World must ban US, Israel as criminals.

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  1. maxoxam41 profile image65
    maxoxam41posted 10 years ago

    Your opinions?

    The United States and the Israeli regime are the major criminal elements in the global arena and the international community must boycott them, says a political commentator writes for Press TV.

    Paul Craig Roberts wrote in a recent article for the Press TV website that the world “prepares its own demise” by tolerating “endless slaughters and endless lies” of the United States and Israel.

    “The only hope for life and truth is that the world unite against these two criminal governments, isolate them diplomatically and economically, and make it impossible for their…officials to travel abroad without being arrested and placed on trial,” he said, adding, “Why does the world need Washington and Israel? Unless the world has a death wish, the world does not need Washington and Israel.”

    Elsewhere in his comments, Roberts slammed the United States and its European NATO allies for escalating pressure against Russia, which could ultimately lead to a potential world war.

    “The deadly consequences of such a war would extend beyond Russia, Europe, and the US to the entire world. The Western use of lies to demonize Russia endangers life on earth and reveals the West to be both reckless and irresponsible,” Roberts wrote.

    The analyst also criticized the global community for its silence over the West’s “recklessness and irresponsibility.”

    NATO has held a number of war games in Eastern Europe after Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of Crimea integrated into the Russian Federation following a referendum in March.

    NATO has also reinforced its air patrol over the Baltic region, with radar-equipped aircraft making regular flights over the territories of Poland and Romania.

    In June, the Western military alliance held military drills near Russia’s western border. Nearly 5,000 troops and 800 military vehicles from 10 NATO member states, including the US, Britain and Canada, participated in the war games near the Latvian capital, Riga.

    Russia sees the Western military alliance’s moves as a sign of aggression amid the crisis in Ukraine

    1. cjhunsinger profile image60
      cjhunsingerposted 10 years agoin reply to this
      1. rhamson profile image70
        rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        "Lets say that the United States is no longer, what governmental system would you like to see take its place. By United States, I reference the Constitution. Is there another document that you see, as a  better road map to governance and why?"

        I don't know that the country needs to be dissolved in order to come up with a fairer and more just way of administering a democratic republic. The Constitution is supposed to be a living document that adjusts to the times and habits of those it governs. Current problems that we have are not covered by the Constitution such as how the Supreme Court can interpret through a bias vote by what laws a constitutional concept is meant. For the life of me I cannot understand why we have bought into appointing judges that have a particular leaning in their decisions. The idea of a judge is that he or she should be impartial and interpret the law as it was written with the history attached to the way the law was developed. Not by the way a particular parties leanings should be realized.

        Maybe the past Presidents and their cohorts are too used to the American system of bought justice and are afraid of judges from a different impartial leaning such as the World Court in the Hague. If I were Bush or Cheney I would be very hesitant to venture into any of their jurisdiction friendly countries.

        1. cjhunsinger profile image60
          cjhunsingerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          ---I take it here that you would place the US and her people under the  authority of a World Court and in doing so forfeit the sovereignty of America?
          You seem to place a great deal of faith in a democratic process, as a guardian of freedom.  Are you familiar with the democratic process with regard to its history? I am sure that you are aware that it was through this process that two very nasty people came to power, one in Italy with the introduction of Fascism and the other in Germany,  with something called Nazism or the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
          Do you oppose Individual Freedom. Would you prefer a collective freedom where the individual is defined by the collective and has no real identity, other than that of the collective. Much like an ant colony. Would you prefer a  mandated equality where all are defined by the government, not only, in terms, of identity, but in terms of talent, function, ambition and  achievement.?
          Some  considerations to, perhaps, think about. Perfection does not exist, but I would  lay money that, no matter how  hard politicians, and others, try to distort the Constitution, it is the best thing going. I am  a  reasonable  man however, and if you can demonstrate a better for  of  government, I would be eager to hear it.

          1. rhamson profile image70
            rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            ....---I take it here that you would place the US and her people under the  authority of a World Court and in doing so forfeit the sovereignty of America?

            Well yeah if they commit International Crimes. Presidents have long hidden behind executive privilege to do whatever they want to. The old adage if you are doing nothing wrong, what are you hiding from comes to mind.

            ....You seem to place a great deal of faith in a democratic process, as a guardian of freedom.  Are you familiar with the democratic process with regard to its history? I am sure that you are aware that it was through this process that two very nasty people came to power, one in Italy with the introduction of Fascism and the other in Germany,  with something called Nazism or the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

            Oh no you didn't! It is always the end of the argument that you are supposed to bring up Hitler as your last resort. Is that all you have and how does it relate to bias on the Supreme Court. The all or nothing way of offering opinion shows that you have not considered a middle of the road compromise in discussing options. Hitler over ruled his opponents with murder and deception. His party was not a democratic majority as proven by his best tally of a little over 37 percent.

            "Critics of democracy often claim that Hitler was democratically elected to power. This is untrue. Hitler never had the popular votes to become Chancellor of Germany, and the only reason he got the job was because the German leaders entered into a series of back-room deals. Some claim that Hitler's rise was nonetheless legal under the German system. The problem is that what was "legal" under the German system would not be considered legal under a truer and better-working democracy. In a democracy along the lines of the United States or Great Britain, Hitler could have never risen to power."
            William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

            ....Do you oppose Individual Freedom. Would you prefer a collective freedom where the individual is defined by the collective and has no real identity, other than that of the collective. Much like an ant colony. Would you prefer a  mandated equality where all are defined by the government, not only, in terms, of identity, but in terms of talent, function, ambition and  achievement.?
            Some  considerations to, perhaps, think about. Perfection does not exist, but I would  lay money that, no matter how  hard politicians, and others, try to distort the Constitution, it is the best thing going. I am  a  reasonable  man however, and if you can demonstrate a better for  of  government, I would be eager to hear it.

            Rah, rah, rah for the United States and the Constitution. Impeccable and immovable to a fault. Your position is ridiculous if you think anything will remain the same for all times. Adapt or die is a human condition. By the way what does this have to do with the Supreme Court?

            1. cjhunsinger profile image60
              cjhunsingerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I think that this conversation has peaked. Take care.

            2. maxoxam41 profile image65
              maxoxam41posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Webster Griffin Tarpley's Obama the postmodern coup analyzes subtly the rise of Obama, a man that promised change and who brought continuation. It is interesting also to read that his ascension was everything but democratic. He parallels Carter's presidency to Obama's, the similitudes are shocking. In both cases, both men were controlled by Brzezinski, the thinking head of the oval office. The same one that explicitly supported the US creation of Al-Qaeda and its ramifications (ISIS, EIL...). The same one that is aiming at a thermonuclear attack with Russia (I'm just wondering where he would be when the Russians will hit us back?). The same one that destabilized Afghanistan, Russia, Iran... SCARY...

              1. rhamson profile image70
                rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                You are privy to information from a book I have not read. I did read the review and it is indeed very provocative to say the least. But The Obama Boogeyman has been raked over the coals with claims of radical Islamic plans to overthrow the government and the country as well. How can all the secrecy be so different or at best not confused with a totally different conclusion? He only has two more years so if he is going to "bust a move" he had better hurry up.

                1. maxoxam41 profile image65
                  maxoxam41posted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't know what is your source for your allegation but you know mine. If truth is your driving force then you'll enjoy his book. By mystifying Obama as the boogeyman you are discrediting the reality. So far, we are in Iraq, we are in Ukraine, Afghanistan, we are in Syria, Pakistan, we are closing our eyes as for the massacres perpetrated by the Zionists, no clean energy (what are waiting for to embrace solar, wind... energies? The green light from the elite?)...
                  Obama is the product of the Ford foundation. As Tripley said it, it  is interesting that Obama openly acknowledged having used drugs whereas when it comes to his college courses, activities, professors, friends he remains silent.
                  It is common knowledge that those rising radical muslim groups are at our orders. Who would finance them if not the ones whose interests are to destabilize the sources of oil?

                  1. Quilligrapher profile image72
                    Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Greetings, Max. Nice to see you back at work in the forums again.

                    I can not imagine why you and Mr. Tarpley want people to think President Obama’s college courses, activities, professors and friends are such a big secret. You can begin by reading the President’s memoirs. Reams of information are available everywhere but both of you pretend it is hard to find. roll Much of his college career, aside from his actual grades, is an open book…

                    1. The Associated Press interviewed Sohale Siddiqi, President Obama’s friend and roommate, in May 2008. {1}
                    2. Phil Boerner, another Obama roommate and classmate, shared an apartment with the President. Mr. Boerner talks about his recollections of the President in a 2009 article in the alumni publication Colombia College Today. {2}
                    3. Michael L. Baron taught an intense yearlong seminar during the President’s senior year at Colombia. During an interview with NBC News, he discussed the President’s paper about nuclear negotiations with the Soviet Union. He aced the course! {3}
                    4. Try reading the article written by Barack Obama in the March 10, 1983 edition of Columbia’s Sundial magazine. {4}
                    5. Need more background? The January 2005 edition of Columbia College Today featured a profile of Barack Obama as a Columbia alumnus. {5}
                    6. In addition, a November 2008 press release from Columbia College announced he was the first alumnus to be elected President of the United States. {6}

                    Aside from bashing the United States of America, Max, why pretend these facts are being kept secret? They are everywhere, just look for them.

                    Thanks for your contributions, Max. Despite its flaws, many Americans still believe this is a great country in which to live. Certainly much better than you make it out to be.

                    Have a great night, Max. See you around.
                    {1} … 1415_x.htm
                    {2} … over_story
                    {3} … hesis?lite
                    {5} … /cover.php
                    {6} … presidency

                  2. rhamson profile image70
                    rhamsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    My reference to the Obama Boogeyman is one made to show how crazy it is to think Obama is responsible for all thing wrong in America. Not only has he been blamed for the current woes of the country, he has been held accountable for the history of the country as well from radical Islam to paper cuts. Obama has a huge blockage in securing any progress in the things you mentioned. That namely being a bought congress who has declared their mission is to block everything he does and if possible ouster him with an impeachment. How is he to get anything done with a spineless democratic body that gives into the opposition almost as a matter of policy?

                    You want to find a silver bullet to "fix" the problem while the problem is us and the stupid bickering over our own needs allows the whores to have their way. Oh by the way all presidents since about Kennedy have been backed by some funding group or another to have a special source at their bidding. Why hasn't anybody from the big banks been prosecuted. Money is our lust and our destruction.

                    ....It is common knowledge that those rising radical muslim groups are at our orders.

                    Could you get me a copy of that "common knowledge" book. I would like to read up on it and find out what more I should know. Commonly, that is.

          2. maxoxam41 profile image65
            maxoxam41posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            In what way what you are saying is different from what the US citizen is experiencing? When do WE decide? They pick our candidates, they pick their interests and safeguard them, they ruin the economy and WE pay for it... In which part of our "democratic" process are we part and parcel of the mechanism because if you can see it, enlighten me. Even in what is called domestic terrorism, I've just discovered that the CIA has ALWAYS been involved. When do we determine our destiny, our future?
            Webster Griffin Tarpley, in his book, Obama the postmodern coup says it all. I am FLABBERGASTED as for our naivety while others are paving the path to war and our enslavement. WE NEED TO REACT.

    2. Writer Fox profile image38
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well, in Iran – the home of PressTV and ISIS/ISIL – it has already happened.  America and Israel are both banned and boycotted there.

      All you have to do is move there, if you don't live there already, and you should be a happy camper.

      1. maxoxam41 profile image65
        maxoxam41posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Your first sentence reveals how uninformed you are, so when you'll get enough independent information, when you will process them as knowledge then you'll come back and challenge me because as for now, I'm not going to dignify any rational and intelligent response to your babbling.


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