After more than two years and $7 million spent by the Benghazi Committee under taxpayer funds, it had to today report that it had found nothing — nothing — to contradict the conclusions that the independent accountability board, or the conclusions of the prior multiple earlier investigations carried out on a bipartisan basis in the Congress. They produce an 800 page report, that said nothing new, and it cost the taxpayers $7 million.. What was the purpose of all of these investigations? What say you?
So nothing happened , that would be the conclusion put forth by the democratic administration ,
....."what difference , at this point ,does it make ......" ,
Those damned republicans are at it again .
I thin I'll write in Ambassador Steven's for President !
Your comprehension of this report is total bogus. The whole Benghazi affair is shown to be a failure of our government to tell the truth. The investigation would have been unnecessary if they had only come clean at the beginning about the cause and their own failure to act. Instead, they lied to the American people with the help of Main Street Media and Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton... As usual with these scandals, it is not the original act but the cover up that ends up being what is the bigger crime.
If it wasn't for Benghazi investigation, we would not known about Hillary's email server...the conflict of interest of the Clinton Foundation and the corruption at the highest level of our government including the DOJ...
Mike, With this particular topic, I have lost all respect for you. I may have disagreed with you in the past on various political issues which is perfectly fine. We have a free country and open to all ideas.
On this topic, given where we are today and what we do know from the investigations... For you to make the claim you did with this forum, you have lost all credibility.
We need an honest government above all else. If is wrong for any political group to support or defend a position based on lies.
As a Conservative, I would be equally outraged if it was a Republican Administration or a Democratic Administration doing the exact same thing?
100% agree. It was the cover-up and the stalling of the Obama adm. that wasted money and time in the investigation. From what I read in the report the administration never did hand-over all the information that was being demanded.
What exactly is bogus about the Republican report?
So we spent $7 million to prove something that everyone already knows, that politicians politicize anything and everything. Wow, thanks for nothing. Considering this is something that both sides of the aisle do, it's a waste of money, money that these politicians should have put into helping America, not helping their own political party gain.
Where have you been this past two years? Have you not heard of Hillary's email investigation on going...? That came out directly as a result of the Benghazi hearings.
Watergate costs exceeded $8,000,000, most of it in public funds in 1974 - it took time but finally yielded results.
I'm always amazed at the people who think they are experts on Islamic terrorists, diplomatic security, CIA operations, military protocol and many other complex subjects, all while sitting in their living rooms and watching certain TV news channels that blow a lot of smoke.
The results of the latest investigation are that they found nothing new to add to the previous investigations. Let me put words into the mouths of those who gave us the results of the investigations. I may be making up the words, but I believe this is what truly has happened...."We have found nothing new to add to previous investigations, and we aren't going to tell you what it is either."
The Clintons look at ALL their violations of public , political , moral and civil law violations as a Jay walker would ! Just cross the damned street and argue the violation in supreme court later. Postpone , dodge , drivel , dupe .......They know extremely well how to play the system . They learned that early on , whitewater , murder , graft , corruption , They are both sociopaths !
Book em' Dano !
The FBI director has just spoken. Hillary Clinton did not do anything wrong to warrant criminal charges even though she clearly LIED.
Wow, I guess all government officials would be able to go out and create their own servers. All future government employees can use the Clinton defense...
Our system of government is broken beyond repair.
Actually, she will likely have restrictions place upon her should she win the Presidency. Comey didn't say she was without fault here. But she's currently not in government, so the penalties that would normally be put on her don't apply until she actually wins.
FBI Director Comey did not clear Hillary of changes. Instead he made her violations of the law very clear, and said he wasn't going to a recommend criminal prosecution. That does not mean that the ongoing Benghazi investigation won't charge Hillary.
Comey will have to explain his lack of recommendation for criminal prosecution of Hillary before Congress. We'll see what Congress decides next I guess.
Hillary is running for her life, because if Trump is elected president, her criminal career as a politician is over. Trump has plenty of fire-power now, thanks to Comey. I do believe he should have recommended an indictment to the DOJ, that Hillary should be prosecuted.
The fact that Comey said Clinton was extremely careless is ‘disqualifying.’
I suggest each of you simply Google up the photos of the dead of Ben Gazi . take a look at the care and compassion demonstrated by our Islamic friends who responded to the incident that out State dept. just couldn't make it to that fateful evening .
It wasn't the state department. It was the breakdown of the whole defense beauracracy that could not react in time to the situation. You would know that if you watched the GOP Select committee video. Here is the link again.
The 5 most serious accusations from Republicans’ Benghazi report according to the Washington Post:
1. The State Department failed to protect our diplomats in Libya
This is the report's bottom line. It doesn't necessarily lay the blame at Clinton's feet -- Gowdy had said he wanted to keep the report focused on the facts, not personalities -- but the conclusion is clear: Clinton and the Obama administration should have realized the risks.
To back this conclusion up, CNN's Collinson reports that requests for more security in Benghazi leading up to the attack went unheard or were refused. (In a statement to reporters, State Department spokesperson Mark Toner indicated there was no new evidence in the report.)
2. The CIA missed warning signs
The report says the agency misread how dangerous Libya, in the midst of a revolution after overthrowing its longtime dictator a year earlier, was at the time. Recall the attack took place on Sept. 11, 2012.
3. The Defense Department failed to rescue Americans in time
Or at least, they were late in deploying help, waiting until well after the attack had begun even though President Obama had approved the military to do whatever it needed to hours earlier. U.S. military forces didn't reach Benghazi until the day after the attack. The report blames a breakdown in the chain of command for this.
"No U.S. military asset was every deployed to Benghazi despite the order of the Secretary of Defense at 7 o'clock that night," Gowdy told reporters in a press conference Tuesday. "So Washington had access to real-time access information yet somehow they thought he fighting had subsided."
(The Democrats' version of the report concludes that even if the military got to Benghazi earlier, it could not have saved the lives of the four Americans who were killed. Gowdy says that's beside the point.)
4. The Obama administration "stonewalled" the investigation
The administration engaged in what Gowdy described as "intentional," "coordinated" and "shameful" stonewalling of his investigation by refusing to turn over all of its records and delaying getting others to Congress.
5. A Clinton aide influenced the State Department's review
As noted above, Congress isn't the only branch of government that reviewed what happened in Benghazi. The State Department did its own, too, which was intended to be internal but independent (think the watchdog report on Clinton's emails).
But according to a section of the Benghazi investigation that Bade obtained, the report "was consistently influenced by" Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former chief of staff. Mills has said she offered suggestions on drafts, but they were merely that, suggestions.
What the report didn't answer
Among the most prominent areas the report doesn't shed light on are allegations that the United States was helping get weapons to Libyan rebels. Any such operation, which Politico's Bade reports Clinton herself supported but the administration never confirmed or denied, would have been top-level secret. (Recall the 2012 attack happened a year after a successful uprising against its longtime dictator, Moammar Gaddafi.)
Apparently the government still refuses to answer questions about whether it existed; the report says they refused to let anyone who might have knowledge of such a program testify.
The Obama Administration, including the Secretary of State, lied.
Here are just three of the disturbing facts we learned today:
1. How many military assets were sent to Benghazi while our ambassador and his staff were under attack? Zero. None.
Over the course of the 13 hour attack on our consulate in Benghazi not a single military asset was even set in motion – not even heading in the direction of Benghazi – as four brave Americans including our ambassador were killed.
The Secretary of Defense reportedly ordered military assets to deploy, but none did. Instead our soldiers were ordered to change in and out of uniforms multiple times, as the Obama Administration national security bureaucracy argued about what Libya’s government would think about soldiers with uniforms and marked cars deploying within their country.
2. The narrative about a video spurring this deadly attack? False.
We’ve known it all along, but the more we find out, the worse it gets. As the jihadist attack on our consulate and our Ambassador unfolded, the White House was already in full spin mode – worried that the attack, if fully understood by the American people, would undercut its narrative of fighting terrorists and Libya as a glowing example just weeks before President Obama's 2012 reelection. Senior advisors to the President were concerned about Mitt Romney’s statements and whether Obama’s failed foreign policy would be revealed for what it was and still is – an absolutely catastrophic failure. We even see that the Secretary of State was privately telling her daughter it was a terrorist attack carried out by an al-Qaeda like group while publicly blaming an online video.
3. Four years later, how many of the dozens of terrorists responsible for four dead Americans have been brought to justice? One.
The day after the attack, President Obama promised, “We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.”
Only one terrorist—Ahmed Abu Khatallah—has been indicted and brought to the U.S. to face charges.
The committee knows of no one else who has even been arrested or indicted.
These are just three of the new revelations in the hundreds of pages in the Benghazi Report.
* … icans-died
* Benghazi Report:
More damning facts brought to light in this article.
* … ton-224854
Clinton: We “Didn’t Lose A Single Person” In Libya - DELUSIONAL
"Clinton: We “Didn’t Lose A Single Person” In Libya - DELUSIONAL
Did you watch the video you linked?
It wasn't about Benghazi. The discussion wasn't about Benghazi. The question wasn't about Benghazi. And her answer wasn't about Benghazi.
In the context of the question, (about our involvement in the overthrow of Qaddafi), her answer was true.
Here is a much more clear and complete version with better audio - and the full context of her statement. (starts at about 6:25 into the video)
The real "Clinton: We “Didn’t Lose A Single Person” In Libya - DELUSIONAL" video.
Why do you post such an easily fact-checked piece of poorly produced propaganda on a Benghazi thread, under a graphic of the four Americans that died in Benghazi?
This was by the GOP Select Committee's website. If it is propaganda, you can blame it on your fellow republican congressman who produced it. This is their conclusion after two years of investigation and $7 million of tax payers money. This link is to their actual congressional web site.
I hope this was a mistake. I can't imagine why you would post this response to my comment above.
Why don't you go check where Benghazi /bɛnˈɡɑːzi/ is? I'll tell you to save you the time, GA, it is the second largest city in Libya. Did you really check your facts? Oops!
We lost four Americans in Benghazi, Libya that Hillary forgot to mention. I like important details.
Its not that they killed Omar Kadafi, he was a ban man, he killed his own people. Its the way they killed him, sodomy.
Colorfulone, Thanks for the geography lesson.Your assumption that I needed it makes me sure that my best bet is to follow a piece of Twain's advice, on this topic.
It was meant to be a tone, because of your tone, rather than an assumption. I normally do not make assumptions, mistakes ... sure. - Hugs to you!
Is anything in that article verified by the investigations?
Mark "Oz" Geist served in Benghazi.
"Go read what Secretary Hillary Clinton herself wasn't about a YouTube video...and when Secretary Clinton said, 'what difference does it make?' We can now...tell you exactly what difference it makes." - Congressman Mike Pompeo on Benghazi
You know ? ..........Who knows , ........But I have a feeling that this election has presented Hillary in her truest light possible in the media . Totally frikkin Inept ! She is to me , the biggest political liar since Richard Nixon , and yes I was around then , All of that but with one exception I actually have the same impression of Hillary that I had of Nixon in his resignation speech . She is like a deer caught in the headlights with a careening democratic naiveté populace heading straight at her !
When all is said and done the report reflects what we already know. Our public leaders lie to us and through a corrupt political system they are able to hide it as usual. The only solution is to not re-elect these scoundrels and keep replacing them until we find somebody worthy of their jobs. But we cannot do it as we fall for the same old rhetoric and misdirection every election. And our own greed for what we can get for ourselves trumps it all (no pun intended).
"We’ve known it all along, but the more we find out, the worse it gets." No, you didn't know but you made up your mind immediately before the first investigation was done. And you won't forgive anyone who made any statements before an investigation was done. (What Hillary Clinton said to her daughter was a private email and was her gut feeling. You don't announce on worldwide media what is only a gut feeling.)
And it only gets worse because you don't like what all the previous investigations have found: It was an unpreventable tragedy and nothing more could have been done than was done considering the location, the distance, and the Congressional budget restrictions.
Not that I expect anything I write to make a dent on people who made up their minds that night and refuse to be swayed by the facts. Don't know why I keep trying.
Here is the link from the Select Committee to the Benghazi investigation by Representative Roskarn. It is an animated video that explains the entire unfolding of the Benghazi event including time lines. It is as Kathleen Cochran stated: "It was an unpreventable tragedy and nothing more could have been done than was done considering the location, the distance, and the Congressional budget restrictions."
But, I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
I've seen enough government bias , I also have watched the videos posted by Al-Jazeera AND Islamic news channels and I put FAR more stock in the soldiers and diplomats who had been told [ordered ]to stand down , to remain silent about diplomatic radio traffic , the denied requests for additional security and military preparedness .
I have also looked at still photos of the abuse of the bodies of the living and the dead of Ben Ghazi .
I know one thing for sure , there are no limits to the two faced -bald faced lying of Hillary Clinton ,
But I will say this : She sure is taking the heat for the Obama administrations complete failures ! She is one tough broad.
So George Bush and company caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people and many more wounded, because he Cheny, and Rumsfeld lied about WMDs. But that doesn't bother you. You are more concerned about Hillary lying, at least in your mind, over the death of four seals and an ambassador. You didn't even look at the video did you?
Oh , Gee , Uhh.... No Peoplepower . I believe Hillary !............So lets see , IS that the excuse I am supposed to use ,for all things wrong with Hillary ...It was GW Bush's fault ?
Nope, it's a matter of proportionality. What GWB and company did is many magnitudes of times worse than what you and your fellow brainwashed people are saying about Hillary and Benghazi. The select committee has finished their investigation and they have said she is not culpable. What more do you want? I know it's hard for you to believe the facts. You have to be in denial because if you accepted it, your agenda would come crashing down like a house of cards. And what am I supposed to do with this redacted crap I can't even read?
Don't you get it Peoplepower , that's just one of her - Non- sensitive diplomatic emails from her server that didn't get deleted . I think there are about thirty thousand that just disappeared into thin air . I wonder if Hillary still uses her personal internet server
The one everybody warned her not to use
The one she actually had to leave the State Dept . grounds and secure building to use .
The one she says she didn't know how to use .
ahorseback: At the time she was using those servers, she never had anything classified on them. When they started the investigation, they started classifying them. There have been many high ranking officials including Colin Powell who used their personal email server for government business. As long as they don't contain classified material. It's O.K.
Who is everybody? Who warned her not to use it? Where do you get your information?
I had a secret clearance with crypto access when I worked for Autonetics. I developed the procedures for the movement of classified material in the Minute Man missile fail safe system. I worked on the equipment that produced the launch codes so that those missiles could be launched from airplanes any place in the world. When those tapes were produced they were so scrambled, they were unclassified.
I get it you and your cohorts have a H***d on for Hillary. So you are not accepting what the GOP commission has stated after two years and spending $7 million of your money on the conclusion. What is your alternative Donald Trump? Or are you just not going to vote. Oh that's right you are going to write in the name of one of the Benghazi victims. That's really smart voting for a dead person.
Yes, we know you wouldn't believe Hillary if she said she ate green beans when she was a kid, but do you believe the findings of the Republican-led investigation? If not, why not? Do you think your Republican legislators would lie about the results? What possible motivation would they have to do that?
ahorseback: The only thing that is redacted in that email are the names of the addressees. The actual content is still there. You have to zoom in on it to read it.
How low are you folks willing to sink?
Kathleen . Are you really that naïve that you can look at Hillary and see .......what an innocent misjudged candidate for the presidency ? I think you know I love women in general , but there is something evil about Hillary , admit it .
She is a successful woman. Now we can't have that, can we?
The CIA’s September 13, 2012, intelligence assessment was rife with errors. On the first page, there is a single mention of “the early stages of the protest” buried in one of the bullet points. The article cited to support the mention of a protest in this instance was actually from September 4. In other words, the analysts used an article from a full week before the attacks to support the premise that a protest had occurred just prior to the attack on September 11. [pg. 47]
A headline on the following page of the CIA’s September 13 intelligence assessment stated “Extremists Capitalized on Benghazi Protests,” but nothing in the actual text box supports that title. As it turns out, the title of the text box was supposed to be “Extremists Capitalized on Cairo Protests.” That small but vital difference—from Cairo to Benghazi—had major implications in how people in the administration were able to message the attacks. [pg. 52]
That is a lie. The event took 13 hours from start to finish. Something could have been done to try and save those 4 Americans. The officers were told to stand down a few times. It was a lie from start to finish. The problem with lies is that it usually catch up with you. It took a few years with delays and obstruction by the Democrats...
Just a personal question, if those 4 Americans were members of your family, are you as forgiving of the Administration's actions that night?
Have you read any of the investigations? These claims keep being made when all the evidence has found them to be false.
No, but the people on the ground wrote a book and it was made into a movie "13 hours" you might want to check it out.
It is strange that of all the hearing on Benghazi, not one officer in field at that location were called to testify.
Yes, I saw the movie and read quite a few articles about what happened to get a better sense of the truth.
I have the impression that the entire situation was chaotic.
Yes it was chaotic but it does not explain why we did not send in help and the people nearby were told to stand down. To this day, we don't know who gave the order. You would think that would be the primary question to ask the people in charge at the State Department and the Defense Department and the Whitehouse. No one is stepping up... hence the fog...
No, but the people on the ground wrote a book and it was made into a movie "13 hours" you might want to check it out.
It is strange that of all the hearing on Benghazi, not one officer in the field at that location were called to testify. Don't you find that odd?
Jack: But they are not my family members. That's a fact. Just a personal question for you. The Bush administration invaded Iraq under false pretenses and caused the deaths and injuries of thousands of soldiers and civilians. If any of those people were your family members, are you as forgiving of the Bush administrations actions for years on end?
The chirping of one cricket can drive you crazy. A field of chirping crickets is a symphony. The right wing propaganda machine has made your focus four chirping crickets a tragedy. Have you ever heard of the fog of war? Sh*t happens with unattended consequences. Get over it.
The right wing propaganda machine is designed to not let you forget Benghazi and the emails. It is the constant drum beat for two years with those same Dog Whistle words, with nine investigations and nothing new being uncovered. When you hear Benghazi and email. You immediately think of Hillary, the liar caused the death of four Americans and gave away secrets to our enemies. The right wing propaganda machine is designed to do that,. Just like a dog can hear a dog whistle, that humans can't., those words will make you react and to never forget, what a terrible inhuman person she is that cannot be trusted and is therefore not qualified to be president and must be sent to jail.
It it was only the fog of war, I would understand completely. This incident was not a fog or a war. It was a terrorist act perpetrated on American embassy personnel on 9/11 anniversary. What part of transparency don't you get? Do you understand why the FOIA was enacted? It is precisely to prevent government coverup. You can let this go but most clear thinking Americans will not. If it can happen once, it can happen again. I have no allegiance to any particular party. I am a conservative as you can read from many of my hubs here. I do expect an honest but limited government that follows our Constitution.
Jack: This is from the actual House Select Committee on the Investigation. It is fact from their website by their representative. It explains what the fog of war was that took place. Have you even read the results of the investigation?
I'm a clear thinking American, not influenced by right wing propaganda. Don't take this personally, I do these forums with the hopes of educating those who are misinformed.
This is by the numbers from the Benghazi Research Center.
There is no statute of limitations on people who just don't like the answers.
As I read these reports I am realizing how this administration is so inept ! Top down ! It's just as if there is no human life that is worthy of their concern or care and yet , denial is the attitude of the day ! All that required is one of those Obama smirks and a accusation of the "other " news media . Somehow "the previous " administration is always the fall back excuse !
I listen to my veteran friends in their frustration with this administration as they tell me , "You know I have loved my country , I really do .......BUT I hate this government "
Americans and the American voter right now hold complete possession of the most inept government in the western hemisphere in the last eight years , From the protectionism of , the leading up to , the direct foreign policy , the appointing of Hillary as Secretary of state , the investigation into the immediate occurrence and all occurrences of terrorist acts , the military oversight AND control of the military . Was and is being done by a completely partisan committee of power from the top down . The Obama administration .
Who by the way , Obama being more than happy to let Hillary take full responsibility for Benghazi , at least during the investigation and in conclusion of which , That way Obama skates - Hillary takes the heat and suffers whatever consequences to ultimately protect P.C. Obamas polished image ,In the end ---before the inauguration of the next president , whoever it is , Hillary will be pardoned for not only the deaths of four Americans , but for her State dept. E-mail fiasco too ! Guaranteed !
Besides the fact that both of them should be indicted for treason. Even if f only for the dismantling of the values and structure of the united states constitution . to say nothing about the chaotic display of lousy foreign policy . The almost total restructuring of our social services , welfare system and for creating the unconstitutional Obama-care and the absolute dismantling of our national reputation around the world.
Obama will pardon Hillary because she would otherwise take him down with her if she is indicted and prosecuted. However, as for the family members of the Benghazi victims,( they let get massacred ), there is no statute of limitations on the truth.
O.J. later was convicted of murder in civil court, but not by the criminal court.
ahorseback and colorfulone: It's not up to Obama to pardon Hillary. The investigation is over. The republicans have said she is not culpable. How is she going to jail? Who is going to indict her...Fox News? Your opinions are just that, Opinions.
Where is the evidence for your rants? You have been brainwashed by right wing propaganda. Those investigations went on for two years. In one of them, Hillary was grilled for 11 hours straight and she held her decorum and statesmen ship. You have nothing other than she lied and caused the deaths of those people. If that is the case, prove it with hard evidence. It is hard for you to grasp that it was a total breakdown of the defense system, not just one persons fault, but a breakdown in the system. Live with it.
On the other hand, Trump may be going to jail for fleecing so many people with his Trump University and Racketeering. Their are people who are suing him for fraud. There is hard evidence for that.
2013: … o-alqaeda/
2016: … re-hiding/
No, its you that have been brainwashed by the NWO media.
Benghazi was one of two high priority embassy's where security was to be consider a priority when and if ever requested , AND additional security WAS requested ! Why , Because of the recent political shifts in our offensive actions supporting "rebel "leaders , ! AND , Hillary's "showcase " diplomacy action to eliminate Gadhafi , which she did .in order to help the Libyans to install another, friendlier leader AND , because of recent uprisings in the middle east !
Who was it then , that the responsibility and security requests would have been charged To ; The Secretary of State .
If you people think that you're right , WHY then did Hillary announce at 10;02 PM , ...................even BEFORE the last man was killed in Libya on the rooftop .............that this act was perpetrated because of some U Tube video on the internet !!!!! At the same time............ she E-Mailed her daughter that it WAS a terrorist act !
This pre- excused , pre arranged partisan scenario was all perpetrated in light of the fact that because Hillary's Show Case diplomacy in Libya was to be a display of her greatest diplomatic achievement ever ! And yet It failed --- even before she was through making excuses !
The fact that a Democratic President Obama excuses his OWN Secretary of State , Hillary Clinton ; is simply a sweeping under the rug of a major policy failure of foreign diplomacy by BOTH him and her ! Comparably and At least with 9 /II GWB, was only in office a few months and couldn't be held responsible for the acts of 9 /II , Obama and Hillary had had Five years to plan their shared stupidity in diplomatic relations inside a foreign country !
They should both be charged with treason .
Who decides if Hillary will be indicted ? -Attorney General - Loretta Lynch ! Interesting that Bill Clinton just had recent private meetings with Loretta lynch before the investigative reports were released ,What do you really naïve liberals think was going on there -and Monica was no where to be seen .? I can see a position in the future for dear Loretta Lynch in the Hillary Administration , Can you ?
For God's sake, take down this picture. Talk about treason, not to mention disrespect, and how about just being as low as those who did this.
ahorseback and colorfulone: Here it is by the numbers. I suspect you think these are false as well.
No peoplepower the LAST three numbers are the most important ...O....O ....O, please read again the reasons for those O's !
Did you find the correct charts to feed the liberal cause ?
These numbers mean very little when you have a Secretary of State choosing to avoid FOIA with her private server, a State Department dragging it's feet in producing related documents, and an Administration part of the cover up...All the hearing won't bring justice. We have a problem and you choose to ignore it which is fine. Next time, another different Administration doing the same stuff, will you be so forgiving?
I for one will call a spade a spade whether its GOP or Democrat or Conservative or Liberal.
ahorsback and Jack: I guess the mix of people, the 10 investigations, the number of documents, and departments involved, mean nothing to you. Because you would rather be in denial and hope that Hillary and Obama and everybody else involved get their just desserts based on your conspiracy theories. Hold on to your Dixie Cups. The south shall rise again.
Mike, we must be living in a parallel universe. Your facts and my facts are totally opposite. I don't claim any conspiracy theory. I just know that they lied to save the election of 2012. The truth be damed and innocent Americans died. If you are OK with that, that is your choice but I'm not. I am objective about this. If the Bush Administration did this, I would be just as outraged. I am am American first and a Conservative second.
Obama had said he wouldn't put boots on the ground over in the Middle East, so they didn't send help that was needed in Benghazi to save his promise and the election. So! They lied.
An example of getting the facts right: Benghazi is not an embassy. The embassy is in Tripoli. It is a mission.
If Nixon, Reagan, and Bush II were never tried for treason - no one should be. There is more evidence of their crimes than there are on this issue.
When your side of the isle does not have a quality candidate for president you have to try to put a bad light on the opposition. If there was solid evidence against the former secretary, wouldn't the government have the necessary means to find said evidence? The reason the GOP kept bringing Secretary Clinton back was to make her look bad. After she marched into congress all of the yellow journalists come of the wood work and write their articles and stories that are based on false narratives. It would have been easier to put out a quality opponent for this election. Not is the White House in the balance but so is several elections down the line.
How interesting that Bill Clinton Met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch a couple of days before this report comes out , In The real world -----If a defendant's relative in a investigated meeting with the top prosecutor ,it would be deemed extremely inappropriate and would taint the entire investigation !
But its a far, far different world when politics is allowed to re-color the truth in different hues . Again this entire administration is the most incompetent ever , The Clinton Mafia wins again .
In a republican house investigation, you are guilty until proven innocent, which may be never. what about x committee
I just wish you don't couch this investigation as a Republican vs. Democrats partisan politics as usual...
This was a serious problem with our government breakdown of trust. I would be equally outraged if it happened under a GOP Administration.
Can't you see what is happening here? The Power That Be is making all conflicts between the two parties where they are the ones calling the shots behind the scene. It is a distraction...
We the people have more in common than what they want. I am not a Trump supporter but the reason for his rise to power is because of the breakdown of the Washington elites. In a way, they created this monster.
If that is the case then many high ranking government officials that have done the same thing including Colin Powell and Condeleza Rice. Shouldn't they be investigated and sent to jail as well. Further at the time Hillary was doing that, here emails were unclassified, It was only during the investigations that they became classified, which is two years after the fact. i get it you guys don't like nor trust Hillary, as a result of right wing propaganda. So you are harping on Benghazi and the emails. The FBI investigation is still in process and so far they have found nothing that she has violated. She was cleared from Benghazi. It's over, live with it.
Are you seriously comparing what Powell and Rice did with Hillary's own Server in the basement?
What about General Petreus? He was drummed out of his job for doing less, after all, it was only about sex. Where did we hear that before? your political blinders are showing and it is not pretty.
Who cares where the server is placed, it was how they were used. Petreus was drummed out of his job because there was hard evidence and he had to confess. No pun intended. I do my research and analysis. I don't just listen to political B.S. and react. This is for your dining and dancing pleasure. … ezza-rice/
Apologies for deleting my comment about emails. I realized it was not pertinent to the topic of Benghazi and thought I got it before anyone replied - obviously I did not.
But the emails - Clinton was required to put all emails, not just classified ones, on the correct server. She decided not to do that - that the rules did not apply to the mighty Hillary.
My son works for the Bureau of Reclamation and they have already seen the fallout from Hillary's decision - computer security has been tightened considerably, just to ensure that they follow the rules - the same rules Hillary didn't think applied to her. She knew better, she just didn't care and that there was no classified information involved doesn't change a thing.
Mike, you seem like a nice guy. I used to work in the IT industry. I know all about emails and servers and security. The stuff that was deleted by Clinton, they exist in multiple copies every where. The thing about electronic data is that they never go away. There is audit trails and all kinds of backups. Finally, you can delete all day long but guess what, the recipient of the email has multiple copies on their servers. The reason the FBI has over 100 people looking into this is because there is a serious breech at the highest level. Even Obama is not immune. She sent him emails and he replied using the same system. The stuff is so sensitive, even some agents don't have the security clearance to view them.
Ye Right... Powell and Rice did the same thing.
I had a secret clearance with crypto access. i worked with the NSA block boxes and SAC headquarters in the 60's developing the procedures for the movement of classified code materials in the Minuteman fail safe system. I know all about how data can be recovered from hard drives. I also know that top secret material like launch codes can be so encrypted that the tapes that they were on were unclassified. If her emails were unclassified before the investigation and classified two years later during the investigation, then it follows, she was handling only unclassified material. Yes, Rice and Powell also did that.
At least she turned over thousands of emails to the investigative committees and her tax returns. Trump still hasn't released his tax returns, but nobody seems to care Unlike Benghazi and emails that we have heard those dog whistle words for years now, Trump's tax returns have gone by the way side. Talk about distraction.
If that's the case, you should know better to put out this line of arguments. Do you believe a Secretary of State in her 4 years in office did not handle any classified information marked or unmarked? If true, she is incompetent at minimum. She failed to do her duty. If false, she put all our lives at risk. The Chinese, Russian and who else had access to the hack server contents, and you worked with the NSA? God help us...haha
Of course she did, but not on her private server. You know she also worked out of her office in D.C and handled all types of information, both classified and unclassified. I'm sure some of it was even redacted.. As Secretary of State, do you think she only conducted government business in her basement? Yes, I worked with the NSA and that is no joke. I saved your butt during the cold war with the Soviet Union.
How blinded liberals have become ! You can all accuse conservatives of "closed mindedness" , but to actually be so blind as to constantly excuse the Clinton dynasty's treasonous behavior !
Let's see , blind or closed minded , I chose "closed minded "any day !
Actually, we'd just like some consistency. When Bush, Rove, and many of his staffers lost some 5 million e-mails by using a private server hosted by the RNC, where was the outrage? You're going to try and tell me that that server was secure?
When you have a different set of rules and different set of outrage for one group and not the other, that is the definition of partisan and bias.
Thanks for your service Mike. The cold war was won by my hero President Reagan. He defied some in his own party to face down Gorbachov and "tear down this wall..." speech. How I wish we had a Reagan in office today.
Reagan didn't win the cold war. It was won by years of Soviet containment by many administrations. Reagan was the recipient of it. Reagan created the Savings and Loan Debacle of the 80's that created a financial meltdown and also the Iran Contra affair where a shadow government set up by Colonel Oliver North was selling TOW missiles to the Iranian regime and then taking that money and funding the Contra rebels in Nicaragua with it. It was in direct violation of the Bolyen Amendment. No body went to jail. I don't know how old you are, but I remember those investigations. Reagan also fired Air Traffic Controllers which put the whole transportation system at risk. He also shutdown mental institutions and put mentally ill people on the street. That's one of the reasons we have so many mass shootings by mentally ill people today. Reagan is revered by right wing propaganda and by the people who weren't ever born when he was in office. So the only thing they know about him is what they have been told. Carter was just leaving office when Reagan was assuming the office of the president. He told them to hold off on announcing the "Tear down this wall." until he official became president.
You are so off based on Reagan I don't know where to start. I am 64 years of age and I lived through the Carter and Reagan years and it was night and day. I am a student of history and I have read most of the books on Reagan. I am working on an ebook as we speak onConservatism but it featured the Reagan legacy and why it is needed today.
Just to correct a few points -
1. Yes Reagan fired the traffic controllers but he was challenging the unions and it was the right thing to do. History has proven it.
2. The Iran Contra deal was unfortunate but Reagan was trying to do the right thing here. Congress took away the funding for the Contra after we had made promises to them. If he reneged on them, many people would have been killed. He made the tough choice to save what he could and did not profit from this personally. That is the sign of a true leader.
3. Yes, he and Margret Thatcher and along with Pope John Paul the II worked together to bring down the Soviet Empire and ended the cold war - without fireing a shot.
You need to study your history my friend. Your bias is showing. Go and look at the Presidential ratings of modern Presidents and Reagan shows up on top of many lists by historians and popular vote alike.
I could go on but I guess you are one of those liberal democrats that just can't see through your rose colored lens. Reagan saved our country and the world from a weak leader Carter. We need a new Reagan to save us from Obama.
That was a few hours wasted on my part.
Have a great 4th of July weekend.
"I do not blame Hillary Clinton or Leon Panetta (for Stevens' death). They were balancing security efforts at embassies and missions around the world...But what was the underlying cause? Perhaps if Congress had provided a budget to increase security for all missions around the world, then some of the requests for more security in Libya would have been granted. Certainly the State Department is underbudgeted. I would love to hear they are drastically increasing the budget."
"Yes! Definitely politicized. Every report I read that mentions him specifically has a political bent, and accusatory bent."
"I know he had a lot of respect for Secretary Clinton. He admired her ability to intensely read the issues and understand the whole picture."
"to use Chris's death as a political point -- is not appropriate."
-Dr. Anne Stevens, sister of the U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi
Now we're going to spend millions sorting through emails. More waste. But I'm beginning to think some critics might be right about the Clintons being their own worst enemies. Pres. Clinton walking onto the attorney general's plane? Seriously? Might be a smart political move, but how obvious can you be? Why not just let the investigation go where it may?
Apparently he broke the law. It is not permitted for a sitting Justice employee to fraternize with people under investigation or their family members. I believe it was done on purpose to get her to recuse herself from this case.
They may be plotting to get someone else into that position so he/she can rule in Hillary's favor...
Not looking too good for the Clinton's.
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