Jurden indicated that Mr. Roberts would go to prison if he violates probation.  Do YOU believe that Mr. Richards was treated with kid gloves by Judge Jurden?

    Here's are some links,

    1. wilderness profile image91
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It is impossible to tell from two vigilante "hang 'em high" videos whether the judge did right or not.

      Personally, I would think it doubtful - that money changed hands somewhere along the line to produce that result - but would never make any such call without a LOT more information.

      So I don't have a belief here and no one that cares about justice will either.  Not based on the information here.

    2. Quilligrapher profile image70
      Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, Grace. I hope you have been well.

      It is hard for me to respond to your final question when so many of the “facts” you supply in the OP are untrue.

      1. This did not happen yesterday. Mr. Roberts was sentenced five years ago in 2009 and not on March 31, 2014.
      2.  After a thorough investigation, no evidence was found to support the charges regarding his son.
      3. Mr. Roberts faced two mandatory 10 year sentences under the original charges. However, a few days before the trial in June 2008, the state prosecutor offered a plea deal allowing Mr. Roberts to plead guilty to 4th degree rape. The prosecutor then recommended probation rather than jail time. Although Judge Jurden approved the terms, all of the details transpired days before the trial actually began.
      4.  One of the likely outcomes raised suggested that the case against Mr. Roberts was so weak that, if tried, he might have been found not guilty.
      5. It is possible that Mr. Robert’s highly paid and well focused lawyers would have fill the court room with reams of documents, lots of doubt, and, eventually, an acquittal. Instead, Mr. Roberts is an admitted sex offender whose admission and sentence went mostly unnoticed until his ex-wife recently filed a civil suit.

      Thanks for this thread.

  2. grand old lady profile image84
    grand old ladyposted 10 years ago

    If he admitted he raped his daughter, it scares me that he is not in jail. I also feel bad for the child. I wonder what psychological effects this will have on her. Also, although there is no evidence regarding the boy, there is clearly admission by the man regarding the girl. How many children do you have to rape before you get a jail sentence?

    I am not familiar with this case, but based on the two videos, what stands out is his admission. Guess he got off because the admission was part of a plea bargain. However, it looks like it was a bad deal that was made, and I wonder who the child's lawyer was.


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