I hope it does happen. Hillary declined to debt Bernie before the June primary, but Trump said he would spar with Sanders.
Sanders tweeted, "Game on"!
On ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live, Donald said he would give the money earned to charity, and if Bernie would give a nice sum to charity he would love to do it.
Sanders said he looks forward to debating Trump in California.
Politics has never been so entertaining as it is today.
Now, be nice!
That picture of trump is from high school and he was sent to a military academy because of his attitude and behavior.
Tough as nails! Trump now has 1,238 delegates.
Trump is just what we need to stand up against those bullies in Washington and MSM. They are scared!
Hope you are well, Dean.
Not stating anything about his politics. Just pointing out the meme is incorrect.
Ever so politely you are, I appreciate that. I like memes a lot, they are like clip art! Cute ones, fun puns, ones that make us think, ...oh, you "get it".
Bratty rich kid versus principled protestor. Hmmm, which one deserves respect.....?
I will look forward to any debate between Sanders and Trump, here the distinctions can be made evident to anyone who is seriously looking.
It should have high ratings and raise a lot of money for charity. I love that! Trump does a lot for charities and goes around doing good deeds for others all the time, but the media doesn't cover that. People who don't have their head in the sandpiper already know Trump by his fruit, and Bernie. - Bless them both!
Socialist vs Nationalist
Call me skeptical about the "charity" part on Trump's end.
Trump campaign admits it did not raise $6 million for veterans
Yuval Levin, conservative columnist, writer and Paul Ryan supporter does a 12 minute interview for Yahoo News, in absolutely stunning HD. As to an opinion by a conservative regarding Donald Trump's appeal and why Ryan is slow to get on board, just putting it out there......
https://www.yahoo.com/news/paul-ryan-al … 00186.html
Sanders really shouldn't be debating Trump, he is not the presumptive nominee yet. He should wait and see what happens after all the primaries are over. Trump is good at getting money out of the media, I'm sure a lot of people would watch. I just don't think it's appropriate until either Bernie or Hillary is definitely the nominee for the D party. Hillary has a lot more delegates than Bernie, and it doesn't benefit the party for him to debate Trump until Sanders wins (which I don't think he will).
Credence, thanks for the link to the article, it was interesting.
Trump appeals to people who want the country to go backwards, to happier times, and that can't happen. We have to move forward. Trump's behavior is appalling and he is making our country look bad by calling everyone names like a kid on the school playground. And I don't think it's a positive thing to not have ANY political experience at all. He scares me. And I think it turns people off to hear Trump beating Hillary up about things that happened in the 1990s. Technology moves fast, and from what I heard the latest procedure for emails for Secretaries of State was to print them all out at the end of the person's term. There need to be more Tech people in the Cabinet and other Departments.
Thanks, Jean.
Most of us know that "Back to the Future" only works in the cinema, not in real life. The sheer desparation of people for a return to the past is disturbing, in its futility and hopelessness. Depending on where you were sitting, the mid-twentieth century was not always the nirvana it was cut out to be.
I think Sanders should debate, and take off the gloves against Trump, let the people get a better look at what they are buying. It certainly won't hurt Clinton if she becomes the successful nominee.
Thank you for the link, Cred. I did listen to the interview and thought it was a nice pitch for Yuval Levin's new book. Paul Ryan, has tipped his hat too many times to the Globalist for my taste, I don't know if I trust the man. My sister is sold on him and won't even listen to anything negative about him. I guess time will tell for sure, but plenty of people have their minds made up about Ryan and they think he should step down. He had some billionaire bandits when he was on the campaign trail. He has been bought?
I don't think bringing American jobs back is going backwards, it can only help the economy by creating more good paying jobs where people can get raises again, and get people off welfare. ObamaCare has to be repealed, come the beginning of November people will see the huge increases and that will help people determine who they will vote for.
Sanders and Trump could hook-up and talk about the issues they do agree on if they don't debt, but I hope they do!
Debate between Trump and Sanders :
Trump. " Bernie wants to send your child to college for free ,How will you pay for that Bernie ?
Sanders " I will raise taxes "
Trump " Bernie wants free health care for everyone forever , how will you pay for that Bernie ?"
Sanders "I will raise taxes "
Trump 'Bernie , Wants to tax the rich and give that wealth to everyone else ,How will you do that when the rich move to France Bernie ?"
Sanders " I will raise taxes on the French "
Trump "Bernie wants to eliminate corporate subsidies to large companies who employ thousands of people , How will you make up for those jobs that go to China Bernie "?
Sanders "I will raise taxes on China "
Anybody beginning to see Bernie's solution to everything yet ?
Aren't you already paying too much ?
Donald Trump is Willing to Debate Bernie Sanders
Jimmy Kimmel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzO-JYjEcHE
Trump said he respects Bernie very much. Aw, sweet!
It was Bernie Sanders who challenged Donald Trump to a debate ahead of the California primary. Are they a couple of show dawgs are what?
Except now The Donald (aka Sir Flipsalot) says he was "just kidding."
All Trump would have to do is , One ,ask Sanders to explain anything about where the funds will come from for any entitlements he proposes , and Two ask him to explain in depth ANY of his rhetoric ! ........Poof , he wins !
Well, then, he should be eager to follow through with his original commitment, rather than chickening out with the "just kidding" excuse. My 3-year-old nephew can do better than that.
I would like to congratulate you (and I) on Trump being the next president of the United States. World leaders are basically backtracking and are coming out in support of Trump now. Reality is setting in with Hillary being bravely exposed of some serious issues that surround her and Bill, by the Donald.
World leaders supporting him? Really? Now who would that be?
British Prime Minister David Cameron's nod toward Trump was a subtle shift.
Together with...
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that Trump deserve our respect.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox apologized to Trump, "If I offended you, I'm sorry."
China's Foreign Ministry offered a positive comment even though they are not pleased about Trump's proposal to impose tariffs on imported Chinese goods. He did say that the trade should be mutually beneficial for both sides as a win-win.
There were some other foreign allies but I just cannot remember right now...blank. Of course Putin was generous with kind words all along.
Nite nite. zzzz
The military picture was of Trump in high school at a correctional school academy. Rich people as Trumps father did not want to deal with an unruly boy so off he went. He never served in the U.S Military in fact Donald Trump got a college deferment during the Vietnam War. I would love to see Donald debate Bernie. Yes, that will be the true test for both. I wonder if Bernie's knowledge and experience will be too much for Donald's lack of addressing the real issues and giving off the cuff comments that do not mean much? Well only time will tell if it happens!
And so this guy is a better choice ........Please !
Some people truly are conscientious objectors, it's not always an excuse not to fight a war.
Rachel Maddow wrote a good book called Drift, which discusses how the people of the U.S. are basically against many of the more stupid wars our country has fought, continues to fight. Even the President shouldn't be able to just say "war" without Congress declaring it. And there should be a clear objective to the fight, and a timetable to get out, which we respect as much as is possible.
Rachel Maddow wrote a really good book called Drift. I know everyone thinks she's uber liberal, but she really isn't. She studies history and looks at everything from a different view than most people would.She is appalled by the way the U.S. jumps into wars without Congressional approval, or the approval of the people either. The President has to get permission. War is serious.
I truly think Trump believes he won't have to answer to anyone if he wins this election, like a little boy playing "King of the Hill." He knows nothing about the political process.
Yes, sir, Trump is the classic definition of a 'chicken hawk'. I need to Bernie to mop up the floor with him on a national TV debate.
Trump has officially chickened out and says he won't debate Bernie. Of course, he's already changed his mind several times. Maybe Sir Flipsalot will change it back again. Would love to see Bernie mop the floor with that whiny little (_____).
Trump won't waste his time on Sanders , come on people , why should he battle the second string ? Trump wuld bore us with his fabulous lines and Sanders with his usual three ideas of wealth redistribution . Tax , take and toke !
Trump wastes his time with childish, moronic tweets daily but he can't find time for a debate about the issues?
Nah, he's just chicken. He can't handle being challenged because there's no substance beneath that layer of slime.
Sanders is trying to prepare his supporters for the Clinton fold. He will have to blur their memory on how far apart the two are on issues first. That should be easy to do.
Jean Bakula - "I truly think Trump believes he won't have to answer to anyone if he wins this election, like a little boy playing "King of the Hill." He knows nothing about the political process."
Statements like that tells how little someone knows Trump, who knows how the political process works.
I'm just like, wow!
I don't know you well enough to know if you are serious or kidding. I think Trump is a lunatic. He was once a respected business man, but I have to agree now he's the whiny little b****. I am seriously frightened when someone is so cavalier about the use of nukes, is a racist, and hates women. I really don't want to know him any better.
He appeals to people with little education. I'm not saying the other two choices are any better, they are all problematic in their own ways.
I agree if/when Sanders and Clinton debate, it will be a big snooze. Any minute now I'm waiting for him to say, "When I'm President, things will be groovy again."
Clinton has to keep moving farther left than she wants to be because of Sanders. This is her last chance to win or lose the Presidency, Every time someone sneaks up on her and is more popular. I wish Elizabeth Warren would have run.
Frankly, she, Elizabeth Warren was my first choice....
Senator Elizabeth Warren is a corrupt careen politician. She is bought by big pharma companies, big banks, etc. Its all an act. I don't trust her.
"Gov't Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers"
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xijjls2axCM
"Clinton and Warren are documented liars"
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bCfFT3SSNk
List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians”
"..evidence that Elizabeth Warren gave false statements under oath..."
* http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room … 12/#warren
Ridiculous ~ MORE Trump STYLE Nonsense ~
I have a question for "TRUMP Fanz" ~ How does it feel to get "Bamboozled" by the "DONALD's" "Self-FUNDING Lie? It was the CORNERSTONE which Separated him from ALL the other "EVIL Politicians" right?
I'll be talking about this soon ~
Elizabeth Warren’s second largest contributor to her Senate campaign was George Soros. That right there tells me all I need to know about EW, she's a dirty Globalist.
Elizabeth Warren is warmonger, what a darling. She is pro-Israel so I have to give her some credit.
EW didn't create a situation where you need billions of dollars to be elected. It was the idiots on the Supreme Court that made the decision that the person with the most money raised can win the Presidency, or a corporation counts as a person. I think lifetime terms for the Supreme CT. should be limited to maybe 20 years, as they are out of touch with reality.
Evil people like Soros and corporate interests like Big Pharma have all the money. Even if a good candidate comes along, they can't afford a big campaign, and probably don't want to put their families through all the scrutiny from hypocrites who will accuse them of doing things they do themselves.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, No. 08-205, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a U.S. constitutional law case dealing with the regulation of campaign spending by organizations. The United States Supreme Court held (5–4) that the First Amendment prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by a nonprofit corporation. The principles articulated by the Supreme Court in the case have also been extended to for-profit corporations, labor unions and other associations. By allowing unlimited election spending by individuals and corporations, the decision has "re-shaped the political landscape" of the United States.
In the case, the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts which was a violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, commonly known as the McCain–Feingold Act or "BCRA". Section 203 of BCRA defined an "electioneering communication" as a broadcast, cable, or satellite communication that mentioned a candidate within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary, and prohibited such expenditures by corporations and unions. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia held that §203 of BCRA applied and prohibited Citizens United from advertising the film Hillary: The Movie in broadcasts or paying to have it shown on television within 30 days of the 2008 Democratic primaries. The Supreme Court reversed this decision, striking down those provisions of BCRA that prohibited corporations (including nonprofit corporations) and unions from making independent expenditures and "electioneering communications". The majority decision overruled Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce (1990) and partially overruled McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003). The Court, however, upheld requirements for public disclosure by sponsors of advertisements (BCRA §201 and §311). The case did not involve the federal ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidate campaigns or political parties, which remain illegal in races for federal office.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC
It is no surprise to see that Hillary Clinton was in the fray. I do recommend seeing "Hillary: The Movie". It is an eye opener into who that person really is.
Hillary has 730 people working for her 2016 campaign and has raised about $190 Million.
Trump has 70 people working on his campaign and has spent far less than half of what HC has.
Thank God, Trump is wealthy and willing to fight fire with fire, but he is doing it with far less resources than Hillary. I agree, the Supreme Court should have stayed out of this one because Hillary seems to think she can buy her way to the presidency now...and she needs to be stopped!
Bernie, Trump, anyone but Hillary!
ADDED: "Corporate personhood": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood
Once the D's pick their nominee, Trump will have to raise money too. It will be interesting to see where it comes from. Although I don't like him, I respect that by using his own cash so far (and getting so much free media) he is not beholden to anyone.
One billion is easy. I'm all eyes!
This election is about nominating Supreme Court justices.
Obama can't be trusted...nor Hillary.
Actually, Trump NEVER "Self-Funded" and he is indeed Beholden to Back-Room Entities ~ WHY do you think he's traveling back and forth to meet with the "Washington Establishment" ~ NOW He'll be Soliciting even MORE Pac AKA "Special Interest" Money so the DISTINCTION he tried to DRAW between himself and ALL the other "EVIL Politicians" who take DONATIONs has virtually EVAPORATED ~ Just one MORE Attempted CON by the "DONALD" ~
The CORE of his "JOKE Campaign" was based SOLEY on "Self-FUNDING" which is NOT the case, but have no fear Trump FANz, he's already moved on to his next CON-Job ~
If you Investigate Trump's HISTORY, Political and or Business, you'll quickly DISCOVER a Pattern of LIE after Lie, Deceit after Deceit & Poor Business Decision after Poor Business Decision ~ It's actually an ASTONISHINGLY Incompetent Record ~
Voting for Trump is kinda like Voting for the guy who Swindled your parents out of their LIFE Savings ~ Unconscionable ~
P.S. ~ Soros simply "Counters" ALL the Dirty Money Republican DONORs INJECT into OUR Political System ~ Somebody needs to FEND Off the Koch Bros etc don't you think? ~
FDR once said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
There is a World Shadow Government, and if you ever 'get that' then you will be ready to handle more truth. Its obvious that Hillary was selected to run and lose again, because with her track record its a miracle she isn't in federal prison. Its a miracle that she is running for president at all. She isn't even a good actress. All of the good points she has going for her are unacceptable to a sane intelligent mind.
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After THUMPING Clinton in Monday night’s debate, Trump headed to the sunshine state for a YUGE RALLY in Melbourne, Florida. (National poll has Trump 46.7% and Clinton 42.6%: http://www.latimes.com/politics/ ) After Trump's plane landed something magical happened.A gigantic bolt of lightning...
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While Bernie has a loyal following, I think he's an absolute disaster for Democrats and about as sure a guarantee of four more years of Donald Trump as there is.If he's the nominee, Trump's campaign is going to tear him apart. And frankly, America is about individual achievements, accomplishments,...
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