This article is about Donald Trump's use of the Power of Positive Thinking and how he misuses it to play in his sometimes make-believe world as President of The United States.
This article is about how the use of force model is used by law enforcement to bring suspects into compliance and how there is a lack of accountability when there are deaths caused by using lethal force.
This article shows how Trump created his playbook based on his life experiences. The article uncovers what I think his playbook contains based on my research and observations over the years.
Read this article to get my view on why Trump is loved by his base.
This article describes how the downturn of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the trade deficit, and the labor force participation rate can contribute to a recession and how an inverted bond yield curve can indicate a recession is forthcoming.
This article illustrates the difference between the unemployment rate and the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) and why LFPR gives a more realistic view of our job market than the unemployment rate.
This article provides an overview of how tariffs work, including trade wars, different types of tariffs, and who are the winners and losers.
Read this article to find out how Trump generalizes and uses Cognitive Behavior Therapy Techniques to re-frame his narrative to benefit himself while degrading others, and at times causing him to be conflicted.
Read this article to understand why the FAA should have never allowed Boeing Aircraft to certify their own modifications to the 737-MAX aircraft, which may have led to the crashing of Lion Air and Ethiopian Air 737 MAX aircraft.
This article is about a group of former USAF radar types who were given a tour of the AMOC facility in Riverside California. After reading this article, you will understand what AMOC is and how it works 24/7 to protect our borders.
This article talks about the lack of a "moral imperative"Trump has for the truth. It describes how he uses "instinctive gamesmanship" while attacking others or defending himself. Further, it gives recent news example of his lying and false proclamations.
This is an article about how the Senate on both sides of the aisle can manipulate the voting process to their advantage when nominating supreme court justices.
After reading this article, you will understand that it was not just one event or one group of people that created the forces for the GOP takeover of government, but it was a long line of individuals who were able to create the proper conditions for the takeover.
This article explores what drives both sides of the gun control issue. It provides statistics, as well as the gun psychology for both conservatives and liberals, and how and why they feel gun control is either a burden or a necessity.
After reading this article, you will have an understanding of what Cambridge Analytica is. It describes the roles of the key players and how they collected and analysed big data to influence not only groups of potential Trump voters but also targeted individuals based on their Facebook profiles.
This article answers the question of how much is 1.6 trillion tax gap spread over ten years and raises the question of will tax reform pay for the gap. Also it is a primer on using powers of tens.
Symbolism plays a large part in culture. Symbols can be misinterpreted when people lack knowledge of the original intent. Read on for an analysis of Donald Trump and Colin Kaepernick as cultural symbols.
This article shows how the indigenous people of the Americas are the true Americans and the rest of us come from immigrant backgrounds.
Here's what you need to know about the Trump/Saudi Arabia Arms deal. Explore potential job opportunities and the conflict of interest with our efforts to defeat ISIS.
This article is strictly my opinion based on my observations of President Donald Trump. It is an attempt to bring to light how Trump's actions are making him his own worst enemy.
This article describes how Trump's behavior fits the classic symptoms of a person who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
This is an article about Trump's promises to the "forgotten ones" and how and why they will not be fulfilled.
This article describes how Donald Trump is a master at using his rhetorical devices to promote his campaign as well as to manipulate his opponents to his advantage.
Read this article to find out the real reason wars are waged and why our need for war has not changed through the ages. It may not be what you have been led to believe.
This article is about why guns are so readily available and the arguments presented for and against gun control.
This article contains a short four question quiz that can determine if you are a Trump Supporter or not.
This is a story about how our Prius's wiring harness was chewed by rats and what we did to get rid of the problem.
Read this article to find out why there is a three-way civil war in the middle east and why there will never be peace until the Shia, Sunni, Kurds, and Palistinians have their own countries.
This article looks at the dynamics of the middle east and the complexities Obama faced and now Trump faces to bring peace to the region.
This article gives the brand names of terrorist groups in the Middle East as well as their religious affiliations. It describes differences between Sunni, Shia, and Kurds, as well as conflicts for the U.S.
This article answers the question about the difference between ISIS and ISIl . It provides a comprehensive look at how they became a powerful force and causes of sectarian conflict in the Mid-East.
This article describes how and why the Israelis immigrated to Palestine, and why there will never be a two state solution between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The Middle East has been in chaos and turmoil for some time. This article contains maps and descriptions showing how the outcome of World War I created the conditions we experience today.
This article uses a radial mapping diagram to connect the major stakeholders who have a vested interest in the outcome of the 2nd Amendment and gun control.
This article is my opinion on gayness, the current Supreme Court ruling and why equal civil rights should be afforded to gays the same as married couples.
This is an inspirational piece about how your everyday life brings about change and makes a difference in the world in which we live.
I have to admit, I did not know the correct difference between prejudice and racism. I was using these words incorrectly for many years. Read this hub to find out if you do know the difference.
This article describes how the ATF has been restricted from enforcing gun laws by the same people who are advocating they should be enforced. It describes how two congressman were instrumental in creating these restrictions.
I propose that we think outside the box when trying to solve the firearms dilemma. This article describes some novel ideas of how to make our schools safer and as a side benefit create jobs.
Read this article to learn how and why the NRA was founded. What are the arguments for and against gun control and what the second amendment has to do with the right to bear arms.
This article is a review of the Sprint Airave 2.5 Mobile Signal Booster. Before we had the signal booster, we were not able to send and receive calls from our home because of very low signal strength. If you have Sprint service and are in a very low signal area, you should read this review to see...
What is group thinking and can it cause problems? Read this hub to find out how group thinking has caused groups to become disillusioned by the outcomes of their group thinking. What can be done to overcome these negative outcomes? Group thinking is not just limited to political groups but to any...
Do you want to use simple tools to create great looking artwork? Then read this article. I will show you how to use the user friendly, powerful drawing tools that are part of PowerPoint to create artwork that can be used not only on hub pages, but for any website as jpg's. It even includes an...
This hub describes what the federal reserve does and how it does it. You will learn what the various tasks of the federal reserve are, how it controls the nation's money supply and interests rates, and what effects it has on our economy. You will learn about federal reserve policies including...
This hub is the first one in a series of reviews of Paul Ryan's Plan: A Roadmap to America's Future. His plan is organized into several categories. This hub reviews his first category, Health Care Reform. My goal is to review all eight categories of his plan.
Watch this video of the space shuttle Endeavor on its final flight to its final destination at the California Museum of Science. I took this video on the beach in Marina Del Rey California. It is very close to LAX where it landed. I updated this (10/23/12) to include the time- lapse video of the...
I was going to use the title of" Where were you on 9/11?" But that was already taken. Hence the title of my hub was changed as you see it. I was in the World Trade Center three days before 9/11. This article is about my experience in Manhattan leading up to and shortly after 9/11.
This article is presented from a non-partisan view explaining the difference between the national debt, the deficit, and the federal budget. it also shows the amount of debt each president has incurred since the founding of the country and takes apart the federal budget.
Is the American form of government evolving from a democracy to a plutocracy or even an oligarchy? See graphs and a You tube video showing income and wealth distribution making this possible.
Read this article to find out about the history of the second amendment and how it affects gun rights and gun control. Learn what measures the NRA is using to quiet politicians about gun control after the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.
What does a Captain Midnight Decoder Ring have to do with Obama and Romney? Read this hub to find out what the connection is and find out what Obama really said in Roanoak Virginia about business and the government.
Read this hub to find out what the debt ceiling is, how a super committee kicked the can down the road, what happened in 2012 when it was blocked by congress, and what might happen again.
We hear it all the time on the news, a super majority, but what does that mean and how is it used? This hub summarizes the measures and actions when a super majority vote is required by both the house and the senate and the states.
This article describes why the internet was created and how it evloved. You'll learn how it all started during the cold war and what my experience and involvement was as it evolved.
This article is a book review of a book titled "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion." It gives reasons why liberal and conservative thinking and behavior are different and how we may have a predisposition to these ideologies.
I'm sure most of you have heard the terms PAC and Super PAC. Read this article to find out what they really are and how they can donate unlimited, undisclosed funds because of the IRS ruling them as nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Find out how you can create your own Super PAC.
Watch the video in this hub to see how to convert the lowly toilet paper roll into a handy reel for storing not only your earphone leads, but just about any type of computer leads.
Have you ever had a Hub Page flagged for duplication of content? You may have some of the same questions I have. Please read the comments from fellow hubbers who have had these issues and what they offer for their advice.
Here is a hub that describes our experience with the eclipse that occured 5/20/2012. It includes pictures of the setup and of the eclipse at various stages.
Do you believe there are communist in the U.S. Government? Read this article and find out what one Congressman thinks.
Read how a Master woodcarver from Bavaria, Germany shared his studio with some not so professional woodcarvers and see examples of the quality and genius of his work.
This article presents the features of Obama Care as upheld by the Supreme Court. It covers aspects of the law, including no pre-existing conditions, the patients' bill of rights, your health care dollar, senior care, the individual mandate, and more.
This article is about our one week stay in Maui. It's about our experience touring the island and what we discovered. It includes many pictures and descriptions of the places we visited. Watch the video of the tide pools and the giant sea turtle playing in the surf.
This hub provides information on referral trackers used in hub pages. After viewing this hub, you should be able to use referral tracking to earn money by directing referral traffic to your hubs as well as others and to external sites.
Are computers making our lives easier? This article explores how computers affect our lives today. It looks at the implications of both general purpose computers and special purpose computers and the changes they have caused in us and our work force.
What is Technical Writing? This article summarizes my 30 plus years of technical writing experience. It describes the different types of technical writing; the technical writing process; types of documentation that is produced, and even has a link to a job agency that is constantly looking for...
Did you know there were over 1,000 women Air Force pilots during world war II? They flew over 60 million miles in every type of military aircraft in existence at the time. Read this fascinating article about these young, courageous women that history almost forgot and why they never received...
Have you every made a soggy frittata and thought how do they make firm frittata's? Or have you ever wondered how an authentic Italian frittata is made? Then this article and recipe are for you.
This article is about the Supremes Courts ruling on Citizens United and the impact it has on our democratic process.
This is an article about our trip to Anchorage Alaska during the month of January. It includes pictures of the some of the sights in the surronding areas of Anchorage and background information about each of the areas.
Have you every been in a situation where there is no clear cut answer, but a decision must be made? Then you should try using a stakeholders analysis. This hub shows you how to use this analysis to understand the situation from the viewpoint of all parties involved and make decisions based on the...
This article is about how our democracy is in jeopardy because our congress no longer represents us. It gives examples of how they are influenced by campaign funding from big monied interests and corporations so they can get re-elected, thus distracting them from our issues.
I wrote this article 5 years ago. And updated it to show how the Dow has been so volatile. This article and associated video show you in simple, terms how to analyze trading stocks using technical analysis. Don't be afraid to view it. You'll be surprised. It is not rocket science.
This article is about achieving goals by using feedback. It provides a step-by-step procedure on how to do this.
This article aims to enable you to recognize commonly used propaganda techniques. It gives examples of the various techniques and explains how to overcome them to form your own opinions.
After viewing this hub you will be able to understand the root cause of our financial meltdown and where we are today. It includes two animated videos to help understand the complexity of the crisis.
This hub teaches you how to read nutrition labels to make healthy choices about your daily diet.
This is an article about how to lose weight permanetly. Without subjectiing yourself to the burden of dieting.
This is an article about the facts and fiction of Social Security. It dispells the notion that social security is bankrupt and that it should be privatized. Social Security will be solvent until 2037 at that time there will be a 22% gap between income and outgo. Read Senator Bernie Sanders' simple...
This is an article about how I used to go duck hunting with my dad at the Salton Sea when I was a teenager. It includes a video of Canadian Honkers Landing in front of me.