The South Carolina Organization , and in other states being investigated for selling aborted BABY body parts , according to fox news . Possibly California , Texas and others . This has been going on for awhile too apparently .
Planned Parenthood ?
Outrageous, I don't trust the source, how about a corroborating link to another news source to verify the story?
I also don't trust the source. The "source" probably is a right wing or extremist newspaper. Such are apt to stretching or even distorting many topics. I feel that the "source" isn't credible at all. Nice to hear from you Credence2. I was absent because my dearest mother and best friend has died. I am still in the process of healing......
This isn't about if you trust a news site or not. The thread is about "abortionist Deborah Nucatola".
"Nucatola admits on hidden camera that Planned Parenthood charges per-specimen for baby body parts, uses illegal partial-birth abortion procedures to get salable parts, and is aware of its own liability for doing so and takes steps to cover it up." … ody-parts/
Thanks, but Both brietbart and wnd are notorious right winged sights, I consider them BIAS.
Here is the true picture from a Legitmate news source from mainstream media. That take a little different take on the issue.
But it doesn't hurt to investigate all the same, and I am not opposed to it, just gotta keep the Right from screaming "fire" in a crowded theater. … story.html
I read that and it is very left winged BIAS, but at least the so called "mainstream media" site is covering the story.
Fine, I will just wait for the investigation to conclude before I form a judgment or opinion, maybe then we will get to examine the veracity of this story.
That is fine, it is good to wait if you have not watched and listened to the shocking evidence on the video. I would do the same I suppose.
That is definitely an oh my video. People in that industry would have to be desensitized to do what they do and they don't even consider that its a baby, just a product of abortion that now has a marketing side.
Dr. Nucatonia was just talking shop in her perspective, just like anyone in about any business....sad but true.
Hardened hearts and souls are required for such tasks.
May she be accosted by the truth in a way she cannot resist. It sounds like a job for the hounds of heaven.
Believe me, Colortone, If the claims from the right wing media are correct, I want to get after Planned Parenthood as well.
My understanding is that even more disturbing information about Planned Parenthood has been discovered and will soon be revealed to the general public. BTW, colorfulone mentioned Margaret Sanger. This link provides more information about her. … et-sanger/
No doubt, Ms. Sanger would be very proud of Dr. Nucatola.
FULL FOOTAGE: Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
Thanks for that, but it is still a surreptitious sting operation from an anti-choice organization. I will see what the verdict is when the proper investigative authorities evaluate other data not presented by the biased producer of the film. Then we learn of the actual truth as to what laws were actually broken.
Here is a video of a Planned Parenthood executive discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts while she eats lunch.
Totally Gross!
Added: She said that she knows "what's on the menu" referring to what organs that are being bought for from $30 to $100 from the abortions being performed on a specific day.
People , I saw this video on FOX , okay so your thinking , right ! Fox , yet If it's true , imagine the outrage from both parties ?
People , I saw this video on FOX , okay so your thinking , right ! Fox , yet If it's true , imagine the supposed P.C. outrage from both parties ?
I watched the video. The problem I have (other than the obvious) is that it says this woman oversees many clinics. Which means whether she is incarcerated for her callous disregard for the law, or not, she has already set in place procedures for continuing this inhumane practice.
Shame on them for attempting to make a profit on human misery.
BEST response to Dr. Nucatola and Planned Parenthood
"Compassion and Understanding" … nthood-too
"Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods"
Starting with the basics;
If the parent(s) consent to fetal tissue donation, is using fetal tissue, or intact organs, for medical research/use wrong? Do you think aborted fetus tissue should just be handled as typical medical waste?
I can see a lot of good and positive results from donated tissue use.
Interesting that you feel that way , Had anyone said from the beginning of Abortions that fetus' would be used for research and profit making by Planned Parenthood , I wonder just how much public outcry there would have been . The sad and sober truth ; It isn't all about rape victims as much as it is about inconvenient pregnancies of morons to begin with ! Perhaps some planniing then ?
You skipped the basic question and jumped back on the Planned Parenthood controversy. Perhaps the topic might be more reasonably discussed if a couple basic understandings were established.
How do you feel about the question I offered?
Let me ask you this , how many "parents" know about teen abortions , and what about immaturity of said parents ? Or of younger parents ? Abortions , as I believe are up to the mother , just how old are these parents ?
Why are you avoiding the basic question? Discussing the other aspects you mention can follow, but your reluctance seems to indicate you are embroiled in the controversy from an emotional point of view.
Step up. Let's take this one level at a time.
Its simply a total lack of morals ,it shows that planned parenthood is a business without a conscience ,now - Facts show more and more teens are using the "morning after pill " when pregnancies arise , is that okay too ! , Yet , to you its all quite simply -" if it's okay with the parents" .it's okay with you ?
You don't know what is OK with me from my simple initial statement relative to tissue donation.
You continue to rant about PP. (Planned Parenthood), teen abortion, and morals, et al, yet have trouble deciding where you stand on a basic question that should be understood before deciding whether the PP controversy is real or a bunch of hype.
But I will help you out on the tissue, (and organ), donation issue. Yes, I do think tissue and organ donation, both for research and replacement - with donor consent, is a good thing. Whether it be fetal, adolescent, or adult specimens.
I think you reluctance to start with the basic questions indicate the PP controversy might be a slanted portrayal and an emotional band wagon you are happy to get a ride on.
Of course, when, (and if), more facts, (and not just emotional spin), come out you may be proven to have been right. But for now I think the controversy is being pushed for all it's worth by folks with an agenda.
Care to take another look at the first question that needs to be answered?
"If the parent(s) consent to fetal tissue donation, is using fetal tissue, or intact organs, for medical research/use wrong? Do you think aborted fetus tissue should just be handled as typical medical waste?"
If parental consent were simply an adult okaying an abortion for themselves and the placement and sale of the fetus for profit , it would be one thing , However the grey area's of unknown youth and young adult abortions : demands answers and open discussion as to where the fetus' go and who profits most . In a word of child trafficking , sex trafficking and immoral body part , fetus profiteering . IS IT THEN OKAY if my tax dollars pay for abortions , for otherwise unknown interests ? No.
Tax dollars being spent on abortions = P.P. at least demands answers ! Or would you simplify this as simply none of our business ?
There is a huge problem in this entire world with the sale of body parts , fetus' are a body part .It At least demands an thorough investigation .
Tax dollars also pay for food, clothing and housing for youth, as well as birth control and health care. Why pick on abortions as being something not supplied by taxes on others?
And don't forget that a fetus is not a "body part" - it was never a person, legally.
Well ahorseback, it seems you don't want to answer regarding the morality of tissue and organ donation. From any source. So here is my thinking about this major PP, (Planned Parenthood), scandal.
Of course this is only my opinion, and based on what little is known so far.
I think voluntary tissue and organ donations are a positive thing... from any source.
The rest of this discussion is gross and distasteful, but unavoidable.
As far as I can tell, aborted fetus' are typically treated as medical waste and disposed of. I do not know if everyone is asked if they want to donate organs or tissue, but I feel confident that PP would not do anything with the remains if the donation request was denied.
Regarding the controversial for profit/profit-generating motive that exploded from the video I don't see it. At one point a range of $30 - $100 was mentioned. At another point the number was $75, but the undercover folks upped that to $100. Using the video for data, (as the anti-PP folks want), the apparent number of valuable 2nd trimester abortions is about 80 per year. That doesn't sound like Lamborghini money to me.
As for the hurrah over mention of changing abortion technique to enhance the probability of intact specimens... so what? There is no change to the effect on the mother. The end result to the fetus is the same - death.
Other questions might be - "Does it costs PP's abortion clinics/folks any more to perform an abortion in a manner that recovers tissue and/or organs?" "Does altering the end game, (fetal disposal) cost PP any more in employee time or equipment?"
Of course those two questions lead to the crux of the controversy - Is a $30 - $100 processing/handling fee an outrageous profit motive? (Hmm... $35 new phone activation fees willingly paid, $40 flight ticket change fees, etc.)
Further, multiple times in this expose' video the target mentions; the legalities and illegalities involved, that she would have to check with another district(s) and/or PP's established protocols, to further clarify PP's established guidelines on matters like this.
My bottom line is the target really looks callous and uncaring, (regarding the aborted fetus'), and she was speaking in an industry inured manner that sounds terrible to non-industry folks, (but remember, she thought she was talking to other industry folks - so based on only what I see in the video...
Certain folks have found a propaganda goldmine and are milking it for all it's worth.
'Baby Chop Shops," Abortions for Profit," "Immoral body parts trafficking and profiteering," and several more.
Of course if my perception of the facts gleaned from the video could be way wrong, and if so then I will gladly ask for a hand-up onto your bandwagon, but until then I think all this hullabaloo made from the surface impression of the video is not very flattering to the folks making it.
Then again, it's all about the babies, so how dare I doubt the truthsayers.
Why this obsession with teens?
Very easy research shows that teens actually have fewer abortions than other women of child bearing age up to the over 40s! … ns-by-age/
Well, if Planned Parenthood is selling aborted body parts I'm assuming they mean fetal tissue for research. It's a shame that the media, both left and right, uses inflammatory language to generate viewership. So much of the "news" and politics has become theater of the absurd (i.e. Donald Trump) I don't know how to rectify this situation other than to, as a viewer, check and double check, both sides of a story before jumpimg to any conclusions.
Caught in stomach-turning video, all it can apologize for is the tone. … /30426475/
Most people today realize that an abortion is the woman's choice , as I very much do ! I personally would rather anyone get an abortion than raise an unwanted child , there's far too much of that going on today anyway , I am although , kind of surprised here at the all for nothing attitude of approval of this marketing program of selling fetus to whom ever for whatever . Here the usual liberals seem okay with the lack of moral , ethical , standards anyway , who am I too judge them except to say the rest of us shouldn't have to pay the tab.
I am, have always been and always will be pro choice. But, I've got to say this really makes me uncomfortable. I know it probably shouldn't. We make decisions to donate organs if a loved one dies; but this is fundamentally different. I don't guess we can label an aborted baby a loved one. And the idea of performing an abortion in a manner specifically to harvest certain organs and such is disturbing.
How is it "...fundamentally different...?"
I agree with the discomfort most of us feel at the thought of this, (much less a discussion about it), and on the surface the mental picture of using different methods for harvesting is a disturbing image...
But look beyond the surface at the reality of what is going on... if it isn't truly a purposeful profit-driven operation, is it really as bad as it appears?
I am not concerned about the profit. I don't think they were making a profit. From the sounds of it they were simply being reimbursed for expenses involved in transport. Unless more has come out that I didn't hear about.
It's a slippery moral slope. It's one thing to believe a woman has the right to make decisions for her own body. It is one thing to want that woman who makes the decision to have an abortion to have it in a clean environment with trained medical attention; as opposed to some back alley; and to believe she has the right to make that decision without others attempting to prey on her emotions by implying she is somehow a murderer or an immoral human. But, it is another thing to believe that it is OK to purposely look at a potential human life and map out how to tear it apart so that some parts are salvageable for research; all determined by what wish list happens to be on hand at the front office the morning of that abortion.
This idea that the women having the abortions want to help medical research by donating body parts or organs (prior to someone in the clinic suggesting it) is ludicrous on several levels. First, if they are aborting a fetus, they aren't doing it for that reason (one would adamantly hope). And they are not in the right place emotionally to make such a decision. Nor would I think it was fair to assume that most would be in a position to make an informed decision. Would they know, prior to this video, the decision on the manner of extraction was made simply by what organs or body parts had to be harvested that day? I would think that they might be put in a position where they would feel obligated, simply by questions and comments by the clinic staff. As if this was something they could do 'right' in the middle of a bad situation. Is it right? I don't know but I do see a lot of levels where wrong can easily come into play.
So, I don't know. Yes, much good could be done for medical research by harvesting organs and body parts. Do I approve of it? I don't think so. I do think that the research companies and the abortion clinics are making amoral decisions because I believe these decisions are probably being made without the full understanding and consent of the women involved.
If you asked a woman if you could harvest a liver, to help medical research she'd probably agree. If you showed that same woman the manner in which you would normally abort that fetus and then showed her the different manner in which you were going to abort that fetus, in order to get an intact liver, would she agree? We may never know because she isn't going to want to watch either video. So, any consent without full understanding is a pointless defense by the abortion clinic; in my opinion.
I understand your perspective, and I do not think it is an unusual or wrong one. I just disagree.
I think that if you changed the subject object, (the fetus) to a more palatable one - like a dying adult's consent to organ and tissue donation... then the mental imagery and discussion would not be so distasteful. While in essence you would still be talking about a similar process - tissue and organ harvesting.
I can understand folks having different perspectives on this. Speaking of aborted fetus' is a very emotional conversation - regardless of your abortion stance. But if this turns out to truly be a profit scheme, then I want a front seat on the crucification bandwagon.
I think, if you think that through to its logical conclusion you would not agree with that. 'Lie a dying adult's consent'. A fair comparison to an adult would be if I decided I wanted a divorce I could simply go to someone and ask them to take care of my husband and, by the way, take some body parts and organs for medical research in the process. A fair comparison would be that he is not dying for any other reason than that I do not envision a life with him anymore and he is not included in the decision of how that termination in our relationship will unfold.
That's the slippery slope. We refer to it as a 'fetus' but then compare it to 'a dying adult'. We are fooling ourselves into not looking too closely. I do it because I feel that a real human life has more rights than a potential human life to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Whether I agree with her decision or not; she has the right to make it. But, we don't have the right to not look too closely at the consequence of that decision.
She gives up her right to that fetus when she signs to have it removed. Her interest in the welfare of that fetus ceased to exist when she first put that pen to paper. Can it feel? I don't know. Is it aware of what is going on at that time? I don't know. Nor have I seen where anyone can honestly answer those questions. Both sides square off with opinions they hope are correct. I don't doubt that if there is a higher power and that higher power does not approve of her decision.... while it may not disapprove of my support; it would probably be disappointed that I did not do more to find a way to help build a world where that decision would never be pondered. Yet, the most compassionate stance in the world we live in is to give that support and expect our laws to ensure that, in giving her the right to that option, we proceed with the utmost caution and respect for that fetus. Not to treat it as if it is some vegetable to be harvested and consumed by a hungry research establishment.
Well, you certainly took my response to places never intended.
The discussion is not about abortion choice, or the "Is it a life or just a collection of cells?" question - it is about organ and tissue donation.
Considering that my comparison was relative to consensual tissue and organ donation - I stand by my comment.
Your reply is about a completely different subject. One I don't care to comment on.
Your reply compared it to the donation of tissue of a dying adult; which has no resemblance to the discussion at hand. The fetus is dying by choice not of some illness or old age. So, it is fundamentally different.
Yes, there are times when the family of the person dying gives consent without it being written somewhere as the choice of the person who is dying. However, we have these conversations. We know how an adult feels about such things. We can easily determine what they would wish us to do. Can we say the same for a fetus? I don't think so.
To say nothing about a teenager sitting for counseling as to whether or not to abort or the reasons thereof ? What motives do these councilors have for swaying this girl one way or the other , Research, profit , tax revenue or truly the emotional needs of the patient?
"Eugenics" is the word for today.
"The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda"
"Today, Eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems."
~ Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood.
Page 5. … ctober.pdf
"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
That is what the founder of Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton's heroine, Margaret Sanger wrote in her 1922 book, "Woman and the New Race"
Don't believe me.
Read it ... … mp;f=false … 1581821506
This book supports the belief that her actions were predominately racially motivated. It is quite shocking.
"Margaret Sanger, Snopes, Planned Parenthood and the Ku Klux Klan" … ed_20.html
Okay so I'm an man , I'm also an organ donor , its okay with me that my body parts, tissue , remains will be used for "research" , even knowing that that probably includes educational purposes for dimwitted college students grossing each other out in class , But there should be some things in life that just might be considered sacred , the fetus of an unborn child at whatever stage of growth might be one of them . The grey area of Planned Parenthoods predicament , tax dollars , public funds , profiteering , should at least be public knowledge as to what IS going on . Especially with the array of opinions of the public right across the board .
Side question : Can a teen get an abortion without parental consent ? If so , one must admit that this opens doors to morality issues of a controversial matter unheard of before .,its definitely in need of an major investigation !
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