Lol. That may start a chain reaction of resentment which will lead to world changes unimagined. Kind of like Castro losing his dream of playing professional baseball in America. Hitler's dreams of being an artist dashed. Mohammed desire to be a prophet unfulfilled.
Hub pages may regret this act.
I get your point, hmm...I may forever be wondering.
Like Hillary thinks she is capable of being president of the United States.
Capable of leaving AMERICANS to die.
Capable of disregarding law.
Capable of disrespecting rape survivors.”
~ Steven Seagal
I've heard Hillary called a lot of things. None synonymous with good. But, I'd put it more like choosing between a dung heap and a compost pile.
Corrupt establishment politicians like Hillary Clinton are the reason for the manifestation of Trump. This isn't about Trump, he represents "We The People" who are fed up with corruption in Washington. It is truly a movement. IMHO
This isn't about Democrats or Republicans in my view, its about the corrupt establishment on both sides that took over. They are evil.
It's ABSOLUTELY a CONTEST of "GOOD" vs "EVIL" ~ Hillary FIGHTING for Good & Righteous IDEAs while "Delusional Donald", a "NATIONAL Disgrace" According to Colin Powell & the VAST Majority of AMERICANs, Continues to CON, Manipulate, SWINDLE & TEST the "GULLIBILITY" of a Small SLICE of the AMERICAN Electorate by PEDDLING LIEs, Misinformation, Hate, FEAR, Divisiveness, RACISM, Bigotry, WOMAN Hating & ANTI-American Rhetoric ~
In the END, "GOOD Always DEFEATs EVIL" & when this happens in NOVEMBER, "SWINDLER Donald" I'm sure will have the "OPTION" to MOVE himself & his ENTIRE GRIFTER Family to the COUNTRY he Now PLEDGEs his ALLEGIANCE to....COMMUNIST Russia....If of course he's NOT "Indicted & EMPRISONED" for any number of ILLEGAL Actions before then ~
GOOGLE "Felix Sater & TRUMP" ~ Just one EXAMPLE of "Delusional Donald's" CLOSE Connections & TIEs to CRIMINALs in Communist Russia ~ A stand alone "DISQUALIFIER" ~ Then GOOGLE "Trump Encourages ESPIONAGE AGAINST the United States ~ Just ONE More "DISQUALIFIER" ~ ~ His ANTI-American AGENDA is ENDLESS ~
Still WONDERING WHY Donald is CONCEALING his Tax RETURNs?? It should be MANDATORY for EVERYONE to READ this: … -case.html
Couldn't agree with you more, Obviously I can't vote because im under 18 and not an american citizen but Clinton is an angel compared to Trump. All of Europe hopes America makes the right choice when it comes down to it !!
Being under 18 and not an american citizen I'd have to assume that you don't know enough to make an informed decision on the topic.
We talk a lot about in school and it's all you see on the news. Sure I probably don't know as much about it as Americans do but I know enough to have an opinion on it.
... and we all know what assumptions do to those making them.
Seriously? The premise put forth is that this election is a case of good versus evil. Sounds less than a mature conclusion. What is good, in the context of politics? What is evil? It's all rather silly, if you ask me.
From our perspective it is a case of good vs evil. Or at least that there is one that is better than the other but that's viewing it from a European perspective. Perhaps my opinion ( and that of others ) would be different if we lived there, in any case this is how we see it.
A sizable number of American voters agree with you.
A sizable number don't. I can't believe this election is seen in such am immature light.
Good vs evil. It's ridiculous.
No, it's ridiculous that some people don't see the huge significance of this election. Authoritarianism is evil.
NOT "Immature" ~ FACTUAL ~ Sebastian is CORRECT, And anyone who thinks otherwise is OBVIOUSLY in a "STATE of DENIAL" or perhaps a card carrying member of the KLU KLUX KLAN who CRAVE the Trump Pseudo-Campaign ~
INVESTIGATE "Delusional Donald's" FRAUD filled PAST to DISCOVER the TRUTH ~
* Using "CHARITABLE Donations" to pay PERSONAL Legal Expenses is EVIL
* "INSULTING & Degrading" OUR Military Veterans is EVIL
* Business RELATIONs with Communists who were CONVICTED of STOCK Fraud is EVIL
* INSULTING Carly Fiorina for her APPEARANCE is EVIL
* Proliferating a "GRAND Lie" that OUR Current President is NOT a Citizen is EVIL
* Misogyny & HATRED of Women is EVIL
* RACIAL Hatred & Bigotry is EVIL
* SCHEMING to "SLASH Wages" of ALL Hard WORKING Americans is EVIL
This is just a PARTIAL List of "EVIL Activity" Perpetrated by CON-Man Donald ~ Don't believe me, I ENCOURAGE ALL Readers to INVESTIGATE on your OWN ~ U might be "SHOCKED" at what U DISCOVER and it should lead U to believe that a CONSTITUTIONAL Amendment to PROHIBIT Mentally Deranged FRAUDSTERs like "Delusional Donald" should be INSTITUTED IMMEDIATELY ~
I see you used my post to bounce off of. If you are talking to me, heads up. Until you stop this bizarre caps on, caps off fetish I'm not bothering to read your posts.
lol ~ NICE try at "Deflecting" from the FACTs ~
I'm TALKING to ALL Readers not necessarily U Live to Learn" & one persons "BIZARRE" is another Persons "CREATIVITY", & I prefer to LISTEN to ALL the POSITIVE Feedback I Continuously Receive from my KIND FANs not necessarily a Partisan Poster's OPINION ~
The FACT still Remains that "Delusional Demented Donald" is an ILLEGITIMATE Pseudo-Candidate who does indeed Attract & REPRESENT the "EVIL" in Society i.e. the KLU Klux Klan which "ROBO-Calls" for him, while Hillary is a POSITIVE Rational Force of GOOD for "We the PEOPLE" who is interested in RAISING the Minimum WAGE for ALL American Workers ~ "Night & DAY" between the two ~
I'd say his opinion indicates he is better informed than about 40 percent of U.S. voters. See, I can be just as snooty, but from the opposite viewpoint.
Damn pp., that did come off rather snooty. You sure you aren't English?
English descent. Plus Irish, German and Dutch. But American to the core.
Well, stop channeling the english.
And, I'd really argue the authoritarian label you appear to be placing on Trump. I feel like we are under such a government now and a vote for Hillary would compound the problems.
We disagree on that. And I'll channel whatever I like to post here, although I don't buy into the stereotype that the English are snooty. Where did you get your haughty nose?
I know enough english to feel comfortable stereotyping them. My nose isn't haughty. It just looks that way because it's big. I'm from a big nosed family, according to one of my brother's ex girlfriends
Sebastian, replied to your comment and didn't correct you that he is 18? Isn't that interesting? Seem like a normal teen?
Having your own opinion is part of living in a free society. No one can blame you either way as the two choices presented are less than adequate for the task. Be careful of absolutes as that is the theme these politicians focus on rather than the issues.
Just a friendly heads up! HubPages TOS: "Only adults (18 years and over) may register for an Author account."
It would be a waste of time to publish on HP since you are not 18 yet? Could be, maybe so.
Sorry I just turned 18 that's why I said 17
"Obviously I can't vote because im under 18 and not an american citizen"
You wrote:
Wink, wink!
Yeah, sure, that must be it according to you.
I can see why he is a Hillary supporter. Kindred spirits.
Really cheap shot. The guy has a right to his opinion. I'm starting to think he's more mature than some of us here.
He is certainly entitled to an opinion. That comment was in reference to his one statement which was in direct conflict with another and then his attempt to blame it on something other than the obvious.
Hillary lies. Some don't like lies. Some find them useful.
Uh huh. And Hillary is the only liar in the campaign.
I thought that got straightened out weeks ago. The consensus was Trump is a bser and Hillary is a liar. It appeared most liberals thought bsing was worse than lying. Although I assume they'd think the opposite had Hillary been dubbed the bser.
You're awfully quick to stereotype and categorize. I know it's hard to defend your candidate. I know you keep saying you aren't defending him, but it sure looks to me like you are. By the way, if you plan to vote for him, then you are pro-Trump. Voting for someone is a pretty definite clue you're "pro" (for) that person.
You might want to bring yourself into the present. Anti establishment is usually just that.
Edit. Just thought I would add that I've seen a couple of waves of anti establishment elections. What normally happens is the old guard are booted out and those elected weren't necessarily worthy. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Most are booted out in the next election cycle and people more in tune with the needs of the populace and better qualified take over.
I realize we are talking about the highest office in the land so it's a little scary to stand against the status quo on this. But we have to start somewhere.
Trump is more than a little scary to a lot of people. I understand going against the status quo but I fail to see how a rich narcissist buying his way into the Republican party is not status quo.
Don't look now, but it appears to me Trump hasn't bought himself into the party. The republican establishment appears to hate him as much as the democratic establishment.
The fact that he used to be a democrat is one thing I like about the guy. He apparently doesn't feel the need to tow a party platform.
Just because the establishment party people hate him does not mean he didn't buy his way in. Do you think he would be where he is now if he were not rich?
You found something you like about him. Yay! It's kind of nice to like something about the person you're hoping will be president of the most powerful country in the world.
I was originally a Sanders supporter but had to switch over to Hillary.
If U look at the ISSUEs which is what matters, you'll find there's NOT much "Daylight" between "Hillary & Bernie" who are both CHAMPIONs for "WE the PEOPLE" unlike "Delusional Donald" who is just a DISASTER in every way ~
I got SICK of Trump's Boring "CIRCUS of LIEs" & ANTI-American Propaganda shortly after he announced his "Pseudo-Campaign" & right now with his "SHRINKING" Fan Base, it looks like more and more AMERICANs have had enough of his CHARADE as well ~
Welcome aboard, Sebastian. I appreciate getting a point of view of our politics from outside. So, if we appear to be descending into barbarism by our embrace of someone like Donald J. Trump, that is not terribly far from an accurate assessment. Don't let anyone dismiss you because of your youth, the world would just be that much worse if the geriatrics had their run of things, unchallenged.
I think Sebastian needs to know the TRUTH which is the "MINORITY" here in AMERICA such as the KLU Klux Klan, David Duke & The DARK Elements etc have Warmly EMBRACED "Delusional Donald" the SWINDLER for Obvious REASONs ~
However, the MAJORITY of AMERICANs "Despise & REJECT:" his HATE Fillled Message, Delusional Epsiodes, Racist ATTITUDE, Degradation of WOMEN, ANTI-American Beliefs, PARTNERSHIPs with Communist Russia & Unconscionable Insults DIRECTED at OUR Military Veterans ~
If he TRULY Believes the USA is in SHAMBLEs, actually comparing us to AFGHANISTAN the other day, maybe he should pack Up whats left of his ASSETs & Belongings before they're ATTACHED by COURT Order and SOLD to Satisfy Future JUDGEMENTs Against him if Warranted & just leave the United States if he thinks we are NO Longer a GREAT Nation ~
That said, after reading some of the COMMENTs, I don't think "Delusional Donald" will get many VOTEs from HP Participants ~
HERE's just one EXAMPLE of a CLUELESS OUT-of TOUCH Delusional Man who TRULY Believes WORKING Americans are PAID too Much ~ And he CLAIMs to be the WORKING-Persons CHAMPION RIGHT ??? lol ~ SOON he'll be SELLING "Trump U Diplomas" to the same people who actually believe his LIEs ~
AND Here's the IDIOT Insulting OUR ARMED Forces ~ How many VETERANs do U think will actually VOTE for this "Pathetic Moron" who NEVER Served a DAY in OUR Military nor made SACRIFICE Number 1 for OUR Country ~
"GOOD vs EVIL" is where this COUNTRY is at RIGHT Now & GOOD ALWAYs Prevails ~
Greetings, AP, thanks for the links. Why it that the GOP and Trump bend over backwards to make sure that the little guy never have any recourse against abusive predatory banking practices. See the article below. Why are they always protecting these guys? And why, when it is clear whose interests they are there to protect, do so many continue to vote for them?
Trump is a bull**** artist, extrodinaire. His solution to the trials of the middle and working classes is simply more pain, afterall, we don't want to impose on his precious bourgeoisie class.
I hate chicken hawks, with their tough talk in ample quantities without a shread of real courage. Donald Trump, as the whiny little b**** that he is fails to realize that everything of importance in a presidential candidate is not for sale. … d-the-gop/
The same old tried and fried crap. Hillary will effect no change as will Trump. We are left with the same bad choices as has been presented in the past. When will we ever learn?
Enough of the capitalization, please. It's like yelling at us. Thanks.
i think we need to heed how others view us, even though he is 18. I assume he is old enough to go to war and fight for his country. When you are dealing with foreign affairs, you are dealing with how others perceive your country. And he said all of Europe is watching us.
Yes, I'm personally embarrassed that a hideous man-child was selected by major party voters as their candidate. It's scary.
We are watching and hoping for the best. We Europeans have a love hate relationship with America. We love pretty much everything besides the politics. Too much too the "right" is what most people would think.
Great Nazi opinion there P.P. It's okay to be for your own choice of candidate - After all -This Is Still America !
The presidential election THIS year ; Is totally about entitlement acquisition .
I am watching every single and especially inner city , protest riot against the conservative candidate this election , having been around for decades , and am clearly seeing the reasoning behind them . There is a mass movement towards entitlement driven voting . Charlotte , Chicago , Baltimore ,Cincinnati , , Cleveland ,Detroit , NYC., Atlanta , Ferguson , ............
Name the city , name the protest , name the SUPPOSED reasoning , BUT , what does the evidence show ? What is being taken from others ?
Red Bull
So you tell me , what is the message of these protests ?
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