Should I vote for Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown?

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 14 years ago

    Should I vote for Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown?

    What are the key differentiating issues between the gubernatorial candidates?

  2. colonial82 profile image61
    colonial82posted 14 years ago

    You need to do your research on both and made your own decision.  I can't tell you should vote for, it is a personal decision.

    Have a good day.

  3. profile image49
    brhubposted 14 years ago

    The previous responder is correct: it's your personal decision.  My take on the candidates is this: Meg Whitman has experience as a corporate CEO.  She did well at Ebay, not so much at FTD. She has extensive ties to Wall Street and that is where her views come from.  Being a small businessman who has been dramatically affected by the shenanigans of wall street I'm a little leery of that viewpoint.   She also has a record of not voting in elections - for which she has apologized but one cannot help but question why someone who was so disinterested in politics for so many years is suddenly pursuing the position of governor of California at a time when we are experiencing our worst crises in our history.
    Jerry Brown is a politician - which has its pluses and minuses.  He knows how to work with the legislature - although it was not as dysfunctional in his previous terms as governor.  He does have a track record of frugality, truthfulness and respect for the opinions of voters - even when he doesn't agree with them.  Since California is not a corporation Whitman's experience will not be the great value that she claims it to be.  I don't trust Whitman - many of her ads are gross exaggerations, taken out of context and just plain not true.  Brown is not perfect and I don't know if he can pull us out of this mess but I think of the two, he has a better chance of putting California back on the right track.  At least he won't be running for president again and I have my suspicions that positioning herself for a run at the presidency is Whitman's true motivation.

  4. SheriSapp profile image61
    SheriSappposted 14 years ago

    IMO, if you want change and hope for the financial situation in CA to improve, vote for MEG!!! She is a proven commodity who knows how to create jobs. Brown is a political hack and a career politician. He only knows how to create more government!

  5. dabeaner profile image60
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    It's a choice between the weasel you know and the weasel you don't know.  False choice. … the-answer

  6. GNelson profile image59
    GNelsonposted 14 years ago

    I would say Meg Whitman because the illegals she hires will work for less and help improve the budget.

  7. Jillian Barclay profile image73
    Jillian Barclayposted 14 years ago

    I agree completely with brhub. Sounds exactly like what I have been saying!

  8. profile image57
    fallsfellaposted 14 years ago

    Jerry Brown has been Governor of California once already.  His father was governor in the 50's & 60"s and when Jerry got elected, he use to sneak girls into the mansion.  He was unmarried and it is rumored he had songbird Linda Ronstadt as a frequent house-mate when he lived in the Governors Mansion.  He is a complete space cadet and will ruin California more than it is now.

  9. cottontail profile image62
    cottontailposted 14 years ago

    I don't know that I trust either of them to be honest but I'm going to vote for MEG because she will definitely cut spending and lower taxes on small businesses

  10. Ralph Deeds profile image70
    Ralph Deedsposted 14 years ago

    Jerry Brown has done a good job in several state offices and as mayor of Oakland. His experience will be useful in pulling California out of the hole it's in. Whitman is an intelligent and successful businesswoman, but I'm not sure this equips her to be governor of California. She's a wild card. Possibly an Ace but equally possibly a deuce or joker. I haven't researched where they stand on the issues. I assume Whitman is more hawkish on immigration than Brown and less inclined to support social liberal issues. At least she isn't a Teatard.

  11. tmbridgeland profile image83
    tmbridgelandposted 14 years ago

    I'm not a great fan of Meg, but Jerry Brown. has had his chance. California needs a clean break with past policies. It's budget is broke, people are fleeing the state in droves, over 1,000,000 have left.

    Meg may not be the ideal person, but we know Brown will just go along with the legislature on any loopy social program they come up with. I'd say give her a chance.

  12. evilsarah profile image60
    evilsarahposted 14 years ago

    There's a "Southpark" episode that explains my feelings on this. I would say pay more attention to the propositions...and I'm not just talking about 19

  13. Cedar Cove Farm profile image59
    Cedar Cove Farmposted 14 years ago

    Meg Whitman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Honestly, neither side is very good, in my opinion, but neo conservative is better.

  14. Dr Ken Romeo profile image61
    Dr Ken Romeoposted 14 years ago

    Vote your heart AFTER researching from reputable sources.

  15. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 14 years ago

    Please...just ask yourself one question.  What is Jerry Brown going to do for California that he and his dad have not already done?  Jerry Brown is a worn 60's flower child who has spent his entire life on the public dole and has nothing to show for it and neither has the State of California.  The fact that he is running is a total least I hope it is because I cannot imagine anyone taking this guy seriously on the price of a pack of chewing gum.  There is no decision here.  If you can see yourself voting for the "change" of Barrack Obama, then go ahead and vote for Jerry Brown and watch California continue to go right down the toilet. WB

  16. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 14 years ago

    Jerry Brown has his turn as gov.  and the job wasn't that great. Calif. (myhome state) need a financial wizard to pull it out of the gutter.  Meg should be able to do it.

  17. volpeenterprises1 profile image60
    volpeenterprises1posted 14 years ago

    If you want a fighting chance of pulling California out of its current position of near bankruptcy and a possibility of bringing back jobs then vote for Meg Whitman.  A vote for Jerry Brown is a vote for the death of the state of California.

  18. JenSet profile image60
    JenSetposted 14 years ago

    Goldman Sachs executives contributed $100,000 to Meg Whitman's campaign....that's enough to tell me who she's working for. VOTE BROWN!

    This link has some good info on their differences: … eg_Whitman


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