Discussion & Dissertation re: Issues of the Omnipresence of Caucasian

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago


    I was reading wrenchbiscuit's thread on justice when it comes to non-Caucasian people and decided to post this thread. Although non-Caucasian people i.e. Blacks, Asians/Oceanics, Multliracials, Natives, and Latinos are gaining some socioeconomic power & leverage, Caucasians have the real socioeconomic power & leverage for the most part.  In many spheres such as corporations, there is a glass ceiling as to how far non-Caucasian people can advance.  Caucasians also have power because they have a strong economic base.  Yes, some non-Caucasians have an economic base through establishment of their own businesses; however, many are powerless economically hence they have no real power in getting politicians to listen to them.  This economic power affects and influences the way society treats and accords them respect.  The reason why Blacks are so disparately treated as that they have no economic base i.e. through establishment of businesses.  Blacks are primarily know as consumers and not investors; this factor clearly impacts on the way they are perceived by society.   Also, there is residual racism that the Caucasian exhibits towards non-Caucasian people.   What is your synopsis of this?

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Who built neighborhoods, towns and cities and contributed to the rise of America's WORKING CLASS?
      Who built bridges, industries and utilized the latest technologies of the industrial revolution?
      Who fought in the civil war, and the two world wars??
      Who built markets, businesses and corporations?
      Who built schools, trade schools community colleges and universities?
      Who does the statue of Liberty welcome???
      Who is still at the helm steering the ship of America??

                                  EVERYONE  EVERYONE  EVERYONE

      "The reason why Blacks are so disparately treated as that they have no economic base i.e. through establishment of businesses." gmwilliams.

      Why don't they have an economic base?

      What political system does not allow discrimination?
      What political system allows freedom of religion?
      What political system has established life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for EVERYONE?

      What party within that system expects them to hold their own?
      What party expects them to get appropriate education?
      What party wants to see them succeed and knows they can?

      What party has been holding them down all these years through welfare programs which pretty much require their families to be split up.
      What party pinpoints their potential weaknesses and does not acknowledge their potential strengths?
      What party has contributed to stereotypes and nightmarish illusions rather than realizable realities?
      I think you catch my drift.


      1. Abluesfornina profile image59
        Abluesforninaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Your statement actually lends to the very real existence of the “Omnipresence of Caucasians”. Unfortunately, it is an apparent part of our history. One can speak of themselves and circle of acquaintances, maybe as those who don’t buy into the notion of being privileged and entitled which is commendable but the fact is the differences in the way we have been conditioned or cultivated as races have been and remain tradition.

        It is a force that permeates the air we breathe.

        Wealthy white America recognizing themselves as the forerunners of this country is inherent behavior and legacy while a percentage have personally separated from the concept.

        The fact of the matter is this country was built on the backs of black people while under the ruler ship of white influence. Black people were brought to this country as slaves and not allowed leadership in American as well as most other countries.

        The government wasn’t originally established in the states to include African Americans though the constitution early on included quoting all man to be equal.

        That effort has failed to come to fruition and while it has progressed by a wide margin, we are far from equality. Even in the “youth” of America any black person who obtained a certain amount of riches for themselves continued to be second class citizens by the unspoken laws of white America and treated as such.
        There was still no protection for crimes against black people at the hand of Caucasians. To white America a free black man was still not free. This fact was an even clearer realization to Black Americans.  It took the Civil Rights movement for even a consideration of the idea.

        Not to say there weren’t non-Black, Hispanic, Asian who were well meaning in the fight for racial leveling as there is a desire for justice from a select portion of Caucasians for all races today.  It is understood that all Caucasian people do not share the same heart for dominance.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
          Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          "That effort has failed to come to fruition and while it has progressed by a wide margin, we are far from equality. Even in the “youth” of America any black person who obtained a certain amount of riches for themselves continued to be second class citizens by the unspoken laws of white America and treated as such."

          This is simply not true. Why do you state such an illusion. I am sorry but where I live I do not see it.
          I DO NOT SEE IT!

          We need to focus on the positive and not pinpoint the negative. PLEASE!

          The founders knew that slavery was wrong and saw to it that it would be phased out. They knew tradition can't be changed over-night…but that it would … and IT TOTALLY DID change !!!!

          At least we can FOCUS on Possibilities and not continually keep re-establishinging and maintaining ridiculous Illusions of Restriction. Its just a fine tuning of the dial from negative to positive.

          P L E A S E!

          Education is the solution.

          Thanks for this freedom of speech.

          Your Resident Caucasian from So Cal.

          1. Abluesfornina profile image59
            Abluesforninaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You refuse to see it and that's fine. This is much of the problem with the discussion of race. Many refuse to see that it hasn't gone away. There are many educated African American's who have suffered under the heat of racism over the past 10 years such as Professor Henry Gates, Oprah and the very unpopular and highly discriminated against President Obama...all educated.  This is not a negative if the discussion of racism is honest. No one likes the painful truth. It's not something most of us who have any true concern for people (which you seem to be) wish on anyone else  but it is our history and the fabric in which we are all woven from. Black people with the help of a number of very gracious White people fought for the relative freedoms that we do have but that quest isn't complete or else Black people would not continue seeing the need to march and insist that Black lives matter. The illusion stands from your vantage point not from the vantage point of those black people who are survivors of those who have been slain in the streets which mirrors the Civil rights movement on an uncanny scale. Which is no illusion. There are many  (black people to a greater degree) who feel those times have revisited upon us. I hate to say that not seeing it doesn't make it non-existent.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
              Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I agree we must accept the reality and isolate the difficulty.  What is the reality… the tainted past which never should have been. Which whites did NOT invent and whites DID eradicate as quickly as they could. 
              What is the difficulty?
              A pure and simple lack of education.
              I know a black family who is MUCH better off than I am. The mother is a doctor and the father is a school administrator. I might say I am just a lowly substitute teacher. But, why would I? I got as much education as I could before starting a family and that's where my priorities were. So am I going to claim inequality? No. I am going to claim choices, based on what I valued most.
              What does a white heroin addict value the most ?
              His/her high.
              What does a black heroin addict value the most?
              The same thing.
              Not a very good example, but it makes the point rather well, I think.

              1. Abluesfornina profile image59
                Abluesforninaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Well, sometimes we have to tell ourselves what we need to hear. I'm going to agree to disagree.

              2. Abluesfornina profile image59
                Abluesforninaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                This conversation has been both enlightening and confirming. Thank you Ms. Hill.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Well, I am open to your true response...what do you not agree with. I would be interested. I feel like there is so much you could tell us. Please do!

    2. dougwest1 profile image99
      dougwest1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There are two sides to every story. As a white highly educated male I left a corporation that was so strong on promoting non-Caucasians that felt I didn't have a future at the company because of my race. Discrimination goes both ways.

  2. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    There are Blacks who embrace the victimology mode.  They believe that they are victims and refuse to assert themselves in terms of self-improvement.  They embrace the lowest common denominator.  They refuse to take accountability and responsibility for their lives.  Yes, racism exists but that should not be a deterrent for success and excellence.  In order to be taken seriously, one must assert his/her being and PROVE himself/herself as a worthy contender socioeconomically. 

    People RESPECT power. Weakness is merely an excuse.   Blacks have to band together socioeconomically and not pay the Willie Lynch game anymore.   Negative inculcation has to be removed and positive action has to be commenced.  Blacks have to become more proactive regarding their socioeconomic life.  They have to build businesses in their community to establish a sound socioeconomic base in order for them to be more powerful and respected socioeconomically and sociopolitically.   Racism exists but that should be a further impetus to succeed and be THE BEST.   Blacks and other non-Caucasian people must stop believing that they CAN'T and refuse to accept the predominant Caucasian societal hegemony.  Continue the discussion..............

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      .."and refuse to accept the predominant Caucasian societal hegemony."
      hegemony: leadership or dominance, esp. by one country or social group over others:
        You are pinpointing white dominance.
      Whites don't actually see it that way.
      ...and how could you know?
      You and all who think this is true have very good imaginations.
      Stop imagining.
      God is real. White dominance... ain't so much.
      Its just that there are a lot of us busily working and being very industrious cuz we have to survive and we have figured out very creative ways to do so in this land of liberty.
      and here in So Cal… I am SURE we are the minority!

      Your Resident Caucasian from So Cal.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        "According to California Governor Jerry Brown’s new state budget, Latinos are projected to become the largest single racial/ethnic group in the state by March of this year, making up 39% of the state’s population. That will make California only the second state, behind New Mexico, where whites are not the majority and Latinos are the plurality, meaning they are not more than half but they comprise the largest percentage of any group."
        http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/20 … alifornia/

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    That is interesting to know.  Learned something new.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Gm…  Since its just you and me right now…
      - it really all comes down to Education.
      ...wouldn't you agree?
      and if you ask me… in today's world… if you can't find a way to educate your children maybe you should think twice about having any.
      - now, aren't you surprised I would say this?
      I say it to my own kids. My daughter's husband has decided not to have any children because he is a musician and he knows he'll never be able to afford to send them to college the way things are going economically.
      I think that is smart. Sad, but smart.
      There are really enough people stomping around on the earth anyway.

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You are right in your premise.  So many people have children without applying the F.E.P principle to parenthood.  That is one SHOULDN'T have children unless they are financially, emotionally, and psychologically prepared.  They also should finish their education & have a stable job before thinking of marriage & children.  They should wait until their mid30s to have children so they would have more life experience and approach parenthood w/maturity.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
          Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
    Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years ago

    - strangely enough many have waited… did you know there is a baby boom of baby boomers' grandchildren?  And the baby boomers' children are basically in their mid 30's! These parents are doing the best they can here in So CA and a great many of them are raising families in very expensive apartments... and they can not, nor will ever, be able to afford to buy a home! Especially, if mom wants to stay home and be a full time mom… what a rare thing that is. Our preschools are over-flowing.
    Well, from what I observe around ME. ( BFN - Off to pick up my friend's grandchild and bring her to preschool. Mom is working. Grandma is working. It is a Montessori preschool, thank goodness for that.)

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, history WILL repeat itself.   There is a book called GENERATIONS : A HISTORY OF AMERICA'S FUTURE, 1584 TO 2069 by Neil Howe and William Strauss.  This book details American generations.  We are now birthing New Silents.   This book is timely and timeless.  It even predicted the sociocultural and sociopolitical civil war.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image79
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I have another one by them… called The Fourth Turning… Winter Comes Again is the first chapter. They talk about seasons of time, seasons of life, cycles of history with an overview of seven cycles of generations and turnings.  It So fascinating… do you suppose they base their theory on Astrological cycles… what else!?
        What will the New Silents be like?


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