The only thing more disgusting than a capitalist, is a wage earning slave that celebrates Memorial Day.Here I have gleaned some Memorial Day B.S. from the internet for your viewing pleasure. These are some of my favorite patriotic soundbytes with analysis:
• "All that we enjoy we owe to those who have given their lives while serving our country and defending our freedom." ( Wrong! All that you enjoy you owe to the murderous invaders who raped, who murdered, who enslaved, and then who stole an entire continent.)
• " To all the men and women who have selflessly defended all of us, serving our country with strength, bravery and courage." ( Total B.S.! I also served in the military for six years. Not once did I hear anyone talk about duty, honor, or patriotism. Most servicemen were concerned with paying the bills, getting re-enlistment bonuses, getting laid, getting an education, and getting high. In six years I never heard anyone express that they were willing to die for their country. Furthermore,nobody has been "defending our freedom". They have been defending the freedom of the bankers, the corporations, and the military industrial complex; defending the freedom of the ruling elite to continue doing business.
But now ... here it is folks, the coup de grace:
• "So.. this Memorial Day weekend.. whatever your pleasure.. whether it is enjoying a backyard barbecue with friends, relaxing by the pool, watching the Indianapolis 500, NASCAR, golf, baseball, boating at the lake, or breathing the salt sea air while sunning at the beach.. don't forget to allow time for a moment of silence."
WHAT THE !!!!! --------------------Yes! ---------------Someone actually posted this online. Let us put this motherlode of B.S.into the proper perspective. Have you ever cut your finger with a razor blade? Have you ever accidentally touched the hot burner on top of a stove? If so, then you understand how painful even a minor cut or burn can be. Now, can you imagine having your guts spilled out on the ground, with hot burning bullets in your neck, and in your groin, and your right foot blown off? Then can you imagine after all of that seeing your buddies run the other way because they think you're dead, or they're getting the hell out of Dodge because they don't want to end up like you! But to top it all off, can you imagine your wife taking off with the mailman after you come home because you left half of your package in the desert? Please can you imagine this? I hope you can, because this, and much worse, has been happening to poor, and working class young men and women since before the Revolutionary War. But after all the pain and suffering, this joker offers a "moment of silence"!!! It is nothing less than an outrage.
If any of you truly appreciate the veterans, then give us some money! That's right you greedy cowards! Give us some money. Come and help our families. Give us a job. Get the over 50,000 homeless veterans off the streets. Force the government to reinstate our dental benefits. Do something genuine if you really give a damn. We can't pay our bills with your kind thoughts, your flag waving, and your appreciation. Otherwise, take your moment of silence and ...
Memorial Day is when we HONOR our veterans for defending our great, superlative country. Mr. WrenchBiscuit kind sir, we all feel your sentiments regarding your last statement; however, Memorial Day ISN'T an outrage. To utter such is a statement of disrespect and a lack of appreciation which borders on blasphemy.....
It most certainly is an outrage, and you have attempted to spin my message. But this is not an uncommon tactic here on Hubpages, or in the world at large. To give lip service to the veteran's is not giving them honor. Especially the war veteran. Someone even started a project called "The Wounded Warrior Project" to help veterans. This is also an outrage. Why? Because the war veteran, especially those who have been permanently disabled and disfigured, should be "completely" provided for by the government that sent them into harms way. In fact they should not want for anything. They should be treated as royalty.
It is sickening to hear all these patriotic speeches on Memorial Day when you understand that over 50,000 veterans are sleeping on the streets tonight, and that special projects like the Wounded Warrior Project must attempt to do what the government itself should be doing. No, I will not give honor to a nation of hypocrites who glorify the death and dismemberment of their own children. I do not glorify killing and war, I am a human being, not a reptile.
...stop with the boobs already!!!!
- unless you also wish to discuss women in the military and how they really do have a lot of problems due to rape and unresolved rape issues, (according to a Rolling Stone magazine article I read, recently.)
PS Women in the military do not look like this… maybe in the imaginations of some...
First of all, I didn't take the photograph or pose the woman. Secondly, I am not God, or a plastic surgeon. Whichever one is responsible for this remarkable work of art certainly deserves honorable mention. Thirdly, being a woman yourself, why are you so offended by the female form. I, like most other mammals, lived the first nine months of my life inside of a woman's body. In the material world, a woman is the best example we have of God in the flesh. It should be no wonder that I glorify my Creator. It appears you made a wrong turn somewhere down the road. Perhaps you will find this photo less offensive.
Yes, it is something that needs to be discussed. The rape of women throughout America is a direct result of capitalist influence and materialism. Just as with racism , the problem cannot be solved until the system is dismantled: brick by brick.
Your rant is directed where? Is it an indictment of a country or that of man? Do you expect government to cure the weaknesses of man? Is it that you expect clarity from the infirm? Whatever the reason for their sacrifice be it knowing, unknowing or indifferent they put themselves in harms way because they said they would. I will never question their reasons for what I have not been asked to sacrifice.
Isn't it obvious where my so-called rant is directed? But here I must digress. It is a popular tact of the modern apologist to accuse anyone who directs an intelligent argument against tyranny, and in favor of the proletariat, to be ranting. This tact is meant to diminish the authority of the human being, and uplift the state, by placing his or her arguments in the realm of childish irrationality. Nice try!
Now to continue. You ask if this is an indictment of a country or of a man. I must admit that the phrase has a nice poetic ring to it, but it makes no sense whatsoever. The country is the man. It is men who engage in war and conquest. It is men who draw the borders. It is none other than a man who hands down the laws and the rules of society. What else, and who else could I be indicting , save for man and country?
Just like gmwilliams, you are attempting to spin what I am really saying in order to cast me in a negative light. It is I, not you, or the United States government, who have proclaimed that the veteran of war should want for nothing, and that they should be treated as royalty. It is I, not you, or the U.S. government, who has suggested that instead of giving lip service to the veterans, the nation should put their money where their mouth is. There should not be one homeless veteran sleeping on the streets of America; certainly not over 50,000! It is I who pointed out that if the people of the United States truly cared about the veteran there would be no need for programs such as the Wounded Warrior Project.
It is a national disgrace that many of these women and men have been turned into vegetables, and the best most of you can do is give them a holiday, a parade, and a moment of silence. You seem to care more about the ritual, and the holiday itself,than you do the human being. Let the holiday be damned. I only wish that we could send the war mongering politicians, along with the arms dealers and their families to the front lines and give them a taste of reality.
And finally, it is obvious that you missed the point entirely when you say: " ... I will never question their reasons for what I have not been asked to sacrifice." This is not about the soldiers reasoning. The majority of young people join the military to get an education, a career, and make money. In fact, for years the military has used education and career as major selling points. That is why I joined in 1974, so I could have a career and money, because in the rural area where I grew up,there were no jobs. And so, I know the reasoning of many of these young men and women. They are doing the best they can to survive, to provide for their families, and to have a future. But just like me and millions of others throughout history, many young people today have been "herded" in the direction of the military. For them, it is their only way out of joblessness and poverty. What we are witnessing today is simply an insidious form of the draft. The concept is very clever and very simple: Close all other doors and avenues for success, leave this door wide open ... and they will come! These young people are being used and manipulated by capitalist war mongers and not many seem to care.
I would rather honor the living than the dead. I would rather not see another young man or woman confined to a wheelchair 24/7 for the rest of their natural lives, with a worthless medal pinned on their chest, while life goes on around them ... and without them. It is evil, and it is sadistic, and it will never end as long as we glorify and make excuses for war. If anyone wants to truly honor the veteran, go find one sleeping on the street and provide them with shelter. If they are suffering from mental illness, find help for them, and pay for it out of your own pocket if necessary. If their teeth are rotting out of their head, take them to a dentist. Many Americans say that this is a Christian nation, but they are only a nest of vipers. What I have explained here is what Jesus would do. Beat your weapons into plowshares, take care of the veterans, and stop the killing. Once these things have been done you can proclaim a new national holiday. It shall be called " No More Dead, or Crippled, or Homeless Veterans Day".
Speaking only for myself, I would appreciate it more if you typed less and posted more pictures.
Your rant is just. It goes on about injustices and actions with none in a particular order. Your anger outweighs whatever sense you are trying to make. Contrived are a group if people but you wish to indict the individual. Or is it a collective that judges all to be the same. Did everyone who joined the service when you did do it out of purely selfish or none thinking action? Some must have had another opinion than yours. Grouping us altogether with Columbus or Andrew Jackson who hated Indians is ridiculous. Who are you trying to shame into action with your accusations? I am no patriot as anybody who knows will profess. But I do not group people into one lump and then expect a positive result. Yes I would call you undisciplined outburst a rant.
You can call it whatever you like. I made a very clear argument against the killing and maiming of young people. I made it very clear that holidays such as Memorial Day do little to help the veteran with problems they must deal with 365 days a year, especially those who are disabled. I was very clear about giving them money also. Your lack of understanding here is legendary. Furthermore, where in this thread did I compare anyone to Jackson or Columbus?
Kinda taking this country from the Indians and victimizing them was taken from your references. The funny thing is that throwing money at the veterans without paying homage to those who gave their lives is a little decadent don't you think. I am glad I stick out as legendary in your mind but I feel your proactive statements are a bit dramatic. Yes it is shameful we have sent these men and women off to war and turned our backs on them but not all of us have.
Yes I have made references to Manifest Destiny in the past, but not on this thread. I also suggest that you refrain from using the term "Indian"as it is a derogatory term no different than the N-word. Since we are on the subject, "Native American", is just as derogatory. Native, Indigenous, First Nations, or the actual name of a nation, such as Aniyunwiya, or Mapuche, are more accurate and appropriate. Not only did the Evil Invaders come and steal all of the land and the resources, but they also have attempted to steal the identity of the First Nations, and replace it with a one size fits all generic term. This has never been acceptable. The fact that many Indigenous people adopted the word themselves years ago, and the fact that many still use the term today, is only indicative of the corrosive power of genocide. Up until very recently the people were simply struggling to survive after our entire culture was destroyed. During the confusion, the insidious term "Indian" was firmly implanted in the common vernacular, and to many it seems perfectly harmless. But it is like a cancer that devours us from within. It is only through education that the majority will begin to understand the detrimental effects of such terms as : Indian, Native American, Latino, and Hispanic.
Concerning your reference to decadent behavior: I can only wonder at how people's minds can get so twisted as to think that right is left and left is right. The decadence is in the fact that we are "not" throwing money at veterans. We are "not" giving veterans the respect they deserve. Honoring someone with lip service and a holiday when they are homeless, struggling with PTSD, or havng trouble making ends meet is nothing but a slap in the face. If you don't think so then please, I ask you to take your goodwill to the local Wells Fargo, or any other bank, and see if you can cash it in for some cold hard cash; money that can be used to keep a roof over your head, and food in your belly. Please go see what they have to say.
You speak of drama. Please, if you do not know someone who is a quadriplegic, or paraplegic, then call a local VA hospital and make an appointment to spend an entire day visiting someone with these disabilities. At the end of the day compare my "drama" with the dramatically marginalized life of a human being who was once just like me and you. I assure you, there is no comparison. We need to be dramatic! There is a great urgency to act. Something needs to be done now, before thousands more young Americans are crippled and killed in the next war, or police action, and the one after that. We can prevent these tragedies, but we cannot do it by glorifying the dead , the disabled, and the dismembered while not addressing the reason that destroyed their lives in the first place.
There are tens of thousands of veterans who are in need of financial assistance. Why aren't the American people doing something about this? Just look at what is happening here on this thread. I am being vilified for suggesting that we honor the veteran by actually helping them! This is only one more indication of how perverted the world has become.
I appreciate your passion for the subject and your demands for some sort of consideration but you don't make the rules. My choice of the word Indian may not be up to date with your politically correct term but I really don't care. If I don't address your causes on your terms so what. Your provocation is fraught with distortions and is like fighting in a dark room. Swinging wildly and hitting nothing in the process is useless to all. Try doing something about it. Words are cheap and so is your post when your result is anymosity. I have seen you do this before and instead of making a difference all you do is get forgotten as a lunatic doomed to make no change. I love your passion but find your rant devoid of any benefit to those you think you are helping.
it's just as easy to say native as indian. not caring about offending others doesn't speak well of you.
They have no problem with their racist rhetoric, but as you can see, when someone challenges their war machine, they literally go ballistic! You have probably read this before, but I feel I should post it often.
It was written by Tomas Young, an Iraqi War Veteran who at the time was dying of war related injuries. He died on November 10, 2014 at the age of 35. I am sure that rather than "honor" Tomas on Memorial Day, his friends and family would prefer him to be alive and smiling back at them. Here is his letter , addressed to the men who killed him.
To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
From: Tomas Young
I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq. I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives. I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care.
I write this letter on behalf of husbands and wives who have lost spouses, on behalf of children who have lost a parent, on behalf of the fathers and mothers who have lost sons and daughters and on behalf of those who care for the many thousands of my fellow veterans who have brain injuries. I write this letter on behalf of those veterans whose trauma and self-revulsion for what they have witnessed, endured and done in Iraq have led to suicide and on behalf of the active-duty soldiers and Marines who commit, on average, a suicide a day. I write this letter on behalf of the some 1 million Iraqi dead and on behalf of the countless Iraqi wounded. I write this letter on behalf of us all-the human detritus your war has left behind, those who will spend their lives in unending pain and grief.
I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans-my fellow veterans-whose future you stole...
Your positions of authority, your millions of dollars of personal wealth, your public relations consultants, your privilege and your power cannot mask the hollowness of your character. You sent us to fight and die in Iraq after you, Mr. Cheney, dodged the draft in Vietnam, and you, Mr. Bush, went AWOL from your National Guard unit. Your cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago. You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage.
I joined the Army two days after the 9/11 attacks. I joined the Army because our country had been attacked. I wanted to strike back at those who had killed some 3,000 of my fellow citizens. I did not join the Army to go to Iraq, a country that had no part in the September 2001 attacks and did not pose a threat to its neighbors, much less to the United States. I did not join the Army to "liberate" Iraqis or to shut down mythical weapons-of-mass-destruction facilities or to implant what you cynically called "democracy" in Baghdad and the Middle East. I did not join the Army to rebuild Iraq, which at the time you told us could be paid for by Iraq's oil revenues. Instead, this war has cost the United States over $3 trillion. I especially did not join the Army to carry out pre-emptive war. Pre-emptive war is illegal under international law. And as a soldier in Iraq I was, I now know, abetting your idiocy and your crimes. The Iraq War is the largest strategic blunder in U.S. history. It obliterated the balance of power in the Middle East. It installed a corrupt and brutal pro-Iranian government in Baghdad, one cemented in power through the use of torture, death squads and terror. And it has left Iran as the dominant force in the region. On every level-moral, strategic, military and economic-Iraq was a failure. And it was you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, who started this war. It is you who should pay the consequences.
I would not be writing this letter if I had been wounded fighting in Afghanistan against those forces that carried out the attacks of 9/11. Had I been wounded there I would still be miserable because of my physical deterioration and imminent death, but I would at least have the comfort of knowing that my injuries were a consequence of my own decision to defend the country I love. I would not have to lie in my bed, my body filled with painkillers, my life ebbing away, and deal with the fact that hundreds of thousands of human beings, including children, including myself, were sacrificed by you for little more than the greed of oil companies, for your alliance with the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia, and your insane visions of empire.
I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician. We were used. We were betrayed. And we have been abandoned. You, Mr. Bush, make much pretense of being a Christian. But isn't lying a sin? Isn't murder a sin? Aren't theft and selfish ambition sins? I am not a Christian. But I believe in the Christian ideal. I believe that what you do to the least of your brothers you finally do to yourself, to your own soul.
My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live. I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness.
Does it really matter? What does the label carry? A link to the past? How was it offensive that we had to reclassify it as such?
Indian: adj. adjective
1. Of or relating to India or the East Indies or to their peoples, languages, or cultures.
2. Of or relating to any of the Native American peoples except the Eskimos, Aleuts, and Inuits.
n. noun
1. A native or inhabitant of India or of the East Indies.
2. A person of Indian or East Indian ancestry.
3. A member of any of the Native American peoples except the Eskimos, Aleuts, and Inuits.
4. Any of the languages of these peoples.
I might just as well claim being called white as offensive because it relates to a distinction made of people from European descent. I happen to have a small amount of Indian ancestry in my heritage and I do not find that offensive.
Seriously rhamson? I find it hard to believe that you just don't get it. It's really quite fundamental. Since the Muslims are the people that the racists like to demonize these days, to help explain, I will use them as an example.
Imagine that the United States is completely overrun and conquered by Muslims. Of course, during the conquest which takes around 500 years to complete, over 100 million Americans are butchered and murdered, hundreds of thousands of women are brutally raped and impregnated by Muslim soldiers, and Muslim "settlers". All of the land and resources: gold , silver, oil, etc is taken over by the Muslims, and white Americans are enslaved and made to work on tobacco plantations, cotton plantations etc.. Now to top it all off, the Muslims stop using names like American, Irish, English, German, etc.,and replace the names of the original American inhabitants with a generic name created by a Muslim. Let us imagine that they use the term "Abyad" to refer to white Americans. The term is used so much that due to the trauma of genocide and institutionalized racism, that even white Americans start to refer to themselves as "Abyad's" over the course of 500 years. Now, imagine that after over 500 years, enlightened white Americans begin to reclaim their heritage and demand that they be referred to as American, German, English, Irish and so on, instead of "Abyad", which is the name given by their oppressors.
I find it hard to beleive that any enlightend white American would continue to embrace the name given them by invading hordes of Muslims, and not want to reclaim their identity. Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with the word "Abyad", as I think it simply means white in Arabic, but regardless, the point is that it is the context that makes the word offensive. This is also why many Indigenous and African people have stopped using European names, since names like "Jones" were given as surnames to slaves to identify their owners.
The fact that I had to explain the obvious to you only reveals the depth of racism and misunderstanding in this country. Now you have brought up the humorous notion that the term "white" can also be considered offensive. But there is no comparison, and for several good reasons. First of all, white Euro-Americans are the privileged class in this country. To be identified with a privileged class is usually not interpreted as offensive. Furthermore, the term "white" is usually used in conversations to distinguished the privileged class from minorities. In normal conversation , white Americans are usually referred to by their European heritage.
For instance , when referring to Saint Patrick's Day, the majority will never say that Saint Patrick's Day is a "white holiday". But they will commonly say it is an Irish-American holiday. You will also note that when it comes to referring to the Indigenous people, you will hardly ever hear anyone say: This is an Aniyunwiya-American holiday, or : This is a Mapuche-American Holiday, or: This is Haudenosuanee-American Holiday. No they will say: This is an Indian Holiday or: This is a Native American holiday. Both terms are highly offensive as they are part and parcel of a system of genocide which is erasing the cultural identity of the First Nations.
Finally, the African and Indigenous did not conquer the white European Americans, enslave them, steal their land and resources, and then destroy their culture. When a man is standing at the top of the hill, it is very difficult for him to be sorely offended by the man shouting up at him from the bottom.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All Racists,Vendido's and Uncle Tom's! We have come to tear your playhouse down! And if I die before we are finished, I will only jump up from the dust and start all over again. Oh Sweet Mystery of Life!
Hip Hip Hooray for your right to free speech paid for by the veterans you begrudge a day of contemplation. Hip Hip Hooray for your expression no matter how demeaning and hurtful it may be. Hip Hip Hooray for the result that will gain you nothing in your negative ranting and raving while begging for consideration. Hip Hip Hooray for your failure to garner any support. Shall I continue? Your postings are useless and vulgar in the eyes of many.
I am not a coward. I know that I am right. America does not care about the veteran. They only care about using them like a disposable candy wrapper. I do not fear the criticisms of ignorant people.
There is nothing more vulgar than the history of this continent beginning in 1492. I do not beg for consideration from murderers, rapists, and baby killers; the ones who are still killing babies in Palestine with their tax dollars.Nor am I looking for support among a herd of goats who glorify the death and dismemberment of their own children, and who would sell their own mother for a dollar and a dream.
The human race is very slow and dim-witted. I and many others greater than I, continue to speak out about what must be done to spare all of this grief and misery. This is not for our glorification, because we already have the respect of one another. I like little dogs and cats, and I think they are very cute and lovable, but I assure you, I could care less about their opinion of me, as it simply does not matter. For me, it is a matter of conscience. If I saw a baboon playing with a stick of dynamite, I would try to get him to put it down and walk away; not because there is something inherently wrong with being a monkey, and not necessarily because I am smarter, or morally superior, but only because it would be an act of evil to allow the monkey to harm himself when I can prevent it. With knowledge comes responsibility.
Holidays such as Memorial Days glorify evil. It is an example of a mind control technique that has been effectively used to justify Imperialist aggression and expansion, by playing upon, and exploiting human emotions. It is just one of many methods that have been employed to control and manipulate the populace. Such holidays make it difficult for someone to speak out about immoral government policies and actions, because the government has hidden their evil behind the facade of a memorial to a dead soldier. Thus, when we criticize the evil behind the facade , many construe this as criticizing and disrespecting the individual soldier. This is exactly what such a holiday is designed to do. Holidays such as this are no accident. The ruling elite may be ruthless, but make no mistake, they are very intelligent, and extremely clever.
The idea that the ultimate sacrifice is evil is ridiculous. Maybe the sacrifice is not warranted due to the politics and manipulation as such. But the sacrifice is pure whether you want to believe it or not. I agree with many of your points but not to anothers desire to lay down their life for something they believe in however misguided you believe it to be.
Your rants have no value if you connect all the dots into one theory. It is like a big ball of $#!^ you pick at and it stinks no matter how deep you pick at it. The result is it is still a big ball of $#!^. The other thing is picking one thing that is the culprit. All of your assumptions point to the same thing relying on the "fact" that you know what the fix is yet never stating it. This is an American trait with a "silver bullet" cure. One thing will fix it is all you leave these conversations with.
First of all, I never even commented on the state of mind of someone who dies during battle, or who is about to die. I never touched the subject. Consequently, you begin your rant with a fiction. Here are the rules: If you want to tear somebody down then stick to the facts. This thread is not about the purity of sacrifice. This thread is about the hypocrisy of patronizing veterans when in truth, the actions of the Americans tell a completely different story.
Now you say all my assumptions point to the same thing. Well if you are talking about Capitalism, and an Imperialist Oligarchy bent on world domination masquerading as a Democracy, you are absolutely right. If your house is infested with cockroaches, why would you say you are infested with termites, or with red ants? What is the purpose of that? Is it because you don't want to hurt the feelings of the cockroaches, and so you spread it around so that others can share in the blame? But I really don't like cockroaches, and so I really don't care.
You spoke earlier of capitalism vs communism vs socialism, as if they are three distinct "-isms". But they are not at all. Perhaps on paper, and idealistically this may be true. But in real life,and in practice, Socialism and Communism are simply other forms of Capitalism operating within a Capitalist driven world economy. There is no escaping it. We can clearly see that Communism as practiced in the USSR is nothing more than Capitalism with a smaller, more concentrated group of ruling elite sitting atop the pyramid and controlling the means of production. On paper it will indicate "state owned" or "state controlled" but in truth and practice, the state is not defined as the proletariat , but only a small elite group of families and individuals.
"Holidays such as Memorial Days glorify evil." Your words
"First of all, I never even commented on the state of mind of someone who dies during battle, or who is about to die. I never touched the subject." And your retort.
What is it then? Evil or just words with no connection?
I have no problem with your rants on the various iterations of corrupted political systems. But what is your solution? Is it blowing off steam in an arrogant manner or are you coming to a conclusion. Right now all I can see is an anarchist trying to find a follower. Doing so by pissing on the graves of those who died for your very right to do just that is counter productive. You are bullying around people whether you wish to admit it or not and in a very unkind and fruitless manner. Let me ask you how many have you convinced of the purity of your intent?
First I must note that this is a fantastic pic. This woman's eyes, and the small portion of her face that we can see are so beautiful that I find it as appealing, and as sexy as the images where the women are less "hidden".
You highlighted: "Holidays such as Memorial Days glorify evil." And? Where is the smoking gun? That comment says nothing about the state of mind, or the good or bad intentions of any particular soldier. Where did you study reading comprehension? Holidays such as Memorial Day, and the 4th of July are used by the government as a means of manipulation and mind control. The sincerity of someone who may observe such a holiday, or their sentimental, emotional connection has no bearing on my argument, nor does such any emotional connection mitigate the overall detrimental effect of such holidays.
As an example: In the beginning, people really didn't know about the hazards of smoking. I used to smoke cigarettes myself, for many years. I loved it! It was a great source of relaxation. But I think it may have been the late 60's or early 70's when all of the warnings about tobacco started popping up in the media. It shouldn't be too hard to understand the motivation of the people, agencies,and associations, that issued these warnings, and campaigned against the tobacco industry. They weren't trying to hurt me, or rain on my parade, or take away my pleasure. They were not trying to be demeaning. They were trying to save my life, and the lives of millions of other people.
When you glorify evil, you only help to perpetuate evil. This is elementary. It doesn't matter if a majority do not see it this way. There was a time not so long ago here in America, when a majority accepted slavery, and the rape, and sexual abuse of children at the hands of their slave masters. There was also a time when the martyr John Brown stood alone against the prevailing current and said, "Enough is enough!". I'm not pissing on anybody's grave. That comment is your attempt to create a fiction and cast me in a bad light. Instead of pissing on someone's grave , I am trying to prevent the next grave from being dug! I am trying to prevent the next young person from having to spend the remainder of their life paralyzed from the neck down, or sitting in a wheel chair. What would you rather have? A life, two arms and two legs? or death, paralysis, and a wheel chair?
You keep asking about my solution when I have already told you in a variety of ways. People like me do not go into public arenas simply to stir up trouble, or to incite a riot! I don't even like doing this, to tell you the truth. I am a songwriter and a musician. I speak on issues like this because I am compelled by God and my conscience. It would be a lie to say that I do not fear men, since a man can cause great misery and distress in your life. But it is also true that I fear God more than man. It is also true that I respect God more than man. A man is not much more than a babbling monkey. But it is God who has stood by me when no man would even look in my direction, for fear that I may ask for their assistance.
Before the world can act, the world must know that there is a problem. The world may know that there is a cancer growing, because they can see the dead and the crippled bodies continuing to pile up. But they may not see from what direction the cancer has come. They may not realize that they are unknowingly helping the cancer to grow. This is my purpose, and I have made it clear what must be done in this matter.
First we must put these celebrations, and holidays, and remembrances that glorify death and war into the proper perspective. These events stir emotions that conjure images of duty,honor,and self sacrifice, and in doing so, such holidays legitimize the practice of sending young men and women out to die on a battlefield for the enrichment of impotent ugly old men, many of whom were too cowardly to fight even when they were young and ugly.
We must focus our energies on the living soldiers, and keep both of their feet out of the grave. We must discourage young people from even joining the military. We must focus on the disabled veterans, so that they do not want for any need or convenience. We must focus on the homeless veterans and those suffering from PTSD. And along with this focus, those of you who are able, must contact your local Veterans Administration, or VA Hospital, and inquire about a disabled veteran that you can "adopt", so to speak. You can help them by giving them money, or shopping for them. And for many who are all alone, all you may need to do is to sit with them and be their friend, tell them a story, or tell them a dirty joke and bring some light back into their life. This is a simple outline, but this is really all anyone needs to know in order to get started.
These are things that you can get started doing right away. I have spent a good part of my life performing music for the disabled, and trying to help any way I can. It is not easy to do, and at times it can be very distressing to look at so much pain. But it helps to understand that you are only the one who has to look at it, and only for a short while, after which you can escape back to your own little world. But the disabled must "live it" everyday, and for them, there is no escape, but death. Osiyo!
Maybe you should work on your writing skills as you certainly backtracked on that one. So you perform music to make people feel better. Sounds like a lot of lip service to me. It has nothing to do with actually doing something about those you claim to service with some performance. And with the way you inspire I have to wonder what you have accomplished in helping anybody. You just have to look at how well you have alienated everyone here to see what progress you could accomplish. You really might consider another method that could actually help someone other than yourself.
You have answered your first question with one word.
It has been a less than entertaining day, until now. Thank you for reminding me how absurd and funny the world can be.
Considering your remark about "rant",I have already covered that. Read and learn.
Concerning the pictures. Yes I like pretty women. I even like women that many men might consider to be fat or ugly, as I find them to also be very attractive. But of course, I did not only post these images to sweeten your dreams tonight. I posted these images to illustrate what many young veterans, those who have been permanently disabled through paralysis, and thus rendered impotent, will be missing for the remainder of their lives. This is no laughing matter. Other than music and food, the most pleasurable thing I have found in life is the company of a woman, and all that it entails. It is more than a criminal act; it is a crime against humanity to take this heavenly pleasure away from a young man, and only leave him with memories, or thoughts of what might have been. Which would you rather have? A meddle and a plaque that says "Hero" on it, or one of these angels of mercy?
I am not surprised that you have made light of my remark concerning the relationship between capitalism, materialism, and sexual assaults against women. Matthew 7:6: "Do not give that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn around and tear you in pieces."
Trust me when I say that I find many of you equally entertaining, and so it appears we have developed a mutually beneficial relationship.
Actually, besides the inability to distinguish between Memorial Day and Veterans Day, I find the pompous self-serving garbage in your post to be far more disgusting. You have convinced me that unbridled ego and rampant arrogance are not qualities to be admired. The service and sacrifices of all deceased veterans are dishonored when you trample on the traditions of this special day with a rambling discourse typical of a perennial anti-social malcontent.
The observance of Memorial Day was established by veterans to commemorate veterans no longer living. Three years after the end of the Civil War, an organization of Union veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic, established Decoration Day to adorn the graves of the war’s dead. On May 30, 1868, an assembly of about 5000 gathered at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremonies included strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns. Since then, both the Army and the Navy have published regulations for proper observance at their facilities. {1}
Sometimes it is really hard to determine which joker is more outrageous. "But after all the pain and suffering, this joker offers a "moment of silence"!!! It is nothing less than an outrage."
The National Moment of Remembrance Act encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation. Since it is an expression of respect for deceased American warriors, you may prefer, Mr. Jensen, to excuse yourself.
How pathetic it is to watch an anarchist, one who despises capitalistic materialism and hopes to see the Capitalist system dismantled brick by brick, publicly reject respectful silent remembrance and then exclaim with emphatic punctuation, "That's right you greedy cowards! Give us some money."
In spite of your wonderful way with words Mr. Quilligrapher, I am not impressed. I am an advocate for the veteran. You are an advocate for the status quo. I am an advocate for life, and well being. You are an advocate for more misery. Your concern is with a ritual. They have been observing the same ritual since the Civil War, and young people are still dying, and being butchered on battlefields. That should give even an apologist like yourself a clue that something is very wrong here. Glorifying the fact that people have needlessly died in one war after another for over 200 years is not helping.
No I have no respect for politicians, war merchants, and corporations who profit from the killing of innocents. And I reiterate, the token remembrance you so adore is not providing food and shelter for over 50,000 homeless veterans. It is not providing dental for veterans. And it is not helping those in financial difficulty. I am tired of these hypocrites and their phony concern for the veteran, and I am calling them out. Like I said: If America cares about the veteran, then prove it. That's all America has to do. Since you are so patriotic Mr. Quilligrapher, you can go first thing in the morning, seek out a veteran in distress, and give them some money. Who knows, it might catch on like wildfire.
P.S. The difference between me and you is that I respect the veteran, but I do not respect the political machine that killed or disabled them. Nor do I respect the methods of mind control that have deceived many into believing the lie that Imperialist aggression is an act of preserving our freedom. Memorial Day is used as a mechanism of mind control. Tomas Young, an Iraqi War Veteran who died of war related injuries in 2014, shared many of my views on America. I included his letter in this thread. R.I.P. Tomas
The pathetic part of your selfish rant is so self centered it is almost pornographic in its image. Quill is right! This is supposed to be a day of honor to those who gave their lives for others. Did you give yours? It does not even sound like an offer was made on your part. The veterans of WWI, WWII and such stopped tyranny against society. Your rant is just about money. The very thing you detest.
No, it is about truly helping those you claim to honor and respect. In a capitalist society you cannot help people without giving them money, or the opportunity to earn it themselves. Many disabled veterans are unable to work. It is about getting homeless veterans off the streets. It takes money to do that. It is about a veteran (me) elevating the war veteran above all other Americans and putting them at the head of line: in front of the Politicians. Yet, I, the veteran, am the one who is being vilified here. Memorial Days come and go each year and nothing changes. I will not accept the evil of America. I will not accept how veterans are disrespected with patronizing gestures that do nothing to address the realities of life.
I notice that none of the "Sons of the Pioneers" have commented on the famous Tomas Young letter I posted. He was the white American solider who died as the result of war injuries sustained in Iraq. Why hasn't anyone commented about Young's un-American and disrespectful attitude toward the United States government? No, you wouldn't dare touch that.
It was Memorial day and you rant about something else. Does everything you write bleed into everything else. And more than that you include yourself in the rant about injustice so I guess it really comes down to being about you and your feelings doesn't it? Did you lose your life in the process of serving your country? Did any of the others you rant about lose theirs in the same way? No! Then it must be about you.
I do not begrudge you your veterans benefits nor the way you and many are treated but your day is in November when you should run this tasteless rant. Not by the sullying of those who gave their lives in what ever manor their country put them in. Yes I agree that the government is a mess but guess what that is your fault and mine and every other American who does not change it. The dead can no longer speak for themselves and neither should we hold them accountable as according to your conditions.
Really Wrench! Your use of provocative topics all over the place blaming everyone else for the way things are looses it savor with all the assumption you bring with it. Your racial rant was good but falls on deaf eyes as I take no note of your accusations as anything worth contemplating. I would look inward at myself if I were you by assuming that something is as only you perceive it to be. That would be bias and border the depth of your racism as well.
This is where most of your confusion begins. You do not see the connectedness of life. It is all inextricably connected. The wars fought by America have all primarily been wars of Imperialist conquest, and opportunism. Even World War II can be seen as a result of the economic pressures heaped upon Germany at the end of World War I. If the German people had not been starving to death and suffering exceedingly high unemployment, ( 30 percent of the workforce was unemployed by 1932 and industrial output was cut in half). Adolf Hitler would have never found a way in, and millions upon millions of lives would have been spared. What has been happening in Syria since before 2011, is a direct result of capitalist influence and Imperialist intention. At least from the American perspective, all of this madness began in 1492 at the dawn of capitalism, and the institution of racism and slavery.
From his book published in 1914, " War and the International " Leon Trotsky remarks, “The future development of world economy on the capitalistic basis means a ceaseless struggle for new and ever new fields of capitalist exploitation, which must be obtained from one and the same source, the earth. The economic rivalry under the banner of militarism is accompanied by robbery and destruction which violate the elementary principles of human economy. World production revolts not only against the confusion produced by national and state divisions, but also against the capitalist economic organization, which has now turned into barbarous disorganization and chaos. The war of 1914 is the most colossal breakdown in history of an economic system destroyed by its own inherent contradictions.”
Of course the capitalist slave masters are to blame. And we are to blame for our own misery if we, the proletariat, allow these mad dogs to continue in their unholy quest for money and power, at the expense of innocent men, women, and children. I give honor to the veteran by spitting on the cowardly apologists and consumers; those who are even afraid to speak out; those who continue to look the other way as young men and women are being led to the killing fields.
It is funny how you jump from being inextricably connected and yet disconnect others whose socialist and nationalistic stances were the localized causes for WWI. You want to connect where you want to and disconnect where it is convenient to make your point. Wars have always been fought over resources, money and boundaries. They were and have been fought between capitalist countries, socialist countries and communist countries all in different and same combinations. Where it typically goes wrong is where class and greed come into play. That is not an ill that happens in capitalism exclusively.
I knew we would eventually get to Hitler as every conversation that has to effectively equate the worst possible scenario to him to establish validity to their argument. It also is usually the end of reason. Hitlers socialism was bastardized with a military dictatorship to effectively direct everything to the way he wanted it. Throw in some antisemitism to unite the hatred and you have a good disguise to control and conquer the world with an excuse. Read Mein Kampf and you will understand this better. I can tell you have spent much time with Marx. If you haven't you may be his best student without knowing it.
Capitalism is the ultimate freedom to direct your own destiny. Where it fails just as socialism and communism does is that it is overtaken by those in power who would have their freedoms outweigh yours. You see they are all connected with the single trait of human greed and imperialism.
I understand why you don't understand you belong to the old school. The school that agrees with the Eisenhower, Nixon and Kissinger type. For you it makes sense to wage wars to innocent people as long as your car can run. You never question your government and never will it is your choice. However since you agree with them why is it always the privilege of youth to fight those dirty wars? Since your age is close to death than a youngster why don't you sacrifice yours in the name of your country and your belief?
Oh, I am sure there are lots more disgusting things!
As for those that fought and defended our right to have freedom, including free speech to call other things disgusting and share points of view, thank you to them! People will continue to benefit long term from their fighting and deaths, even if they refuse to see it or see how. God bless them!
I am sure that there are some that appreciate the acknowledgement vs the opposite, that appreciate the thankfulness, vs the opposite.... To those that do lift a finger and do more for those that fought and lost much, God bless them too.
<<<Hi, oceansnsunsets, why the "Donnas" do you suppose?>>>
No, I am sorry, I cannot think of anything more disgusting than a young person laying paralyzed on their back, watching the world through a dusty window because of the greed of a few men, and the ignorance of an entire nation. I cannot think of anything more disgusting than a single mother putting flowers on the grave of her only son, and talking to a headstone.
God gave us our right to freedom. No man or nation can take credit for that. You have parroted one of the greatest lies ever told. The colonialists, and the invaders who are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million Indigenous, and their progeny who are responsible for the death and dismemberment of millions more throughout world, have stood up and claimed to be the beacon of freedom! Excuse me while I vomit.
Let it be known that a man cannot grant freedom. It is God who has set us free, and given us free will. A man only has the power to take it away. Furthermore, I will never be thankful that innocent people have died so that a fat banker could engorge himself with more blood money, or so that the proletariat can spend their weekends at the shopping malls engaged in their materialistic trivial pursuits. A human life is worth so much more than that.
The image is a picture of three Palestinian children who were killed with Israeli bombs. Those bombs are paid for with U.S. tax dollars. Perhaps a moment of silence for these children will bring them back to life. Let us try and see. The connection should be clear, but just in case it isn't, I will spell it out: The same evil that came to this continent in 1492, is the same evil that is today killing U.S. soldiers, and turning them into cripples. It is the same evil that has allowed over 50,000 U.S. veterans to remain homeless and on the streets. It is the same evil that killed these innocent little children. It is a very old misery that must now come to an end. It is time to stop your celebrations, and your flag waving. It is time to walk away from your orgy of nationalist pride, and to confront this evil, and to cast it out from among us.
I was responding to your initial post, where you said in particular, "The only thing more disgusting than a capitalist, is a wage earning slave that celebrates Memorial Day."
Yes, there are lots more disgusting things. I am fully aware of your attempts to use photos in the manner you do, and your words, which lines up with part of your description of yourself on your profile. You seem to like to fight one "battle" of ideas and words, but use other ideas and words to do so, very often.
So not a lot has changed that I can see. I think your pushing of your own ideas in the manner you do, and that it eclipses the fact that you might be on "the same page with" others, is a frustrating thing to observe. People world over don't like what leads up to dead children and graveside mourning..... To arrange a "deck" to make it look like someone is on one side of something, when the truth is the opposite, can be seen for what it is, when it happens.
Oh how low the covetous will stoop to beg for free money. Pathetic.
I served two tours of duty in Vietnam (1967-1969) and I volunteered for each of those tours.
And the only thing I regret about my service in Vietnam is I did not return home in a flag-draped coffin.
feenix, I was SO HOPING that you would THIS post! Memorial Day ISN'T an outrage but a day of respect and honor for our veterans for without them, there would be no democracy in most of the world! This "post" shouldn't have never been.
gm, you are exactly right. "This post should never have been."
In fact, it is nothing but a childish rant by an adolescent malcontent who is attempting to be as naughty as he can be. It is quite obvious that he has not evolved beyond where he was when he was about 16 years old.
I don't expect you to read this but I'm posting it for all to see. Your only purpose for getting on these forums is to make derogatory remarks that have no basis in fact. At least when I show no mercy and take no prisoners I have the historical record, or recent facts back it up. Here I have provided facts that are indisputable. You and your merry band of men have only verified that the average American could give a damn about the veteran. You see I don't have to call you and your associates nasty names and try to belittle you. You do it for me! It appears I have owned you once again. Thanks for helping me to demonstrate my superiority over the common man.
feenix said: " ... what you wrote about -- that large numbers of veterans are being neglected and abused is a damned lie. "
It appears that you have told the lie, since I never said anyone was being "abused". Furthermore, many veterans "are" being neglected, as CNN reports below. Looks like you told a total of two lies in one sentence. Good job!
Then you continue your ridiculous rant by saying : " ... For one thing, the vast majority of the individuals who fought in wars are doing quite well in life. They are holding down "good jobs," supporting themselves and their families ... "
Seriously feenix, I would love to know your IQ score. Did you ever take the test? I have never stated anywhere that the " vast majority" were doing well, or the "vast majority" needed assistance. What I do know are the facts that are posted below, and those facts tell us that the American people have dropped the ball. These facts show us that there are too many veterans who are suffering, and the American people need to do something a little more substantial than a "moment of silence" or an "atta boy". I already know from your story feenix that you never served in Vietnam. No one who ever made it through hell and back would have make such a ridiculous statement as:
"..And the only thing I regret about my service in Vietnam is I did not return home in a flag-draped coffin..."
LOL! Sounds like a bad script from an old B movie.
Stars and Stripes says:
" ...The number of young veterans committing suicide jumped dramatically from 2009 to 2011, a worrying trend that Veterans Affairs officials hope can be reversed with more treatment and intervention. New suicide data released by the department on Thursday showed that the rate of veterans suicide remained largely unchanged over that three-year period, the latest for which statistics are available. About 22 veterans a day take their own life, according to department estimates."
"But while older veterans saw a slight decrease in suicides, male veterans under 30 saw a 44 percent increase in the rate of suicides. That’s roughly two young veterans a day who take their own life, most just a few years after leaving the service. “Their rates are astronomically high and climbing,” said Jan Kemp, VA’s National Mental Health Director for Suicide Prevention. “That’s concerning to us.”
Gee folks! Jan Kemp, the VA’s National Mental Health Director for Suicide Prevention has expressed concern at the astronomically high suicide rate among veterans. However, feenix claims that veterans are doing just fine. Who do you believe? … s-1.261283
CNN Politics says:
"...For six months, CNN has been reporting on deadly delays in medical appointments suffered by veterans across the country and veterans who died or were seriously injured while waiting for appointments and care. The most disturbing and striking problems emerged in Arizona last month as inside sources revealed to CNN details of a secret waiting list for veterans at the Phoenix VA. Charges were leveled that at least 40 American veterans died in Phoenix while waiting for care at the VA there, many of whom were placed on the secret list..." … index.html
The World Post says:
According to a 10-month investigation by The Huffington Post, more than 16,000 Americans have been taken from the battlefield with severe, disabling wounds.The new casualty data, released by the U.S. Army Surgeon General's Office in response to a request by The Huffington Post, shows a dismaying range of injuries. Overall, 253,330 servicemen and women have suffered traumatic brain injury on the battlefield or elsewhere, including 3,949 with penetrating head wounds and 44,610 with severe or moderate brain injury.
In the Army alone, 73,674 soldiers have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their combat experience. The Army also has diagnosed 30,480 soldiers who returned from combat with traumatic brain injury, often caused by one or more severe blows to the head or exposure to a concussive blast. Among the combat wounded from all the military services are 1,572 patients with major limb amputations, including 486 wounded troops with multiple amputations. These numbers do not include those who suffered the loss of fingers or toes.
Most of the amputees, 83 percent, have lost one or both legs, mostly from the blast of improvised explosive devices. These deadly homemade bombs are also the cause of most of the genital wounds suffered by 1,410 U.S. troops. The data released Wednesday indicates that 2,542 servicemen and women have suffered traumatic burns; 142 have lost at least one eye, and five lost both eyes in combat.
The financial cost of caring for the wounded is dwarfed by the emotional cost, of course. But in 2008, Harvard economist Linda Bilmes has estimated the lifetime cost of caring for the war wounded to be between $600 billion and $900 billion. Since then, the data she has gathered indicate that the cost will rise, she told The Huffington Post Wednesday. … 89911.html
The National Alliance to End Homelessness Says:
49,933 veterans experienced homelessness on a single night in January 2014.
OK, I'll take the bait. Your meaning is quite dramatic and somewhat ambiguous. Can you explain?
There's nothing ambiguous and overly-dramatic about what I said.
I was straight up.
It is just that, due to the fact that you are self-centered and believe that you are more intelligent and more insightful than most other people, you are incapable of identifying with someone like me; a person who places God and country before all else.
Here is a big chunk of insight for you: No, it's not a matter of me believing I am more intelligent, or of me being self-centered. It's a matter of someone jumping on a thread and making a comment that has nothing what-so-ever to do with the discussion. So I will remind. Stay on topic, or you can get off the bus.
Here, I will help you along:
This thread is about the hypocrisy of Americans who celebrate Memorial Day in ritualistic manner, but who do little or nothing to help disabled veterans, homeless veterans,or to prevent more unnecessary wars.
The reason why I avoided responding what you wrote about -- that large numbers of veterans are being neglected and abused is a damned lie.
For one thing, the vast majority of the individuals who fought in wars are doing quite well in life. They are holding down "good jobs," supporting themselves and their families, making numerous valuable contributions to US society, extending big-giant helping hands to the poor and disadvantaged, helping thousands of troubled vets to recover from alcoholism and drug addiction, obtaining jobs and decent housing for numerous vets, and I could go on.
And I know what I'm talking about, because for one thing, I have been working as a volunteer counselor in the Manhattan VA Hospital ever since 2006 when I retired from my job.
One of the big problems is, there are far too many individuals like you who lazily sit around complaining about all that they believe is going wrong for veterans, while not doing any worthy things to help improve the conditions.
Feenix's statement was self-explanatory..........
feenix , I 'm not sure why you'd say quite what you did my friend , about coming home flag draped that is ; however , I'm sure at one time or another someone has said to you "Thank you " for what you sacrificed ! I will say it now , AND I mean it , Thank you !
There are millions in this country and beyond that feel nothing but honor to stand in the presence of a true veteran of any war . My own brother Al , was there at the same time, for two tours of duty , in the Marines . He spent his entire weekend in the service of the VFW , doing honor guard stuff in veteran cemeteries , walking in a parade and then sitting and having a few beers at a cemetery of veterans in their honor . A local tradition in the VFW post that he was a commander of for a couple of years .
Most Americans , in spite of the idealistic, intellectual- ignorance all too often expelled in these forums, truly DO honor , respect and support our vets ! I recently completed a lot of genealogical look- ups in my own family tree and in doing so have found one veteran or more , in every single war that America has been in , from my family ! And much like George Washington --including before we were actually even a country ! Patriotism runs deep in my family as in many ,many families in America . I don't put any stock in what's said in these forums other than to try irritate the natives !
Perhaps that alone makes being here ,worth it .
Happy Memorial day !
ahoresback, to understand the reason why my attitude is such as it is, I was combat soldier who saw a lot of action and who witnessed the deaths of many of my "brothers in arms."
Well, when I departed from Vietnam in late 1969, I was suffering a very serious case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) -- even though that is not what the condition was called back then -- it was called Combat Fatigue.
Well, over the years, I have become aware that much of my PTSD is rooted in deep feelings of guilt. I feel deeply guilty for surviving while many of my "brothers" did not make it. Thus, I have grown to believe that the most honorable thing I could have done is return home in flag-draped coffin. Furthermore, if that had happened, I would not be forced to constantly deal with all of the demons that I have been dealing with for nearly 50 years.
I can only begin to claim to understand how you feel about Viet Nam , My absolute hero , my brother Al, also suffers from PTSD and yet when I suggest that , that , is what's going on with him he simply rolls his eyes at me ! He suffers his demons in the night as well . If I could wish one thing for American boys like you and Al , It would be for no more wars .
I believe you are a veteran councilor , [I think ] perhaps the hardest case to cure is that person who understands how to help others and yet when it comes to himself , he seems to be lost as to what to do ? If that is the case with you I wish for you an answer to these questions that haunt you . I also know that the single biggest thing for people who suffer PTSD is that you HAVE to remember - You are never alone ! Don't ever think that .
There are many people who honor you and the cost of sacrifice that now engulfs you . Perhaps in the future soldiers should first be selected from the halls of Congress and Senate , maybe even the white house . You have earned every benefit available to a true hero , especially after the treatment that you received upon returning home to America !
ahoresback, in spite of the demons that are always attacking me and the painful bouts of depression and anxiety I frequently suffer, I am one of the most fortunate people in the world and I have much to be grateful for.
Over the years, a number of people have provided me with guidance and assistance, and have gone way out of their way to lift me up after I had fallen down.
I love life and I consider the "pain" that I continually suffer as one of those things that come with the territory while one is living in this realm.
Touching, heartwarming stories feenix. I am moved by your courage and sacrifice. The problem with your stories is that they are just that: stories. I suppose you think Muhammad Ali was a traitor for not serving.
Ali , and many others didn't have to serve . College deferments for one , imagine that wrench biscuit , simply by going to college ,, or being a C.O , you wouldn't have had to serve simply because you didn't believe in the cause , As in so many cases today , pick a reason ! ,
When my brother flew home to San Francisco Air port , they were given orders to exit at a side entrance where plastic tarps covered the chain link fences to keep them protected from protesters . Yet he believed it was the protesters who would have needed protecting . Seems like the protesters have raised a new and more enlightened generation . No?
wrenchbuscuit, you're damned liar. None of the accounts I have given are "just stories."
I have no doubt that one of the reasons why you choose to see things as you do is, you are profoundly envious of me. A man with my background causes you to feel inadequate.
And so far as Mohammed Ali -- by refusing to answer his country's call to duty, he demonstrated that he was nothing by a self-centered chump who was so impressionable that he was swayed by the stupid advice given to him by a whole bunch of losers.
In summation: YES! Mohammed Ali is a traitor, largely because he has never apologized for refusing to serve a country that has provided him with towering levels of fortune, fame and wealth.
I just returned home after voluntarily working for about 10 hours at the Manhattan VA Hospital, counseling veterans who have very serious alcohol and drug addictions.
Well, while I was working today, something came to mind. I decided that I am not going waste another keystroke in this forum -- and it also came to mind that I should not have gotten involved in this "discussion" in the first place.
I just do not have the time to get into scrapes with a couple of adolescent know-it-alls who are so impressionable they believe all the spin that is being spewed by far-left-wing blowhards.
I'm gone.
I always wondered why someone of your intelligence sold his soul to the military versus any other job? To be honest, I hate policemen and military men so NEVER would I give money to people who because their country asks them to kill they obey orders. When you enroll, you know that your objective is to kill and be killed, now if you or any other is wounded, killed whose fault is it mine or yours? You perpetrated what the white man did to your people, how ironical...
Yes! You are absolutely right. I participated in an industry of death. Not to mention the fact that everyday when we were out at sea, under orders of our commanding officer,we would go to the fantail and throw garbage and refuse into the ocean . You could see black trash bags floating in the wake of the ship as far as the eye could see. This was standard practice in the Navy, and still is. I was 17 years old when I joined. I was very naive and uneducated, and couldn't find a job. I was so ignorant, I felt that as long as I was doing any actual killing that my hands were clean.
Now I understand that I was just as responsible as the one who pulled the trigger, or laid the land mine. I was helping the machine to function. This is something I am not proud of, but it helps me to understand today how young people are manipulated and controlled by the machine. This is why I am so against holidays such as Memorial Day. It is just one more tactic that is used by the government to paint a pretty picture of freedom and democracy, when in truth it is simply a clever facade to hide their imperialist intentions, and quest for world domination. It also sheds light on another insidious aspect of capitalism, and how the need for money is effectively used as a tool to position the pawns on the global chessboard.
It belongs to the US government that consciously sent those willing kids to kill for no other reason but greed to care for them not for the people. I didn't ask them to kill 4 million Afghanis, Libyans, Iraqis, Syrians so far, and it is a conservative data. How is it that each time the government is involved with the corporations the people have to pay for the damages? The 2008 financial crash, those economic wars...
Soldiers, don't count on me to pay for your mistakes...
I just want to point out that you have made a comment that highlights an important distinction. Yes, your hands are clean. Furthermore , in spite of being influenced and manipulated, and in spite of the fact that many soldiers who enlist are very young. It is they who have made the choice. And so I agree, it is not necessarily your cross to bear. You owe them nothing for their unfortunate bad choices. However, when I started this thread it wasn't people like you I was aiming at, and I am sure you already know that.
But I am simply stating this for the record. I am targeting those people who give lip service to veterans, and who vilify people like me for desecrating their holidays and rituals with the truth, yet do nothing to actually help veterans. They are hypocrites. They say they love and honor the vet. But to them I can only say: "Prove it". You have seen how I have been vilified for bringing in the issue of money. But let us look at the big picture. How many of these god fearing "Sons of the Pioneers" go to work all week, and then on Friday afternoon don't expect a paycheck? I can't imagine any of them saying: That's OK Mr. Bossman, it won't kill us to go hungry for another week! Hell, my wife's been gaining too much weight anyway! Go ahead and keep the payroll money Mr. Bossman, and spend it on yourself. I'm proud to serve!"
No, it would not go this way. There would be arguments, perhaps even physical altercations. They would sue their employer. They would picket and protest. They would do whatever they could to get the money they were owed. And here is where I have backed them all into a corner. If the veteran is so great, and they really feel that they owe their "freedom" to the sacrifices of the veteran.... but I digress. Please, I must savor the moment, for I have owned them all once again!
Now that I have composed myself: They say they owe their freedom to the sacrifices of the U.S. military veteran. To understand the significance of such a statement, let us look toward the antebellum. I am certain that no American slaves who lived during the antebellum are still alive today. But I am confident, considering the misery that they surely endured, that all of them would wholeheartedly agree that freedom is priceless. In other words. It is not unreasonable to expect that a free man whose son or daughter were enslaved, would pay any price to gain the freedom of his child. He would beg, borrow, and steal to do so. Why? Not only because he loves his children and wants to be with them, but also because he could not bear the fact that his child must suffer perpetual bondage.
And so, since these patriotic Americans owe us so much, according to their own words, and since freedom is priceless, according to all men, then it follows that it is not possible for the patriotic American to give the war veteran too many benefits, or too much money. Since freedom is priceless, then even paying more taxes, so that disabled veterans could be accommodated in lavish Beverly Hills mansions, with a full time staff of sexy nurses, would not be "too much" to give, considering they owe the priceless commodity of freedom to those who sacrificed life and limb! And they owe them this according to their own words.
Furthermore, the fact that soldiers are paid while in the military is beside the point, and has no bearing. Why? Because the hypocrites have stated that they owe their freedom to the veterans! Since freedom is priceless, and since a human life is priceless. A soldiers salary can hardly be considered payment in full for risking something priceless, and in return, ensuring the priceless freedom of over 30 million Americans! Yet, 30 million people, many who say they "love" the veteran, cannot manage to provide dental benefits for those who gave them the priceless gift of freedom. When we compare the salaries of football players to war veterans, there is no comparison. Yet they say freedom is priceless. It appears that the sport of football is beyond priceless, and I don't even know what that word is.
30 million people, many who claim to owe the veteran for their freedom cannot find the time or the resources to get over 50,000 homeless veterans off of the streets. These are the people who risked their lives for this nest of vipers, yet, over 30 million people cannot risk 50 cents for them. But of course, they will tell the veteran how much they love them. They will tell the veteran that they appreciate their sacrifice on Memorial Day. They will even have a moment of silence. How touching. how irrelevant, and how useless!
I am happy that a man of your intelligence doesn't belong to this corporate branch of the government. Did you finally go to college, if you don't mind my asking or were you gifted? Because it is a 360 degree shift...
I went to college but I wasn't that impressed. I liked the girls, the music,and the good times. But I was not excited about the way I was being taught. It was more about getting a grade, or a score, than learning, or an exploration into knowledge, which is what I had naively thought it would be. It was really more about the faculty and the staff having a job and making money.
First of all, the tuition required at many colleges and universities is not only an outrage, but collectively, it constitute a crime against humanity. These people who have perverted the process of learning and turned it into a lucrative commercial venture should be tarred and feathered, and then hung up by their feet in the town square for at least 24 hours. I am not joking. Our system of education bears a large share of the responsibility for the problems we see in the world today. But it is not only the tuition that is the problem. It is how students are being taught, and what they are being taught. Let's think about it for a minute.
When we consider all of the colleges and universities in the United States, and the fact that every year people are graduating and going out into the world, we can only wonder why things don't seem to be getting any better! In fact in many ways it seems to be getting worse. (The killing of citizens by cops comes to mind) I don't need to provide you with a litany of woes because I am confident that you already know them by heart.
It is reasonable for us to assume that with all of these people graduating from college that there would be a lot of smart people here in the United States. But unfortunately we can see that this is not the case! Why? Well, I think a big part of it is the fact that people are primarily being taught how to be a productive member of the proletariat,a cog in the machine, and how to make money. There is not a big focus on the Liberal Arts, and courses designed to improve critical thinking are either not encouraged, required, or even offered.
With so many ignorant people in the world, it is not in the best interest of society to be creating great financial hurdles for people who are seeking an education. In fact, it is in our better interest to "pay" people to attend college, instead of expecting to make a profit. Why? Because we all have to live with each other. People who have been educated with the right kind of education, and who are practiced at critical thinking, are less likely to be manipulated and influenced by shyster politicians, and various government organs. In fact, if enough people get truly educated, there won't be any more government organs! And wouldn't that be nice?
You know, shortly after I was honorably discharged from the US Army, I enrolled into UCLA and under the "GI Bill," I earned a BS degree in Business Administration.
Well, I consider the five years that I spent going to night school to earn my degree as one of the greatest wastes of my time ever. During those five years, I was forced to listen to one far-left-wing professor after another who devoted far more time to "teaching" students about how wicked the US is than pointing out all of the positive things that exist in the country.
What I am working up to saying is, the education that I received in the US Army is far superior to the one I received in one of the nation's top universities.
Finally, I must say that most of today's institutions of higher learning are just as harmful to "the people" as such things as big government and cold-hearted multi-national corporations.
Have you ever heard, "It's better to be an old man's widow than young a man's slave!" HA HA HA!
Well, that was a quote from a grandmother's grandmother.
But, still...
I have to agree with that sentiment. Being an old man's widow could provide a windfall of cash. From that point forward the woman would have the means, and the time to stop and smell the roses ... so to speak.
I didn't see it that way. There is no guarantee the older gentleman she married had any money whatsoever.
She is free when he dies. FREE.
That's worth more than money, anyday.
We can only go forward. I say do not vote for the Globalist pick, J. Bush.
H. Clinton does not have one iota of a chance.
(Some here are advocating J. Bush.)
I do not.
Oh, I remember, now...
The answer to "HoW?" is through Anarchy.
Good luck with that, wB.
Do you mean : How do we cast out the evil? If this is your question then I have already told you how. If not then you will need to explain. OK, I have seen the rest of your post.
Yes, how do we, in a specific problem-solving sense, "confront this evil, and... cast it out from among us."
What about spreading the knowledge? What about demonstrating? What about sharing independent websites? What about rejecting tv? What about for the youth to wear engaging tee-shirts that communicate their opinions, No to NATO, No to Chemtrails, No to zionists, Israel as criminal as the US... No to war for corporative greed... What about gathering and talk to act....
Yes, the grass roots movement, ahorseback was advocating.
We really need to comprehend the reality behind our involvement in the middle east.
DON'T WE comprehend it?????
We need to stay home and protect our borders!!!
Iran hates us because we are sticking our nose into business we have no business sticking our nose into.
There are bio-fuels… lets develop those!!!
Thats my humble opinion.
PS From what I observe as a substitute teacher going from school to school here, the kids get it… I believe they will change things once WE get out of the way.
(and I am a conservative!)
I wouldn't put too much stock in what elementary , high school or college" kids" say about much of anything , as influenced as they are by liberally idealized teachers with an agenda to influence small and undeveloped minds !
well, the liberals are advocating bio-fuels… I had to read a Weekly Reader to ten year olds about England's use of human poop in a particular bus they invented! it 's disgusting… until you really think about it. The kids understood just fine.
But ugh…
(Plus, according to the article, the fumes do NOT stink!!!) … -unveiled/
"Biomethane gas is generated from sewage using bacteria that breaks down bio-waste into methane and carbon dioxide. Throughout the process, all impurities are removed to produce odor-free emissions, said Saddiq.
The bio-bus is the latest invention to demonstrate that human waste can be a valuable source of green energy."
There is a lot of indoctrination of particular kinds of ideas, even to extreme degrees in some of the most conservative public high schools, among others I am sure. Its getting kind of bad in that regard.
I have heard the more awake and observant kids get very tired of listening to the teachers pet passions about things, which do turn out to be extreme liberalism, and not even about the topic of the class. Its like they aren't even pretending t discuss social studies, or english anymore. Its very very bold....... Tax dollars at work.
Lots of entitlement going on as well with that group. More than I have seen in decades. Mentalities matter, ideas matter. Kids forming minds are absorbing it, yikes.
Being more towards a conservative , I would rather they teach kids to think solely independent off ideals ,rather than agenda-size right or left ! We all constantly underestimate a young persons ability to decide for themselves . I remember well the influx of liberal agenda's in the sixties and early seventies when I was in junior high . Why does it have to be one way or the other in extremism ?
listen, ahorseback.. the kids do think for themselves… you know why? cuz their parents do.
we/they (our kids and now, our kids as parents) have been thinking for ourselves/themselves ever since WE (I'm sure every generation feels the same) paved the way!!! Remember? have faith!!
The parents have way more influence than the teachers.
- sorry, teachers, but its true.
We are only with them a short time during the day and most kids can't wait to the heck out of school and go HOME!
...from my vantage point as a Sub.
BTW after fifteen years of age, humans develop their own will and want to develop independent thinking. The kids could/can/will/usually do rebel against whatever they have been falsely indoctrinated with.
The parents have the job to disseminate the truth.
What else is left? Boycotting any corporations that doesn't work with the people of America and worldwide given that the TPP announces the death of sovereignty and citizenry and, last resort rebellion since revolution scare the majority of us. But without them Russia, France would always be monarchies and the US a colony...
If Iran hates the US (we have to prove it) isn't it because the US overthrew their nascent democracy? What would you have done had it happened to you?
"Anarchy is solidarity among free people without government."
OHHH---->>> I will take a listen. thanks.
Will you please stop with the Donna shots, now?
You know the Vietnam ended in 75, you saw how the government treated them and in spite of that you enrolled. What bothers me is if you did it, others will... What is the lesson to learn?
The lesson to learn is very simple. I am teaching that lesson at this very moment. I have been there and done that. I did not have someone to tell me it was wrong, and as I said, I was a kid, and very concerned about having a job. This is why we must confront capitalism before we can solve problems such as domestic violence, war, and poverty, because capitalism is at the root of it all. To try and fix any of these problems while maintaining the status quo is as useless as throwing bars of soap at a man who is standing in a sewer. He will never get clean until he first crawls out of the sewer.
Furthermore, I did not have the hindsight that I do now. It is my responsibility, having been manipulated and forced in that direction, to speak of this great evil, and how it can deceive even those with honorable intentions.
This is a stretch!!!
Free market is a good thing.
...ask the OAI people.
Capitalism and a Free market are not necessarily the same thing, although they coexist at varying degrees. Capitalism is concerned with the production of wealth, whereas the Free Market is concerned with the methods of exchanging wealth.
Capitalism is defined as an economic environment consisting of owners and workers. An essential feature of this kind of economic system is private ownership. The owner has full control of the means of production and profits are due to him. Production is determined by the free market, as well as the prices for goods and services, plus distribution.
A free market is one that is not regulated by government, but rather driven by demand and supply. The free market theory contends that an ideal free market is where entities are exchanged voluntarily after a seller and buyer mutually agree on a price, without any intervention from external influences.
And so, a Free Market could function very well in a state of Anarchy, in fact, it could potentially function much better, as there would be no governmental controls.
If stopping the defense of the nation is Anarchy… I do not go along with that.
If stopping the exploitation other countries in the name of profit, cruelty and greed is Anarchy, I go along with that.
and yeah…
once we get that, (the latter,) there will be less and less enlistees...
If only we could get that, (the latter.)
And the only thing sadder than those who don't appreciate memorial day ? Are those who live in such a peaceful country , one of strength and social ,civil and geographic protections . IS that the same one's are allowed to blast forth irresponsibly with uncharted first amendment protection ! -Just for you, the O.P.
Darned if you do, darned if you don't....
You said at one point in your tirade that seems to be against those observing Memorial day, "If any of you truly appreciate the veterans, then give us some money! That's right you greedy cowards! Give us some money."
Mixed messages, containing diametrically opposing ideas. Or else using the rhetoric is word and image to push other ideas as if they stand for the other. Attention grabbing for sure..... In a fit stomping sort of way....
So do we appreciate the veterans that fought or not, thank them or not, do we get mad at them too for wanting money for their hard work as you spoke of in your OP, when other (even capitalists) are to be spoken ill of? Many people work hard and worked hard to get the job they work hard at. Its hard to get other people jobs also, though it does sound ideal. Some of the capitalists are losing loved ones also, and have hardships of life and don't expect others to carry their load. Its not all evil like you make it out of course. Just letting you know I see the inconsistencies. For whatever its worth... You want to send messages and they may be more well received without the inconsistency inherent within the manner of your message.
<Image Snipped>
No, the only mixed messages are the ones you are trying to inject into the thread. I have been very clear. We live in a world based on capitalism. A man cannot eat, or provide shelter and the basic necessities for himself and his family without money. Naturally, in this kind of world, if you truly respect the sacrifice someone has made, you will first offer them money and assistance if needed, instead of self-serving gratitude and appreciation.
Yes, I have been very clear. I am talking about the hypocrisy of how veterans are "honored' in America. You have casually compared the hardship of the veteran with the hardship of Joe Blow getting laid off at the local Donut shop. But you hit a home run when you compared their troubles to the hardships of the capitalist pigs who start these wars in the first place! You certainly exemplify the American character.
Your own words make it very clear that you have no more respect for a veteran and the sacrifices that they have made than you have for a common factory worker. And then you attempt to further demean veterans by painting them down as beggars expecting handouts. As I have said in other words, the veteran, especially the war veteran who has faced bullets, and bombs, and who has seen his friends blown to pieces, is deserving of only the very best. They are the ones who should be treated as royalty, not the greedy politicians.
The war veteran should not have to "ask" for anything. It is a disgrace how they are treated and neglected. And then to "honor" them with hollow words and speeches on Memorial Day is nothing less than an outrage. Risking your life is far and above the daily routine of going to work , punching a clock, and dealing with the drama of suburban life. Especially if you come home in a box, or with half of your body missing. To date, I have yet to hear of someone working the checkout at Walmart who has stepped on a land mine, got hit by a sniper,or who has been taken hostage by an enemy force.
I hope there are many young people reading this thread who will understand from your comments, and others like you, that a majority of Americans are simply not worth the sacrifice. If you are a young person, it is better that you go to school. And if you cannot go to school, then go hang out at the beach and be a bum. At least you will have two arms and two legs. You will still be able to play a guitar, to sing and to dance. You will still be able to lay down with a fat woman in the woods. And if she is pleased with your melodious song, she may even cook you dinner.
Edited: You have portrayed me now in a way I do not think or feel about the things you are speaking of. The misconstruing against people that don't even think or feel the way you paint them to, makes no sense to me. Your "if, thens", don't follow, as I see it. I agree Veterans should be treated with royalty. Not how you portray me.
I ought to have known better than to take the provocateur bait. (Because of your ongoing insults.) Yet I am sure you will find somehow that I am insulting veterans within this post. That would be quite incredible, when I haven't begun to even discuss my deeper thoughts and feelings. Then isn't that all just false judgements? Yes, it would be. I haven't discussed that.
Making points about ills of the world, can be made point by point without the game I often see played. If you have a true and moral point, they could be easily made. This setting up, then asking all others to decipher and break down, in order to have patience enough to finally translate what your bottom line points must be, all while expecting the insults to be ignored, makes no sense to me. Its a rigamarole. It might seem clever to some, fun for others, but don't be surprised when some don't want to engage. It could just be simple ideas being discussed, and we could really get somewhere. Good ideas vs bad ones, and why one is more moral than another, too be more highly esteemed than another. Bringing people on board to encourage true change for the good of all, etc. Changing over from a possible bad way, to a good or at least better way. Yet it gets all muddled. How unfortunate. My observations.
Running with assumptions leads to these problems and more. It halts productive talk. You can't know from a post or two, WHAT people do or don't do, or think about veterans! Yet assumptions seem to win out.
Repeating: The kids understood just fine:
"Biomethane gas is generated from sewage using bacteria that breaks down bio-waste into methane and carbon dioxide. Throughout the process, all impurities are removed to produce odor-free emissions, said Saddiq.
The bio-bus is the latest invention to demonstrate that human waste can be a valuable source of green energy." … -unveiled/
Hello. Well, amongst a lot of angry words, some good points in there too. Maybe simplifying the points would be beneficial and stressing such important points as government being obligated (and failing) to provide for those who were injured. I do understand the disgust at hypocrisy when people offer moments of silence but fail to actually take care of the real needs; however, that is a truth/problem probably more fitting for a discussion of veterans day, as memorial day is in theory about honoring those who have died in battle (though a lot of people do seem to treat them as one and the same). I don't assume the motives of those who serve are always noble, but certainly you concede that at least some had noble motives (love, honor, freedom for all, etc.) and surely you agree that genuinely honoring those who have given of their lives out of love, etc. is appropriate.
Couldn't resist, had to throw in a photo for those of us who appreciate male beauty rather than female beauty (Sorry if it offends anyone). While I don't think it's women's (or men's) bodies that are reflective of God (you mentioned something of the sort), God certainly put much of Himself in that which is stereotypically feminine - love, compassion, etc.
God bless.
Thanks for stopping by. The fact that Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of remembrance to honor the dead who have fallen in war is the very reason I have risen against this nest of vipers and hypocrites. They commiserate about the deaths of soldiers while continuing to support the industrial military complex: a killing machine like no other that has ever existed in the history of the world. And then we see homeless veterans ragged in the streets; we see veterans without dental care; we see veterans in need of financial assistance and suffering from PTSD. They say they owe their freedom to the war veterans. I say pull out your wallets and check books and show the world just how much you really care.
Now, let's put this in a different perspective. In 2013, people were paying $1,800 a pair for low end Super Bowl seats. At the high there are suites being offered for over $300,000 and pairs of tickets in premium locations for over $53,000. In 2013, CBS made 220 million dollars from Superbowl ads. The gate alone at recent Superbowls has hovered around 100 million dollars. Gee, since the "Sons of the Pioneers" like to claim that Americans owe their freedom to the war veterans, which includes our freedom of speech, then I suggest that CBS donate the entire proceeds of the 2016,2017,and 2018 Superbowl's to the war veterans, minus operating costs. Let's face it, without the sacrifice of the war veterans CBS wouldn't be able to operate. They owe all of their fortunes to the war veteran. I say it's time to share the wealth, at least among the families of the dead and the disabled.
I also suggest that the gate at these three Superbowl's be given to the war veterans as well. But this will not happen, because they are a nest of greedy vipers, who climb upon the backs of others to fulfill their needs and desires. They use the poor and the working class youth as cannon fodder, and to protect and expand the interests of American corporations around the world. At the end of the day, when the soldier's lie dead, or with their bodies broken and scarred, the American people call them heroes, give them a holiday, say a kind word for the dead, and then direct those who are battered and bruised, but still breathing, to take a seat at the back of the bus. Osiyo!
I always find it interesting that there are so many who demonize the US and it's soldiers . Who will never memorialize OUR troops , who pine on decrying these wars AND YET , give all of the honor to the enemy . Justify the beheadings , glorify the barbaric savagery of the indigenous peoples against themselves and each others tribes , show death , dismemberment and destruction of the enemy's own children , perhaps even DONE by themselves and yet miserably to honor the troops who bought the very rights and freedom of speech that you so easily spend - how disgusting ! .
AND , it is the apathy of these same pundits who soon 'forget " the debt owed these troops . Our congress , it's agencies , fat and lazy as they all are , push these honorable men and women aside, into the most dark , disgusting lack of care possible -of the Veterans Administration .
You allowed it in Viet Nam and you will do it again .
But go ahead , drone on , because you have that freedom .
I'm actually ashamed of these forum threads !
Humans are born perfect. If they stayed perfect, Anarchy, the idealized unity of friends, would work…
Sadly, humans are ever fallible unless anchored in the divine. We have a ways to go, but I, for one, appreciate the tap toward the end of the diving board.
I still don't get the provocative images.
So, all I have to do to look hot is wear some army clothes?
Apparently, I wouldn't even have to bear my breasts... and why would I, since I have not visited a plastic surgeon and never would!
All you have to do is smile Kathryn, and the world is yours!
Image solely for showing some military women do look as good as your original pic, though these are Israeli army not USA, ( sorry I prefer dark hair and skin and this was all I already had saved to my computer) since someone implied they don't.
I love your post and think it is more than true even if it is a rant. You know what I did for memorial day? Nothing! I won't lie. I drove down for a day trip vacation without a thought to veterans. I gave a guy with a sign claiming he was a vet $5, but other than that I did not post a single thing related to memorial day. I find it humorous that so many post all these things pretending they care. They don't! Quite simply if they are not actually doing anything for vets all the words, good wishes, and thank you's in the world mean nothing. The USA uses our citizens to fight wars that have nothing to do with our freedoms. Wars are not about protecting America they are about protecting corporations. Our government ships off young men and women to do the dirty work involved in keeping those corporations going. Very few of the places our military go are actually a threat to us, and many of the places are only a threat because we won't leave them the hell alone. We (US government) are so worried trying to dictate the world we risk the lives of our young men and women to tell other countries what they should and should not be doing.
Don't get me wrong. I love my country. Doesn't mean I have to love the way we do things. If we are going to risk the lives of our citizens they should be provided for when they come home until the day the die. They shouldn't have to sign up for anything it should be automatically provided. If they aren't worth the cost, maybe they shouldn't be sent to be endangered to begin with.
wrenchbisciut , I suspect that you're on this rant you just got your first computer , you're level of social maturity certainly deflates the meaning of any positive thing you might have accomplished . Your kind of rant reminds me of Ward Churchill , a man so venomous that his otherwise well articulated and halfway intelligent argument deflates considerably when pressed for and real reasoning behind it , accept that someone stuck a microphone in front of his face . So welcome to your new computer and the forums where one can say anything one wants to
Remember this however , free speech isn't free , I suspect that in your case -,someone else paid for it !
Let there be no misunderstanding! This thread IS NOT about veterans; nor were the earlier threads really about Columbus or slavery. These threads are disguised efforts to destroy the fabric of our society. Anarchists consciously set out to undermine the customs and traditions that bind a society together. Rambling from one vague subject to another, never dwelling on one and never being too specific about facts is all part of the ruse. The veiled insinuations leave room for “I never said that .” One only needs to review the string of negative threads to see the pattern.
One frequent strategy is to float a half-truth, to leap to a totally invalid conclusion and, then, to purposely omit the facts that expose the distortions hiding in the anti-government message.
Consider, as an example, the attempt last fall to misrepresent the actions of a Texas school board with this accusation: "Last Monday in Seminole Texas , a Navajo Kindergartener was told to cut his hair, and sent home on his first day of school. This is only one example of how racist Americans continue in their quest to destroy the cultural identity of the Indigenous people.” {1}
Notice how the facts of this event were twisted from valid and legitimate actions by a school board to “racist Americans” on a quest to destroy the identity of Indigenous people. In the end, it became obvious that vital details were omitted from the OP statement including the existence of published school guidelines governing dress code and other student norms. Also omitted was the fact that the child did not actually have to cut his hair. When the lie of omission was revealed, the Recording Artist_Songwriter_Provocateur admitted he did not expect his deception nor his sly strategy would be discovered: "I award you the gold star because you obviously read the article, which is not a common practice on these forums. Many of the respondents simply shoot from the hip, using soundbytes fueled with emotion."{2}
Anarchists will never acknowledge facts that contradict the anti-social rhetoric.
The OP statement of this thread preaches to us goats, "If any of you truly appreciate the veterans, then give us some money! That's right you greedy cowards! Give us some money. Come and help our families. Give us a job. Get the over 50,000 homeless veterans off the streets. Force the government to reinstate our dental benefits. Do something genuine if you really give a damn. We can't pay our bills with your kind thoughts, your flag waving, and your appreciation. Otherwise, take your moment of silence and ..."
Look for this ever present theme and recognize the pattern of deception.
The goal of this thread is not to improve the plight of the veteran. The goal is to destroy the fabric of society. The poster already knows that our society, collectively and individually through various community organizations, provides all of the listed benefits and services to U.S. veterans who choose to have access to them. Still, expect the truth to be denied because positive facts do not serve the negative mindset the drives the anarchists’ agenda.
“Give us some money...”
Veterans are eligible for tax-free monthly compensation for the effects of disabilities, diseases, or injuries incurred or aggravated during active military service. The benefits are also designed to compensate for considerable loss of working time when exacerbated by these illnesses. Additional Special Monthly Compensation is paid at a higher rate to cover special circumstances such as the need of aid and attendance by another person for a specific disability. Only someone bent on deception would demand, "That's right you greedy cowards! Give us some money." while knowing there is money and a wide spectrum of programs available for veterans.
“Help our families...”
Surviving spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents receive monthly payments in recognition of the economic loss caused by a veteran's death during military service or, after discharge from military service, as a result of a service-connected disability.
Dependents of veterans are eligible for Dependents’ Educational Assistance.
Additional financial programs offer protection and security in the form of Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI), Veterans Group Life Insurance and Family SGLI, TSGLI, and Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance.
“Give us a job...”
No one gives you a job! You have to apply and have the skills needed to accomplish the necessary tasks. Veterans Employment and Training Services, available through the Department of Labor, are designed to assist veterans looking to obtain civilian job credentials.
Veterans receive vocational rehabilitation and employment training that encompasses resume development and job seeking skills. Other services provide assistance in starting a business or for acquiring independent living services for those who are severely disabled and unable to work in traditional employment.
Training programs, apprenticeships, test fee reimbursement, and more are available to all veterans seeking employment.
“Reinstate our dental benefits...”
Qualified veterans are eligible under specified categories for VA dental care necessary to maintain or restore oral health and masticatory function, including repeat care. Some categories have time and/or service limitations. {3}
“Do something genuine...”
Genuine state specific programs are in place coast to coast to assist and support a wide range of veteran’s needs.
“Get 50,000 homeless... off the streets...”
Those 50,000 homeless can vary from day to day. About 12% of the adult homeless population in this country are veterans. Just like the other 88% of non-veteran homeless, they tend to suffer from mental illness, alcohol/substance abuse, or co-existing disorders. These are certainly not numbers to be ignored but our society is actively engaged in eliminating homelessness. Anarchists know this!
But, the anarchists’ lies and distortions keep right on trucking along! Anarchists will focus on 50,000 still in need of rehabilitation and housing and they will rationalize, minimize, and awkwardly discredit all of the specialized homelessness programs that provide health care to almost 150,000 current and former homeless veterans. A myriad of other resources serve another 112,000 veterans in need of a stable living environment. Additionally, more than 40,000 homeless veterans receive compensation or pension benefits each month from the VA.
As we have seen, anarchists do not mention any of the viable VA programs for homeless veterans that dovetail with community providers like citizens’ groups and volunteers that expand and coordinate services to more veterans in crisis. The VA, using its own resources or in partnerships with others, has secured nearly 15,000 residential rehabilitative and transitional beds and more than 30,000 permanent beds for homeless veterans throughout the nation. These partnerships are credited with reducing the number of homeless veterans by 70% since 2005. {4}
Veterans with a VA loan that are having trouble making mortgage payments can find help at the VA to avoid a foreclosure. The anarchists do not mention this either.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the VA Supportive Housing Program (HUD-VASH) partner to provide permanent, supportive housing and treatment services for homeless veterans but don’t expect the anarchists to share this information with anyone.
Many of the facilities operated by the VA Health Care Network, particularly VA Medical Centers, Community-Based Outpatient Clinics, and Vet Centers also provide health care programs for homeless veterans, including mental health services.
The VA works to reduce homelessness among veterans and eligible surviving spouses by helping them to become homeowners. They provide a home loan guaranty benefit and several other housing-related programs that allow veterans to buy, build, repair, retain, or adapt a home for their personal use. Home Loans are provided by private banks and mortgage companies and the government guarantees a portion of the loan, enabling the lender to provide more favorable terms. {5}
The VA provides additional housing and insurance benefits to Veterans with disabilities, including Adapted Housing grants, Service-Disable Veterans' Insurance, and Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of benefits extended to veterans, yet a rational observer would likely admit much is being accomplished even though there is more that needs to be done.
Be prepared for the anarchists to eloquently deny these verifiable facts while continuing to insist that America does not care and provide for her veterans. Denying the obvious is what anarchists do. Americans should be proud of all the programs and benefits available to veterans in this country. {6}
No American needs to apologize to anarchists for celebrating, decorating graves, or observing a minute of silence on Memorial Day. America is a society that honors and respects her veterans as much as she tolerates the verbal abuse and the crude vulgarities posted in this thread by her detractors.
I caution this forum not to become distracted by the arrogance, the insults, and the undeserved self praise because they are all just tactics, including the risque photos, to mask the anarchists’ true purpose. The agenda is not to improve society but to undermine it. The end game is to destroy the country, Capitalism, and our resolve “brick by brick.” The methods are obvious in nearly every post: spreading extreme negativity, ignoring positive facts, attacking opponents, using unqualified exaggeration, and posting unsupported divisive rhetoric ad nauseam . All of this rubbish is so a small segment among us can pursue an undisciplined lifestyle unencumbered by social obligations.
I expect we will see more bluster and blather without substance. It is the anarchists’ style.
{4} … tatistics/
Your insults are quite childish and pedestrian, and your argument is really "no argument" at all, but only an attempt to vilify, and distort my meaning.
Here you have copied a short paragraph from a website and posted it as evidence of what? This only proves "my" point. You posted:
"Qualified veterans are eligible under specified categories for VA dental care necessary to maintain or restore oral health and masticatory function, including repeat care. Some categories have time and/or service limitations. {3} "
Read my lips Mr. Quilligrapher: "Veterans don't have dental benefits anymore!" Notice the part about limitations? When you look under the hood you will find that those limitations extend to weeks, or perhaps several months after a veterans EAOS. That means that anyone who has been released from active duty over a year ago has no more dental benefits. You can bet that WW II,Korean, and Vietnam vets haven't seen dental benefits since around the time of "Operation Desert Storm". The information is freely available on the VA website, and it is indisputable. Besides, any veteran can tell you the same thing. If you were a veteran yourself you would already know this. You want to go off about how patriotic you are, and then vilify me, but you have never served in the military! I'm the one who served, not you. If you're so patriotic, why didn't you enlist? If you have so much respect for the veteran, then why do you take so much pleasure in disrespecting me?
In the next comment you go off on the same "VA" tangent but from another perspective:
"... Anarchists will focus on 50,000 still in need of rehabilitation and housing and they will rationalize, minimize, and awkwardly discredit all of the specialized homelessness programs that provide health care to almost 150,000 current and former homeless veterans ... additionally, more than 40,000 homeless veterans receive compensation or pension benefits each month from the VA..."
Please show me anywhere in this thread where I said the VA is "not" helping veterans. How ridiculous! Of course the VA is helping veterans. They've been helping veterans since before I was born. When I had a brain transplant years ago, the VA took care of everything and did a great job. Didn't cost me a dime! But so what? What does that have to do with the price of beans in Boston? I didn't "rationalize" or "minimize" anything the VA is doing. The VA has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
Obviously they need help if 50,000 vets are still homeless, and with the suicide rate of vets skyrocketing. The American people , the patriotic hypocrites who pound their chest on Memorial Day and talk about sacrifice and honor, many who have never worn a military uniform, are the ones who need to step in and help the people they are claiming they owe their freedom to. Well, here we are! Come and help us! The "moment of silence" isn't getting anyone off the streets, it's not preventing more bloodshed and catastrophic injuries, and it's not preventing the alarming escalation of suicides among veterans. Finally, of course the number of homeless veterans varies from day to day and week to week. But so what? Are you telling me that if there were 50,000 homeless veterans last month, but only 48,000 this month, that we should consider that the problem has been solved?
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I am a Believer in One! You attempt to distort reality with possibilities, and percentages, and so let us forget about the 50,000 plus homeless veterans for a moment. If there is only "one" homeless veteran sleeping on the streets, it is one too many! And I assure you Mr Quilligrapher, if you were that one veteran, you would wholeheartedly agree.
But what I find most amusing is that you have made a point of calling me an Anarchist repeatedly, as if that is a bad thing! Many of my heroes were Anarchists Mr Quilligrapher, and so you have only elevated my status, and put me in good company. Here is the short list:
•Jesus of Nazereth
•Emma Goldman
•Errico Malatesta
•Henry David Thoreau
I understand that your purpose in using the term was to further vilify me, but if you wanted to insult me you would have better referred to me as a Democrat, or a Republican, or an American. I believe in human beings. I believe in the right of a human being to be free. No, I do not believe in real estate, borders, nationalism, capitalism, or racism, because it is from these which springs the evil that puts young men in the grave long before their time, and makes the young woman a widow before she has even learned how to be a mother. These are the evil social mechanisms of man that have imprisoned young men and women in broken bodies; young, beautiful bodies that have been blown apart, ripped apart, and laid waste. Yes, you are absolutely correct! I am not a champion of evil, nor will bow down to those who carry it's banner.
And one more thing Mr. Quilligrapher. Not one of you who have taken pleasure in throwing your derogatory comments in my direction have made a peep about the famous letter I posted in this thread: the letter that was written by Tomas Young, the Iraqi war veteran who died in 2014 from war related injuries. Mr Young did not have many kind words to say about America either. Why are you all so silent about this? Why have I not heard any demeaning comments about Tomas Young. We both shared many of the same viewpoints concerning America. You have all had a good time trashing a living U.S. veteran, so why not go ahead and trash the one who, as many hypocrites would put it,"died for your freedom?"
"Rambling from one vague subject to another, never dwelling on one and never being too specific about facts is all part of the ruse. The veiled insinuations leave room for “I never said that .”
I think you tagged this one Quill. This pattern is that of a confused angry blindfolded man punching at the air hoping to hit something. The thing is if he stopped swinging and listened he might get a hint where to hit his mark.
Hint: one must be objective, rather than subjective to really get to the truth of the matter, here.
If you listen to his audio recordings you will understand where he is coming from. He is coming from a very idealistic place and knows not that it is un-workable. That it is unworkable is sad…
but true.
and thats why, Mr. wenchBiscuit, you are pissing people off.
BUt , do we hate John Lennon's "Imagine" with the same agitation?
We should.
Dear wB:
You advocate friendliness as part of anarchy, you mentioned the power of a smile, you talk about no gov't. You talk about a lot that is based on the idealism and the vacuousness of anarchy.
But gov'ts, while dangerous, are also a necessity. If FOLLOWED our Constitution provides the vitally necessary checks to prevent our gov't from becoming overwhelmingly tyrannical, ( And I do not believe OBAMA cares a fig about that, but I digress) and fighting for one's country is always a sacrifice and an honor. That men go to war to protect the home land is never a shame. Where would we be without those with this type of dedication, loyalty and follow-through?
Idealism is one thing.
True friendliness toward those who are innocent in their INTENTIONS is another.
You fail to show the very friendliness Anarchy idealistically advocates.
Here to true friendliness!
A child playing with a loaded gun may be innocent in their intentions also Kathryn. What do you suppose we should do? Should we just walk away and hope for the best?
People continue to be misled, and they are like a herd of wandering goats, who run toward this green pasture, and toward that clear running river. But they are too ignorant to see the land mines planted in the beautiful pasture, or the toxic waste in the clear running river. Niceness, and friendliness be damned. People are dying, children are dying, soldiers and veterans are being butchered, and are also dying, yet many are more concerned with the observance of a holiday than in improving the condition of the veterans they claim to honor and respect. It is evil, and it is a perversion.
I would say that keeping veterans "alive", with bodies intact is improving their condition considerably. I see you have a problem with that. Furthermore, how is Mr.W. making it "about himself" when he is not the one who has been crippled or killed? Obviously, he is making an observation that is well out of your range. I am curious, do you ever have any interesting opinions of your own, or do you simply participate in these forums to demean others?
very funny name, biglongchewbacca. I mean wB… I mean.. biglong…wb
If you were in on the conversation from the beginning I don't think you would be making this comment. What I would suggest rather than me giving you a condensed version from my point of view (to be fair to Wrench), go back and read the series of posts by Wrench and the rest to be up to speed with the topic and my comments. Have a great day. I hope this was not demeaning for you.
OK Mr, or Mrs rhamson, whichever the case may be ( your profile pic is ambiguous), out of curiosity I have gone back to the beginning, and I have taken a cursory look at this thread, I must admit it is quite sad, but also quite amusing. I have also gone to Mr wrenchbiscits profile, and I have also gone to yours. I see you have 2 hubs that are not featured while Mr wrenchbiscit has over 33 featured hubs.
I also noticed from quickly looking through his essays and poetry that he is an an Indian, Native American, or some kind of mix. In the majority of his comments on this thread, I see that he is going against the status quo, and supporting the right of veterans, especially war veterans. Whereas you, and many others who have been slinging mud, appear to only be interested in making childish derogatory remarks, which I must admit, I find to be very repugnant.
Based on what I have gathered , I can only conclude that your remarks, as well as those of others here are racially motivated. And I am here to inform you, and everyone else, that this is a direct violation of Hubpages policy. If you do not like someone's viewpoint concerning America, or whatever the topic may be. Then feel free to debate, but you must do so in a civil manner. If you have an issue with minorities then there are many sites on the internet that you can join that will welcome you and your "opinions".
But before you decide to respond with a hateful remark, I caution you that I am not as understanding as Mr wrenchbiscit. In fact, he apparently likes a good fight, because I noticed many instances where he could have flagged your comments, but apparently he did not. If you would like to continue on these forums, I suggest that you restrain yourself, or by all means , feel free to go elsewhere. Good day.
Well I guess that felt good to get off of your chest.
You certainly have a lot to say for just a cursory glance. Did you note that I too have "Indian", yes I said it as it does not offend me and actually am quite proud of it, blood in my background? Maybe a cursory glance was not enough. And OOOOHHH I am so terrified you will flag me. Maybe if you took a little of your own advice and weren't so indignant you will have heard what the hullabaloo was all about. Besmirching the honor that is reserved for those who died in the service of their country isn't taken too lightly in here. If in the process you took offense, it does not concern me.
Do you have anything to say on the topic? Or do you just like to comment on the subject with a cursory glance at the matter? Or maybe you would like to spend more time on researching member profiles to see who is and is not worthy of your support.
" People are dying, children are dying, soldiers and veterans are being butchered…"
I know. I agree. what can we do?
Meandering thoughts on the matter.
Be friendly. Practice it. Spread it. Teach it.
In the 1400's nice meant ignorant. We cannot be nice in that sense and perhaps thats what you are doing here: Instead of being nice you are being direct, and powerfully truthful, like John the Baptist.
Was he accepted in his time, one might wonder? was he friendly?
Perhaps a position of ultimate friendliness is where you are truly coming from. I think so, but, I think you need to be careful of people's deep seated perspectives that come from innocence based on true ignorance. If only you could educate with a touch more tolerance for the (more recent) past; a past which we have no choice but to consider and regard.
You have the perspective of those who lived here before us, (in a more distant past.) We don't.
Thanks for sharing your perspective, which is truly worth considering… but you do it so harshly, here in the HP forums.
and it is easy to reject, especially in this case.
Thats all.
( PS I love your music.
I appreciate your intentions and artistic expression outside of here.)
"yet many are more concerned with the observance of a holiday than in improving the condition of the veterans they claim to honor and respect. It is evil, and it is a perversion."
This is just way harsh and untrue.
To observe is to regard and hold in esteem.
That is the first step toward helping anyone.
The original oai people were gracious and subtle, they were powerful survivors and wise, they loved great Spirit and their lives of freedom and power, ruthless power for some, but they were not a unified nation of people. Had all the tribes been unified, they could have fought off the invaders of this continent. They were not.
To be as harsh with you as you are with us:
Get over it.
Our founding fathers were sent from God.
How do you know this is not true?
If the Indians, (which I call them with great respect,) would just leave their reservations, they could take part in this great experiment and help to make it work. We need voters and participants to hold off the dictators who have taken over Washington!
The world is not ready for anarchy.
I would say you gotta get over that too!
Matthew 7:16: "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? "So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.…
That's one way I know they were evil Kathryn.
And so if we follow the teaching of Jesus further we see :
Looking at the issue of slavery in 18th century America, we understand that a slave had no legal rights what-so-ever. The translation is that a slave-owner could do "anything" he or she wanted to a slave, with impunity, as the slave was considered property, with absolutely no rights. Children, women, men, could be raped, gang raped, forced to serve as prostitutes, murdered in sadistic sex orgies and rituals; any horrific thing that you can imagine was up for grabs.
The first president of the United States, George Washington, was a slave owner! Think about it. A man who owns a slave is also a kidnapper by default, because he has purchased someone who was kidnapped by someone else, and so that makes him an accessory to kidnapping after the fact.. Now think about it again in another way. We can easily understand that a man who would have no moral problem over the selling of heroin, would most likely not have a problem with the selling of cocaine.
It follows that a man who has no problem with enslaving someone for the rest of their natural life, could not be expected to take the moral high ground when it came to rape and pedophilia? Taking away the freedom of a human being for their entire lifetime is perhaps the greatest act of cruelty you could ever perpetrate upon a human being. A man capable of such evil is capable of anything.
And we cannot shrug our shoulders and say , "Well you know, George was just a man of his time!" No, such an attitude is offensive to white Euro-Americans, because all white Euro-Americans were not slave owners. All whites did not agree with the institution of slavery. When we look at the abolitionist movement, we see that there were many white Euro-Americans who risked their lives to preserve the image of God. George Washington was an evil man, a greedy land owner who committed crimes against humanity. And if you want to talk about being offended. Educated, and intelligent people of all races are offended every time they see the face of a kidnapper, and a rapist looking back at them from a one dollar bill. No these so-called founding fathers had little to do with God or Jesus.
Furthermore, I would say the real enemies are the GLOBALISTS. Do not vote for BUSH! (or Clinton)
PS Meanwhile, I think our nation is becoming a friendlier place to live with more tolerance, (not less as the media likes to depict.)
As long as we are not tolerant of the wrong people, like terrorists and career politicians, we will (eventually) overcome all that stands in the way of peace and prosperity for all… in this nation, at least.
Its our destiny.
PSS "Memorial Day Is An Outrage!"
I disagree.
Letting our Constitution get butchered and misused is an outrage.
Thanks for this freedom of speech.
Yes , I too wish I could be as naïve, I wish I could have learned from higher education that the REAL patriot is the one that is really wearing the disguise of the dissident ! Because in my chewing up the heritage of true patriots , in my war of attrition on the constitution , in my pre-programmed diet of the liberally driven intellectual idealist cool - aid propaganda . I too can be seen as one who is worshiped on high , You know ? The way that real veterans are in America !
"And it's hey, hey what are we fighting for , don't ask me I don't give a damn ?' except , you didn't fight for anything ,did you , although you still don't give a damn ?
Envy , in disguise of the wanna be -pacifist , is still envy ! It's so easy to spot
You know, I am an RN and I have been following this thread for a little while. The young man who started this thread seems to be far more intelligent with his arguments. Whether we agree with his style of delivery or not, which admittedly is often quite abrasive.
I must admit he has made some very interesting observations and offered some very good advice. I have been working with disabled veterans for many years and there is a lot of truth to what he is saying about people giving lip service but not really doing anything to help. It seems you and many others here don't have any good ideas at all. It seems your only purpose is to insult the only one, that so far as I can see, has anything worthwhile to say.
My advice to the young man who started this thread, Mr. wrencbiscuit, is to stop wasting his time trying to have a rational argument with hateful irrational people. I am sure there are other sites and forums online where people with interesting and engaging ideas are more welcome.
So you think that Memorial Day is an outrage too?
and Columbus Day?
and the founding fathers were evil men and the Federalist Papers are nothing but smoke and mirrors?
George Washington is the reason we have a democratic republic. Sorry you don't like living in a democratic republic.
Slavery was not invented by anybody but the Africans themselves. Blame them. He WAS a man of the times. The slaves helped build this nation. They had no choice but to do so, and many suffered at the hands of truly evil men. Not George Washington. Where is your proof of that?
"George Washington was born, reared, and lived in Virginia, a place were fully 40% of the population were slaves for life, and where slavery was an intricate and crucial aspect of the plantation economy and social system. So crucial was slavery to life of the wellborn in Virginia that a visitor in 1751 noted, it "is morally impossible" to live in Virginia without slaves. Virginia was a hierarchical society where it was widely accepted that some men were born and reared to rule and others to be ruled. "A deep respect for hierarchy infused the very marrow of the early modern British American world, and at its core lay the authority of the father-figure in his household." While it may be trite, it is nevertheless true. George Washington was a "man of his time," and we cannot lift him out of his century. My colleague at GMU, the African-American Pulitzer Prize winner, Roger Wilkins, in his new book, Jefferson's Pillow, while barely containing his rage at the evils of slavery, is scholar enough to note, 'Surely I cannot on the one hand argue that cultural forces can injure [blacks] and on the other refuse to recognize and make allowances for just such cultural injuries in the lives of the founders.'" … gwslav.htm
"George Washington, like other men of his time, was deeply influenced - and to some degree damaged - by the slave culture in which he was reared. It was a time when common soldiers were flogged routinely, children could be hanged, and gentlemen put into prison for debt. The Slave Code current in Washington's youth declared that "if any slave shall happen to die [as a result] of his or her correction, by his or her owner, no person shall undergo any prosecution for the same." Blacks were virtually universally viewed as degraded human beings. Approximately 99% of the blacks living in Virginia prior to the American Revolution were slaves." … gwslav.htm
"While Washington never referred to his slaves as his children, he did refer to them as part of his family. [And virtually never as slaves - they were usually my servants or my Negroes or my people or my black labourers] Washington recognized that slaves experienced the same range of emotions as the unenslaved and attempted to make accommodations where possible. Whatever their legal status as human chattel, Washington knew they were human beings. He recognized the validity of slave marriages and became increasingly concerned for slave families and their personal relationships and in his dislike of splitting up slaves who had established such personal and familial ties. [In his words, "To disperse families I have an utter aversion." Or again, "It is against my inclination… to hurt the feelings of those unhappy people by a separation of man and wife, or of families."] In short, Washington realized a paternalistic relationship involved mutual obligations." … gwslav.htm
"Despite having been an active slave holder for 56 years, George Washington struggled with the institution of slavery and spoke frequently of his desire to end the practice. At the end of this life Washington made the bold step to free his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so." … n-slavery/
Actually Ms Hill, the fact that there were slaves in Africa and the Middle East centuries before America was colonized does not excuse slavery on this continent. What's wrong is wrong and that never changes. I am a white man, and I do take great offense to the glorification of slave owners. The fact that he was a President doesn't place him above the moral law of God, and common human decency. What you are suggesting is that one wrong and a right makes a right. But it doesn't work that way. In the legal system, it doesn't matter if you have fed the hungry and healed the sick for your entire life. If you go out and kidnap someone, all bets are off. Your former good deeds are of no consequence.
Furthermore you are quite naive to imagine that slave women under Washington's charge were not raped and sexually assaulted. If not directly by Washington, then by his overseers who tended the plantation when he was away. Because of fear of reprisal , even if Washington was a "good master" it is not likely that any abused women would have tried to report any misdeeds. No, I'm sorry I cannot agree. I am proud of my heritage, and my race, but men like Washington have only sullied our history, and it's time that we stop idolizing men who today would be considered criminals, and who even in their own time were reviled by decent Christian folk.
"George Washington was born, reared, and lived in Virginia, a place were fully 40% of the population were slaves for life, and where slavery was an intricate and crucial aspect of the plantation economy and social system. So crucial was slavery to life of the wellborn in Virginia that a visitor in 1751 noted, it "is morally impossible" to live in Virginia without slaves. Virginia was a hierarchical society where it was widely accepted that some men were born and reared to rule and others to be ruled. "A deep respect for hierarchy infused the very marrow of the early modern British American world, and at its core lay the authority of the father-figure in his household." While it may be trite, it is nevertheless true. George Washington was a "man of his time," and we cannot lift him out of his century. My colleague at GMU, the African-American Pulitzer Prize winner, Roger Wilkins, in his new book, Jefferson's Pillow, while barely containing his rage at the evils of slavery, is scholar enough to note, 'Surely I cannot on the one hand argue that cultural forces can injure [blacks] and on the other refuse to recognize and make allowances for just such cultural injuries in the lives of the founders.'" … gwslav.htm
"George Washington, like other men of his time, was deeply influenced - and to some degree damaged - by the slave culture in which he was reared. It was a time when common soldiers were flogged routinely, children could be hanged, and gentlemen put into prison for debt. The Slave Code current in Washington's youth declared that "if any slave shall happen to die [as a result] of his or her correction, by his or her owner, no person shall undergo any prosecution for the same." Blacks were virtually universally viewed as degraded human beings. Approximately 99% of the blacks living in Virginia prior to the American Revolution were slaves." … gwslav.htm
"While Washington never referred to his slaves as his children, he did refer to them as part of his family. [And virtually never as slaves - they were usually my servants or my Negroes or my people or my black labourers] Washington recognized that slaves experienced the same range of emotions as the unenslaved and attempted to make accommodations where possible. Whatever their legal status as human chattel, Washington knew they were human beings. He recognized the validity of slave marriages and became increasingly concerned for slave families and their personal relationships and in his dislike of splitting up slaves who had established such personal and familial ties. [In his words, "To disperse families I have an utter aversion." Or again, "It is against my inclination… to hurt the feelings of those unhappy people by a separation of man and wife, or of families."] In short, Washington realized a paternalistic relationship involved mutual obligations." … gwslav.htm
"Despite having been an active slave holder for 56 years, George Washington struggled with the institution of slavery and spoke frequently of his desire to end the practice. At the end of this life Washington made the bold step to free his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so." … n-slavery/
Quite frankly , It is the Un-memorializing of true patriotism that has risen up out of the very diverse caldron of a melting stew pot in America ! That very screed that needs to be skimmed off is merely that , And once we skim away that very top layer of scum , that intellectual political correctness of anti- patriotism , we will once again realize that true patriotism still exists , especially among the soldiers who built and maintained this freedom , while these Nay-Sayers of intellectual misfits who would otherwise disappear into the next free nation that would except them realizes at last :
Much like the attitude of the O.P. these same people run from the troubles of the world from free nation to free nation, leaving behind the patriot to defend that very free speech that they so cherish . My simple message to the free speech riders of the night , If you don't like it in America , Get out !
And ,Damned good riddance !
Is anybody truly reading this thread or are U just “Scrolling Manically & Gawking” at the tasteful pics like me?? ------> <------
~ A.P. ~
I fail to see how suggesting that people put up or shut up, and start helping veterans, instead of simply giving lip service on Memorial Day, is besmirching the veteran! I would love to know how you arrived at that conclusion. If I were a homeless veteran, I would be rooting for Mr. wrenchbiscit, as he is the one demanding that homeless veterans be taken out of the streets. If I were the mother or father of a dead soldier I would be cheering for Mr wrenchbiscit, in hopes the world would catch on, and the killing would stop, so no more would have to suffer. I am a Korean War Veteran, and I am also angry that these young men and women were promised dental benefits for risking their lives, only to have them taken away!
He posted facts to support his arguments, yet none of you commented on those facts. He also posted a scathing letter from the Iraqi War veteran Tomas Young, that is very critical of America, and speaks of how America has betrayed, and turned it's back on American veterans. This is a young man who died in 2014 of his war related injuries. No one even acknowledged the letter, including you. That is because it only bolsters Mr. wrenchbiscits argument.
I don't know how many people you have seen killed during wartime, rhamson, but I can tell you that it is not glorious, and it never made me feel "proud". A sane man with a conscience does not feel "good" about taking the life of another man; a man who was told by a tyrant to shoot at you, just as a tyrant told you to shoot at them. No, I do not celebrate any of these holidays, because the day I will celebrate is the day the government stops killing people: foreigners, and American soldiers alike. But at my age, I fear i will not live to see it.
No I am not offended by what Mr wrenchbiscit said about Memorial Day because he is 100% correct. The life and future well being of our children is far more important than glorifying war and worshiping the dead. Many my age feel exactly as I do, but we do not commonly speak out on these issues, as we are tired of fighting and arguing. We do not have many more days left on this Earth, and so we are trying to make the best of it.
Please respond "as soon as you can" as I would love to hear an intelligent response.
P.S. And I do apologize to you Mr wrenchbiscit for referring to you as an "Indian". It wasn't until after I posted that I went back and read your argument on the matter. It is a most interesting argument, and it does make a lot of sense. But you must understand that we were never taught about these things in my day, and so it appears you are teaching us now. Right is right, and right doesn't wrong nobody. Thank You!
by doris sage 14 years ago
We amass weapons to defend other countries; raise millions of dollars to send to victims of tsunami, earthquakes, etc. Thirty-nine billion dollars has been spent on a fence between Mexico and U.S., however our most valuable assets are living on the streets. Men and women who have given...
by Anan Celeste 12 years ago
Are our veteran soldiers being forgotten?
by Patty Inglish MS 7 years ago
Please share how you have helped and honored US veterans who have returned home after combat.
by ga anderson 21 months ago
Homeless vets booted out of hotels to accommodate migrants[i]"More than two dozen U.S. military veterans were kicked to the curb this weekend by hotels in suburban New York City, completely uprooting their lives.This comes after a busload of 60 migrants were sent to the town of Newburgh by the...
by Credence2 5 years ago
So, VFW wants an apology, and Trump being the shallow egomaniac that he is will likely not provide it.As a veteran, I take great offense at the Presiden't flippant comments regarding the injuries suffered by our troops from an Iranian attack earlier this month. This attack was part of the reprisal...
by ga anderson 7 years ago
The Veteran Administration's, (VA) motto, a phrase from Pres. Lincoln's 1865 Second Inaugural Address, is sexist, and “symbolizes the agency’s resistance to gender equity.” It must be changed, says the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, (IAVA), veteran's group. Source: VA rejects...
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