Should all World Leaders speak in English?

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  1. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Should it be a necessity for Presidents/Prime Ministers to speak English Language?

    There are a lot of people all over the world who are making a big effort to learn English.  In the UK, thousands of people from places such as Russia, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, France etc are learning English so they can progress in their careers etc.  The Government also provides a lot of Funding.

    I wonder then, why a European President will not speak English -particularly the ones in Europe?  After all, English is an International Language.

    Ps. Hope I’m not being controversial.  It’s just a thought.

    1. informixx profile image61
      informixxposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Since English is the universal language, I think world leaders should speak with this language.
      But I don't discourage speaking using the native tongue.

    2. BundleBoy profile image69
      BundleBoyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lady_E If a person comes to a country to live or study or work and the national language there is English, I think it is necessary to learn and speak English. But I do not think is it necessary for every one to speak in English. Why should a president speak in English? They are proud of their language and would speak in that language even if they know English. Case in point France. Even though many French might know English they always speak in language French. They are proud of their language! Wouldn't it be boring if the whole world world spoke one language, followed one religion and had one culture? What makes this world interesting is its diversity.

      1. profile image0
        Lady_Eposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I guess so, Bundleboy.  You have got a point.

    3. waynet profile image67
      waynetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      They do it to be rude and also's like going to wales in the UK and they are all in a pub speaking english and then you then walk in and they speak welsh....totally ignorant!!

    4. Keith S profile image60
      Keith Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  2. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 15 years ago

    Even if we are proud of our language and culture, our common sense should dictate us that what is more important is that our speech should be understood by those hearing us. Unless understood, it is not a speech... It may be termed as murmering or even barking at our opponents.

    Now, as English is understood in almost all the countries, English may be taken as a common language. All leaders may speak in English even if their language is superior than English.

  3. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 15 years ago

    Even if we are proud of our language and culture, our common sense should dictate us that what is more important is that our speech should be understood by those hearing us. Unless understood, it is not a speech... It may be termed as murmering or even barking at our opponents.

    Now, as English is understood in almost all the countries, English may be taken as a common language. All leaders may speak in English even if their language is superior than English.

  4. Kidgas profile image61
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    I think it is important to determine your audience and communicate with them in the most effective way.

  5. charlemont profile image75
    charlemontposted 15 years ago

    Is there a shortage for interpreters? If a nation elects a president who doesn't speak English, it's doesn't mean they have made the wrong choice. In fact, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more people than English. Does it mean every president should speak Chinese?

  6. weblog profile image59
    weblogposted 15 years ago

    I think they can convey better and to more people if it is in english.

  7. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 15 years ago

    It is not compulsory for all world leaders to speak in English. Only when they come to world forums to discuss common issues., they should speak in English or arrange for a transcript and reader.

  8. profile image0
    jami430posted 15 years ago

    Wow, I absolutely do not think every leader should speak English, and I have degree in English. Quite honestly, English is a pretty awful lingua franca for SO MANY reasons. Chinese might legitimately become the real "international language" someday.

  9. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    I fully support learning bilingual or multulingual languages and think people should be proud of that skill. smile also, they get paid more wink

  10. profile image48
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    Why should they, Gordon Brown doesn't speak English he has his own language, called bullshit, is that an international language ?

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      I'm so glad I didn't have a mouthful of drink.

      1. earnestshub profile image79
        earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        If your talking politics, then yes, bullshit is the International language!

  11. Rochelle Frank profile image90
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    I believe that learning another language-- other than the one you are born into- helps change you into a better thing person. You learn that there are other points of view, other idioms, other figures of speech-- other ways of expressing yourself according to cultural differences.

    I think every person who considers himself educated, should have at least a conversational grasp of some other language-- even if it is similar to his own.

    The appreciation of other cultures is enhanced by learning another language. The cultural heritage of many disappearing societies needs to be preserved by preserving the nuances that each language provides. Information is lost when any dialect disappears.

    On the other hand, because of the spread of internet information-- English should be at least one of two languages everyone knows.

    1. tksensei profile image59
      tksenseiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying that anyone who does not speak a second language cannot be considered educated?

    2. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm good at HyperText Markup Language. It's a language!

      1. Make  Money profile image67
        Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I was going to suggest HTML too but then what comes out on the page would be a spoken language.  Unless the world leaders just used images to communicate. smile

  12. Make  Money profile image67
    Make Moneyposted 15 years ago

    I think all world leaders should speak Gaelic. smile

    Makes as much sense as expecting all world leaders to speak English.

    1. lxxy profile image60
      lxxyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Or Esperanto.

      I don't really think language is much of a barrier, because we often think mostly in metaphors--at least, I know I do. ;D

      1. Make  Money profile image67
        Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        smile To be fair to all I think all world leaders should be forced to learn and communicate in Bikya. smile

  13. Joelle Burnette profile image70
    Joelle Burnetteposted 15 years ago

    I think it's insulting and presumptuous to expect foreign leaders to speak English. That being said, it is in the best of any political leader, leader in business, etc., to know and understand the language(s) of their friends and adversaries if they are going to achieve what's in the best interest of their people, company, whatever.

    Moreover, I do believe if you are going to move to another country and become a thriving member of that society, you should do your best to learn the first language of that country, whether that is English in America, French in France, whatever. This practice is generally expected in other countries, so why not in America, too.

    In America, there's always the struggle of whether to hang on to culture and language, or join the melting pot that makes this country great. Regardless of whether you are a first- or tenth-generation American, you can learn English and the ways of this country while holding on to your culture and customs. In fact, this country is lucky enough to enable and encourage people to maintain their culture.

    But don't forget, it was the intention of our founding fathers (most significantly Jefferson) that everyone learn English as a way of becoming an active citizen -- a person who can vote.

  14. profile image0
    \Brenda Scullyposted 15 years ago

    I Think everyone should speak English......  I hate it when I cant communicate with someone because of language, I know I should learn other languages too, but I am hopeless at them.... This is a tongue in cheek comment, not to be taken too seriously

  15. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 15 years ago

    Luckily for the politicians, bullshit can be spoken in any language wink.

    Personally, I think world leaders should be required to speak in the national language of their country. Yes, it's great to know other languages and great to have an understanding of other cultures, but why should, say, a Russian leader be required to speak English if most of the people in his country speak only Russian? (replace the country and language with any in the world, it works for all of them)

    Aside from the other great reasons already mentioned for speaking in one's own language, I think it is especially important for a leader to speak in their native language. The best politicians are charismatic and well-spoken, and everyone communicates best in their own language. Sure, any politician can have an English-speaking speech writer pen them a wonderful piece in English, but they will be less effective in communicating anything that isn't already written out. No matter how long you have studied or how well you know a second language, you will likely never reach the level of proficiency in that language as you have in your native tongue.

  16. Keith S profile image60
    Keith Sposted 15 years ago

    I think world leaders should speak Latin or some other extinct language. They just talk to each other anyway.

  17. Keith S profile image60
    Keith Sposted 15 years ago

    I think world leaders should speak Latin or some other extinct language. They just talk to each other anyway.


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